Elder Tale: Persona Quest (Based on Log Horizon)

Character Sheet:

Avatar's Name: (I'd suggest something that sounds like a name)

Avatar's Gender:

Avatar's Appearance:

Guild: (For now must be Persona Quest)


Race: (List can be found on the Wikia)

Class: (Look at resource note)

Subclass: (Look at resource note)

Equipment: (Include flavor text)

Personality: (Minimum: 1 paragraph)

Background: (Minimum 1 paragraph. Include real world identity, how he or she discovered the game Elder Tale, and what he or she did over the past month while stuck in the game.)


  • Shiroe and other Log Horizon characters do not exist in this RP, neither do the guilds from the show.
  • Resources for character creation. A class, subclass lists and class attacks can be found here: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B7Dqap5ueJQ3MkZFRHlIclFtSFk&usp=drive_web The wikia can be a good resource as well http://log-horizon.wikia.com/wiki/Log_Horizon_Wiki
  • If you want to include what they look like in the real world or in their avatar's casual clothes you can, but it isn't required.
  • Other guilds are primarily going to be NPCs unless I feel like this has grown as an RP to include more.
  • Character limit: For now 2 per person.
  • The higher the character's level is, the more willing I'd be to except multiple phantasm level items for. Just don't go crazy.
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Avatar's Name: Alistair Crow. Nickname "The Captain"; also goes by Captain Alistair, Captain Alistair Crowe.

Avatar's Gender: Male

Avatar's Appearance:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/57a8c1c7be200_animepirate_englandby_xxtotheskiesxx.jpg.b70063fdac7e41d25ba1e8d124c8edf4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="44866" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/57a8c1c7be200_animepirate_englandby_xxtotheskiesxx.jpg.b70063fdac7e41d25ba1e8d124c8edf4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Guild: Personal Quest guildmaster.

Level: 90

Race: Human

Class: Swashbuckler

Subclass: Courtesan


  • Head: Classy Captain's Hat - The perfect hat for a dashing swashbuckler. (Bonus to charisma)
  • Body: Classy Captain's Jacket - You'll look dashing in this jacket. You'll look even classier if you have the matching hat. (Medium armor, bonus to charisma)
  • Hands: Pirate Gloves - Pirate styled leather gloves that adds a little hand protection. (Medium armor)
  • Legs: Pirate Trousers - You're look as a pirate won't be complete without these pants. They offer some protection and are a better alternative to running around in your underwear. (Medium armor)
  • Feet: Swashbuckler Boots - These leather boots won't weigh you down during sword duels. (Medium armor, bonus to agility)
  • Main Weapon: Blackbeard's Silver Cutlass - A phantasm level drop from Blackbeard's Treasure quest. "Dead men tell no tales. Anyone who wields this blade will keep it that way. This cutlass is the bane of the undead's existence." (Deals extra damage to undead mobs)
  • Secondary Weapon: Blackbeard's Golden Cutlass - A phantasm level drop from Blackbeard's Treasure quest. "Anyone who wields this blade will easily acquire more gold." (Causes extra gold to drop from slayed mobs)
  • Accessory: Dazaneg's Magic Bag - An item created after gathering materials during the Get the Magic Bag sidequest. This bag was originally designed by the wizard Dazaneg and can carry a lot of equipment because of its bigger-on-the-inside magic.

Personality: Edward is a kind hearted male that is more of an introvert than he leads others to believe during his Alistair Crowe persona. As Alistair Crowe he's charismatic, outgoing, and willing to crack a joke to ease tension. He portray's Alistair as a proper English gentlemen and usually has a tea cup filled with the British drink nearby. Even though his goal when creating Persona Quest was to make it a place for role playing, he never made a rule to force his guild members to RP as their characters, allowing them some leeway to act as themselves. If he forced his guild members to RP, that would take all the fun out of it.

Background: Edward Griffin was born into a semi-wealthy British family. His parents wanted to teach him about other cultures, so they hired a tutor to teach him Japanese and they moved to Japan when Edward was in his teens. He spent his young adult years studying at a Japanese college and got into the game Elder Tale after a Japanese friend showed him the game.

Edward enjoys character acting and role playing. Once he had a grasp on the game mechanics, Edward created the Persona Quest guild and became its charismatic leader Alistair Crowe. When Elder Tail was still a game, Edward (as Alistair) would lead his guild on quests, help the lower leveled in his guild by recommending quests, and watch over the production and battling that Persona Quest was involved in. Now that Elder Tale isn't a game, Edward still keeps a watchful eye (as Alistair) on the goings on of his guild. Although it was fun to character act, he suspects the real emotions of his guildmates will come out now and he's fine with that.



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Avatar's Name: Mairi

Avatar's Gender: Female

Avatar's Appearance:


Guild: Persona Quest

Level: 90

Race: Elf

Class: Summoner

Subclass: Alchemist


  • Body: Robe of the Almighty Winter. Originally worn by the legendary hero "Asuka of the Winter," this garment is the only thing that remains of her after she disappeared along with the other legendary heroes. (Phantasm-level. provides immunity to the "frozen" status effect and resistance to ice-element attacks)
  • Hands: Alchemist's Gloves. (provides a bonus to alchemy skill)
  • Feet: Windwalker's Shoes. (provides bonus in movement speed)
  • Weapon: Endless Azure. A legendary staff that is said to have split a waterfall in two. This staff will let the user bend water to their will. (Phansasm-level. provides increased casting speed and damage to water-based spells)

Personality: Mairi is playful, caring, and a bit mischievous. She likes flaunting herself around to put people off-balance. She hates it when people get too serious and teases them to lighten the mood. She also tries to get others to do something she doesn't want to do, but she'll feel guilty if someone gets hurt because of it.

Background: Haruka was part of a "geek group" in college. They would meet to play games such as TCGs, RPGs, and MMOs. The game that they played the most was Elder Tale, which they continued to play after college. They went on several raids together and joined the same guild. After the Apocalypse--as they called it-- she collaborated with her guild to discover new things about the world. Once the new method of cooking was discovered, she was able to apply it to her alchemy and has figured out how to make new potions.
Avatar's Name: Steamaus, nicknamed by many as "Steam"

Avatar's Gender: Male

Avatar's Appearance:

Guild: Persona Quest

Level: 88

Race: Human

Class: Monk

Subclass: Tracker


  • Body: Traveler's Garment~ Common wear for those going on a journey. Many say that The Traveler, a hero whose name and face was never known, will protect those wearing items bearing it's name from being attacked on their travels. (Increase in movement speed)
  • Hands: Akhar's Ring's~ Originally used by Akhar The Mad Monk, these gloves have a metallic ring around the palm and knuckles. Those who wear these are said to bear the insanity that engulfed Akhar's soul, and may well follow suit. (Artifact-Class, deals double damage to enemies while having a decrease in charisma)
  • Feet: Devil's Presence~ Said to have been created from the very energy of a devil, these open-toed shoes strike fear into those of pure heart. (Increase in agility and in casting speed to warrior class skills, decrease in HP along with charisma.)
  • Weapon: Monk's Orb's~ Used by powerful monks to focus their mind, these orb's attach to the palm of the hands. (Increase in agility and HP, decrease in EXP gain along with rare monster drop chance.)

Personality: A quick thinker and usually a very calm person, he likes to follow others along with reacting to something rather than taking the initiative. In a party he prefers to play either the role of DPS, Tank, or support from the sidelines. Person-wise, while a very hard worker and can be brave at times, this is only the case when there is motivation behind him. Otherwise, Steam is quite lazy while can seem uncaring when it comes to helping others, he is very nice and loves to help others as long as nobody is around to notice because of his stage-fright like embarrassment when attention is focused on him. Being honest while also not too oblivious, he tends to follow a policy of "Every question has an answer, just like every lock has a key. You just gotta ask the right question!"

Background: Alex was a sophomore in high school who loved MMORPG's. He found out about Elder Tale via a debate on an RPG forum about the best MMORPG currently was. Excited about what the people had aid about it, Alex got the game however found that the american server was suffering from a horrible community. Annoyed, he was happy to use the transport gates to the Japanese server with his main character after a year of playing the game solo on the american server. Due to his step-mother who had raised him, Alex could understand Japanese with ease and enjoyed the game for another year. When finding out from some online gossip that their was going to be a new expansion, Alex immediately began to install it when it came out. However falling asleep waiting for it to finish, he woke up to find he was now in the world of Elder Tale. Spending a week to understand just how much exactly it was different, Alex remembered there was a guild who had helped him change his sub-class from merchant to tracker when he first moved to the Japanese server. After training himself for the rest of the month, Alex finally decided to join the guild as it would be easier to be in one he had knew before rather than one he had never been with.
Avatar's Name: ZweiHander Panzer

Avatar's Gender: Male

Avatar's Appearance:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/upload_2015-3-13_10-12-50.jpeg.bfe89ba30f1659dfc56b1bb8b373321c.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="45204" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/upload_2015-3-13_10-12-50.jpeg.bfe89ba30f1659dfc56b1bb8b373321c.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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Guild: Persona Quest

Level: 90

Race: Human

Class: Guardian

Subclass: Sword Smith lvl 90


  • Head - Day of Judgement: Those of highest skill and those of greatest valor, I dub thee knight of the realm. Gives a bonus to healing yourself when you inflict damage to a opponent/creature.

  • Body - Armageddon Armour : Said to be only worn by brave warriors being led by the Vatican Hunter known as Hellsing. Phantasmal full-body armour of Black Draconis steel. Significantly raises strength, stamina and give a bonus to healing when inflicting damage on a opponent/creature, reduces damage from Giant and undead. (Bonus to stats for the full armour set)
  • Weapon - Dracul Blade Phantasm weapon earned doing a Legion raid on Australian Severs called "Blood Red Sand." Very high damage and has HP absorption properties when inflicting damage, gain  heal for every attack inflicted on a opponent/creature. Item Drop by defeating Vampire Lord, (Flavour Text) Used by the Vampire Lord, they say that this sword was infused with the dark lords thirst. This was created by the vampire lord to reign Dominion over his dark subjects. Legend has it who ever wields this blade will be hunted to the ends of the Earth by the vampires who wish to retrieve their kingmaker.
  • Accessory - Second Rage: Stone bangle that cancels cooldown of Berserker skills and allows its reuse. Prolongs death by 10 seconds by sending wearer into a state of frenzy. Also referred to as 'Rage Again'.

Personality: Enjoys long walks down dungeons where monsters are abundant, he challenges himself to see what he can achieve without the help of others, is willing to try anything once. Enjoys creating new swords and compares them with other items on the market, hoping he can one day make his own legendary sword. Calm and blazay in tough match's with thrill in his eyes, enjoys the company of others and prefers to do stuff with friends whilst making his own story. Tenacious with a strong fiery heart and always has a positive attitude towards most things, and relies on his instincts when they act. Is brutally honest at best, he only gets angry when foul play is involved and will look at both sides of an argument before making a decision.

Background: Andrew James comes from a middle - class family from Australia, his parent's did much to help support him whenever possible. He was a total Otaku (anime/manga Lover) as a young teenager playing games, getting into RPG's he felt joy that he could make his own storys, learning Japanese in middle school he would eventually stumbled upon Elder Tale and got caught up in his own imagination. As a younger adult he decided to move to Japan with his Girlfriend, and studied at a college where he made a friend Edward Griffon and one day showed him Elder Tale.

Andrew Enjoyed the RP side of things and loved the thrill of adventure he got from the game. After making a name for himself on Elder Tale he decided to help his friend with a Guild he was making and helped out whenever he could. Leading most of the raid parties and working his trade he was very excited. Always making sure everyone was alright and checking on Alistair to assist him and chat when necessary but felling the tension in the air his instincts tell him something was about to break.



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Avatar's Name: Elwinia

Avatar's Gender: Female

Avatar's Appearance:


Guild: Persona Quest

Level: 90

Race: Human

Class: Cleric

Subclass: Blacksmith


  • Head: Helmet of Divine Protection: Once worn by Ilismeir, a legendary cleric who saved and healed the Mad King from ages past. Emits a weak healing aura from the user with a range of 5m.(The user is also affected by this aura.) Increases HP. (Plate armor)
  • Body: Mirror Breastplate: A breastplate forged by Elwinia not long before the Apocalypse. Has a 5% chance of reflecting ranged attacks back at the user and increases HP. (Plate armor)
  • Primary Weapon: The Savior: A legendary sword said to be forged by an ancient, nameless cult. When the user is at full health, they can fire a single beam of light from the tip, which can stun an enemy for 3 seconds and deal moderate damage. Cooldown on this is 10 seconds.
  • Off-hand Weapon: Holy Kite Shield: A shield also forged by Elwinia. Emits a 5m aura that gives allies a boost in magic defence and enemies reduced magic defense. (The user is also affected by the aura.)
  • Hands: Angelic Gauntlets: Incredibly shiny gauntlets said to be worn by an angel. Reduces casting time of cleric skills and provides a slight increase to HP.
  • Accessory: Amulet of Blinding Light: An ancient amulet forged with topaz that Elwinia once found in a dungeon raid. The user can touch the amulet and it will emit a blinding light, stunning enemies for 2 seconds. Cooldown is 20 seconds.

Personality: Elwinia is a very dependent character, contrary to her being a support class herself. Her face is often emotionless and solemn. However cold her personality may seem to be, she is actually quite caring of others, and will protect her friends no matter the cost. She tends to be quite shy around new people, although her face doesn't show it. She's a little socially awkward, and often can't find the words to carry a conversation well.

Background: Elwinia's real name is Rin, a 21-year-old who worked at a small manga shop in Japan. Rin rented a small one-room apartment and makes do, living a modest life. When Rin was still only a toddler, her father died in a car accident, and her mother didn't deal well with his death. Ever since, Rin and her mother were very distant, rarely talking. Rin was more or less forced to live her life independently. She was fairly shy and didn't make many friends during school, so she was alone for most of her childhood. When she finally graduated high school, she didn't want to go to college, so she moved out of her residence with her mom and lived on her own.

Rin bought a computer at one point for work purposes, although she had rarely used computers before except for research on school projects. Rin still had no friends, and her lonely life was starting to get the better of her. She heard a customer talk about a game called Elder Tale one time, and that it was a massive game with lots of people. Rin thought that she could maybe not be so lonely in such a game, and decided to buy it. It took her a long time to get used to the game, but she eventually got the hang of it, and spent almost all of her free time playing it. She joined Persona Quest at around level 50, and enjoyed roleplaying as her character. She enjoyed the feeling of being someone other than herself, of being in a fantasy world with infinite possibilities. When the Apocalypse struck, Rin panicked at first, but soon got used to it. She had gotten so invested in Elder Tale, that she didn't think it was so bad to escape that boring world. Now she spends her time invested in the guild, making armor for guild members and helping newbies. She's made quite a few friends in Persona Quest, and has stuck with them the entire time.
Avatar's Name: Shen

Avatar's Gender: Male

Avatar's Appearance:

Guild: Solo Player

Level: 90

Race: Wolffang

Class: Monk

Subclass: Acrobat


--- The full Shaolin Monk set, a rare set. In total, a large boost to evasion, attack speed, and movement speed. An average boost to attack power, defense, and health. A diminuitive boost to magic damage and mana points.


--- The Shaolin Naginata: Bonus health and attack power and defense.

In his inventory he has

--- The Shaolin Fist: Same stats as the naginata but different weapon.

Personality: Shen is a very reserved man that says little to no words. He keeps a cool exterior and hides his feelings. He never tells anyone about his real life and he always stares at people when he wants them to stop talking. He is very intimidating and loves to fight, maybe a little bit too much. If he sees a problem, he will dive into it, head first.

Background: Shen in real life is Tatsuya Momoto, a 19 year old college student with a masters in writing. He had gotten a full-ride scholarship for gymnastics and he had broken his foot a week or two before he found the game Elder Tale from one of his friends who recommended it to him. He started to play it and eventually never got off of his computer, he had to stay home due to his broken foot and because he was on summer break so he continued to play the game... A lot. He continued to be addicted to the game and when he found out about the new patch with the Novasphere, he got it immediately. When he woke up in the game, he quickly adjusted and felt weird from being able to walk on his foot, he had done some random dungeons to get in the swing of things just for fun. He continues to be a solo player but will most likely join a guild or party in the RP. :D
@Trundle Accepted. I'll let your character be introduced as a solo player, but for simplicity's sake I'd like him to be a part of Persona Quest after the introduction arch.

Avatar's Name:


Avatar's Gender:


Avatar's Appearance:



Persona Quest










Mark of Magic damage- Increases magic damage per hit perfect for the type of enchanter she is.

Body: Robe of Infinity- A phantasm level drop for the quest The entrance is lost. "The plains of infinity I call to you lend me your power so I may proceed searching for your entrance." -Light armor, increases cooldown reduction, Mana regeneration and Magic damage per second all by a large amount

Hands: Elbow gloves of the fallen- increases a small amount of magic damage per hit that increase for each party/raid member that dies in its its sight.

Legs and feet: Thigh length boots of the strange enchantress- Increases cooldown reduction and magic damage per hit

Main weapon: Staff of Infinity- A phantasm level drop for the quest The entrance is lost. "The key to the plains must never be lost nor replaced for if it is calamity shall follow the user, but if the user keeps the weapon then great rewards shall follow in their footsteps."- Increase magic damage per second, phantasm level drop items finding chance and cooldown reduction.

Accessory1: Scarab of Rainfall- Strengthened the synergy with "Cast on Beat".

Accessory2: Dazaneg's Magic Bag - An item created after gathering materials during the Get the Magic Bag sidequest. This bag was originally designed by the wizard Dazaneg and can carry a lot of equipment because of its bigger-on-the-inside magic.


Hot-blooded and outgoing. Tomoko is the type of girl to run into things headfirst without looking up to see the problem. She'll take to any situation with extreme fervor, always eager to get the spotlight and to "save the day." She tries her best to conduct herself with respect and leadership, but it's frequently hard for her shotgun voice to refrain from spouting a few profanities or vulgarities here and there. She's not afraid to speak her mind! She often finds herself going through periods of rest and chaotic energeticness. She generally has a positive outlook on life, and never seems to feel something is impossible or too hard to do.

Giving up or giving in is not something she'd easily do. And neither is failure. She is the type of person who takes losses and bad outcomes rather poorly; losing her temper and self-control over anything she can't seem to complete or succeed at. From simple arcade games to debates, her respect can take quite a severe turn for the worst. She can be sneaky and underhanded at times when push comes to shove, but she never loses her sense of honor and fairness; "An equal opponent is a perfect opponent!"

Tomoko also acts like she blasé about everything even new things, she acts like she as already seen everything and never seems to be impressed by it. They is a few odd occasions where she has been surprised in which it takes her mind a few seconds to process what going on and how it happened, which she wont move until her brain seems to have a solution normally ending badly.

Although hot-blooded and outgoing normally they is times when Tomoko can get very serious mostly when the situation calls for it. When this happens her personality slightly changes mostly seen that she goes mostly quiet and stoic, she also begins to think things thought more and more rather than just running in. Personally she hates this factor but she can't do anything about it, its like a second person takes over whenever this happens and stays until it she finishes doing whatever it is she is doing.


Tomoko real name is Tomoko Yuki and she is a 21 year old game shop manager. She was born the a middle wealthy Japanese family who owned a small games store in Tokyo, they were lucky since they got the property so cheap for the area but still for them it was a very hard buy causing them to nearly go bankrupt while moving. Tomoko got into games at a very young age since well she had a whole kingdom of games downstairs that her parents would allow her to play on since when she was finished with them all they had to do was knock off a couple of yen and stick a pre-owned sticker on it sure it was some yen lost but the amount they were making would normally cover it.

Once Tomoko started school she mostly got along with the boys since well the girls at this age would be more into girly things than video games so it was obvious who Tomoko would like more. School went on and finish, she then moved to middle school lucky most of her friends went to the same school. They all continued to get along and play video game with Tomoko being a support character in all of them since well she preferred it. One day during her last year of middle school one of her friends began talking about a game he bought it was Elder Tale, this interested all of the group so they went to Tomoko parents shop and bought it. Tomoko picked the enchanter since it suited her best while most of her friends picked the assassin, samurai or guardian in the end up they ended with two assassins, one samurai and three guardians, which made for some funny play style as the enemies didn't know which tank to aggro on as all three kept taunting at the same time.

High school started and once again the group stuck together, they all had the same plan once that bell for school rang it was straight home and into another dungeon to grind some more. They all reached level ninety by their second year of high school. However Tomoko was growing bored with her class as all she could do was support them so she headed to the internet where she saw a video called "What's this? CRAAAAAAAZYYYYYYYYY Enchanter!!" uploaded by one of the developers who made the game, it showed an enchanter using "Cast on Beat" mixed with "Pules Bullet" a normally weak attacking spell to decimate and opponents health, they were a counter in the top which showed every minute they fired thirty projectiles, so Tomoko journey began to fined the right gear to become whats now know as the "Sprinkler build". She didn't let her friends know until she found everything she needed, once she did she offered one of the guardians to a fight in which she hit thirty-three projectiles a minute thanks to her cooldown reduction and the spells "Cast on Beat" and "Mage Howling" her friends had no idea what happened the enchanter a support class beat a guardian, that's when she showed them the video on the developers blog which shocked them. They decided it would be most funny to let her stick with the sprinkler after all they would finally have a ranged damage character.

Once high school finished they all went their separate ways with Tomoko taking over her parents shop as they were to old to do so any longer. Personally Tomoko was glad after all she was the only female in a full male group, which could have lead to awkward situations. Even while being a manager of a shop she still played Elder Tales but she took her time to find a guild to join which she did it was called "Persona Quest" mostly because as much as she would denies it she has fallen in love with the leader or at least his avatar and they way he plays him.

Now that Elder Tales isn't a game Tomoko is now more than ever wanting to see how fast she can use her sprinkler builds spamming since the delay of the days when it was a game has gone she wants to try and double her old record of thirty-three, but to do that she would need a lot better gear.

((WOW I wrote too much sorry))​
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I love you right now, you have my utmost respect, I read about that and I love what you have done. I personally based my build on Crusties as a scarlet knight slightly mixed with Isaac's juggernaut build. LOVE IT! :D
Avatar's Name: Leina

Avatar's Gender: Female

Avatar's Appearance: Female Druid

Guild: Persona Quest

Level: 87

Race: Human

Class: Druid

Subclass: Herbalist


Head: Amulet of souls: Said to be worn by the one and only Elmiere,a legendary Druid from the past during the war.(does extra healing when using a healing spell).

Body: Classic maiden dress: A dashing beautiful dress with bits of white and red.(medium armour).

Hands: Braclet of Amular: A pretty Braclet with diamonds and hints of sapphire,ruby and emrald.(when using a healing spell on the team is lasts 10 seconds longer).

Legs: Classic maiden sockings: a white socking with blue and purple butterfly's stuck on to it,it would make beautiful gloves.(medium armour)

Feet: Classic maiden shoes: White as the snow this shoe is used by maidens mostly when the sun is out because it is a special kind of shoe for maidens.(increases speed by 3)

Main weapon: Staff of butterfly's: This staff looks like a normal staff don't let it fool you it has a 9% drop rate from any boss.(increases 500 health on only one team member).

Secondary weapon: None

Accessory: Butterfly belt fortune: this little belt is made with sapphire and a hint of ruby which is really expensive.(increases the drop rate percent by 5)

Personality: Leina is a small little girl who is happy,bubbly and always positive but when she get sad or depressed she will go blank and sit down hugging her knees,rocking and staring straight ahead.Get her mad she will go rant about the things she doesn't want and doesn't like.Get her excited mood high she will go screaming and put a big smile on her face and hug you.

Background: Leina was being bullied in school since she was in pre-school she made a friend Edward grifoin he was 13 when they met.In grade 5 she had enough and stood up for her bully's and pushed her into a pole (Edward motivated her to stand up for herself, Edward was 18 by then).Leina got a phone call home and got sent home her mum was really angry with her.Leina went onto her computer and started roleplay on websites she found she likes roleplaying.Soon her friend messaged her about elder tales she clicked on the link,made a profile and played.Every day Leina will play from 3 to 10 then go to bed.in level 45 she joined persona quest.When she found out there was an update she installed it it took 6 hours.the very next day after school she logged on and was in elder tales.
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shadowdude505 said:
@Raydog90 How old is Leina? She could have a back story with Edward, but he's college age (I in vision him in his late twenties.) Is she a child or does she RP as one?
She is 13 years old and I will make Edward 17 when he helped her


Raydog90 said:
Avatar's Name: Leina
Avatar's Gender: Female

Avatar's Appearance: Female Druid

Guild: Persona Quest

Level: 87

Race: Human

Class: Druid

Subclass: Herbalist


Head: Amulet of souls: Said to be worn by the one and only Elmiere,a legendary Druid from the past during the war.(does extra healing when using a healing spell).

Body: Classic maiden dress: A dashing beautiful dress with bits of white and red.(medium armour).

Hands: Braclet of Amular: A pretty Braclet with diamonds and hints of sapphire,ruby and emrald.(when using a healing spell on the team is lasts 10 seconds longer).

Legs: Classic maiden sockings: a white socking with blue and purple butterfly's stuck on to it,it would make beautiful gloves.(medium armour)

Feet: Classic maiden shoes: White as the snow this shoe is used by maidens mostly when the sun is out because it is a special kind of shoe for maidens.(increases speed by 3)

Main weapon: Staff of butterfly's: This staff looks like a normal staff don't let it fool you it has a 9% drop rate from any boss.(increases 500 health on only one team member).

Secondary weapon: None

Accessory: Butterfly belt fortune: this little belt is made with sapphire and a hint of ruby which is really expensive.(increases the drop rate percent by 5)

Personality: Leina is a small little girl who is happy,bubbly and always positive but when she get sad or depressed she will go blank and sit down hugging her knees,rocking and staring straight ahead.Get her mad she will go rant about the things she doesn't want and doesn't like.Get her excited mood high she will go screaming and put a big smile on her face and hug you.

Background: Leina was being bullied in school since she was in pre-school she made a friend Edward grifoin.In grade 5 she had enough and stood up for her bully's and pushed her into a pole (Edward motivated her to stand up for herself).Leina got a phone call home and got sent home her mum was really angry with her.Leina went onto her computer and started roleplay on websites she found she likes roleplaying.Soon her friend messaged her about elder tales she clicked on the link,made a profile and played.Every day Leina will play from 3 to 10 then go to bed.in level 45 she joined persona quest.When she found out there was an update she installed it it took 6 hours.the very next day after school she logged on and was in elder tales.

shadowdude505 said:
@Raydog90 How old is Leina? She could have a back story with Edward, but he's college age (I in vision him in his late twenties.) Is she a child or does she RP as one?
am I accepted

I updated it read the backstory
Avatars Name:Shinji Avatar

Avatars Gender:Male

Avatars Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/57a8c1f165042_download(3).jpg.7161c7ebfb2863cf1b097addcc20cdbb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="46706" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/57a8c1f165042_download(3).jpg.7161c7ebfb2863cf1b097addcc20cdbb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Guild:Persona Quest




Sub-Class:Dragon Slayer



Black Gloves-This glove was given by his trainer who gave him tutorials on the game(Bonus 2+ Attack power)

Outer Body

Black Jacket-The Perfect Jacket for a cool guy like Shinji(1- Defense)

Inner Body

Black Tank Top-Loves Wearing this cause its Comfortable


Dark Black Light Armor-Only wears this in battle because he doesnt look cool in this(Bonus 8+Defense and Attack Power)


Leviathian-sShinji's Black Dark sword that he used to slay the dragons He likes calling this Leviathian(3- Defense and 23+ Attack)

Leviathian Appearance:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/fantasy-anime-sword-art-online-s-a-o-dark.jpg.ded27f5e8c79ffd8a6ae2527eaad370c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="46712" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/fantasy-anime-sword-art-online-s-a-o-dark.jpg.ded27f5e8c79ffd8a6ae2527eaad370c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality:Shinji is kinda sly and devious and he is very very very lazy,and happy go lucky he is witty and very funny

And he likes making fun of people he doesnt like helping others he likes to do

Alone and mostly spends his time alone after his trainer logged off

Background:Makoto Mamoru is an ordinary gamer who is obssesed with elder tale like his avatar Shinji he is very lazy and sly and all kinds of bad stuff People call him a nerd,otaku but mostly a nerd,Makoto discovered this game way before the apocalypse even happened he was introduced to this game when his friend Handa threw this game away saying it was a bad game that will ruin gaming but when Makoto launched the game he loved he got obssesed with it after Shinji(Makoto) has been looking at ruins and ancient stuff over the past few months slaying dragons completing quests and being lazy and all and all he is becoming good at this game.(He is a male)

Makoto's Appearance:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/BTOOOM-04-Large-10.jpg.1cff22170949f9bd0652a735b1ef1874.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="46713" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/BTOOOM-04-Large-10.jpg.1cff22170949f9bd0652a735b1ef1874.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(He is so obssesed he wont even face the camera)

(When will i get accepted)



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Shiroe Kurona] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/1197-shadowdude505/ said:
@shadowdude505[/URL] who do you like more shiroe or nyanta
Both are good characters, but Nyanta would probably be number 1 if I made a list of my favorite Log Horizon characters.

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