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Active [Eastern Border of the Fae See - M’lynra Village] - One Last Push


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[Eastern Border of the Fae See - M’lynra Village] - One Last Push
Goals: Destroy the bug tank and clear the infestation from a strategic village before nightfall.
Duration: One day in RP, One month IRL
Posting Rate: Daily to twice-a-week.
Conditions: Early Morning on a Cool Cloudy Fall Day


It’s harvest time in M’lynra, though one would be hard-pressed to tell. The lines between the forces of the See and the bug infestation have passed over the village so many times that it is barely recognizable as a settlement. The fields have long since been charred to ash and ground to powder by boot and pincer. None of the dwellings are inhabitable, and only a few have enough roof or walls left to provide shelter--from rain or firefight.

The AdversaryA large heavily-injured bug has stopped in the village square. Resembling an enormous beetle, the monster insect lies disabled but still dangerous at a strategic crossroads. It’s thick shell is scarred from magical and melee attacks, but the armor is unbroken. Four of it’s six legs are damaged beyond its ability to regenerate, and it was dragged into place by a host of smaller bugs--acting as a fortification and rally point. The beetle still has use of its powerful pincers, which face toward the lines of the Fae See, and segments in its carapace indicate that it may still have operational wings, though it seems unable to fly.

The dozen bugs that brought the beetle bunker have burrowed into the dirt and debris of the village in a rough defensive line. They are angular six-legged creatures with sword-like pincers and a small scorpion tail. Four of the twelve bugs have undersized pincers but a larger tail which seems capable of grappling, crushing, or picking up and throwing small objects.

The MissionA few miles back from the front lines is the bivouac of what is left of the Fae See company sent to liberate the village of M’lyrna. Gallons of bug ichor and Fae blood have been spilled over the contested area, but the nexus of fighting has shifted, and the company is all-but-forgotten, its strength drained by the intense fighting earlier in the month.

Short on resources and with the war going badly elsewhere, the See has contracted the adventurers guild to assist in a final push to dislodge the bugs from M’lyrna. A squad of irregular mercenaries of all stripes has been thrown together--along with the few See warriors high command could spare. They are tasked with destroying the bunker beetle and exterminating the bugs buried in the town.

Sergeant Brom Ironfoot
“This is what the guild fooken sends mae?” The dwarf could be heard muttering to himself as he paced the slightly-wider trench section that served as the bivouac’s briefing “room.” It was more of a hole. Everything was more of a hole. The few remaining Fae regulars slept in holes, ate in holes, and… did other things in holes. That’s why they were still alive.

”So I’ll sez it again, since Corporal Thalendor was the last of our fooken tree-humpers to find out the hard way, that them gods-be-demmed throwers are quiet fooks. Yew will NOT see them coming, you will NOT hear the rock they put thru yer demmed skull, yew will just be dead, and The See ain’t payin’ yeh ta be ded. Yer paid to make them fookin bugs ded! This one, in particular!” Sergeant Ironfoot poked a stick through the shimmering projection corporal Glimmerleaf was manifesting.

”Stay low, stay in cover, here, there, and all the way to the center of M’lyrna. We think we’ve routed most of the fookers, except the ones in the village, but it only takes one surprise rock ta ruin yer day, and yer squadmate’s uniform.” He growled.

”Now, we’ve got short-range magic wot kin pierce through that bunker beetle--but it’s gotta be stacked, aimed, and cast without our mage dyin’ of being ripped ta lil magic bits, which is what these, these, and these fookers will be tryna do.” The dwarf pointed out the last-reported location of the Pincher and Thrower bugs on the magical map. “Yer escortin’ the magicker right up ta that disabled tank so they can put paid to et.”

Sergeant Ironfoot pointed out possible approaches to the crossroads where the Bunker Beetle squatted and discussed the support that the party might or might not have. The See had a battery of fire mages, in the area, with long blind casting ability that the Fairy Corporal could telepathically requisition. ”...if they’re not too gods-demmed busy, which they will be--so don’t count on any help from the Mana-lickers.” The dwarf growled unencouragingly.

“Right then, yew gotcher mission, yew gotcher gear, yew got what intel we have; I’ll leave ya ta sort yerselves. Any questions: point ‘em at corporal Glimmerleaf.” . The dwarf said before stomping off down the trench.

As he left, he put a callused meaty hand on the shimmering fairy. “Don’t let these shamblers getcha kilt, corporal. If things go south, get yerself back here alive. ‘Nuff Fae blood and dust been spilled over these demmed woods.” He said quietly.

If any present were to peer over the walls of the trench, they would espy the early-morning autumn mist slowly thinning as the sun rose higher in the sky. The trenches of the bivouac were located in a thicket of woods that bore signs of recent combat. In the direction of the village, the woods thinned to short young scrub trees before giving way to the fields that surrounded the abandoned settlement. Low stone walls bordered some fields and provided cover for the approaches to the village.

Before leaving the relative safety of the trenches, however, any adventurers would be well-advised to coordinate a plan of attack. The hulks of burned-out wagons and the cockeyed hafts of broken weapons spoke to the threat lurking across the misty glades.

Grubble Rumpfuzzle

Titles: Human, Attentive Student [Grade E]
Grubble’s quest to be known had led him to the adventurers guild, a bustling place full of brave folk. But Grubble wasn’t sure how he fit in. When he asked around about getting famous, most just laughed or waved him off. A few pointed him towards the front desk, though, where he finally found someone who took him somewhat seriously.

At the desk, Grubble mumbled, “Grubble... wanna get famous. Need... mission.”

The attendant, barely hiding a smirk, handed him a mission. It wasn’t exactly the glorious adventuring task he had hoped for - it was more of a mercenary gig. But Grubble didn’t understand the difference. All he knew was that he was going to “smash some bugs.”

He set off, ignoring the judgmental stares of passersby, heading toward a village called M'lyrna in the Fae See. Grubble wasn't bothered by the looks anymore. People always stared at him, but he’d grown used to it. Besides, he was focused on his mission. “Just smash... some bugs,” he muttered to himself, his crooked grin spreading across his face.

A few miles out, Grubble found himself in a camp, huddled with other mercenaries around trenches and holes. It was an early autumn morning, and the woods still showed signs of recent battle. The camp was cramped for Grubble’s big frame, so he sat awkwardly, knees tucked to his chest, arms wrapped around his legs. Even like that, he still took up too much space.

The dwarf in charge, Sergeant Ironfoot, was pacing around, barking orders. Grubble’s face stayed its usual goofy self, though his mind swirled in confusion. The dwarf’s accent was thick, and Grubble wasn’t catching most of it. He just nodded, pretending to understand, but his forehead beaded with sweat.

"Smash bugs... protect mage," Grubble thought. "Okay... simple."

When Sergeant Ironfoot stomped off, Grubble realized he was now facing a shimmering fairy, Corporal Glimmerleaf, left in charge. Grubble, being Grubble, thought this was as good a time as any to introduce himself.

“Hi... hello,” Grubble said slowly, his thick growling voice rolling off his tongue as he turned toward the fairy. “Grubble... not so good in fights... but can help... protect.” Grubble stared at the fairy, his small beady eyes full of seriousness. Then, his face scrunched up a bit as he tried to offer a reassuring grin. “Grubble... good at... smashin’ bugs.”

He leaned in a little, lowering his voice as if sharing a secret. “Can... keep low too,” he said, then tried to crouch lower to demonstrate, only to nearly topple over in the cramped trench. With a loud thud, he bumped into the side, kicking up dirt.

“Oops,” he mumbled, his grin still plastered on his face. “Grubble... good at... not makin’ noise.” He just dusted himself off, still grinning, and looked around.

He might not have understood the full seriousness of their miss ion, but Grubble was ready. And as he saw it, all he had to do was smash some bugs and protect the mage. Simple enough.

“Gonna be... famous,” Grubble muttered to himself, smiling as he stood up, still taking up far too much space in the small trench.
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| Irihi Irihi [Sergeant Brom Ironfoot], [Corporal Glimmerleaf] ] | Karcen Karcen [Seranphina] | Speed Speed [Grubble] |

Adventure's Guild Hall

Nestled within the lounge of the every bustling Adventurers guildhall, Flare could be seen chucking several pieces of firewood they found in the nearby fireplace into their open chest cavity. While the fire elemental isn't capable of eating in the traditional sense, fueling their core is about the closest thing to consuming "food" as they can get. A full core is a happy core. And it was very important to keep it in tip top shape. The armored entity walked over to one of the large sofas, where they unsheathed the great sword which contained their newfound partner from their back and leaned her against it; before Flare plumped straight into their seat with heavy sigh.

"Comfortable?" Flare asked Sera as they took a moment to stretch their legs, resting them on the coffee table in front, before striking up a conversation with her, "You know.. I'm sure I've said this earlier, but it's been a real pleasure hanging around with you. Think I've gotten to know you a bit better and how you work since that guy was kind enough to let me have you. Sorry about Fraust rambling on the other night about wanting to experiment using 'phasmo-powered' machines. He gets all excited whenever you talk to him about his work, you know? Or like you present a concept he thinks can 'revolutionize' the magic industry. Admittedly, I feel some concepts are a bit out there... but believe me he means well. He's a smart guy."

Taking a breather, the fire elemental would glance around at her surroundings. Though as their eyes rested upon a desk stand next to the couch, they'd notice a written piece of paper left on it. Flare decided to pick it up and they began reading it. Immediately they recognized that it was a quest flyer.

"Oh a quest?" they inquired curiously, adjusting her stance to allow Sera to take a look, "Well let's see..."

Flare would mumble read the paper aloud for their partner to hear, before summarized what they had read so far. "Hmm... a bug extermination quest, eh?" they commented, before it turned into a disgusted sigh, "Ugh... gross. First goblins, then bandits... and now bugs. You know how many moths and mosquitos are attracted to my flaming lantern of a head at night? LOTS... and I mean, LOTS of em. Especially if the windows were left open on humid days. Ugh, it's insufferable. Thank the gods I'm not made outta blood or anything..."

Continuing to read, their eyes would suddenly come across the sender of these flyers. "Wait..." Flare paused suddenly as they double took the group which sent it. Their eyes widened. "The See are directly over seeing this mission? Hmm..." Perhaps this could be a way to get their foot into the royal Fae door so they can start to forge connections leading to the Spirit King? To allow even a small step towards their overarching goal was already too good of an opportunity for them to pass up. They smiled before turning their head towards their bladed companion.

"Hey Sera?" the cheeky fire elemental asked , "Feel like taking a trip to the See for some bug bashin'?"

M’lynra Village

Against the bellowing orders given by the stout sergeant, Flare stood crossing their arms casually over the shouting, cursing dwarf, with Sera strapped to their back. Even though he clearly demonstrated that their predicament is no laughing matter, the fire elemental couldn't help but not taking him too seriously. "Yeesh... can't he keep it down just a bit?" they whispered to Sera, as their helmet leaned over to them, "He might as well be announcing to the enemy what we're planning..." Maybe it was his accent that tickled their fiery core? Or was it his exaggerated down-putting attitude which put them off? Regardless, this wasn't quite the scene they were expecting; being tuck in a hole with several other volunteers with a raging mad dwarf pointing at targets upon a magic map. Though given the mission statement was framed like an active war zone, what really was there to expect from all the destruction, debris, and trench holes littered across town?

One thing which was pointed out was the fact the mages they had on hand were of the fellow fiery type; something which the fire elemental found welcoming. Looks like their elemental affinity was going to come much more in handy here way more compared to last mission. No need to hold back once they reach the big bug.

Once the sergeant finished debriefing the mission at hand - which was simply a glorified escort mission at the end of the day - he left them to sort themselves with fairy corporal Glimmerleaf. Flare found it amusing for a fairy to have an actual military rank, but remained respectful in her presence. The lot they were with was an interesting bunch... with the most standout of them being a large 7 foot tall... ogre? If anyone told Flare that goofy Grubble was actually a human, they'd be hard-pressed to believe them. Not that they judged him of course... looks weren't truly all that important here. His brawn meanwhile seemed more than welcome on this mission. Looked to be one of the quieter bunch too, but also determined and enthusiastic to get the job done. All respectable qualities.

Hearing Grubble mutter to himself about wanting to be famous, Flare waltzed up to him from behind and patted the big lug on the back. "Oh, they'll make a war hero outta you yet, ole' chum." they quipped with a chuckle, "So long as ya make it through without kickin' the bucket."

They then turned their focus towards Corporal Glimmerleaf with a brief salute. "Heyo. I'm Flare." they greeted briefly, while they partially unsheathed the great sword for her to see, "And this is Sera." Once getting the pleasantries out, they addressed their next statement. "Dwarfy mentioned you fellas have fire mages within your ranks, right? Said that most were currently occupied too?" they asked, making sure they remembered correctly, "Well fret not, you can count this fire elemental to pick up their slack! Or I guess, boost 'em if they need an extra push. Anything we need to know about this big bug before going in? Like, any special abilities it has to be aware of?"

Adventures guild hall

Seraphina couldn't really feel comfortable, she couldn't feel anything, she didn't even know if breaking would hurt. In the past those like her that had rusted away didn't seem to have been in pain so perhaps all feeling had been stolen from them. Though if that was a good or bad thing for what she had been made for was hard to tell did a sword need to feel pain? Not feeling pain did make it so much easier to cast her spells over others. Still there was always the nagging in the back of her hilt or something that she couldn't feel. There was always a tiny part of her awareness that seemed to want to remind her of her lack of bodily functions. That part however was easily suppressed by other thoughts and by existing in the now not letting herself dwell to long in her own mind. " As much as i can be" Seraphina said as her ghostly projection formed, it was easier to just say that than to go into the depressing and confusing details. Flare was trying and really the thought was what counted given the fiery elemental likely couldn't get "comfortable" like others. Being trapped inside the suit did make Seraphina feel closer to Flare they were both made to exist inside something else, though it was always hard to remind people the illusion was not her, that she was the sword.

The mention of Fraust would send shivers down a spine that didn't exist as Seraphina really didn't like the guy. The guild master at least had been a man that saw her as a thing to sell and not look into. Fraust was always thinking she was some revolution and Seraphina didn't want to explain just what had caused her to be this way. Fraust was enthusiastic too enthusiastic about it all and Seraphina didn't like that. If she told him what little she knew of how she worked then in his desire to know more others might be thrown into a forge. " Yes well some revolutions cost to much. Though if all other constructs are like viokii was then i can see why just having a less machine like personality would be a revolution" That hopefully would redirect that topic off till latter a pride in not being robot like.

Seraphina was glad when something else took flare's attention off any topic related her and her magic. Though bug killing? Was that really something you hired someone for? bugs seemed to be the same here as theory were.... somewhere. Wait where was she thinking of and how did she know of this? the residual traces of memory thoughts of things beyond her knowledge of being a sword and outside of the vault. Well where ever this knowledge came from whatever world it was it helped her understand the world well enough she wasn't some blank slate. " Sounds good to me squish a few roaches and then get a reward sounds good enough.... unless they are like super space bugs ... whatever those are" Another thought coming from some long burned away past intruded as she thought of dangerous bugs. Mutating monsters that scoured worlds, it was weird.


M’lynra Village

Dwarves really were like Seraphina thought weren't they? though where she got the idea of short, strong, hard drinking, people with an accent she didn't know but gods this was spot on. Maybe they also sang? That was a thing dwarves did right sang as the worked? Seraphina might have to ask latter as she listened and watched not projection an illusion for others to see just yet. That would freak them out and who knew what the dwarf would do weren't they against magic? Or did they just not like elves? Wait why wouldn't they like elves? There seemed to be a lot of weird thoughts about how a dwarf should act in her mind compared to how an elemental should act. That was odd maybe she just had no encounters with them in her other lives? The bugs they came to kill weren't of the roach Varity or the space bug variety... maybe but they were big. How such things existed was beyond her didn't bugs have some kind of size limit? Though why she thought that she didn't know she was a magic sword made of a dead kid so who was she to say no those bugs are to big? Still hand waving how giant bugs existed the bunker beetle really was just to big though for some reason she felt it should be called a tank or tanker bug. bunkers were big buildings right so shouldn't a bunker bug be bigger?

There was some kind of purple.. thing helping them what it even was Seraphina did not even have the vaguest clue no random words showed up in her mind to tell her what this Grubble was. The only thing she could tell from how he spoke and his build was he was strong and not smart. A troll? though what even was a troll and why were they big and dumb? Naw she had a feeling purple was the wrong color for them. Seraphina wanted to say he sounded like a kid, but well kids could string words together without pausing to think of their next word at some point. Well it beat having to listening to long winded explanations and it seemed like he had a good heart.

It seemed they were doing introductions so Seraphina used her illusions powers to once more project out the ghostly floating image of a child. One day she needed to figure out how to not have that be the default as she didn't even know who she seemed to model it after or why they always seemed to be in water while in the air. "
I am Seraphina, or i guess Sera though i would rather only flare said that " Really a nick name was something for friends and she was friends with flare " Before you ask i am the sword, not bound to it or anything what you see is an illusion not a soul " That was about as much as she felt needed to be in her introduction her name and cover story as she didn't really have a goal just yet. She was happy helping Flare with whatever she wanted ... though maybe flare would help her with some things latter.


From: Almeida
Mentions: Irihi Irihi | Yuna TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Grubble Speed Speed | Flare Develius Develius | Seranphina Karcen Karcen
Languages: Common | [Terran] | %Analog% | <Beastial> | {Sylvan}

It hadn't taken long after their bathhouse experience that Yuneasa and Almeida had gotten wind of a neat looking Adventurer's request. If anything, it was a perfect mission to earn a lot more renown. “[We're gonna be so famous if we squash a bug~]” She'd have stated to Yuna. “[Bug squashing, bug squashing, hammer and saw, saw and hammer, cut it down, smash it up, bug squashing time~]” She'd 'sing' during their travel towards the meeting point for this mission.

“[Whew... this place looks ehhh... I don't know a nice word for it. It looks fucked.]” She would state, giving up on trying to be more subtle. “[I wonder if the village itself is going to be any better. Probably not though.]”

After arrival, she patiently listened for the Dwarf to stop talking, only to raise her hand directly after he was done. “[Question! What's the plan boss?]” She realised she was talking to a Dwarf, so perhaps Terran wasn't gonna cut it. “{Boss! I need to ask? What's the plan?}” She asked. She'd caught some Sylvan here and there, though she was far from perfect at it right now. At least she could get the basics, if she kept things simple and others did as well.

She looked at the big purple fellow. If he was purple, he was probably Fae right? “{Hey! I'm Almeida!}” She'd introduce herself. Actually, perhaps that was speciesist. Not all purple beings were Fae. Purpler was beast. “<You speak Beastial? I'm Almeida!>” She'd go again. Just to try.

Seeing the big walking iron one containing fire, however, was getting here hyped. “{Oh wow, you're so bloody cool. You look like something that's like, every Tinkerer's dream to work on. By the heavens, your armour stuff is great!}” She was an instant fan.

“{Anyhow, hello, I'm Almeida and this is Valerius!}” She'd introduce herself and her trusty companion, the war-hammer. “[My Terran is better than my Sylvan and Beastial, but I can do all three and my Analog is flawless! Anyhow, I'm Almeida and this is Valerius!]” She'd try to reintroduce herself in another language, just to be safe.

To her surprise, there was also some ghost kid around. “[Oh, wow, do you see that Yuna? There's a ghost kid here!]” She stated, having no idea what said ghost kid was saying or what language she'd speak.
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Grubble Rumpfuzzle

Titles: Human, Attentive Student [Grade E]
Languages: Common, [Terran]
Dusting off the dirt that clung to him, Grubble's big body hunkered awkwardly in the cramped trench. As he fiddled with his clothes, his companions started arriving.

The first one to join him was a figure in armor, smaller than Grubble but still big, radiating a soothing heat. Grubble could feel it even through his thick skin, and it was oddly comforting. The figure gave him a friendly pat on the back and called him a friend, saying something about him becoming a war hero. Grubble's crooked grin grew even wider at that.

“Grubble... war hero?” he muttered, beaming with excitement.

The figure, who he later learned was called Flare, then added that he shouldn’t "kick the bucket." Grubble wasn’t too sure what that meant, but he nodded anyway, eager to please.

“Okay... Grubble not kick bucket,” he said earnestly, his eyes bright with misunderstanding.

Flare seemed like a good friend to Grubble. Friendly, warm - literally - and they didn’t look at him like he was some big, goofy lump. Plus, Flare said he’d be a hero, and that was all Grubble needed to hear. As Flare talked to their superior, Grubble listened as hard as he could. The words swirled around him, but most of them went over his head.

“Flare... mage,” he decided, giving a slow, thoughtful nod. That was enough for him.

Before he could say much more, another figure appeared; a pale girl who looked like she could disappear in a strong wind. She said her name was Seraphina and that she was the sword. Grubble furrowed his brow, trying to understand.

"She... sword?" Grubble thought, scratching his head. He’d seen swords, and she didn’t look like one. But he figured people could be anything in this world.

"Hi... hello," Grubble greeted her after a pause. "You... not look like sword."

Then, another figure came into the mix, a short girl with dark skin named Almeida. She started speaking directly to him, but Grubble stared at her, utterly lost. Her words were like music he couldn’t follow, and his face slowly contorted into a look of complete cluelessness. He scratched his forehead, confused, and then, without realizing it, a bit of drool escaped his mouth as he stared.

His brain was working overtime trying to make sense of what she was saying. And then, suddenly, as if someone had flipped a switch in his head, Almeida’s words started making sense. It was like he’d always known this strange language, though it felt foreign and new. He blinked a few times, his slow mind finally catching up.

“Grubble... understand,” he mumbled in awe, his eyes wide. He didn’t know how, but he understood her now.

Feeling quite proud of himself, Grubble turned to Almeida, a bit of excitement bubbling up in him as he tried to mimic her language. “[You... talk funny, Almeida],” he said, his grin stretching even wider, the words coming out slow but understandable.

It felt like a breakthrough. Grubble didn’t understand everything, but he was starting to piece things together. He had friends now, or at least people who didn’t mind him, and somehow, he knew how to talk like them too. Maybe he wasn’t as lost as he thought. Maybe, just maybe, he could do more than just smash bugs.
Languages common, Terran

Seraphina listened to the other girl babble with her moonspeak that made the sword wonder if auto translate had died on the job or something. She hasn't really been focusing on the language she spoke which had been common that she only now realized she knew. That was weird but convenient as otherwise she woukd just be babbling like the girl. The girl Almeida then spoke in another older language and unlike the moonspeak from before Setaphina understood her thus finally getting her name.

Grubble was confused, not surprising event people that were smarter and seraphina had issues with understanding the whole thing. It was far easier to just let it go,though she still felt an odd old urge to settle the giant's mind.

Seraphina's illusion moved to grubble and tried to pat his head though her hand had no substance and passed through him. " Don't think to hard about it, it's hard to understand, but the sword is my body this is my mine two make one " she explained trying to keep it simple for him and treating him very much like a child she wanted to calm.

Seraphina's illusion then vanished and appeared before Almeida though now the ghostly inage was floating upside down because she could her arms crossed "[ I am not a ghost this is an illusion. Why are you introducing your weapon cam it speak? ]" Seraphina spoke in Terran as she was curious and had figured out from what Almeida had repeated she had introduced herself and her weapon. The people that had made her had seemed to want swords, but maybe they had moved on to hammers?

Corporal Iona Glimmerleaf
Equipped Titles: Tiny (0.2m), Fae, Squad Leader
Mentions: Karcen Karcen Speed Speed Elvario Elvario Develius Develius

Corporal Iona Glimmerleaf smiled at Grubble and the rest of the irregulars she had been assigned. It was more of an upward twitch of the lips--an empty expression of welcome that was not mirrored by any warmth in her golden eyes. Her gaze shifted to each of the mercenaries in turn as they made introductions and conversed with each other. She had been hoping for a cohesive unit, but that had probably been too much to ask from the Adventurer’s Guild. These people don’t know each other. She realized. They did not have any balance in their capabilities or so much as a minute’s experience operating as a unit. It sounded like some of them had never even seen real combat. Calling her command a “squad” was going to be a reach.

Not that it really matters. She thought to herself. They needed warm and willing bodies, anything more should be considered a bonus. ”I’m Iona Glimmerleaf, Grubble, and I’m pleased to meet you.” She spoke in a high-pitched but clearly audible voice. Being less than a foot tall, the Fairy’s expressions might be harder to make out than her words.

The smile corporal Glimmerleaf was fronting became a bit less forced. The huge purple humanoid was clearly Isekai; one of those benighted souls thrown into this world without family, friends, or--sometimes--even a previous life in a real realm to draw upon. Iona found his childlike enthusiasm and clumsiness endearing. Before the war, she had known a number of dream-spawn in the See, and Grubble seemed to match their kind. Corporal Glimmerleaf might look like a tiny winged human or elf, but the aspects of Grubble that others might consider grotesque or frightening did not bother her in the least.

Unlike the gruff Dwarf Sergeant, Iona did not put up a shield of fatalistic detachment between herself and her squadmates; one of the reasons for the tiny dark circles under her eyes and her miniscule thousand-mile-stare. Even so, considering what they were heading into, Iona did not feel the need to make these newcomer’s last moments of peace any less pleasant than necessary. ”The people here…” She corrected herself. There weren’t any people here anymore. ”Around here, I’m known as “Glim.” She said to the assembled group. ”Thank you for letting me know what you are good at, Grubble.” She said, allowing a little chuckle at his antics as he demonstrated less balance than enthusiasm.

The glowing apparent-elemental within a suit of heavy armor addressed the corporal with questions about their support and their adversary. They introduced a sword as a person and, sure enough the ghostly apparition of a young girl appeared and introduced herself. ”Flare. Seranphina.” Corporal Glimmerleaf repeated. ”Does your magic have any range?” She asked Flare.

The fairy grimaced. ”In a month of fighting, we still don't know much about the bugs. The Throwers are new: at first there were just Pinchers and the Tanks and…” she seemed to stop herself. ”Well, the ones we fight here seem to get… worse the farther they are from the Tanks; they lose unit cohesion and just turn into murder hobos.”

She took a moment to talk at length about the adversary, detailing how the bugs seemed to be adapting from tunnel fighters to effective surface combatants. She warned that Pinchers (type 1) were fast with heavy frontal armor and a powerful forward melee attack. She also cautioned the squad against their flexible tails armed with poison stingers. Corporal Glimmerleaf then spoke about the Throwers (type 2) with lighter armor and undersized pinchers but powerful tails which could hurl small projectiles hundreds of meters with accurate and deadly force.

”Tanks--or Bunker Bugs are what they use to hold territory. They move into a place, burrow down into the ground, then rely on their heavy top armor to defeat any attackers that make it past their minions. The one that we are after is disabled--it can’t move on its own--but it’s just as dangerous as the mobile ones.” She finally made it around to addressing Flare’s question about mage support. ”As Sergeant Ironfoot said, we have a battery of fire mages, with long range magic, in the area, but they won’t be accompanying us into the hot zone, and they are not effective against the objective.”

She outlined how she could call for fire support. ”If we’re not out-prioritized, I have to keep the target in sight for the entire flight time of the magic. I’ll be exposed and I’ll need defending.” The fairy flitted over to Grubble and laid a tiny hand on his giant rounded shoulder. {”Grubble, you said you are good at protecting.”} Iona spoke slowly in Sylvan, boiling down the concepts into child-like terms, as she thought she had detected a bit of a glassy look in the purple man’s eyes during her lecture. {”Do you think you can protect me from big bugs; ones that are almost as big as you and can throw rocks really fast and really far?”} She asked.

The chatty woman carrying a massive hammer-like weapon introduced herself in Sylvan, while running through a number of other languages, most of which corporal Glimmerleaf understood well enough to at least glean her meaning. Alameda seemed as enthusiastic as Grubble, but with more experience. ”The plan, as Sergeant Ironfoot outlined, is for us to conduct a frontal assault on the bug tank. We are going to clear out resistance along the way, and then defend our mage while she destroys the objective. We think there will be eight-to-ten Pinchers and four-to-six Throwers.” Seeing a few of the irregulars giving each other nervous glances at the uneven odds, she continued. ”We are not the only squad from the company making an attack. We are Bravo Team. Sergeant Ironfoot is leading Alpha Team, who will attempt to flank the enemy while we draw their attention.” She pointed to the illusory battlefield map that was starting to fade as her [illusion F] reached neared the limit of her [magic duration F]. “Alpha Team will be attacking from the north, and we likely won’t encounter them. With…” Corporal Glimmerleaf paused a moment and the expression on her tiny face was inscrutable. ”...luck, we won’t reach--w-we won’t be needed at the objective. Alpha squad may destroy the tank before we get close, and then it’ll be a bug mop-up operation.” Her tone was not nearly as hopeful as her words. ”We’re the backup…” It seemed like the corporal wanted to say more, but instead she switched tack.

“I’m going to assign squad positions now. Let me know if you have specific skills that you think would make you a good fit somewhere other than where I assign you.” She said, a little hurriedly--as if covering for some near faux-pas.

Corporal Iona Glimmerleaf introduces herself to those present and indicates they should call her “Glim”
She answers a few questions about the plan of attack and the adversary:
- The team will try to move as a cohesive unit with assigned positions when not in combat.
- They are to destroy the Tank bug and then mop up any remaining adversaries
- Glim eventually reveals that they are the backup for a squad of See regulars.

Squad Positions:
Point (forward): Almeida
Skirmisher Right (mid forward): Flare/Seranphina
Skirmisher Left: Open
Squad Leader (center): Glim and Grubble
Center Rear: Fae See Mage
Rearguard: Open
Last edited:


From: Almeida
Mentions: Irihi Irihi | Grubble Speed Speed | Seranphina Karcen Karcen
Languages: Common | [Terran] | %Analog% | <Beastial> | {Sylvan}

She was surprised when the big purple fellow spoke back in one the languages she was better at. “[Ha! I don't even talk nearly as funny as all those people speaking in that one language I can't seem to understand, like ever! Then again, I'm glad you're speaking at least one of my languages! So what's your name? Also, this is Valerius!]” She'd introduce her hammer as well. “[Ah, right, do you know what we're doing here? I don't see any bugs yet, just these trenches and stuff.]”

Luckily enough, the ghost kid also seemed to be speaking her language. Explaining that she wasn't a ghost, but an illusion. “[Oh, an illusion! That's pretty cool. Sooo... who's casting it?]” She looked around the group, though she spotted no likely subjects. “[Seriously, if this is some sort of joke, I don't get it.]” She'd state, staring at Flare in particular, whom was the most likely culprit in her mind.

“[Of course Valerius can speak! Although for some reason, only I can hear him, but that's alright. He says 'hello' by the way, even though he's also wondering who's illusion you are.]” She'd add.

The closest she got to understanding the actual mission was when she heard the fairy mention needing protection from rock throwing things. “{Oh, me and Valerius can try hit back any rocks! We can play...}” What was that world in Sylvan? “{The game where you hit a ball back with something!}” She'd explain her best of Sylvan.

Assuming Glimmerleaf spoke in Terran or Sylvan, she would finally be able to actually learn their mission in a bit more detail. “{What are 'Pinchers' and 'Throwers?'}” She asked, not having heard of any such things before, be it in Sylvan or another language. She shook her head when the Fairy mentioned luck. “{Never rely on luck, I was taught to assume that anything that can go wrong goes wrong.}” She'd nod sagely, trying her best to translate that saying to Sylvan. “{Can we switch and make them back-ups? Saves lives.}” She'd state, perhaps sounding extremely cocky as she defaulted to assuming they had a much better chance than some battle-hardened and seasoned warriors.

“{Skills?}” By the heavens, that would be difficult to explain in a language she'd only recently started learning. Unless...! “{Watch!}” She stated, as she moved a fair bit away from the group to an empty area where any damage she did wouldn't matter.

Firing up the Valkanite in Valerius, she's swing him down Full-force onto the ground. Some embers of flaming rock sparking up even after the attack. They'd also spot a bright flash that'd probably would've blinded them had they been hit directly.

Full-On-Hammering E – Martial Ethos E, Initiative [Attack] E, Blight (Valkanite) E, Continuing (Valkanite) E, Deflect E, Enervation E, Flare (Sight) E - Grade E – 3 actions – 1 post Cooldown.


Language Key:
| Common | {Sylvan} |
| Irihi Irihi [Corporal Glim] | Karcen Karcen [Seranphina] | Speed Speed [Grubble] | Elvario Elvario [Almedia] |

Flare chuckled quietly at Grubble's toothy grin about his future prospect, as was his endearing response about promising to not kicking literal buckets. A lil' confused admittedly, but he's got the spirit. Though they reckoned they should probably speak to him more... directly, instead of the floatsy, flowery language that were metaphors and proverbial figures of speech. For in a battlefield, one misunderstanding could cost them dearly. Need not confuse him any more than he already probably was.

Amongst their group, another figure would also catch the fire elemental's eye. A rough-and-tumbled dark-skinned woman with metal attachments named Almeida, who just so happened to be wielding an abnormally large hammer... which also had a name too? Valerius, if they caught that correctly. Thing was, she spoke in a language that was both familiar and unfamiliar to Flare. It resembled common to a significant degree, with some terminologies and vocabulary heavily resembling it, but it was also its own thing? Was refined the right word to describe it? They couldn't tell... but Grubble seemed to. Interesting... Regardless, they could barely understand what they were saying... and by they, that also meant Sera. Even she didn't seem to register what the woman was saying.

Or did she?

Wait... hold on. Flare's head cocked sideways for a moment. She spoke Sylvan as well? And it's not broken? Oh that's a relief. If Grubble had a hard time understanding sarcasm and fruity expressions, then not being able to communicate to Almeida at all would be very problematic. The fire elemental was thankful they were able to understand and speak Sylvan from the get go. Though just as soon as they came to terms with their bilingually gifted speech, Flare would be hit with a trilingual combo of her speaking bestial at Grubble, throwing them off even further. The accent gave it away... pretty unmistakable once you've heard it.

Then Almeida turned to greet Flare, speaking in Sylvan as they sounded really stoked about their armor; complimenting its craftsmanship as well as how cool they looked. The armored figured chortled at the barrage of compliments as they rubbed the back of their helmet - their flames growing a bit hotter at the sudden good feelings. "{Ah, why thank you!}" Flare replied happily, "{I'm glad you're a fan! Though you should really give your complements to its maker, Nicolli Fraust. Wouldn't be standing here without it, haha... literally.}" They then turned to Sera and clarified in common, "Looks like she can speak both Sylvan and Bestial too. I can speak the former, not so much the second. Can't tell that other language though... sounds like common but not quite..."

Yet even SERA could actually speak this unknown language, striking up a conversation with Almeida about whatever they were talking about. She then began look somewhat confused, looking around before her eyes settled upon Flare with an inquisitive look. The confused fire elemental looked around casually before pointing to themselves. "{What?}" they asked in Sylvan before leaning back to whisper to Sera in common. "Psst, hey. Why's she looking at me like that?"

When talking to Corporal "Glim" - as she preferred to be referred as apparently - Flare could also hear Grubble associating them with a "mage" behind them. "Kinda," Flare clarified politely as they turned to point at the big purple man, "I'm a fire elemental. Fire mages simply cast fire spells..." They then proceeded to unlatch their helmet's grated visor, showcasing Grubble and everyone nearby their androgynous face as flame and fire danced around their features like a blazing forge. "Fire Elementals, like me, are made of LITERAL fire... meaning we naturally cast our own fire attacks too." Admittedly they wanted to gloat how superior they were to mages, but decided to keep that shut for now. Flare would then close the metal hatch, covering their face once more.

Upon being asked by the corporal if both Flare and Seranphina's abilities had range, the former of which nodded. "A hundred feet, yeah." they confirmed casually, before casually spewing [Fireball E] into the sky like a flare shot. True to their claim, it would disperse upon reaching roughly one hundred feet into the sky. "Like that." They'd been practicing lobbing their fireballs in the back since they came back from their first quest. Seemed to improve rather nicely for the short amount of time since then, especially when they lobbed it a good distance at that one bandit in their previous errand. Flare felt much more confident since their humble beginnings that's for sure.

Seeing Almeida demonstrate her ability with Valerius was also pretty cool; as Flare stared directly into the flash without so much as flinching even a bit. They clapped upon seeing it through.
"{Very nice, very nice-}" the fire elemental repeated politely. Definitely that hammer had quite the kick to it... surely should do well against hardened bug carapaces.

Upon getting the further gist of the plan at hand, the fire elemental nodded in understanding. At least mostly; the terminology of the bugs were certainly new to them. But given the reactions of everyone else that seemed to be universal amongst them. They'd be quickly debriefed before addressing the rest. The fire mages Flare asked about would apparently not be accompanying them to the so-called "Hot-Zone" (I see what you did there) and would apparently not be as affective against the big bug. This was something for the fire elemental to keep note... hopefully they wouldn't be the deadweight of this group.

Then again, they also have Sera, so maybe they could work something out?

Either way, by all accounts, they as Bravo Team were considered, in Glim's words, as the "back up". Though there was something about her tone that seemed to raise an eyebrow for Flare... was it a sense of overall nervousness? Wouldn't be surprising for a fairy as small as her though; and these were indeed trying times. That's as far as they assumed... aside from the faintest of suspicions that things may not be as they seemed. Certainly hammer-woman wasn't taking her expression too seriously, declaring that Alpha Team be the backup instead. The armored figure had no opinion as of currently.

Once she started assigning teams, Flare would see to their position up mid-forward front as "Skirmisher Right". Taking no issue, they once again chatted with their ghostly friend. "Dunno if it's just me... but she sounded a lil nervous at the end there," they stated lowly, referring to Glim's stuttered hesitation at the end, "Getting a bit of mixed vibes. We should stay on alert..."

  • Fireball E - [Magic E, Fire Affinity E, Range E, Targets E, Continuing E, Fire Blight F, Selective F] - +1 Cooldown - Flare can lob a fireball from their hands up to 100 feet away towards a single target of their choice; causes splash damage of up to 10 additional opponents.

Grubble Rumpfuzzle

Titles: Human, Attentive Student [Grade E]
Languages: Common, [Terran]
Grubble stood there, towering over the others, his simple mind churning slowly through everything happening around him. Seraphina had told him not to think too much about things, and he was quick to agree. Thinking wasn’t his strength. She said she was a sword, but she didn’t look like a sword to him. Grubble didn’t even notice when she reached out, her hand never really touching him. That was fine by him; he didn’t think about it much.

Then Almeida spoke up, asking for his name. Grubble liked that. It was nice when people asked his name.

"[Grubble,]" he said proudly. "[Me... Grubble.]"

Their exchange was going well, at least until Almeida introduced her hammer. A hammer with a boy’s name. Grubble blinked, his mind trying to piece together why a hammer needed a name, let alone a boy's name. He frowned slightly, scratching his head. First Seraphina was a sword, and now this hammer had a name. But just as his brain started to hurt from thinking too hard, the fairy spoke up, introducing herself and asking everyone to refer to her as Glim. Glim was easier to remember, and Grubble agreed with a nod.

“Glim,” he repeated. “Easier... for Grubble.”

Glim began to explain their mission, but as she spoke, Grubble's mind wandered. She talked about fighting bugs for a whole month, but the specifics were lost on him. Bugs were bugs. You smash them, and they stop being a problem. Seemed simple enough. When she mentioned needing protection, Grubble perked up. That part he understood.

“Glim... mage,” he muttered under his breath, satisfied with his deduction. Mages needed protecting, and Grubble could do that.

When Glim flew over and placed her tiny hand on his massive shoulder, everything got even more confusing. It was as if her words turned into a jumble of sounds he couldn't make sense of. His eyes widened in panic, sweat starting to bead on his forehead. She was talking to him, asking him something, he was sure of it, but he had no clue what she was saying. Not wanting to seem stupid, Grubble nodded along, pretending to understand.

“I will... do best,” he mumbled. It felt safe to say that.

As Glim continued to speak in words he could finally understand again, Grubble snuck glances at his companions. They seemed to be following along just fine, especially Almeida, who had been nodding along. Grubble tried to act casual, but his nerves were getting the better of him.

Suddenly, Almeida moved away, announcing she was going to show them something. Grubble's muscles tensed as she swung her hammer at the ground, sending a shockwave through the earth. His instincts kicked in, and he quickly moved to shield both Glim and Flare.

“Watch out!” Grubble shouted, his deep voice rumbling as he stepped forward protectively.

Just as he was about to settle down, Flare shot a fireball into the sky. Grubble’s eyes widened, mesmerized by the fiery display for a moment. His mouth hung open, his simple mind captivated by the flames dancing through the air. But then his protective instincts took over again, and he quickly tried to shield Glim from the fireball he expected to come crashing back down.

"Fire... coming!" he warned, his massive hands raised as if he could catch the fire and keep it from hitting them.

Of course, the fireball never came back down, but Grubble stayed in his defensive stance, determined to protect his new companions; even if he didn’t fully understand what was happening. He glanced around sheepishly after a moment, realizing there wasn’t any danger, but still feeling proud that he was doing his job.

“Grubble... keep everyone safe,” he muttered to himself, nodding with satisfaction.
Languages common, Terran

Seraphina's illusion sighed as Almeida comely missed the mark and it seemed she was just giving her hammer a fake personality. They had 2 children in their group it seemed.

" She thinks you are casting my illusion and that her hammer can talk... I think she's crazy " seraphina said to flare not worried about I sultong the hammer weilder as common seemed beyond her. If it lead to some disunity well it wasn't like setaphina wasn't going to aid an annoying group member.

She looked back to Almeida and shook her head " [ I am like your hammer I am a living sword but I can talk to everyone with an illusion. Flare weilds me ]" she explained in Terran knowing the language would be understood and trying to make it understandable for her.

The corporal then spoke up or well mentioned her name and the illusion vanished appering by her as she asked about range. The illusion shrugged " Not far I'm mostly illusions right now, but that can trick people further than the magic can reach. So going unseen, not being where you seem, the pain of fire, ect anything around me has to deal with those. " it was still annoying she was so lacking but she was good at what sge did.

When flare removed their helm Seraphina vanished again appearing near the elemental. Though looking a bit worried for the removal. Yes flare wouldn't die or anything but it wasn't exactly good for their health. Still flare seemed fine so the worried look vanished.

Grubble didn't quite seem to get them giving demos of their abbilities put no one in danger, but she had to give it to him he was dedicated. A bit to dedicated to defending everyone. Seraphina's illusion vanished and appeared by him. " take it easy big guy no one is going to hurt each other here " she said to calm him. She was reminded to much of some others from long ago before she had been alone.

Languages: [Terran] %Analog%

She agreed that for a lack of a better word the area looked 'Fucked' And that it would be a good thing to help wipe out some of the bugs that had been a problem she heard about. In culling their numbers the security of the world stage would be better against the monster threat.
Yunaesa would have simply been with Almeida and would have listened to the details about what bugs they were supposed to kill. The surrounding environment definitely looked considerably bad. Thankfully some of the folk there spoke Terran, which was great since the only languages she really spoke were that and analog, so if anything else she'd have to rely on Almeida for translation if it wasn't available.

"[Ya, pretty sure Zjorn and me should be taking point too cause that's where we fight best. Zjorn'll be good at cutting them all up.]" She'd state matter of fact in Terran. Yunaesa thankfully having the added benefit of doing some military stuff for Widersia by this point, so plans and formations weren't foreign concepts to her entirely, even so seeing Almedia show off the boom power of Valerius was exciting, "[Hah! Nice one Valerius! You'll blow them sky high!]" She'd exclaim with a grin.

Corporal Iona Glimmerleaf (Glim)
Equipped Titles: Tiny (0.2m), Fae, Fire Team Leader
Mentions: Speed Speed TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Karcen Karcen Develius Develius Elvario Elvario

The corporal squinted against the burst of molten rock as Almeida made part of the trench slightly deeper and much flatter with her gigantic hammer. ”Eep!” She couldn’t help the involuntary squeak when her sky suddenly became a giant purple palm as Grubble attempted to shield her from the rain of fire he expected.

She had noted, before being covered by an umbrella-sized hand--that the trench was a confusion of languages, with quite a bit of Terran but also some Sylvan being spoken. Pushing aside Grubble’s pinkie she aimed a smile at him. “Thank you for the demonstration, Grubble. You as well, Almeida, Flare.”

Flitting higher--but being careful not to crest the top of the trench, she spoke to the group at large. ”I’m going to mindspeak now. I won’t read anyone’s thoughts, but I have something I’d like to show you, and I’d appreciate it if those of you with the ability to shield their minds would allow me access.

Using [Telepathy F], the corporal addressed the squad. The words in their minds would seem to be in each person’s individual native tongues, though they were really just concepts broadcast directly to their consciousnesses. Does anyone not understand the common language; the words I was just speaking? Raise your hand if you did not. Glim gave those assembled a moment to process the thoughts she broadcast, repeating herself as necessary. Knowing that people, even those who had experienced telepathy before, tended to need a moment to come to grips with being mindspoken. She looked around for any raised hands. Then, let’s stick to common once we’re in it. Now would be a good time to practice, so you don’t accidentally slip into your native language when things get… stressful.

I’m going to give you all a crash course in the tactics we’ll be using on approach to the objective.
Glim projected a memory of a previous assault on M’lyrna. It was a mixture of feelings and images. To those who were receptive, it would seem like a daydream; not interfering with their ability to perceive and interact with their environment, still vivid and comprehensible as a memory recalled.

The mindspoken would see themselves as a hummingbird-sized being, hovering at approximately head height in the middle of a five-person fire team, their tiny shimmering hand on the shoulder of an armored elf as they stalked forward across an open field. Grubble, this will be your position. Glim indicated, before the attention of the shared vision shifted to an insubstantial Air Genasi about twenty paces ahead, leading the team. Almeida, I would like to keep you as point man--point woman. Glim corrected herself. Warn us if you are going to use that flare ability; I think it will be very effective against the bugs, and yes, reflect their attacks if you are able, the Throwers will probably engage you first. In the shared vision, a fusillade of rocks came hurtling from the ruins of M’lyrna, passing through the insubstantial point man but causing the rest of the squad to go to ground.

Corporal Glimmerleaf’s free hand made a gesture, and a shimmering transparent [barrier] appeared before herself and her escort. Ahead and to the left, an elf in light armor found cover behind a stone wall and pulled an item from his belt. Yunaesa would understand that this was to be her position. Glim was careful not to scrape anyone's brain. Since they had not yet been introduced, she only knew the name of Yunaesa’s weapon. I’d like to keep you and Zjorn as forward left skirmisher. The walls and hedgerows to the north provide better cover to get you to the bugs. In the vision, the elf in Yuneasa’s position tossed something into the air. Glim’s hand pointed at it and, with an explosion of golden sparkles, the baseball-sized item was magically propelled downrange. It struck the wall of a cottage where insectoid shadows could be seen. The wall disappeared in a cloud of dust and debris as the item detonated. Bricks, fieldstone, and bug parts fountained from the spot.

The attention of the shared vision would shift to the squad member to the right of the pointman where a squat dwarf stood upright behind a shielding stone wall. Flare, Seraphina, that is your spot. The dwarf holstered the battleax she was holding, and held a hairy hand before her bearded face. The team had their first clear look at a Pincher bug which rounded a hedgerow and rushed the dwarf. The insect was the size of a small horse, but lower to the ground with an appearance somewhat similar to a scorpion, though its stinger tail was smaller and more whip-like. It did not get far, as it was suddenly bathed in a stream of [firebreath] from the dwarf. The Pincher’s chitinous carapace dissolved to ash in the intense stream of flames.

The ephemeral pointman--Glim’s vision reminded Almeida this was her position--fell back, teaming with the dwarf in Flare and Seraphina’s spot. Glim tapped her escort--Grubble’s position--on the shoulder and pointed toward the skirmisher on the left, which would be Yunaesa’s position. The pair advanced to team with the forward left skirmisher, the [barrier] moving with them, cracking and chipping as multiple bug-hurled stones and bricks smashed against it.

Something, a sudden awareness, sparked for just an instant before the mindspoken vision collapsed, leaving the team with a vivid memory of their assigned positions and a transient feeling of fear that quickly dissipated.

The fairy Corporal had landed on a dirt shelf dug into the trench. She was leaning forward with both hands placed flat on the wall, eyes closed, teeth gritted, her wings fluttering with random quivers.

Corporal Iona Glimmerleaf uses [Mindspeaking E - telepathy F, Targets E, Range F] to give instructions--in the form of a memory--to those present with receptive minds.
Those who wish to may accept a narrative boost to their combat experience.
Glim seems tired or distressed after mindspeaking.

Squad Positions:
Point (forward): Almeida
Skirmisher Right (mid forward): Flare/Seranphina
Skirmisher Left (mid forward): Yunaesa
Squad Leader (center): Glim and Grubble
Center Rear: Fae See Mage
Rearguard: Open


From: Almeida
Mentions: Irihi Irihi | Grubble Speed Speed | Seranphina Karcen Karcen | Flare Develius Develius | Yuna TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
Languages: Common | [Terran] | %Analog% | <Beastial> | {Sylvan}

She was glad to hear Flare speak a somewhat familiar language. “{Nicolli Fraust? Cool name! Do you think he'd be down to help Tinker me and Valerius some upgrades too?}” She replied in her best Sylvan. “{I wonder if I could also have fire go through them and through Valerius like we do with the Valkanite...}” She theorised.

Upon being asked 'what?' she shrugged. “{Just wondering who the...}” What in the world was 'illusion' in Sylvan? “{Ghost kid is from.}” That was easier to try ask about.

“{Thanks! Your fire is nice too!}” She'd compliment Flare back. She almost asked if Flare liked fire, but they were fire, so that'd be a weird question for sure.

“[Nice to meet you, Grubnle!]” She'd reply to the big purple fellow. His actions did confuse her a tad. “[Oh come, I made sure to move far away!]” She scoffed, a tad angry that he'd think of her as so stupid as to hurt her allies directly after meeting them and before they even faced an enemy.

To her surprise, the sword was, well, a sword. “[Oh wow, that's so cool! Can you teach Valerius how to get an illusion like yours going as well? I'm sure more people would be able to talk with him if he had that!]” She suggested, actually looking at the sword as she spoke now. “[Did you hear that Valerius? That's cool right?]” She'd nod. “[He's totally into the idea!]” She'd confirm to Seranphina.

“[That he will!]” She'd reply to Yuna. “[Oh, I think he's looking forwards to seeing Zjorn cut through those bugs like butter! I'm looking forwards to that as well!]” She'd add.

She had no clue what the Fairy leader was saying, until she could hear it into her mind. Not understanding common? She raised her left and and raised Valerius with the right. “{We don't!}” She'd reply. “[Alright, I'll just do what I think is neat then~]” She'd reply, switching back to Terran, as it sounded like the Fairy wanted to use a language she didn't understand, which was pretty much meaning she was given free reign to do as she wanted, right?

“{I'll be on point!}” She replied, not sure what that was, but she figured just being at the indicated spot would be more than enough. “{Alrighty! I'll just shout 'Flare' out or something!}” She replied to the next bit. “{By the way, what are Throwers?}” She still hadn't been given an answer to that one. She saw rocks flying though. Probably from those Throwers? That'd make sense.

“{Sooo... I just go first?}” That seemed to be the main take-away from this entire show. “{Are we going now?}”

Grubble Rumpfuzzle

Titles: Human, Attentive Student [Grade E]
Languages: Common, [Terran]
Grubble stood there, pleased as punch after Glim had thanked him. His grin stretched from ear to ear, and in that moment, he completely forgot about Almeida and Flare’s display of skills. He didn't notice Almeida's frustration or that she was a bit mad at him for misjudging her hammer swing as an attack. As far as Grubble knew, everything was fine.

But then, something strange happened. Glim floated a little higher, and suddenly, he started hearing her voice, but not like before. It wasn’t coming from outside; it was inside his head. Grubble froze, his face slack with confusion. He stared blankly at Glim, then glanced to his left and right, making sure she wasn't somehow sneaking around and whispering in his ears.

"Glim... where you at?" he muttered, still looking for her even though she was right in front of him.

The voice in his head kept going, filling his mind with strange sounds that slowly turned into pictures; pictures that felt like memories, but not his memories. Grubble's brow furrowed deeply as he tried to make sense of it. Glim was showing him their positions for some kind of formation, but as Grubble looked at the image of himself in the vision, he couldn’t help but shake his head.

"That... that not Grubble," he mumbled to himself, squinting at the image as if squinting hard enough would somehow make it clearer.

He wasn’t sure if anyone could hear his thoughts, but that didn’t matter to him. All he knew was that the person in the picture didn’t look like him, at least not the way he saw himself. Maybe he was just seeing things wrong. As Glim continued explaining things through the images and words in his head, Grubble tried his best to focus. His face scrunched up in concentration, his large eyes narrowing to tiny slits as he squinted harder and harder. He really wanted to understand, but the more Glim spoke, the more lost he felt. Her instructions swirled in his mind, bouncing around like marbles in a bucket. Grubble’s head was swimming, and squinting wasn’t helping like he hoped.

When the images finally disappeared, Grubble saw the look of distress on Glim’s face. His heart sank a little. She looked upset, and that wasn’t good. Without thinking, he stepped forward, his deep voice slow and concerned.

"Glim... you okay?" he asked, his eyes wide with genuine worry.

He leaned in slightly, his massive frame casting a shadow over the tiny fairy. "Grubble help... if you need." He didn’t know what had just happened, didn’t fully understand why she seemed so tired, but Grubble wanted to help. That was what he was there for, after all.


| Irihi Irihi [Corporal Glim] | Karcen Karcen [Seranphina] | Speed Speed [Grubble] | Elvario Elvario [Almedia] | TheTimePiece TheTimePiece [Yunaesa] |

Flare gave an approving thumbs up when Almedia asked if they could meet their artificer for tinkering help. "{Maybe!]" they replied fairly confidently, "{Gotta check in with him after this but I'll let ya know. I'm sure he'll be happy to help you and Valerius}"

They sighed once Seraphina explained to Flare about what Almeida was staring at them for. Flare couldn't help but chuckle in a whispered tone. "I mean, it's not the craziest thing I've heard." they replied, "Like sometimes I hear Fraust talking to books or his tools under his breath like they understand him... guess to keep him company or something. He doesn't get too many visitors..." As the two Terran individuals spoke to clear up the confusion - with the hammer-wielder adding a bit of Sylvan towards Flare - the fire elemental would back up Seranphina's statement. {"Yeah, can confirm she's her own a thing.]" Flare explained casually in Sylvan, "{Got her from this guy who like let me borrow him for a quest. She didn't want to go back to him so we asked if I could keep her; he agreed, and now here we are.}"

During their demonstration of their abilities, Flare noticed poor ole Grubble panicking in seeing Almedia and themself firing off their weapons so suddenly. Seeing them misinterpret the situation, they rose a hand out towards the purple giant to try and docile them. "Woah, hey! Hey! It's alright, Grubble! We're just showing off! No one here's getting hurt..." they said carefully, trying to assure him that indeed all was under control. Seeing Sera pop over to assure him also seemed to help, sparking a feel-good sensation within their infernal core. They knew he meant well... and it was pretty endearing and wholesome to see such dedication to one's safety. Hopefully it wouldn't get him killed, but with all the meat Grubble was packing they might be simply underestimating his durability. Flare smiled as they gave him a confirming nod. "Though I appreciate the effort, big guy. Truly. Keep that mindset when we get fighting with the bugs outside."

Whether she was simply too small or hiding against her partner's form, Flare would only just notice Yunesa's presence when she address her excitement over their quest. They almost mistook her for a literal child... but then again Flare had a ghost child with her so regardless of her age they were in no position to argue. Had a pretty cool chain sword though. Like Almedia, she also had named it; though while she only spoke in that unique accent, she seemed to refer it as "Zjorn" based on the amount of times she said it. Pretty cool names though.

Almedia and Valerius... Yunesa and Zjorn.

Flare and Seranphina. A little long, maybe but it still sounded pretty cool too right?

Shaking their head out of that train of thought, they focused carefully as Corporal Glim shook their head as corporal Glimmerleaf would initiate mind speak into their heads to ensure everyone was on the same page with what they needed to do. Flare understood, raising their armored hand, before willing let Glim beam all they needed to know into their head. It was a weird sensation at first... feeling much like daydreaming but with more direction and purpose. Their thoughts were mixed with the ones the fairy was projecting; the latter's being much more dominating.

They were all led to their positions in the squad - with Flare and Sera being towards the mid-front towards fighting alongside a squat dwarf wielding a battle axe. Yunaesa would also be in their position, but to the left. Grubble and Glim were at the very center; with the fire mage directly at the rear. If Almedia at the very front were to fall back, they'd fall back to mid-front and so forth. They had glimpses of their arthropod enemies - particularly the small horse-sized "pinchers". Looked simple enough all in all. "{Yeah, I got it.}" Flare replied confidently in sylvan, before giving a respectful salute, "{We won't let ya down, corp.}" They were still rather casual about the situation, but they ensured they'd fight like hell once they get there.

Corporal Glimmer crumpled upon releasing their mindspeak upon them, definitely seeming to feel the strenuous effects it must have for someone of her size. Poor thing. They were about to comfort her until Grubble would come for her aid. Pausing mid-stride, the fire elemental would nod before facing the others. Almedia seemed to have a hard time understanding what she'd been told, so Flare attempted to roughly fill her in on her role in Sylvan. They were pretty sure Corporal Glimmer would appreciate someone else retelling at this state. "{Right. From what I understand... you'll be at the front of the squad.}" they explained, while essentially retelling roughly and matter-of-factly where they were supposed to be, "{Me and Sera will be supporting you on the right behind you; with Yunesa being opposite of us. Grubble and Corporal Glim are in center, with the Fire Mage at the rear.}" When Almedia mentioned their "flare" ability, the fire elemental hesitated. "{Um, youuuu might wanna change the ability name? Cause you know... 'flare' and 'Flare'?}" They pointed to both Almedia and themself when stating this point. "{That can get a bit confusing. You gotta distinguish em... Like say, oh I dunno... 'Activating Flare ability!' or "Need elemental Flare to move up!" or something like that... ya getting this so far right?}"

When asking about what throwers were, Flare could only give an educated guess given the name. "{From the name, it sounds like a ranged-bug.}" they theorized, as they scratched their metal chin, "{Guess they throw shit like archers or magic casters. What kind of shit? I dunno... though if I had to bet on what... probably acid?}"

They were sure Sera would be further elaborating their information as they went, but even so Flare tried the best they could. Hopefully Corporal Glimmer can elaborate and confirm things further.

With the sword projection dialogue she'd look over and add in,

"[Yeah, It'd be really cool if you could teach Zjorn how to do that too! He's really interested in being able to show others how he can talk! I bet he'd have a really strong and awesome projection showing and others would think that he looks totally cool.]"

She'd grin at Almeida saying that, "[Haha! Of course he will! ZJorn will cut through all the bad bugs.]"

By the time Almeida was raising her hand to suggest that she didn't get common Yunaesa would do the same eagerly, "[Yeah I can't understand any of that! Just sounds like a bunch of nonsense]"

During the mind speak Yunaesa let out a giggle some, thinking it was pretty cool as she listened to where they were supposed to be. "[Oh okay! Me and Zjorn will take that position then! Gotcha Captain!]" She'd proclaim when she was able too at whatever point as far as left skirmisher went.

"[Anyway Zjorn is ready to rumble whenever you are all!]"

"[Also Zjorn says you got some really nice looking armor!]"
She'd call out to Flare.

Grubble was also intriguing to her so far, they hadn't had much interaction but she appreciated the fact that they seemed willing to help people and fight against the bad bugs.

Regardless Yunaesa and Zjorn were ready to move out when the rest of the bug kill squad was.

Mage of the Fae See
“She’s afraid.” The large purple man with cotton-candy-pink hair would feel an unfamiliar sensation wash over him as something someone moved out of the shadows--had they really been there all along?--of the trench. Moving into the light shed little on the berobed hooded person that spoke to Grubble. Her face was still cast in shadow of her cowl, with only faint glimmers of pale violet where eyes might be. A pallid nimble-fingered hand with jarringly blood-red nails emerged from a voluminous black sleeve to grip the shaft of an enormous scythe whose blade arced over her hood, hanging there like a damoclean scimitar or a dark waning moon.

Far worse than the black orbs fearful men might have insisted Grubble touch, to ensure he was not the snaggle-toothed purple people eater he seemed, the [appraisal F] from the mage was a nauseating intrusion into his core, prying open the cover of the book of his life and peeling away the pages as she read his character.

Eyes and teeth. Those were the scant reflections from within the hood of the mage. Teeth bared by a smile of delight at what she had found. ”She’s afraid of what lies out there, but maybe her fear is misplaced.” The mage dearly hoped so. This one… this one had so much potential in him. “You can smell it, can’t you? Her fear; she smells like your little girl; the one who made you, to chase away the nighttime terrors.”

The mage took a step toward Grubble and Glim. “Does she still compel you to serve, Grubble? Is that why you are here? Even after she grew up and cast you aside, are you still trying to be the hideous thing she used to convince herself that monsters aren’t scary after all?” She took another step forward, the butt of her scythe thudding to the planks underfoot, her violet gaze fixed on Grubble. “Do you think that’s a kind lie to tell the--”

Corporal Iona Glimmerleaf
Equipped Titles: Tiny (0.2m), Fae, Fire Team LeaderMentions: Speed Speed TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Karcen Karcen Develius Develius Elvario Elvario

”Private!” Glim had recovered her composure in time to find their mage bullying--or-or something--the squad centerpoint. “Leave Mister…” She trailed off, realizing she did not know the large purple man’s last name--of if he even had one. ”...leave Grubble alone!” The corporal flitted forward, placing herself between mage and monster man.

“As you wish, corporal.” The mage of the Fae See faded back into the shadows, though her gaze remained fixed on Grubble.

”I’m sorry about that, Grubble. I-I’m fine, thank you for your concern. I-It might be better if you don’t talk to her, she's…” Glim wasn’t quite sure how to finish that thought, so she just left it.

There was more to say, but Glim had pressing duties. The mist had lifted, conditions were as favorable for the Fae (and humans)--and as unfavorable for the bugs--as they were going to get, and they were burning daylight. It seemed like she would have to either continue to mindspeak, or repeat herself in Sylvan or Terran. Not only was their point woman a cowgirl--but she also didn’t speak common.

Glimmer allowed herself a little wry smile. Gung-ho cowgirl wasn’t ideal for the mission, but if they had to have one, she should take point. The corporal thanked the spirits for that small bit of serendipity. She was about to repeat herself to Almedia when Flare stepped up, clarified, and reinforced everything she had communicated to all the persons (and sentient weapons) present. ”That’s right.” Glimmer confirmed, and then again in Sylvan. {“That’s correct. Thank you, Flare.”}

They needed to move out, but there were two more essentials to take care of. The first seemed to have sorted itself, Glim only needed to formalize the chain of command. ”If I am unable to lead, Flare will command, followed by Yunesa, Grubble, and Alemeida.” She said, and then repeated herself in Sylvan. What she did not say was patently obvious; by the time command fell to the nutjobs with the hammers and chainswords, the mission was clearly fucked anyway.

The fairy braced herself--and the squad--for one more mindspeak broadcast. Images and thoughts stuck better than words, so it was with these that she detailed all the information the forces of the See had managed to accumulate on the adversary. Though the bugs were evolving quickly, the surface-dwellers still had an advantage over the fighting blind misfortune of the ill-fated expedition to wipe out the subterranean hive. Within a few degrees of evolution, they knew just what they were facing.

Type 1 Bug (Pincher): All stats E except STR D. Heavy armor F. Dual Pincers E.
Attack E - Pincer E + STR D + Tech E = 7 melee no blight
Poison Attack E - Tail F + STR D + Tech:Blight:Poison E = 6 melee +2 poison damage. (Not continuing, no tangle/flexible)
HP: Armor E : 2/2, Vitality E HP: 2/2

Type 2 Bug (Thrower): All Stats E except Precision B. Heavy Armor.
Attack F - Pincer F + STR E + Tech F = 4 melee
Crush E - Tail E + STR E + Tech E = 6 melee
Ranged C - Rocks (0) + PRE B + Tech C = 9 ranged C(1000 ft)
HP: Armor F: 1/1, Vitality E: HP 2/2

Type 3 Bug (Bug Tank): All Stats A. Immobile
Attack B: Pincer B + STR A + Tech B = 16 melee
Blast B: Wings B + STR A + Tech B = 16 melee + Knockback (30 feet) + Potential impact damage
HP: Armor B: 5/5 Vitality A: 6/6

Type 4 Bug: All Stats ???
Attack ??? - ???
HP: ??? Armor ???

For the first time that day, Glim flitted above the safety of the trench. She was a small target, and it was unlikely any Throwers would be present, this far from the frontlines. She scanned the woods for any sign of movement before dropping back down. ”Coast is clear. Lets move out. Stay on your guard.” She ordered, figuring her gestures were clear enough and she didn’t need to repeat herself.

The egress trench was narrow with a set of stairs dug at the end, bringing the squad up into the daytime forest. They would turn left and head east, moving through the woods, with Glim directing them into roughly the same positions as the patrol formation they had seen in their minds.

With the team underway, the corporal would flit back to Grubbles side. She cast a wary glance at the dark figure of the mage they were escorting, as the robed figure walked behind the pair, at the rear of the formation.

“She isn’t wrong, Grubble.” Glim admitted quietly to the large purple man as he trundled along beside where she flitted. ”I am afraid.” The fairy said. ”I’m afraid I’m leading you all into… into s-something I can’t lead you out of.” By airing her fears, Glim had hoped they would diminish. Instead, the opposite was happening. I’m not supposed to be in charge. It’s just--there’s no one else left, except that fucking sociopath behind us. There was a reason Glim had excluded their mage from the progression of command.

She couldn’t say that to Grubble, she was supposed to inspire their fighters, not terrify them. ”I-I don’t know if I can do this…” She whispered.

The Fae See mage the squad is escorting uses [appraisal F] on Grubble.
Glim appoints the command order (Flare - Yunasea - Grubble - Alemeida)
Glim gives out detailed information on the adversary
The team heads toward the objective.


From: Almeida
Mentions: Irihi Irihi | Seranphina Karcen Karcen | Flare Develius Develius | Yuna TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
Languages: Common | [Terran] | %Analog% | <Beastial> | {Sylvan}

“{Oh, that'd be really cool!}” She replied to Flare offering to let Almeida meet her maker. That should be an interesting thing for sure.

“{Oh wow, I'm glad you two met each-other! Me and Valerius also found each-other cause Valerius called out to me and didn't want to stick around without anyone to talk to or to adventure with! We've been going on lots of trips together ever since! Even to a bath-home!}” She'd explain excitedly.

“{Front of the squat, got it!}” She'd reply to Flare, glad to have some confirmation. “{Fire mage? Where would they be at?}” She looked around, wondering who that was, as it didn't sound like Flare was talking about themselves.

“{Ah... You're named Flare.}” Somehow, in all the language mash-ups, she hadn't let that sink in yet. “{I'll just call out “HAMMER TIME!” in that case!}” “[Okay, so if I call out HAMMER TIME” I'll strike it big, so best to keep distance!]” She stated in Terran as well, just to let the others know as well.

“{Eeeeewwww, they throw shit? Like dung beetles? That's gonna be nasty to fight.}” She replied, kind-off horrified at that prospect. “{Acid... that'd be nicer, though I couldn't hit that back. Let's hope it's rocks, I think rocks were mentioned?}” She wasn't sure.

As for Yuna, she made Almeida realise something. “[Oh, wait, if we do that, we really could start a band! Zjorn and Valerius could join in and everyone would see them!]” She realised. That would work! How neat.

Upon the mention of bugs being cut, she did wonder. “[I wonder if they're edible. The bear meat was neat. Perhaps bug meat will be as well?]”

Surprised at the shadow figure, she tilted her head. “[Huh, neat, you look like some cultist.]” She'd surmise her first impressions. “[Ugh... blabbering in that weird language again...]” She complained when the newcomer made no sense to her.

“{I'm last? Zjorn and Valerius don't count?}” What a sad day. “{Ah well.}” She shrugged it off, sometimes it do be like that.

As she lead the group, she was humming a song. “[Bug beating, bug beating, gonna do some bug beating~ Bug beating, bug beating, will they be good for eating?]”

She enjoyed the change of scenery, bits of forest, shrubs in fields, some abandoned fields. It did seem like fighting had been rough in this area. Being a tad bored, she'd call to those behind her. “{Hey, fire mage, do you speak Sylvan?}” She wanted to know why that one looked like a cultist. “{Why do you look like a cultist? It's pretty neat, but like, pretty out there.}”

Grubble Rumpfuzzle

Titles: Human, Attentive Student [Grade E]
Languages: Common, [Terran]
Grubble found himself nodding and smirking when Flare spoke to him, though he barely caught most of the words. He felt kind of overwhelmed. He wasn’t used to all this talking - Lily had always done most of that. But Flare’s words weren’t harsh, and Grubble could tell they weren’t upset with him, which made him feel good inside. So, with a small grin, he gave them a nod before turning back to Glim, wondering if she was alright.

As he shifted his attention, a strange feeling bubbled up in his chest. At first, Grubble thought it was indigestion, but then a hooded figure approached him. The figure began speaking, but Grubble didn’t think it was the right time for words. Still, there was something the figure said that stuck with him.

The hooded woman said Glim was afraid. Grubble's brow furrowed. He hadn’t thought of that. He turned to her, his big eyes soft with worry. "You scared, Glim?" he asked slowly, tilting his head in confusion.

The hooded mage kept talking, saying something about fear, something that reminded Grubble of Lily. When she mentioned his little girl, his expression hardened for a moment. He snarled, his mind briefly flashing back to Lily. He sniffed the air near Glim but quickly shook his head. "She not Lily," he muttered under his breath. "Too small. Don’t smell like milk and cheese."

He turned to the mage, frowning deeply. "What you talkin’ ‘bout? She not Lily." He couldn’t make sense of what the woman was trying to say, and honestly, her words were starting to annoy him. They were long, confusing, and didn’t feel friendly. He didn't like that.

Thankfully, Glim interrupted, breaking the mage's spell of nonsense. She had regained her composure, and Grubble felt a wave of relief wash over him when she apologized for the mage’s behavior.

"That’s good," Grubble said with a grin. He was happy to see Glim looking more like herself. Then, when Glim told him not to pay attention to the mage, he chuckled and gave a slow nod. "Weirdo, huh." He pointed his big thumb in the mage’s direction. "She weird."

From then on, things got a little quieter. Another telepathic meeting happened, but this time, Grubble didn’t stress himself trying to understand everything. Instead, he busied himself drawing little bugs in the dirt with his finger. They weren’t good drawings, not by a long shot, but it kept his mind from hurting.

When the time came to leave the trenches, Grubble straightened up with a sigh of relief. His back finally felt better after crouching for so long. As they marched forward, Almeida hummed a tune, and Grubble was about to join in when Glim flew beside him. Her voice was quieter this time, softer.

"She isn’t wrong, Grubble," Glim admitted, her wings fluttering gently. "I am afraid. I’m afraid I’m leading you all into something I can’t lead you out of."

Grubble listened carefully. She sounded like Lily did when she got scared at night. He frowned, his big hands clasping together as he walked, not wanting to trip over anything. "It’s okay to be scared," he said in his slow, comforting voice. "Grubble always scared too."

Grubble scratched the back of his head, thinking hard. Then, he smiled. "Scared means... means you care," he said, his eyes focused on the path ahead. "Means you wanna protect us. That’s good. Means you strong... inside." He placed a hand over his chest. "Grubble’s scared all the time. But... when you with friends, it ain’t so bad. ‘Cause we help each other. We all scared, but we brave together."

He nodded to himself, proud of his own logic. "You don’t have to do it alone, Glim. And... and if we get lost, Grubble just... smash the way out!" He grinned wide, his eyes gleaming with innocence and determination.
Languages common, Terran

Seraphina honestly kinda zoned out as everything started talking lots of planning and positioning and the two crazies being about as awareas grubble or less of things it seemed. Yeah the military was hard up if they were taking them all in, herself included. The plan was not something seraphina really had much to contrast about she was with flare where flare went she did, there weren't many other options. Most of what they said went in one ear and out the other if she had had ears.

The mage helping them looked more like a necromancer than a fire mage. They also looked like they wanted to dress up as the grim reaper and galavant around being cryptic. She seemed to peg how grubble came about which was weird one could tell. Still she was being a cryptic asshole about it. No one liked cryptic people. They never could say yeah they are scared they are fighting gaint fucking bugs, it was always stories abd comparisons.

The illusion floated to the mage was they all walked " So cosplay, fortune telling, and setting things on fire quite the divrese skill set there Mrs cryptic " Seraphina said somewhere between insult and sarcastic joke " So can you see when I'll find a nice long sword settle down and have some daggers ? " she asked now just messing with the death groupie to see what they would say.

"[Hah! Third isn't so bad! But yeah, I dunno why Valerius and Zjorn aren't in the line up, I mean they're both pretty strategic when they want to be.]" She'd nod agreeing with Almeida.
"[I guess bugs aren't known for being too clean, I really hope they aren't throwing stuff like that! Maybe it'll just be rocks or debris, acid also sounds pretty bad, good thing Zjorn and me are pretty agile if we gotta be.]"

"[Wow me and Zjorn got no clue what that mage is saying! Oh well guess that's just how things be sometimes.]"
She'd also add in.

She'd turn her head to Almeida "[Oh now you think being in a band could be cool? I bet Decimus would be happy to hear that, and yeah I think Zjorn could shred pretty well on whatever one of those...they called guitars..but like energized, Think I've seen some in Widersia before, eitherway I think he'd do a really good job at that, and I bet Valerius could play some great drums.]"

"[If you cook and season them properly I don't see why not! I mean meat is meat, there's gotta be a way to even make large bug taste like something good, probably a good source of protein too, I mean I'm assuming they aren't poison but even if they were, maybe you could neutralize that problem with magic or something?]"

Yunaesa would hum along as Almedia sang, and she stayed close, looking around the area.

"[Ay Corporal]" She'd respond diligently when Glim told them what to do, as far as moving went, Yunaesa would make sure to stay responsive and aware while they moved along, even if there wasn't a ton going on at the moment, she knew full well from what Officer Surrius told her that she and Zjorn had to be ready for enemies at any time.


| Irihi Irihi [Corporal Glim] | Karcen Karcen [Seranphina] | Speed Speed [Grubble] | Elvario Elvario [Almedia] | TheTimePiece TheTimePiece [Yunaesa]

Almedia was quite the bean. Spunky yet friendly, with just a little bit of crazy to balance it out. Flare listened to her talk about how she met Valerius, echoing many beats that Seranphina had mentioned to them. Both didn't want to be alone and wanted to be used as was intended... with Sera in this case not wanting to be left in the dark. She made it very adamant how she REALLY didn't like the dark without a nightlight. Guess one could say that Flare has been really lighting up her world.

Clarifying their name allowed Almedia to change her ability name to something MUCH more fitting, from "Flare" to "Hammer Time". "{Better!}" Flare quipped with a nod, "{Glad we got that settled.}" Looked liked they simply got a bit mixed up - which they didn't even blame her for being.

Huh... shit. Like literal shit. Flare hadn't thought of that. They read about these 'dung beetles' rolling around animal poop into little balls and rolling them back to their nest. Oh gods, they sure hoped they wouldn't deal with poop throwers. That awful stench would be on their armor for days! Flare groaned at the thought. "{Ugh, I sure hope that's not the case.}" Though of course, they generally assumed acid was their weapon of choice. That still prevented its own problems... especially if it corrodes through the FURNACE's steel armor. That would also suck too... and be pretty dangerous given its their life support in a sense. But as Almedia stated... they probably threw rocks. And if so, that was the best scenario. "{Well sticks and stones aint gonna break through this}!" Flare boasted confidently, knocking on their armor twice, "{Should be eaaaaasy enough]."

Looking back, they'd notice Yunesa talking to them in that weird language again. Given her tone, she seemed to be complimenting them on something? Probably their armor? Was it Zjorn who was complementing them? Nonetheless, Flare would give an awkward thumbs up. "Oh, uh... " they stammed initially in common, trying to figure out what to reply with. Believing they could understand Sylvan, they replied back, "{T-Thanks!}" Now this was getting annoying. Flare then turned their attention to Sera for help, "Ok seriously, what is this language?" they asked confusingly, almost leaning towards deperation, "Like you, her, Almedia, and Grubble can speak it, but I can't understand any of it. You're gonna have to be my translator for that language in particular for the meantime, otherwise I'm completely lost."

With the mage just revealing themselves, Flare took a glance over at the hooded figure standing by Grubble and Glim. Who was that? Was that the fire mage they'll be guarding? Odd... Flare thought the fire mage would be... redder? Like clothes resembling the mage in question. And what's with the scythe? Honestly they looked much more like a grim reaper then a-

I... It wasn't the grim reaper incarnate right? Riiiiiiight...

The visage it gave honestly gave Flare real uncomfortable vibes. While they didn't get to hear or see their conversation earlier due to explaining the plan to Almedia, just glancing at him was enough to raise an eyebrow. Instincts told them to keep an eye on it... juuuust in case.

Though it wouldn't stop Sera from going up to it and talking to it... well, messing with it would be the more accurate description. Flare initially wanted to stop her, but decided it would at least be mildly entertaining to see what she could get from it. They'd approach them to get a closer look, but refrain from asking anything. Almedia beat them to their question anyways. Best they could do was make their presence known... a fire elemental looking down upon a mere mage. Given their standing, even they were beginning to second guess on whether or not they really needed that mage.

Where it would merely borrow flame; the fire elemental was flame incarnate.

Soon enough, they would all head out from the trench and make their way towards their objective through the forest. Flare kept their guard up, keeping a close eye on Sera as they scanned their surroundings for any incoming threats.
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