Echoes in the Stars [Inactive]


Senior Member


The sun peaked up over the horizon signaling the start of a new day. Just as the new rays of dawn entered her cave, Haven began to stir. Quietly the cloudy white female extended her paws in front of her, stretching out her dormant muscles. Beside her was her lovely mate, Spike, who slept soundly despite the sun's new light. A smile lit up her face as she sat and watched him sleep. Deciding to let him snooze in for a little longer Have made her way out of the den. When she entered the clearing a few members of her pack were already wide awake. She greeted them kindly before walking on to the pile of fresh prey at the center of the camp. She used her fangs to pull a piece of meat from an elk carcass. The piece of meat gleamed red in the morning light, making it seem more delicious that it would really ever be. Haven bent over and femininely at her fill. Once she finished the white wolf stood and licked the red stain from her muzzle. Her pale yellow eyes glimmered as she watched the rest of the camp buzz with the excitement of tonight's hunt. For it was only every full moon that the pack went out as a whole and hunted down one of the largest elk before they migrated north. The weather was already beginning to chill. Fall was coming and soon after that winter would be here. A small sense of worry began to form in her stomach. Following that was a kick. The small nudge of a pup as it turned inside of her. Haven smiled in pride. For some time now she had known that she was expecting puppies but it was not yet noticable, so she decided not to tell the pack or Spike. Though she would never admit it, Haven was afraid that she would become a bad mother... Her thoughts drifted off as more and more of the pack began to arouse from their slumber.


When the golden colored male emerged from his den most of the pack was already awake. His glimmering eyes ran lazily over the clearing. Elders were lying together in a patch of sunlight. The pups were play-fighting while their mothers watched on nearby. It made him smile to see happiness in the eyes of the young ones. Near the food pile sat his leader, who seemed to be watching the pups as well. Dante needed to speak with her about patrolls during the hunt. He knew as well as she that the pack's boarders couldn't be left unattended to for nearly four hours. The brute made his way to the center of the clearing, next to the prey pile. His eyes met his leaders and he dipped his head slightly in respect to her position. "I was thinking," She perked her ears showing interest in his words. "During the hunt most every able bodied pack member will be away from camp. If that's so what will we do for patrolls?" Haven seemed to amused. For she was smiling slightly as if he seemed to be clueless. "All of the wolves of our pack will hunt. Only Kole will remain at camp, for he is our newest rank and he will care for Sky while the rest of the pack is gone. Yes I know that will leave our camp unprotected, but I believe that it will be fine for the few hours that we are gone." She watched him carefully as if determining if he thought it was a good idea. It wasn't, but Dante wasn't about to tell her off. The golden brown wolf nodded before walking off to find Raven.

(I'll add to it later. Right now I'm in a rush.)
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Akira ( first person )

I got up, at the crack of dawn. I stretched and yawned. When i was done i licked my mate, shadow, I strolled to the center of the camp, there was two deers the hunters caught, I ate some and went back to my den, laying down I watch the sun slowly go up in to the beautiful sky. Fall was arriving and she thought about the past few months. She still thought of tiny puppies growing inside her. She sighed in thought.


The elder whimpered as usual from her nightmare and from her hurt paws and aching back. The nightmare was about her daughter getting killed by Seraphim. She stumbled as she tried to get up so as usual she kept laying down.


He came back covered in dirt, his white coat was stained a bit. He sighed as he walked back to camp. This was the tenth time that he tried to catch a adult male deer. He wanted to impress the pack, but it was no use, As he walked back to camp some wolves have stirred a bit, eating their daily breakfast.
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Kole woke up earlier than most of the pack, taking a short run around the camp before returning to wake Sky up. He licked the pup's head, smiling a little when he just rolled over and shut his eyes tighter against the morning light. Kole tried again, but after a few more unsuccessful tries he picked Sky up by the scruff of his neck and carried him out into camp. A few of the other wolves nodded a silent hello to him, and he returned the gesture before looking down each time, letting the others know that he had no intentions of rising in the ranks or fighting. After all, he had Sky to take care of and couldn't afford to get in a fight.

Reaching the center of the camp, Kole set Sky down and the pup instantly got himself a little of the food, taking a piece of the same animal that Haven had but with much less grace. Kole smiled at Sky's antics and listened as Dante spoke, nodding in understanding. "If something happens, I'll protect the camp to the best of my abilities," he said, hoping that it wouldn't have to come to that. Settling down in the grass, he took several seconds to find Sky, watching with amusement as the young white pup walked over and sat next to their leader, mimicking the Alpha female's posture.

It didn't take Spike long to wake up, shortly after Haven had left the den. The Alpha Male opened his eyes and immediately closed them again when the bright morning sun shone directly into them. Like he did every morning, he rolled on his side and stretched his paws with a yawn before standing up and stretching a bit more. He walked to the entrance of the den and let his gaze slide over the camp. Quite some wolves were awake by that time, which made Spike feel quite lazy, but he knew he just went to sleep way too late which caused him to wake up later than the rest. His gaze stopped at the sight of Haven who was licking her muzzle clean. With a wagging tail, he shook his pelt and walked over to her quite quickly and joyfully. After stopping at the kill pile for a second and taking a rabbit with him, he walked over to his mate and nudged her with his nose against her muzzle. "Morning, love" he said with a flick of his tail before piercing the rabbit's skin with his sharp fangs.


Shadow awoke and smiled as soon as he saw his mate enjoying her breakfast. He flicked his tail and licked one of her paws before standing up and stretching his paws, the muscles easily noticeable, rippling under his pitch-black fur. "Morning" He said briefly before running off to the kill pile to get some breakfast and quickly returning to the den and his mate. He sat down next to Akira and nudged her again before he started eating.

It never really took Shadow long to devour a piece of meat since he always thought he was most vulnerable while eating. And if there was something Shadow hated, it was being vulnerable. He thought it would be the great opportunity for anyone to attack or even kill him and he would lose his Alpha rank, which he absolutely didn't want, not until he had completed his mission... Destroying the Seraphim pack.
Dayra growled. Her opponent charged. Dayra easily side-stepped and racked her claws down its side. Her enemy turned and growled, but its eyes widened to fear as she leapt upon it, teeth snapping at its throat...

Dayra looked up from the log she had been pummeling. The sun had risen, which meant that the rest of the pack would be getting up. Why they scorned her for training against inanimate objects, Dayra didn't know, but she didn't like being caught doing it. Hence these before dawn training sessions. She trotted back into camp, sitting down next to the kill-pile. Two deer. Slicing one of the haunches off with her claws, Dayra began to eat.

Raayd rolled over, still tired. Another day...he got up and walked out. Some of the pack was already up, eating and chatting. Raayd sighed. His stomach grumbled, but others should eat first. He could wait. Walking over to Spike and Haven, he sat down a respectful distance away. "I'm awake, what are we doing?"
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I looked at shadow and licked the side of his face. "Good morning shadow.." She sighed and looked at her paws. Her multicolored coat was as soft as ever. She sat up looking at the pack, stirring. She sighed once again leaving a shallow feeling in her.
Fang had been awake for sometime, He sat deep in the darkest shadows, as if he was stalking his own pack. He watched them all, silently. His ears flicking, catching each sound and conversation. He then heard a twig from the forest behind him break, he smirked and flicked his ears back, listening, the soft, yet distinct paw steps confirmed his expectations. He continued on, acting as if nothing was happening. He then heard the soft rustle of a tail against a fern, then a few leaves toss up as four paws left the ground and another wolf lunged for Fang. The older, wiser brute quickly ducked, laying down on his stomach as the she-wolf leaped over him, landing swiftly before him, "Hmm, Could have been better." He huffed, the she-wolf smirked "Oh yeah, old man?" She teased, The brute rolled his bright eyes, This she-wolf was no regular wolf, it was his adopted pup, Who he found as a pup. Curled into her dead mother's body, cold, and afraid. Raven was a very beautiful wolf her silky grey pelt nothing less then extraordinary, Now that she is older, and lighter in fur color. the pack seems to be catching onto her not being his actual blood pup, despite what she told them, and Raven included. She has little, to no memory of her former, blood family.

The beautiful she-wolf chuckled, before sitting beside the brute she thought to be her father. He watched her momentarily, before turning his gaze to the Alpha Female, and Alpha Male. Fang twitched his ears, something felt different about her. He shook the awkward though away, to lay dormant until he was alone, before looking to his 'pup'. "
Are you excited for the hunt tonight?" He asked her in a hushed, and rough voice. Fang's voice had become very distorted after he had his throat cut open by a bull elk, many seasons ago. Yet, it only fuels him to kill the largest of the group. Raven still sees his voice as comforting, a careful, and loving voice. He bares the horrible scar, yet sees it as nothing but a lesson learned physically, Raven glanced to her father's morbid scar, then to his eyes. "I am, but i don't think you should go." Fang puffed up slightly, "And why is that?" He muttered, "You are getting older, and less capable of catching this kind of prey." She began carefully, not wanting to upset the brute, "And they may see you as weak and turn on you." Raven stilled remembered the day as returned from hunting alone, to find her father injured, they entire pack thought he would die, Yet he is stronger then most believe. Fang nodded "I'll be fine, Raven." He muttered "don't worry about me." The older brute stood up, and slowly began to walk to the exit of camp, Leaving behind his younger daughter. She flattened her ears quietly before muttering softly under her hot breath "But if i don't.... Who will?" She watched as he made his way to the exit of camp, pack the alpha's, giving the two a very slight nod of respect.
Kadesh yawned tired and bored and thought to himself." I've got better thigs to do then rotte doing nothing." He looked up at the setting sun and immediately got up and went to a fellow elder. "I'll be right back sir am just going to go hunting for a while." Being a warrior Kadesh really didn't need to do that but out of respect and to remove any questions of his whereabouts while he was gone he told him. He exited the eencampment and looked over his shoulder for a quick second then bolted off into the forest to a location only he and another knew about.
Raven then glanced to the sky, It was becoming lighter, as the pack was waking up, As everyone was distracted, She silently, and hoping unnoticed, exited camp through a hole in the dense, forest, barrier. She crawled through the narrow hole silently, quickly. She pulled herself out from the hole, emerging in the brightening scenery. She glanced around before running, She silently trekked through the lush forest, stepping swiftly over fallen trees, She got slightly nervous as she got closer and closer to the enemy boarder. She sniffed around for a moment, before crouching, She glanced over her shoulder. Then she quickly moved aside the lush, covering of the hole that extended farther inside. She crawled inside the narrow opening, She huffed and crawled for a few moments, before entering the beautiful clearing that was hidden from other eyes. She inhaled deeply and slowly made her way the the beautiful, blue pond. The colorful fish swirled around, as if greeting er from the water world. She wagged her tail slightly, her stomach slightly heavy, like every time they do this.
Kadesh slowed his pace and focused his senses on what he smelled in his surroundings. The air felt crisp and fresh as sunbeams shot through the trees almost making the forest looking twice as thick with lush greenery or an intense beam of sparkling light at every side. By this time he was deeper in his enemies territory than he ever wanted. Thier signature pack smelled filled his nose with every breath and just as nervousness finally began to wrap its fingers around Kadesh's heart a thick placement of bushes came into view. "Finally i reach." He mumbled to himself as he pushed his body through the dense shrubbery though there was a small opening he was to excited to be that formal. "Raven?"

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Raven glanced back at the bigger brute, She wagged her tail and trotted towards Kadesh happily, The sun making her pelt glimmer and sine more then usual. She approached him, and nuzzled his cheek gently "Hello, Kadesh!" She smiled, Her eyes shining happily. She did little to contain her excitement, She wasn't one for sweet greetings, yet this brute was different, She enjoyed his company. She was often rude, and cold. She sometimes snaps at Kadesh, nothing to bad, She usually felt bad, and apologized later on. "Come here!" She said excitedly before rearing up on her hind paws, Her long, slender body extending beautifully. She gracefully turned around and galloped towards the pond, She looked inside, many new, tiny fish swirled and greeted her shadow, Just as their parents did. She giggled and leaned down. Getting er nose close to the water, One daring little fish, came up and nipped at her soft nose. She twitched her whiskers before looking back to Kadesh, "The eggs hatched." She said softly as she watched the fish swim around, The pond was quite large, and on the other side sat a flock of ducks, sleeping quietly, Their fledglings pressed closely by them. She inhaled deeply, taking in the crisp, cold air. The wind ruffled her glossy pelt, and she smiled happily.
Kadesh stood behind her as she poked her nose into the water. He could feel his body's deep internal conflict. What was he doing, a warrior of his stature betraying the ideals of not his pack but his family. How could he, how dare he. His mind raced with arguments like that constantly and consistently bidding, urgeing, and begging him to stop and go back but he couldn't. For some reason he couldn't remove his gaze from her. It was as if looking at her was the only thing that brought peace to his mind. And this was a peace that he was sure to hold tight and close to his heart. He trodded up beside her running his fur aside hers. He then feel over and propped his feet into the air smiling at her as the world shifted upside down. His face then turned into a intriguing smirk and asked,"You know what else hatched."

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Raven blinked at him confused, And interested. She laid beside him, Looking down into his eyes. "Hmmm. What?" She asked gently, her voice smooth and sweet like honey, Her eyes a beautiful hazel orange, flecked with green, blue, and grey. She twitched her ears, Her muzzle not far from his. She sniffed his curiously. She looked around, there was no other creature who lays eggs, that lives near this pond. She licked his maw quietly, before returning her gaze to him. She wagged her tail slowly. Awaiting his response.
One look into Kadesh's eyes and you could tell he was about to do something that could never and with anything productive. He snickered a little then ran towards the other side of the pond. He got into a ponching position vigorously wagging his tail. Then with one large leap he landed right on top of the unsuspecting sleeping birds. The splash sent the parents a loft as they recovered from the initial shock. Kadesh approached raven soaked and wet he didn't bother to shake it off because he wanted to go back in there again but something was wrong with his mouth. He happily opened it infront of her placeing a duckling between there feet. "That hatched." He said smiling still dripping wet

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Raven scowled and nudged the brute playfully, She sniffed the duckling, and nudged its body. "Hmm, I hope the mom comes and bites your tail." She teased playfully, before laying down, plucking the feathered duckling, Licking its balding body gently. She looked up at Kadesh and smirked, "Nice catch, though." She said softly as she continued to pluck the fuzzy feathers. Once she finished she looked over to the ducks, they were swimming around, quacking angrily due to the turbulence. She then sat up, She opened her mouth wide in a yawn, the sun shining onto her fur beautifully as she leaned down, nudging the now bald duckling to Kadesh's paws.
"No am not hungry, besides I dont want to be the laughing stock of my pack anymore than i already am." He sat beside her and looked around their confined space. It was sunny and warm, he looked down on Raven, she was sleek, beautiful, and dangerous. What more could a warrior ask for? Even the alpha female of his pack couldn't match her she was perfect. "Raven..." He paused and thought hard what he was about to say. "No maybe its too early, wait a while." He turned his head and looked the opposite side from her his tail now laying dead on the ground

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Raven licked her maw and then noticed his tension, She scoffed slightly before rearing up. She playfully pawed at hi muzzle, Almost like a pup. She then pranced around him, "Well, We haven't scuffled in awhile." She giggled "Besides when you tried to kill me a season ago!" She hen threw her paws to the ground, Her hind quarters in the air, Wagging her tail back and forth, She was quite playful for her age, yet she still had her darker abilities. She smirked, before lunging at the brute, Playfully jabbing at his ribs and shoulders.
He lets out a playfully snarl and raised his paws and wrapped his paws around her as started nip at her before turning her over to her side. He put muzzle right a top her looking into her beautifully deep eyes and let out a few happy barks. "You know what else we haven't do in a while." He quickly got himself up before she could answer and pushed his head between her and the ground. Though it was a difficult task to balance, he managed to slightly lift her while pushing her straight into the pond then jumping in himself.

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Shadow flicked his tail as Akira licked his face and he returned the lick with just as much joy as he got from receiving one. But then he noticed his mate leaving out a sigh. "Are you alright?" he asked after nudging her shoulder gently, loving the feeling of Akira's soft fur brushing against his nose.

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Raven snarled and grunted, She let out a yelp as he threw her into the pond, The yelp echoed across both of the pack's territories. She felt the icy water engulf her completely. She stayed under for a moment, feeling the water's cold, yet loving embrace. She shut her eyes, letting her mind drift, the embrace reminded her of her father and her eyes shot open. She quickly swam to the surface, She got to the top and gasped for breath, She paddled around for a moment, before clawing at the wet dirt that caressed the quite large pond. She grunted, attempting to pull herself out. Her fur clung to her like human skin, she grunted again, frustrated by the feeling, Her small body no longer looking as big as she usually did, due to the lack of her fur.

Fang was resting in a sheltered, Cool, lush patch of grass under a massive oak tree. He licked his sore pads gently, Fang's ears pricked forward to hear a yelp. He knew that cry of shock from any wolf, It was Raven. Fang quickly slipped away, towards the noise, He sniffed around and around, attempting to locate his adopted pup. He frantically began to run, pacing back and forth. the scent was distorted and unreadable at this point. He whimpered softly, Twitching his ears as he wondered the forest in search for her.
Haven glanced thoughtfully at the adorable pup beside her who seemed to be mimicking her actions. As the white wolf gazed at the young wolf a deep voice spoke lovingly from beside her. "Morning love." Haven turned to see Spike walk up beside her and nuzzled him gently in response before turning and crouching playfully before the young pup. "Hey there." A wide grin spread across her face. It was one of her favorite things to do; play with the pups. Not only did it prepare them for fighting, but it was also a good activity to tire them out.

Dante walked off, exiting the camp through the bramble covered entrance. He ducked his head, closing his eyes, and pushed through the thicket, eventually emerging on the other side. The golden wolf shook the leaves from his fur and bound off towards the pond. As he came closer sounds of laughter and splashing reached his ears. It wasn't long before Dante reached the small body of water and to his surprise both Raven and Kadesh were running around merrily in the crystal clear water.

Marilia walked out into the clearing, twitching slightly as she did so. The fur on her muzzle was still matted slightly with dry blood from the rabbit she had killed the night before. Most of the wolves that had already woken up gave her a wide birth as she walked towards the pile of fresh prey. Marilia was only half aware of a small innocent grayish pup trailing behind her.

Essence followed solemnly behind her half crazed mother. The pup dragged her tail on the ground, upset at her mother's ignorance. It had been hours since Marilia had allowed Essence to nurse from her. Each day the pale gray pup grew thinner and thinner. And each day the pup grew closer and closer to death.
Dante cleared his throat, embarrassed that he had walked up on the two of them. Especially when Raven seemed to be completely fur-less. "Uh, I uh." It was moments like these that he felt the most stupid. "You're wet." The minute he said it he regretted it. Of course they were wet the two of them had just been playing in a pond...well more like flirting, but let's just call it playing.
Kadesh help Raven back onto the shore though he was a little bit concerned for her slow return back to the surface. "Raven! Are you ok?" His voice was in a higher pitch than usual though he still had his charming smile on hopeing to reassure her of no ill motives behind his playful maneuver. He slightly tapped his paw on her ribs and whimpered a little. Then suddenly his ears perked up with life as did his nose. "Somone found us." He mumbled to himself he turned around to scan the area and as if it was taken right out his worst nightmares there was Dante stareing at them and Kadesh's mind raced with excuses.

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Raven looked up quickly, and her ears quickly flattened. She felt as if her blood had turned to ice, The two were from the two packs who despised each other, this was a very bad situation. Raven looked to Kadesh, and cleared her throat slightly startled. "Dante..." Her tail flicked between her furry thighs, they couldn't be found now! "Dante, Its not what is looks like ." She muttered, taking a step towards the bigger brute, He was clearly confused. If Haven found out she was yearning to be mated with a rival pack's warrior, The packs may go into war, Or Fang would kill Kadesh himself. She looked to Kadesh, her eyes wide and slightly frightened. She could only think of one thing, it was to run. Not her, she had to stay behind in her territory, Kadesh's pack would slaughter her, and her pack would slaughter him.

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