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Fandom Elder Tale: Persona Quest (Based on Log Horizon)

"All this hustling about… I assume you have informed them of the questing problem? Anyways, I have the report you asked for. The numbers are troubling… I would recommend keeping them to yourself. I know I for one intend to forget about them as soon as possible." Rahl walked out of the shadows, handing Alistair the promised report. His eyes watched the seemingly unorganized tandem over the hall with slight amusement. "I'll go grab my runes, just tell me whom I shall work with later."
Zweihander turns and smiles as more members join this quest, "Excellent Timing Rahl, you will be assigned to group 2 to make a 4 person squad. Currently we have 2 squads, I'll fill you in the details later.
"I'm afraid I already know most of them, but a brush up would be nice Zweihander. Do you think you can pass out these shield runs rocks I made? They're prototypes for a enchantment I wish to add to our tanks' gear." he gave a small bag of lightweight flintstones to Zwei. "They should reduce magic damage taken, if just a little."
Steam felt uneasy around the guy who seemed to come out of nowhere. Hearing one of the other members of the guild call him 'Rahl', he guessed that must be what the player goes by. Closing his eyes for a moment to calm himself, he realized that Rahl had asked one of the other members to pass out something. Putting his hand out to show he didn't want it, Steam spoke quietly to Rahl. "Not that I don't like you as a person, but I'd rather not have anything that belongs to strangers. The only reason I trust The Captain is because he helped me out before The Apocalypse."
Rahl looked over at the face that was unfamiliar to him. "I'm sorry, are you new? You must have joined while I was doing my errand for the captain." He dropped the bag of stones that Zwei had yet to grab and made an elegant bow towards him. "My name is Rahl. I am a level 90 swashbuckler that serves as Alistair's left hand man, as I'm not so presuptious as to claim the right. I do most of the rune enchants for the guild and perform reconnaissance when he is in doubt or question of something. May I be privalliged with your name?"
He sighed at Rahl, as it wasn't easy to getting use to everyone being in-character. "People call me Steam. I'm a level 88 monk, and..." Steam paused to think for a moment as to how he should introduce himself. "..A lone traveler who only knows The Captain through a friend." He answered, unsure if he sounded stupid or not. Deciding to drop the conversation as he walked out of the guild hall, Steam didn't want to know if the other members thought he was weak since he already guessed they were higher leveled than him.
"Good hunting!" He called after Steam. "So, I guess I'll just give these out whenever we get there." Rahl picked up the bag of stones and dropped them into his bag of holding, heading towards the second group. He stretched his slightly aching legs, ready to run again if need be. As one of the fastest in the guild even without his boots, he was sent to recon areas before the guild traveled through them. Rahl flashed to the roof of the building on a gut instinct, feeling a dark presence approaching. The tides are changing...
Zweihander looked at the new prototypes and examined wondering how it would work. Hmm I've always wondered about these, how many could I fit in a sword. How would the fit, what about the number of uses it has, do you need to change the stone or can you charge them with mana? Should probably take a couple off Rahl whilst he's.... He looks up to realise Rahl had left and with all the prototypes. Oh COME ON MAN!!! Always in a rush! Just one day would be nice so I can use..... He quickly realises he done goofed and gets back in character As his cheeks turn red trying to regain his posture.
*Slips out of the shadows a seemingly safe distance from Alistair and bows towards the Guild Leader* "Pardon my intrusion into your Guild Hall good sir, I mean no harm or disrespect." he says while straightening back up from the bow looking at Alistair. "Are you the leader of this Guild? I heard your request for assistance and would like to inquire if your guild has room for me to maybe join and assist you at this time." Pausing for a moment, this new person who slipped into this sanctuary adds "I would be happy to work with anyone in the guild that you would like, but I would prefer someone who is capable of moving fairly fast as I am pretty agile and light on my feet."
Rahl flashed back down to see the source of his uneasiness speaking to Alistair and bowed. "Nice to meet you, my name is Rahl and I am a level 90 swashbuckler with the subclass of sigilmancer. May I inquire of yours?" He kept every ounce of distrust and uneasiness from his voice, but he was quite aware the fellow werecat could feel it crashing down in waves. The atmosphere went tense as Rahl kept bowing, resisting the urge to draw his rapier and finish off the newcomer.
*With an easy and pleasant smile that seem to come too easily given the situation, Shineko looks over towards Rahl and mentally felt the urge to grin like a cat playing with his food but resisted letting any of it show externally* "Hello Rahl, I am Shineko. I am merely a level 82 Assassin who has found something that peaked his interest. I have also dabbled a bit with Sigilmancy, maybe we could compare notes some time." *Pulls up his character information on the virtual/holographic display and turns it towards Rahl so he can verify what he was just told* Looking back towards Alister, "This one seems to be fast enough to work with" gesturing to indicate Rahl with a certain level of ease that shouldn't be there considering the tension that is showing in Rahl's muscles and stance. Hmm, he does seem to at least keep his composure better than most in a situation like this. He is interesting indeed. This guild may prove to have some very interesting members indeed.
Rahl spared no glance towards the information, well aware it could easily be faked due to the digging he had been doing. "Well, if you are searching for the fastest person in the guild, you are looking at him. How did you catch wind of our needing help? I won't pretend this is the most localized place."
*Glances over in Rahl's direction* I tend to wander around and I like to see what and who is around. You can meet some interesting folks that way and find out lots of different things. I happen to overhear his announcement" nodding his head in the direction of Alistair "about looking to create a couple parties to investigate the quests." After pausing for a minute thinking, he glances again at Rahl "And yes, that means I happen to have been here long enough to hear his announcement though no one seemed to notice my presence."
Rahl was very well aware of the statement's implications. "No. One of us noticed you from a mile a way. Well then, now that we have traded a few friendly words I suppose we make up the third party. I highly recommend gathering your things while I take some time to plan." He yet again flashed off, pacing on the roof with vehemence. 'That was unlike me... even when I come across dark people like that I have never been that distrustful... and even without his presence everybody else's gave me a sense of unease...'
"Hmm, pleasant fellow there" Shineko says looking over at Alistair. "At least he is fast so I would not be opposed to working with him but he definitely seems to have something bothering him. I kind of like his idea of a new party that is smaller, will make travel quicker. And if we were to run into a problem, the smaller numbers and speed at least give us an advantage in getting away should we find it something that we are unable to handle. I travel light so I already have everything I need, assuming you approve" inclining his head slightly towards the guild leader awaiting confirmation or questions from the seeming silent and pondering figure in charge of these folks.
Alistair looked at the report Rahl handed him. Looks like Adventurers hadn't been questing for the past month. That was understandable, the Adventurers were busy learning how to cook and create some stability. Now that the initial panic of being trapped in the Elder Tale world has subsided a little, questing should pick up, but how did questing work now?

Alistair heard Zweihander assign Rahl to group two. Something he would have done, so he didn't object. Shineko's arrival surprised him though. "Yes, I'm the guild master," he replied. He took of his hat and bowed. "The name's Alistair Crow." He listened to the exchange between Rahl and Shineko. "I can see a benefit with multiple small groups instead of just two," he said, "But that means I need to reshuffle the party members again." He started to rub his chin as if he had a beard. "Let me think..." he said, before starting to mutter a strategy to himself.
Looking more intently at Alistair, "I am pleased to meet you" Shineko said, somewhat surprised to find that he meant it. Things in this guild and between the members here mostly felt right, something he hadn't felt since at least the Apocalypse, if ever. "I am known as Shineko, Taren Shineko. I can you you have a lot to consider with the potential group make ups and compatibility of its members for effectiveness and safety. If I can be of any assistance, please let me know." Pulls up the menu system and sends a friend request to Alistair. "If you are not comfortable, you do not have to accept it. I think it would just make it easier to find me or send me word when you have made your decision." As Shineko looks around the room for the exit, "Oh, one last thing. Please consider my request to join your guild, it was sincere. While I do not know where my travels will take me, I would be honored to work with you for a while. Do you mind if I explore the guild area more and do you know if anyone is available to maybe give me a tour of the area?"

Just once it would be nice if ralh would just consider my offer once in awhile, hmm maybe if I bribe him.... After thinking about some of the strategies zweihander could use to try get Rahl to come to his forge, he realises a new adventurer has come to join the guild. He feels ashamed for not noticing earlier, he decides to greet the new comer as he has each new adventurer that has entered these guild doors With a smile on his face. GREETINGS AND WELCOME TO THE GUILD! LET ME BE THE FIRST TO WELCOME YOU WITH OPEN ARMS! He hugs him without a second thought, embracing him as if a long lost brother had been Found. Hoping he would not be to violent to the gesture, he has confidence in himself to handle any situation that arises as he always has. Like a leaf in the breeze, where the wind blows he follows.
Leina sits still in the hall scared not knowing what to do "sooo?" No one answers Leina starts playing with her hands and necklace.Leina starts to practice little healing spells on her self Alaistar told her to "stop" so she did.Leina got up went into the kitchen and grabbed a cup of tea and went to the hall and sat down then started talking to the rest of the people there.
While a little surprised by Zweihander's friendly greeting to a complete stranger who had just randomly appeared before everyone. It was refreshing to see this open and genuine welcome. He gives a firm embrace in return and says "Thank you for such an inviting and warm welcome. I am pleased to meet you. My name Shineko, might I inquire as to what you are called?"
He grins as he stands tall with a hand on his hip and a strike to his chest with a closed fist. My name is Zweihander Panzer, The Raging Sword of Persona Quest and Raid party leader. He then extends a hand as a kind gesture, it is a pleasure to meet you. They shake hands and exchange a few words before leaving to make final preparations. If you'll excuse me I must make the final preparations before we leave, we leave within the hour. You are more than welcome to borrow one of my swords in my armoury so long as you are a guild member and you have permission from Alaistar and myself. Leina, could you be a dear and show Shineko around the Guild whilst we prep, don't worry I haven't forgotten you were here. Well I must make my leave. He wonders off to make the finishing touches.

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