Eating yourself with regen?

Haku said:
Seriously. starvation should never be an issue with exalted. Not unless you're playing an extremely gritty exalted game... something themed along Warhammer... erm... yeah.... >_>
The charms DO exist.  So it's not unheard of for it to enter into a game.
The idea of self-canibalism along with regen is just too wierd.  But the sad thing of it is, I can see people trying to get away with it in games.

Personally, I'll look for the Exalted version of McDonalds first.
Haku said:
Seriously. starvation should never be an issue with exalted. Not unless you're playing an extremely gritty exalted game... something themed along Warhammer... erm... yeah.... >_>
The charms DO exist.  So it's not unheard of for it to enter into a game.
I'm not saying that it won't enter into a game... but where you can kung fu punch a mountain in its valour and make it curl up in pain, can you see someone starving? Outside of some weird charm designed to make people starve instantly.
Sherwood said:
The idea of self-canibalism along with regen is just too wierd.  But the sad thing of it is, I can see people trying to get away with it in games.
Personally, I'll look for the Exalted version of McDonalds first.
Bah, just give the perpetrator Mad Cow ... Mad Lunar? (-> Chimerism?) ... yeah, that's it. Lunars who eat themselves, lose themselves... Sounds like a Lunar healthcampaign slogan to me.

I can just see it before me ... an anti-cannibalism campaign starring Mr. T.

"Don't eat yo'self foo! Those who eat themselves - lose themselves!"
I am with vanman on this. Anyone who doesn't see that eating yourself and then regenerating it is idiotic should seriously consider going outside once in a while or at least open a window to let fresh air into the basement.

Apart from that I reckon it hardly ever matters.
It IS idiotic that a lunar would end up in a situation where this is required. But really, is it any more idiotic where you can crossbreed a hawk and a giant hunting cat (lynx or lion or some such?) to get a flying cat-bird called a Gryphon?
... actually, I have very little invested in this whole line of discussion. Which is why I can't be bothered with actually justifying that last opinion.
Don't ask why I happen to be thinking of the Princess Bride while at work... ^_^ ;;;
It can come up for any number of story reasons.  For instance a long-forgotten manse in a stablized area of creation surrounded by the deep wyld far to the north.  The Lunars won't shapeshift but any gear they bring along will become horribly mutated or uselessly frozen on the yearlong journey north.   It's rumored that a local diety knows the location of an artifact picnic basket that will always have fish and bread inside of it when opened....  the regening lunar says "Screw it guys, we can just eat me.  Lets start marching."

Or a situation where your army needs food and you lay down on the grass and make sure they don't eat faster than 1L per action.
Every single Lunar exalted was born as a human being (or a wyld mutated one) and I think no human being would go as far as cutting parts of himself and eat them or let others eat without some serious mental derangement. :twisted:

As a storyteller I would allow a Lunar to eat himself and then regenerate with Charms, although I'd never put my players in such situation (this is Exalted, for Sol Invictus's sake!). :shock: But I would houserule that the player must roll Conviction to cut himself (or willingly let be cut) and Willpower to eat his own flesh (or see others doing it). If this situation repeats more than once per week, I would give the character a mental derangement or some dots of permanent Limit.
...gave it to his disciples and said, "Take this, all of you, and eat it. This is my body, which will be given up for you"
Thinking about that, what part of yourself you'd like to eat? I think my arms would be rather delicious.
Arthur said:
Thinking about that, what part of yourself you'd like to eat? I think my arms would be rather delicious.
If it's true that humans taste like pork, I'd want to eat my bacon.
I have barely read all of this, but Im sure it doesnt come as a surprise that in my games, starvation is very much an issue. Why? Because there's an ability called survival, and someone with a lot of survival should manage better in one area or another than someone who doesn't have it.

Maybe not for Lunars, but for example, if people venture into the desert with max one dot of survival in the party, of course starvation enters the game. I don't see why not, starvation can be the stuff of epic and legends too :)
I'm not christian, but I could quote The Bible and Jesus eating locusts in the desert. Bible is epic.

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