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Realistic or Modern [East Shore School for Teens] [Accepting]

"Hmmm..." She put her finger on her chin and got a thoughtful look on her face. "Okay," She laughed. "Don't make fun of me for this but i really really like to knit and crochet and stuff." She did a knitting motion with her hands. "I can make some really great hats."
Ash slammed his head onto the table, a little harder than he intended and let out a small groan, he then shot his head back up "knitting for real?" Ay giggled a little "my G'Ma knits" he continued to laugh a little and then calmed down "but nah for real, you can make hats? I love hats, so here's the deal I'll preform a killer dance show for you, and you can knit me a killer beanie ? Good plan right?". Ay hoped he hadn't offended, he just hadn't met many knitting teens, he was also easily amused.

Ash wasn't quite sure how to reply to Kathrine so he had lingered a little, he flashed a quick look to Fawn then looked back at Kathrine. He couldn't help but smile, girls could be quite forward with him, but this was something new... ~just roll with it~ he thought to him self. "It is nice to meet you Kathrine, I'm Ash" he flicked his head forward to greet Kathrine "what grade are you in?" He added at the end.
Vince paused midway at Marina's question, his food hovering only a couple of inches from his mouth. Truthfully, he hadn't considered why he decided to come outside that day. Was it to watch the rain? Nah, he was more the type to stargaze. In previous years, when he'd feel especially stuffy inside the school cafeteria, he would go outside to eat his lunch there. His friends would join him every now and then, but once they realized Vince usually wasn't much up to talking about cars or girls when he was basking in the sun outside, they'd retreated inside where their other friends were. To answer Marina's question, he shrugged. "I don't really watch the rain much. I just felt like getting a breath of fresh air, you know?" Vince started to eat his food. "You obviously do, though." Honestly, he thought it was kind of cute, watching the rain. It sounded like something one of his sisters would read about in their novels, or whatever.
"Yeah okay." She laughed. "A junior in high school and I'm already being compared to a Grandma, what a year this is gonna be." She shook her head lightly with a chuckle. "I'm sure my granny fingers can whip up a nice hat as soon as the arthritis in these old bones dims down." She speaks light-heartedly.
-Time Skip-

It's evening now, 3:30. The students pour out of the school, the rain has stopped, the air humid and filled with electricity. The sun is still visible, but the sky is turning a violent orange, as it nears the end of its rotation. Some students go to work, some go home, and others stay at school, to sign up for after school clubs.
Ash walked out of his final class, history, sighing as he always did. This sigh though was more relief that the day was over and he could play basketball with his boys, then go to the store and work. Ash walked with some of the team towards the locker room, he stopped at his locker to grab his kit out, the rest walked on as AJ insisted he would meet them on the court. He also grabbed out his Walkman and headphones, he loved listen to music to warm up; he slipped on the headphones and began to play 'Jucy' by Notorious BIG. He leant his head into the locker and contemplated which he preferred; basketball, dance or Music. He shook his head and shut his locker, Ays conclusion was that he had no preference. He started once again walking down the hallway towards the gym
Kathrine stepped out of the school and realized that if she was late to work again, she would be fired. She sprinted to the Cafe and put on her apron and clocked in.
"Mama, I'm home." Felicia called out as her damp feet touched the carpeted floor and the cold air slowly wither into the staleness of the thermostat controlled air.

As she walked a bit further, she could hear a soft tune humming and singing from the kitchen.

"Minsan, ang sabi niya sa akin sandali na lang."

Piqued, she went close to the kitchen only to see her mother. Wrapping her arms around her husband and singing softly as he was cutting the vegetables. They both swayed side to side and she could see the amused face of her stepfather when his eyes glimmered. It was sweet, and heartwarming...and also something that instinctively told her to walk away and let them enjoy their honeymoon period. Deciding to leave them be, she went upstairs to her room, figuring a shower was in order.

She tipped her toes in the water and later even dipped in it, only to get out once she realized how ridiculously cold it was. Yet the sensation of being in the water was a nostalgic and much needed one, something she needed so she could not lose a part of something that she always had with her. She felt it would stay with her her whole life but the moment her toes touched the pavement of the Airport, she felt a loss. A loss that made her eyes water and yet nothing fall.

"'ning, are you here?" Her mother asked as she knocked on the door coming inside without needing to. This was her house after all.

"Oo, nanay."

"Wud you like to get sum kopi?" Her mother asked, a smile so blissfully serene that she can feel the contentment radiate from her. "Ganahan si Leonard na mag adto ta para na tay imnom og merienda. Ingna ko na 'musta ang imong pag adto sa eskwelahan."

Felicia smiled at her mother, "Sige, mag-ilis sa ako."

Nodding, her mother smiled at her and went down as she heard the sound of her husband call her.

After school she goes to work at the beauty salon, not because she has to but because she wants to prove a point to her parents. She's just starting but that isn't to say she's inexperienced, she has done plenty of salon related things to herself and old friends.
Kathrine was fired from her job, so she decided to go get her hair did.

Kathrine stepped into the beauty salon to see Fawn waiting for a customer
"Yeah I really do" Marina said in a soft tone, the rain was the only thing that made her feel calm. When the bell rang she stood up quickly and smirked "Well I have to go" she said, walking inside. She didn't actually have to rush to leave, her shift at the music store started at four and it was only 3:30... But she had to walk there which would take at least 15 minutes by foot. She threw her half eaten lunch away and tried to get to her locker as quick as possible, which would take quite a bit of effort since there were so many people in the hallway trying to leave. Once she finally got to her locker she unlocked it and garbed her bag.

Marina ran out of the school, she was getting annoyed by how many people there were.

@Banana Panda

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