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Fandom Elder Tale: Persona Quest (Based on Log Horizon)

The door to the Persona Quest Guild Hall within the Guild Meeting Hall opened and Alistair Crow, the Guild Master, walked inside. He immediately went to the kitchen and started to prepare a cup of tea. He had just returned from a meeting with the Akihabara Round Table and had been tea deprived for a couple hours. In the real world, Edward wouldn't have described himself as a teaholic but it would be unusual for his Alistair Crowe persona to go without the staple British drink. In this world Edward was Alistair Crowe.

As he sipped on his tea in his office he thought about the Round Table meeting. For the most part he found it boring. The guild masters argued about the issues. Alistair knew that the economy and raising Adventurers spirits were important, but the guild masters didn't add any personality in their suggestions. It seemed they were no longer playing their character. That was one problem he found troubling. Alistair always liked acting and found the role playing process invigorating. If more Adventurers RPed as their character, maybe they wouldn't be down in the dumps.

Moving along down his trail of thoughts, Alistair remembered the argument about the game mechanics. How did questing work and where Landers still like NPCs, giving the same quest to multiple people. Alistair enthusiastically agreed to look into the matter. After walking into the main area of the Persona Quest Guild Hall, Alistair raised his tea cup into the air. "If I may have your attention," he announced. "I need some volunteers for a questing party or two. Who's up for an adventure?" he asked, his voice full of charisma. Was there any better way to test out the questing mechanics?

( @Trundle @Bills352 @Raydog90 we're starting. )
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Tomoko sighed as she was sat in the Persona Quest Guild Hall, she was bored very bored but knowing this guild she wouldn't have a chance to stay that way for long something would happen and soon. She didn't feel like leaving the guild hall as out their in Akihabara it was a hell hole, everything was still mostly gloomy and most people were down in the dumps, the only thing stopping Tomoko from being like that was this guild without it should would have been one of them poor souls who think everything is over, now that she thought about it, it wasn't the guild keeping her head up, okay maybe it was slightly the guild but more so the guild master after all that is the man she lov.... calls a friend, not a title given away easily.

Tomoko yawned as she leaned back on her chair and shut her eyes staring at the roof. She never noticed the guild master enter after his meeting with the round table or she would have run off to bug him. Tomoko just sat there thinking about things most whats for dinner mostly since she was the guild chef so well its her job to know what to cook, another thing she was thinking about was what to do. She hates to just sit around bored out of her mind so she needs to do something or at least she thought she did till the most important subject came into her mind. How to win over the captain.

Not long after when she was on a breakthrough with her idea her thoughts were interrupted, by a voice it was Alistair the guild master. 'When the did he arrive? all well its good to see him in good spirit as normal' Tomoko thought to herself smiling before listen to what the captain had to say. "I'll go if I can be in your party captain!" Tomoko said enthusiastically jumping out of her seat before retaking it moments later.
Mairi was sitting down on a chair with her legs resting on one of the tables. She was holding a vial with an orange liquid in it and swirling it around, observing the substance. She was obviously bored. Her alchemy experiments were hit-and-miss; mostly miss. She had discovered a few new recepies that weren't in the game before, but she hadn't thought of many uses for them yet. She didn't remain bored for long, however, since the guild master Alistair entered the room. Mairi noticed that a lot of people cheered up the moment he entered the room. One person in particular, Tomoko, caught her attention. She knew about her little crush on the guild master and would sometimes tease her about it. Not around Alistair, of course. After Alistair asked the guild if they wanted to go on an adventure, Tomoko was one of the first to speak up. Taking on an evil smile, Mairi spoke up too. "I'll go if I can be in her party, captain~" she said as she gestured to Tomoko.
*crack* Sigh, thats another I can't use, hmmm oh well maybe I need some new materials. I should go see if anyone would be interested. I can carry more items this way, hmmm but that means I need to share most of the items I get. I wonder if lunch is ready, ah burgers who would have thought such a disgusting greasy burger would taste so good after so long. Though me and Edward don't hang as much now, maybe he would be interested if... As Zweihander walks along pondering his thoughts, he hears his old friend Edward. Who was giving a speech about a quest, He was ecstatic to know he need not inquire to anyone. Now was the perfect opportunity to get back into character, he walked up to the door and he listened waiting for just the right moment to burst in. He hears 2 people calling out when he listens, he regains his poster and yells before opening both doors. AND I WILL GO IN ANY PARTY YOU CHOOSE CAPTAIN.

He then slams both doors wide open and yells out as follows.
An excellent proposal, I been meaning to collect some new materials for some of the new weapons I have been making. For I the Raging Swordsman will happily join you on this merry quest, it is of high honour one may join the Captain in a quest that he will personally be taking. AH HAHAHAHA. In that moment he tells himself in his mind. "Nailed it."
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Elwinia sat in the guild hall, admiring a golden ring she had recently forged. It was a "Golden Ring of the Opportunist," which increased the chance of a critical strike. It was of no use to Elwinia, considering her role as a tank/healer, but she would probably donate it to one of the younger recruits who needed it. At that moment, Elwinia saw the guild master enter the hall - Alistair Crow, the founder of Persona Quest and a man Elwinia admired. He had helped her when she first joined the guild and guided her to become so ingrained in the group. She was forever grateful to him, and although not romantically interested, still looked up to him as a role model.

shadowdude505 said:
"If I may have your attention," he announced. "I need some volunteers for a questing party or two. Who's up for an adventure?"
Elwinia immediately stood up, placing the ring inside her inventory. Before she could speak, however, Tomoko piped up across the hall. She wanted to be in Alistair's party - typical of Tomoko, Elwinia thought, smiling a little bit. That wasn't to say Elwinia didn't, yet she was fine with whoever she was paired with. She was a support role, and happy to support anyone in her guild. She noticed that Mairi also volunteered, and Zweihander burst into the door not long after, being his usual energetic self, and offered to join as well. Finally, Elwinia spoke, and said, "I will join you as well, captain. May I ask what the quest is?"
Quietly sitting up with his back bracing against the wall, he listened to the conversation brought about by Alistar's speech. Normally Alex would complain as back when Elder Tale was a game he'd want to know if it was really worth it or not. However things changed, and he was still getting use to being there. Not to mention, Alex had joined not but two days earlier and hadn't even spoke a word to anyone except for the guild leader, Alistar although it was only to join the guild. To top it all off, the only person who he had actually known in the guild hadn't seemed to been online when everyone got stuck. Even though Alex had briefly met Alistar back then, from what he could remember all they did was shake hands, much less actually talked.

Deciding that it would be best to at least worth to figure out how to adapt to being in this guild, he chose to stay silent since he had not figured out how he wanted to portray his character's personality. Getting up, Alex showed a simple thumbs up to Alistar to show he was interested in the quest. Glancing around, he wasn't entirely sure how the other's felt about him since most likely all they saw him do was eat, sleep, and follow at least one of them due to the fact Alex was afraid of being alone.
Shinji went inside the guild hall and sat in a vacant chair This is a pain in the ass,Just waiting makes me wanna puke Shinji put his hands behind his back and looked around and he kept looking at Elwinia Wow,She is hot as ever Shinji thought.

Shinji then heard the guildmaster and rised his hands up Maybe i should just tell him that we should use EXP pots, i hate doing all the work Shinji stood up and said Sir,Can i do all this adventuring alone Shinji said as he put his hands on the table
Alistair smiled as people showed their interest. Tomoko and Mairi had very specific party request, but he wondered if Mairi was serious in her demand or just trying to mess with Tomoko. Zweihander didn't have a preference. "In that case, Tomoko, Mairi, and Zweihander, you guys are with me. Leaving room for two more people."

He acknowledged Alex's thumbs up with a nod. He heard Elwinia ask what the mission was and was about to reply when he heard Shinji ask if he could do the adventuring alone. "For what I have planned, it wouldn't be wise to quest alone," he replied. "I volunteered to look into the possible changes in quest mechanics for the Round Table. There's a Lander city about half-a-days travel from here. If things are still the way they were when Elder Tale was a game, we should be able to get the daily quest to save the town from mid-leveled monsters. At our levels that wouldn't be to difficult," he replied. "If you went alone, you'd be vastly outnumbered."
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Tomoko was about to get agitated as Mairi was clearly trying to annoy her, but since it was Mairi Tomoko could tell that it was just a plan to do just that annoy Tomoko so instead she somehow managed to stay very calm, which isn't very much like Tomoko normally but she can changed every now and again. A bright smile covered Tomoko face as she did manage to get into the guild masters group. So the jobs a simple one, or at least hopefully a simple one to just well figure out the games system after all with the game now being reality it must have some differences shown by the way the game is currently played or viewed I guess.

Tomoko sighed that shinji always trying to do things himself, luckily the master was able to put him back in his place with the logic that he would be vastly outnumbered. One thing Tomoko learned was to never undermined a large group of mid-level enemies, after all getting swarmed is very bad for a gamer. Tomoko stood up and sighed. "Well if the master party has two spaces left where do you think your going to be, god sometimes I swear your an idiot." Tomoko said facing Shinji before turning to reface Alistair. "So when are we going?" Tomoko asked wanting to get the mission underway.
Can i atleast go as a pair with somebody Shinji said as he ignored Tomoko Ohhh that girl she is the idiot not me! Shinji looked at Alistair and said bowing down Can i atleast do it as a pair with somebody

shadowdude505 said:
There's a Lander city about half-a-days travel from here. If things are still the way they were when Elder Tale was a game, we should be able to get the daily quest to save the town from mid-leveled monsters. At our levels that wouldn't be to difficult," he replied. "If you went alone, you'd be vastly outnumbered."
The daily quest, huh? She remembered farming on some of those daily quests for materials back when Elder Tale was a game. Ever since the Apocalypse, she had been focused on other things, but it would be nice to get out and kill monsters for a change. Elwinia was also interested in the new mechanics of the game, and curious as to whether this would work out or not. "Interesting, captain," Elwinia said to Alistair. "I'll join you if you'll allow it. When do we leave?"
Mairi had gotten the reaction she wanted out of Tomoko and also left Alistair uncertain. Jackpot! She liked doing this kind of thing. Sometimes she felt like she had holding herself to a socially acceptable level back in real life and this was where she could reveal her true self. After Shinji's idea of soloing was cut down and he asked if he could pair up with someone, Mairi approached him. "You can pair up with me," she said, "but drink this first." She then casually gave Shinji the vial with the orange liquid she was swirling around earlier.
Alex couldn't help but sigh heavily at the player who had wanted to go solo. Realizing he didn't honestly care about the details, regardless if it was some daily quest or something serious, Alex would follow along. Opening up his friends list, he added Alistar since it would be easier to communicate in case the guild leader wanted Alex to stay here. Thinking about what he could do while staying here, the only real option would be to train, since his character was much more heavier, unlike his real-life counterpart. Speaking up, he wanted to address something. "In case you didn't know before Lea-er...Captain, I was mainly a solo player so I don't have much experience in parties. I'm willing to stay but it would be preferred that I not be left completely alone." Alex had quickly corrected himself when he was about to call Alistar leader, since even though role-playing was not something that he was use to, it was best to be polite.
Mairi smiled like a mad scientist when Shinji downed the liquid. "I don't know, but I can tell you what it isn't!" she said, "It isn't a potion that will make you obey every command I give you." In reality, it was a glass of orange juice bought from a vendor that she dumped into one of her alchemy vials. It would be tasteless, since it was from a vendor, so Shinji should have no idea.
Shinji comically cried and said Why did you do that for?! I have had better food then this Shinji said as he went to corner to cry

Zweihander comes over to pat him on the back and starts crying as well. "I know right, I remember her giving me a debuff that lasted 3 days. I couldn't get rid of it." He thinks back to that traumatizing moment, and has very little trust for any vials given to him.
Mairi had a shocked look on her face when Shinji reacted that way. She suspiciously told the guy that it wasn't a mind-control potion and he cries because it didn't taste good?! How he survived before the alternative cooking method was discovered was beyond her. Zweihander's comment just hammered the nail in further. "D-Don't go spreading lies about me!" she said, "The only possible debuff my things could give you is the Placebo effect! And even if I did give you a debuff, I think that cure potions still exist, idiot!" She then turned away from the two, not wanting to expose this side of herself to them any longer.
(@RageFace) Shinji looks back at Zweihander and says Thanks for caring,Buddy Shinji then stands up and says to Zweihander and puts his hand on his shoulder and says Buddy you are pairing with me
He reacts in mirror movement as Shinji as he replies with An Excellent proposal, How ever we will need more people if we are to search far and wide.
Alistair listened as the others stated what party, or lack of a party, they wanted to be in. As he rethought his grouping, he noticed Mairi give Shinji a vile of something orange. Judging by his reaction it must have been a flavorless drink, most likely orange juice that wasn't produced from scratch. "Tomoko, Zweihander, and Shinji, you three are with me," he announced. "Steamaus, Miari, and Elwinia, you three will be a part of group 2." He looked over at Elwina. "We'll leave in an hour, so use this time to prepare and gather more party members."
Nodding his head to show he understood, Steam tried to think of anyone he knew who would go with them. Not many people came to mind, however he was curious if a merchant he knew would like to come with. The guy wasn't very strong, but their info on monsters had been decent and usually Steam could get a discount for the info if he gave the drops to the player. Shaking his head, it he realized it would probably not be a good idea, as the last time Steam went with the guy to go hunting, the player tended to be extremely bossy. Scratching his head, he looked around at the others to observe their reactions to the guild leader's decision. While understanding how sometimes guilds would split up in different parties to complete large quests, he was slightly worried how people managed to get things done that way without there being chaos.
I captain! You heard him, make all necessary preparations stock up on potions and if anyone needs a new sword, you know where my armoury is. Also if you encounter other members of our guild, ask if they may accompany us during the mission. If they refuse, you know Guilds motto.
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