Elder Tale: Persona Quest (Based on Log Horizon)

Okay, I was wondering if it was a bad time for me to join. I'll post my character soon.

Avatar's Name: Rahl

Avatar's Gender: male

Avatar's Appearance: (I'm going to use rinmarugames-trying to find a premade picture would be too much effort. It won't have some of his equipment shown.)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/57a8c2041730d_MyStyle(5).jpg.782f0a7871b869257bddc90e340d352d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="47518" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/57a8c2041730d_MyStyle(5).jpg.782f0a7871b869257bddc90e340d352d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Guild: Persona Quest

Level: 90

Race: Werecat

Class: Swashbuckler

Subclass: Sigilmancer

Head: Scarf of Cutthroats(phantasm)-High protection against throat hits-none for any other head portion, active rune engraved to increase skill effects phenomenally for 5 seconds and has a cooldown of one minute "Distrust your allies and enemies equally-for it only takes one slice."

Body: Armored Officer's Trenchcoat-medium protection, major charisma bonus, passive rune engraved that reduces all debuffs and effects by three fourths duration from body hits.

Legs: Baggy Officer's Trousers-medium to low protection, slight charisma bonus, medium agility bonus, passive rune engraved that reduces all debuffs and effects by three fourths duration from leg hits.

Hands: Gentleman's Fencing Gloves(phantasm)-high protection, decreases all cooldowns of weapon skills by half, in one on one fights it greatly increases resistances to underhanded tactics such as poison and dark related magic."Fight me with honor and pride or lose. I will show no mercy to those who have neither."

Boots: Boots of the Flash(phantasm)-Low armor, great agility boost, gives wearer the <<quick step>> ability, allowing them to seemingly flash around. Has a 2 second cooldown between each flash, tripled in combat. Maximum length traveled is ten meters. "Strike swift as lightning and they shall never retaliate."


Main hand(left handed):Rapier of the Flash(phantasm)-High damage, high attack speed(2 attacks per second maximum), medium lightning damage. "Strike swift as lightning and they shall never retaliate."

Secondary hand: Hand of the Etcher-He tinkered with his right glove to make it able to draw runes anywhere, even in combat. It automatically uses materials in his bag and the knowledge he possesses of runes to make a rune to his specification.

Accesory: Dazaneg's magic bag-holds things.(inventory basically)

Personality: Show no quarter! Rahl is quick to jump in the fray, especially if a friend is in danger, but he always thinks of a plan. His fighting style mostly relies on effects from his runes and untouchable speed. He specializes in catching the enemy off-guard by turning the very terrain against them. He gets a little psychotic in challenging fights and his rune experimentation, but is otherwise normally collected and friendly. He often works solo or in small groups to complete the objective, and is oft given the more shady work when an assassin and/or a tracker is not available. He is trusted by most members of the guild, but his aura makes people a little uneasy on the first meeting.

Background: Thomas was an american boy with a large Scottish and Irish heritage before his family moved to Japan. He had a lot of issues, not being born in Japan, and this made him retreat to the world of fiction. One of his only friends, Tenshi, recommended Elder Tale six months before the apocalypse. Rahl, his in game name he honestly prefers over his own, continuously searches for his friend with only the knowledge that he is out there, somewhere.(feel free to use this in an arc) Rhal spent his early days after the apocalypse doing the dirty work for a shady guild he regrets joining, shivering at the mere thought of them when they are mentioned. The only thing he has told his current guildmates is that he joined them on the promise of info on his lost friend.(once again-feel free to use this as you please.)



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Edited. Sorry, was doing another role play. I'm not really sure where to start, mind giving me a job so I can go from there?

Like to scout out something and do a bit of foreshadowing?
Shineko said:
Do you have any major restrictions or building guidelines that should be followed?
Not really. Just don't give your character a bunch of phantasm level items and things that make him/her invincible to everything.
Those types of characters aren't any fun, there should be some interesting flaws or vulnerabilities or it just makes things boring. It is much more fun to create items that give a seeming big advantage but just require a little thought to circumvent.
@shadowdude505 Someone recommended that you could send me a PM and that I might be able to reply to that without having to wait for the conditions to be met for me to be able to send a private message. I have a couple things i would like to ask about my character before posting the application. Could you send me a PM?
Avatar's Name: Shineko

Avatar's Gender: Male

Avatar's Appearance: Shineko is a tall, slender figure. His fur is more of a dark gray than black with piercing golden eyes with dark flecks. When he moves, there is a definite sense of grace to his movements.

Guild: Solo Player to Join Persona Quest

Level: 82

Race: Werecat

Class: Assassin

Subclass: Sigilmancer


Head: Visor of Improved Sight – Production Class Item – This item wraps around the users head with a crystal lens section in the front for the player to see through. The lens tint instantly adapts to surrounding light conditions. These provide 3 major benefits. Low-light/Night Vision, improved accuracy (improving chance for a critical strike), and immunity from being blinded.

** Special Note on items Appearance ** The appearance of this items resembles a uni-body styled pair of sun glasses that fit snugly on the head and look sleek. The lenses are made of a crystal with a green hue and the framing seems to be made from a lightweight and durable dark gray material.

Body: Cloak of Shadowed Tranquility – Phantasmal Class Item – Provides moderate bonus to armor and agility. Also provides a bonus to blending into the shadows. Twice per day, the user can slip into the shadows and travel in the shadows and exit at a different location as long as the trail of shadows goes unbroken. Maximum time the user has to travel while in shadow form each time is 10 minutes. While travelling in the shadows, movement speed is double your maximum capable speed. User is unable to go through solid objects but can travel through cracks as long as there is shadow/darkness to create a path. The cloak seems to almost flow and wrap itself about the wearer at the same time, blending in with the shadowy areas around the user.

**Flavor Text** The wearer of this cloak can become so much like a shadow that they almost seem to slip out of an individual’s focus of rage.

Hands: Dexterous Cutthroat Gloves – Production Class Weapon – Improves the user’s agility and provides moderate armor. Also provides a small bonus to getting a critical hit and dexterity based actions involving the hands. These are soft gray leather gloves made in a style where they do not cover the fingers allowing the user’s sense of touch and grip to be unhindered.

Legs: Traveler’s Pants – Magical Class Item – The pants are made of a soft, comfortable material that makes it easy to move. The user gains minimal armor but gains a bonus to dexterity. The pants are a lighter grayish brown color.

Feet: Cat’s Grace Boots – Artifact Class Item – These boots provide very little armor but are made of very soft and supple material, giving a bonus to moving quietly and increased movement speed. They allow user to maintain normal full movement rate while moving quietly, quadruples movement rate out of combat but only double movement rate allowed in combat. The boots are black on the outside, the inside is a light gray. Unfolded, they read just short of the knee but they are kept rolled down to the calf.

Primary Weapon: Kamuy’s Wakizashi of Luck – Artifact Class Weapon – This weapon provides an increase to the users crit rate and damage. Also improves the drop rate if wielder delivers the killing blow.

Secondary Weapon: (Left Hand) Hand of the Etcher with an embedded black obsidian shard with a sigil on it – Production Class Weapon – Gives the wearer the ability to draw runes anywhere, even in combat. It can automatically use the items contain in wearer’s immediate inventory and can call on the knowledge of the wearer to create a rune to his specification (as long as it is within the wearer’s normal ability).

Accessory 1: Dazaneg's Magic Bag – Magical Class item – Earned by completing the Level 45 quest (Get the Magic Bag). Due to personal player preference in its creation, the bag was created in a style similar to a belt pouch. The amount it can hold inside has not been altered.

Accessory 2: Red Dragon’s Blood Amulet – Artifact Class – Makes player unaffected by natural temperature changes. Gives wearer increased Resistances to Natural Elements (fire, water, lightning, earth, etc) and makes wearer immune to fire.

** This amulet appears to be made from a metal that almost seems to look like liquid fire with the runic script embedded in a circle for each of the elements found in nature with the symbol for fire made from what appears to be a bloodstone in the center. Most players who touch this amulet find it warm to the touch.


Shineko was always somewhat mischievous and curious. However, there is a deep seated inability to fully trust anyone else which makes true close friendships almost impossible for him. However, he has managed to learn how to suppress and hide these feelings of distrust so that most are unable to pick up on them. He prides himself on his accomplishments and that there is not a single story of him not completing an assignment. Though he is an assassin, he takes pride in his work and looks for a worthy target. Those who show enough promise may be spared or given extra time to finish maturing (growing their skills) to become a more worthy foe. It almost seems like a whimsical decision to some how long he allows his target to live, almost like a cat playing with a mouse.

Shineko often prefers the solitude of the darkness, whether shadows or abandoned ruins or the nighttime of this world. It allows him to almost disappear and fade into the nothingness, something that he shares with his memory. For some unknown reason ever since the Apocalypse, he has been able to remember every detail of every adventure he experienced here in Elder Tale, but he hasn’t been able to remember his life outside of this world. On the few times when he has died, instead of losing memories like some others are starting to report, he had flashes of what seemed like memories from that world but they were soon forgotten again. When others talk about things from the real world, they seem to make sense and are understood but he is just unable to remember the details of his own life. Because of this, he is missing some sense of who he really is and has had to try and build a new identity for himself here. This has left a feeling of distance and loneliness compared to many other adventurers that he has interacted with in his travels.


Since the Apocalypse has happened, he has traveled as much as he could looking for answers to who he really is and make a place for himself in this world. Working hard to train and improve his skills and taking on new challenges when possible, he keeps moving forward taking jobs to both make money and entertain himself. Despite his lack of knowledge about the “real” world, his memories in Elder Tale go back to what seems like the beginning. From some conversations he has overheard, it is possible that he was even part of the last wave of Beta testers.
Hellz yeah, that's awesome. Now I feel like my characters Bio isn't quiet as good as it could be, oh well I made my bed, now I will sleep in it. Cool Fluff man, diggin it. @Shineko
RageFace said:
Hellz yeah, that's awesome. Now I feel like my characters Bio isn't quiet as good as it could be, oh well I made my bed, now I will sleep in it. Cool Fluff man, diggin it.
Actually, Shineko had a lot of praise for you when I was talking to him. Goodnight Rage!
If you couldn't tell, I know Tenshi in real life. Before writing my own, I read through and looked at what others had created and I really enjoyed what I saw which made me want to also dig a little deeper in the development of this character. I saw a couple of them that really help push me and yours was one of the characters that I really could get into @RageFace.

Thank you for the positive feedback and I look forward to RPing with all of the members.
[QUOTE="Tenshi Hinara]Actually, Shineko had a lot of praise for you when I was talking to him. Goodnight Rage!

And a Good Morning to you sir.

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