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Fantasy Eden Cafe


Best friend of Chat
Eden café is a small, but lively and bright place where the supernatural can slip away from the issues of living in the human world, sip a cup of coffee, and eat a slice of cake in peace. They can also socialize, and just be themselves without issue. It is invisible to the human eye, so there's no need to worry about the humans. So please, stop by!
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Cobalt sat at the small round table he was accustomed to, his legs crossed. The thin fabric of the shorts helping just the slightest in keeping him cool in the barely air conditioned room. "Waiter!" He called impatiently, perfectly manicured nails tapping against the table. "I've been here for a while now, time to get a move on..." He drawled, posh British accent filling the sticky air of the cafe. Of course despite the wait everything else about this place was nice, most of the time at least.

@Liv Moore @Chit @dragonsfire

(Sorry for the bad starter agh)
Finishing his conversation with the bartender he peeks out the door remembering that it's actually a restaurant "Sorry, I'm coming" quickly rushing to the coustumer he grabs the pad from his back pocket and holds it "Hi sorry for keeping you waiting, but can I get your order?" he nods his head pushing long sleeves covering his arms back as he begins to look back at the small bit of mocha he left on the counter, hooping nobody will notice.


Cobalt looked at the blonde, "Are you the only one working here?" He asked, noticing the waiter. "You're like the only person here." He leaned against the back of the chair. "Oh well, not my restaurant. Tea, black." He mumbled, crossing his arms. His eyes glowed, a small slimmer of blue going through the black material of his eyepatch. "You should know by now, quality waiters remember their customers."

"Yep the other's are in the back and a bunch of them called in sick" Looking away Zach puts his hand over his mouth coughing,Lazy jerks "Well ok you'll be happy to know it'll be ready shortly" Waving bye as he walks backwards the door slams open and he looks to the others "How nice...leaving me alone to get the orders" turning his head he stares at the Barista " Just some simple Black Tea nothing else with it "Taping on the small glass cup he got from the table he walks back out to the 'opinionated' customer "Would you like anything else with the tea" Trying to anylize the boy he gets a tingling feeling "Did it just get colder in here to you, or is it just me?" Now slightly shivering the boy stands on his toes looking around the restaurant, a small holy presence emmiting from somewhere, there's no way the boy could be an angel or god, could he?

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Cobalt nodded, waiting for his drink. As soon as he received it he shook his head at the question, "No. Thank you though." He recited, trying to present his proper etiquette. "No, I don't feel a thing. Though I do have a demon butler so I'm quite used to the chills." He hummed, drinking the tea, his pinkie placed under the China. "Lovely cup." He mumbled, disregarding the presence that the other male felt.

"O..o...oh a d..d..demon butler nice to know" Zach looks around and slightly backing up "Is he here now, I don't see him" Looking around in a mix a fear and relief "Oh and thank you"nodding he finishes the small cup of mocha slightly uneased by the thought of a demon anywhere within a hundred miles of him.


"No, though he may be watching from afar." Cobalt giggled, looking out the window and letting w small smile break across his face. "Though whatever spirit is in the corner is absolutely not my butler. He gives off an extremely cold chill. Almost like spice running down your back. The older the spirit the colder the feeling." Cobalt explained, black fingernail thrumming against the warm glass of the teacup. "Whatever over there is far from dangerous." He promised, legs crossed.

He looks up towards the corner "Thanks for reminding me, I almost forgot about him, there's no reason to actually pay attention to him" Snickering he begins to relive the tension off himself "actually now that I think about it he shouldn't even be here." Shaking his head he holds the small scythe behind his back and eases towards him holding it out in order to slowly banish the spirit back to its realm. He now leans aginst the wall next to the spirit and uses the staffs blade to wisp him away "And that legenday Yurei said she would take care off him" Mumbling to himself he walks back to the apparently eye-patched boy "Well if you don't need anything else then...bye" Smiling he walks back into the back room...no windows equals no butler.
Bryn poked her head out of her office, and saw Zach walking down the hallway. "Hey Zach, could you do me a favor?" She motioned for Zach to come over.

Looking around for Bryn he nods "Ummm sure, what is it?" nodding his head just now noticing she was in her office he walks towards her.
"We've got a new waitress and a waiter coming in. I'm taking the girl around, showing her everything, could you take the guy? maybe get him to help wait some tables, or something like that."



Cobalt hummed, shrugging as the male walked away. He swung his legs slowly, laughing to himself as he successfully scaring the boy away. Though he helped he would return soon, he enjoyed conversations with people that weren't lords or queens. He placed his thick heeled boots onto the table, leaning back in the chair and staring out of the window.
"Ummm...ok we do need more staff the other few are lazy and just sitting around plus I can teach him how to steal coffe withought you noticing" sticking his thumbs up he looks around impressed at the polished office "So when are they coming in...and more importantly, what are they because I can't work with a demon or a naga" frowning at his last experience with both of the species.
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"Hmm...I'll notice if you take coffee, you can't hide it from me. Let me check on the species," She took a look at her computer screen, then turned back to him. "The boy's an incubus, the girl's an angel. Any problems?"


(sorry about the wait, I got caught up in things)
"Well I'm not a women so, no problems with the incubus, not to mention angels rock so no, plus you didn't notice me take thr coffe last time" he snickers quietly to himself and looks away "Well consedering the fact you had to look on your computer to answer me I'm guessing you haven met them in person" Zach bows his head to Bryn and turns around walking out the door.
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Cobalt tapped his fingernails against the table, the cup in the middle of the table. His free hand cupped against his palm. He hummed softly, having his own little conversation in his head. He dropped his head against the table, laughing to himself as he thought of ways to kill his most recent enemy. His fingers stopped drumming against the tabletop and he instead returned to just absentmindedly staring out of the window, still snickering once in a while.
The sound of soft hissing could be heard nearby, anyone that's been in the cafe for more than 5 minutes could tell that was the sound of Ash approaching. She appeared and leaned against Bryn's office doorway. "An Incubus huh? Too bad it's not a Succubus, those ones are always a nice sight for my eyes" she smirked towards Zach and Bryn. She was wearing her usual outfit of a tight black shirt that exposed her shoulders and ripped black jeans, in her mouth she had a toothpick sticking out. She usually preferred a cigarette but the toothpick would have to keep her mouth busy till she took a break.

"By the way Zachy, your customer seems to be going a lil insane, you might want to check on him" she teased, pointing in the direction of the snickering kid.

@dragonsfire @Chit
Marcus quickly skated to the the cafe totally forgetting he had work this morning. "Yes I'm finally here." Marcus said this as he got to the front door. He jumped off his skateboard, and walked through the door and went to the back looking for his boss.

AnarchyReins said:
Marcus quickly skated to the the cafe totally forgetting he had work this morning. "Yes I'm finally here." Marcus said this as he got to the front door. He jumped off his skateboard, and walked through the door and went to the back looking for his boss.
((Gomenasai! I didn't notice this!)) Harumi stood near the door and bowed. "Welcome!" She said with a smile.

((This is a photo of my character.))



Cobalt stared at the scene, "Shut up. And don't do anything dangerous in here, it's stupid." He hissed, slamming his fist against the table and tipping back in his chair. "If you're going to be ridiculous do it elsewhere, I am an earl, and an earl doesn't deserve this." He mumbled, sitting taller in his chair so he didn't seem so small compared to the other teens.
Oh um hi. I'm Marcus and I was supposed to start working here today. So do you mind telling me where the boss is??" Marcus asked as he blushed a little noticing how cute the girl who greeted him was.

@The Otaku Diaries
Phantasia said:


Cobalt stared at the scene, "Shut up. And don't do anything dangerous in here, it's stupid." He hissed, slamming his fist against the table and tipping back in his chair. "If you're going to be ridiculous do it elsewhere, I am an earl, and an earl doesn't deserve this." He mumbled, sitting taller in his chair so he didn't seem so small compared to the other teens.
"U-um. Hello!" Harumi bowed to the male that was in the seat. "Would you like anything...?"
AnarchyReins said:
Oh um hi. I'm Marcus and I was supposed to start working here today. So do you mind telling me where the boss is??" Marcus asked as he blushed a little noticing how cute the girl who greeted him was.
@The Otaku Diaries
"Gomenasai!" Harumi apologized. "I don't know where the boss is. Sorry I couldn't help!"
No its okay no need for apologizing." Marcus then went and changed into his uniform. He came back out looking for any customers. Hoping that one would come so he could start work already.

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