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Realistic or Modern [East Shore School for Teens] [Accepting]

Felicia watched the small crowd of people slowly vanish into their classes. She could actually relate to this scene as she remembered the time she would run as fast as her legs could take her, seconds slowly peeled away by the ticking of the clock on her watch. The memory of getting in at the nick of time to see the amused face of the teacher who- she would find out much later that the teachers started making bets on her punctuality- would scribble something on a piece of paper.

She was much still in that memory of hers when she felt a pair of eyes on her. She didn't take note of his features (@William Scott ) but she responded to him how she would respond then, with a playful teasing wink before looking forward once more and walking away. Only was it after the fifth step did she realize what had done and gave the moment that cringing sensation that she so rightfully deserved.

Lord, there goes her first impression.

"Miss Harrolds?"

A voice called out for what could have been the third time since the tone was louder and more direct. It was only when she remembered that her last name was now Harrolds did she turn.


"When mom's forgetful, she REALLY is forgetful." Muttered Felicia as she filled in the information for her enrollment. When her mom suggested she look around the school she either thought she had all the paperwork done or it was up to her daughter to do the rest. Either one is plausible enough for her to believe that that's what her mom intended.

Thus, instead of getting out of the school, she was stuck in the school a bit longer, texting her mother asking for details, and wondering why her mother couldn't have just did all this by herself.

With a rumbling stomach, she paused; looked at her paperwork; rubbed her temples; sighed, and continued writing with the dark thick pen given to her.
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Marina gave a quick shake hand shake "Nice to meet you" she muttered under her breath as she watched him walk away from her. After closing her locker she walked to her class, glancing at her schedule every few moments.

After fifth period the school bell rang, telling everyone that it was lunch time. Marina was suddenly very glad that she packed a lunch today when she saw the long lunch line. She decided to sit outside today even though it was raining, she didn't really want to have to find a table to sit out. Although she could already picked out where the different cliches where going to sit, she didn't feel like she belonged in any of them.....Unless of course they had a troublemaker table. She grabbed her paper lunch bag and walked out the doors of the cafeteria. As she exited the crowd of the inside, she took a deep breath of fresh air. Marina loved watching the rain.
It took her a bit of time to find the lunchroom, as though she will claim to have many skills, a sense off direction is not one. She brought a lunch from home which she held in her hand as she looked for a table. She hadn't really paid much attention in her classes, she mostly just filled her papers with terrible doodles and stared out the window.She had memorized No, my name isn't Aaron, that's my older brother...my late older brother. My mother must have put the wrong name on as she is a busy woman. But you can call her, I'm sure her number is on file. She had that in her head weeks before her move and just hoped the lie was convincing enough if she had to use it. She is not blind to consequence, she is smart enough to know what could ruin her. She just doesn't care. She finds a table to sit at.
Asher walked out of class with a huff, this huff was as instinctive as breathing for Ash when leaving class - it was kind of like relief of it been over, and a small protest, expressing his disliking of the education system as a whole. He would hopefully get in to a college playing Basketabll or dancing, so he only had to keep up adverage to slightly below average grades. Ay knew he was smarter than the grades on his sheet at the end of each semester, as did his mother, but he was to lazy to ever prove himself right, he kept his attention focused on music, sport and socialising; far less boring.

He walked from his Literature class room where they had been talking of a book he hadn't actually read; this makes the tasks all that much harder. Ash thought back to when they studied poetry, something he could actually relate to and understand, he far preferred poetry to books, and boarder line enjoyed the class back then - he liked to read them to melodies in his head.

Anyway, that literally was behind him now as he left the class, he headed down the hallway with his backpack on his back, and turned his SnapBack to face backwards. AJ was still carrying his football under his left arm, when he entered the lunch hall. He never ate at school, at least not good from the canteen, the cooked food was vile, at least he didn't like it; AJ is more of a fired chicken type of guy.

As he walked in he noticed the new girl from the morning alone on a table, his group of friends sat the other side of the hall, and Ay was feel particularly lazy, or social - one or the other - today. He walked to the table, put his back down and sat opporsite her (@Rad frog father).

"Hey newbie, long time no see"

He placed his football at his feet, and took an apple from his bag, biting into it, smiling at himself; she had told him her name ~i think~ but like the true man he is, he hasn't really paid any attention.

"How's your day going? I hope you found the rest of your rooms okay without my help" he spoke as he chewed the apple.

"I saw another new girl this morning to, she was carrying a guitar" Ay said before biting the apple once again. "I think she might of winked at me ?"


The tone in his voice suggested confusion and his narrowed eyes seemed to confirm this suggestion. "So she's either super friendly or realised I'm Gorgeous" AJ said as he closed he's eyes briefly at the end of the sentence, he smiled and laugh a little just so she would know he was only joking; that he wasn't just super arrogant, just s little cocky. "But seems you not the only new person to walk these halls. So maybe you can meet some other newbies and all be new together??" He said, again flashing a smile at the end, and taking one final bite of the apple to Finnish it, before going back to his bag to find water
"Still going with the newbie thing I see,....non-newbie." She had not heard his name yet and her nicknaming skills weren't exactly off the charts. "I guess it would be nice to meet someone just as confused as yours truly." She laughs a little. "I need someone to wallow with in a vat of confusion."

She looks around the lunchroom with her face filled with discontent and sighs. "You know, I didn't think I'd already miss my old school but the lunch room was a nail in the coffin." She rolled her eyes.
"Tapos!" Felicia declared as she placed the pen down. That took much longer than she thought and just in the nick of time too. The crowd of people in the lunchroom were making her nervous and with every passing moment she could feel her hands grow colder. Even if they weren't she thought eyes were looking at her, piercing her insecurities and it made her just want to leave the room. With which she was going to do now. She made her way back to the hallways, taking a deep breath as she prepared herself for that vicious looking woman. Her eyes stared at the door, heart beating as her clammy fingers knocked on the door.

"Enter," The ominous grumpy voice whispered.

With a quick prayer to the Lord, she opened.


Well, she was going to have her mother do all following meetings.

That meeting was the worst meeting she has ever experienced in her whole life. The sneer, the look, the way she licked her lips in glee every time she made an error. Oh and her comment on her future student's English. Yes, that was definitely something a person should do. She really wished could have snapped back in Tagalog, mock her and her thick face that must have been built up by years and years of makeup she forgot to remove in order to prolong her youth. She could swear her neck seemed like the crust, cracked earth that came from the lack of water...or humanity.

"Never again do I want to meet her." She muttered under her breath before taking a breath as a cool breeze of wind came by causing her to inhale deeply, as if inhaling its refreshing essence.

Now that she had finished touring the school, she was free to leave, which she took the moment the papers were accomplished. One thing she could love about her surroundings was how cold...not cold, rather, refreshing the area was. The sky seemed painted on as it slowly changed in its depths and hues, the sea was blue but she knew the sea was much better in her hometown; however, this came as a close second and she welcomed that. That one constant has allowed her to slowly adapt to this place and she knew that the hurt feelings she carried would be washed away by the waves as long as she came to pay homage to these waters that were part of her in every single memorable moment she can remember.

When her eyes saw the harbor in the distance, she knew she had to go there and as soon as she made that thought, her feet began to take her there, to that place of peace in her mind.

Payson rolls over and feels a fresh breeze come through her window. It was early in the morning, but there was no time to dilly dally. School was starting soon and she needed to be in class as soon as possible. She takes a deep breath and stretches, as she inhales Payson takes in the smell of burnt toast, "Mom must have cooked this morning." Her mom wasn't the best cook, but she tried and it's the thought that counts. She hops out of bed, gets dressed (

outfit), and glides downstairs to reveal that her mother was not in the kitchen. On the counter lay a note, Have a great first day of school. Love, Mom. It wasn't every day that Payson would wake up to an empty house, but she was used to it. Grabbing the burnt piece of toast, she tossed it to her dog, Rufus. "I gotta go now. I'll eat at school, if not, I'll eat when I get home." Payson slung her bag over her shoulder, took her car keys off of the coffee table and headed out to the school.

It seemed as if everyone was already there, it wasn't usual for Payson to be late to school, but this time she overslept. She pulled into a parking spot and turned off the car. Jogging into the school, it turned out she really wasn't late. There was plenty of time to spare, but next time this wouldn't happen. Faces passed Payson as she walked through the school into the front office, she checked in and walked to the cafeteria where she grabbed an apple, and plopped down at an empty table which was rare.​
"Non-newbie? For real?" Ash giggled, he hadn't mentioned his own name yet - she may have asked earlier, but AJ paid it no mind if she did, he could sometimes have a very short attention span. "okay since your bad with nicknames I'll give you three, and you can choose your favourite call me Ash, Ay or AJ. I get all three so I don't mind which".

Ash sipped the water on the table, and looked around the lunch hall absentmindedly, just to see if there were any other familiar faces about before snapping back to the conversation, and turning to face Fawn once more. "It's hard being new, but your still alive at lunch time which is a pretty good start" Ay flashed a smile and exhaled to express his self amusement. "Why did you move if you were happy at your lady school ? What was the school like? It's not great here, the food is wrong, but the basketball team is pretty good, and the beach side location is nice, so it'll do"
Kathrine walked into the school on her first day. She just moved here and is scared that no one will like her. "Umm, hi i'm Kathrine..." Kathrine said shyly.
Kathrine saw Ash and almost had a heart-attack. 'Ash is so cute' Kathrine thought as she walked over to Ash. "Hi, i'm Kathrine, and you are the man i've been looking for all my life" Kathrine said. (remember that Kathrine is Flirty and a Hopeless Romantic)
"I'll go with AJ, and by the way I like Fawn a whole lot more than Newbie." She laughs softly. "It's a lot prettier I think."

She looked up. "Ahhh, well for starts it was a private school so it was just overall really nice, but the uniforms were kinda awful so thats a point for this school. And I moved here because it was the perfect in-between point for the two of my Dad's business locations that he visits the most. So You like basketball?"

When Kathrine comes over she gets a bit of an uncomfortable look on her face and starts looking into her backpack.
She looked up from her backpack and stopped digging into it. "My name is Fawn, hello."

She twiddled her fingers around her orange hair.
Ay looked kind of blankly at Kathrine as she sat down, he felt bad not replying to fawn straight away but his attention was taken, as Kathrines comments surprised him - he couldn't help smile a little smugly.

"Urm thank you?" he said almost as a question, fenale attention wasn't new to Ash but normally girls were more subtle. "To be fair, I am pretty great" ash joked trying to break the tension "I don't know you, but I'm guessing you wanna know me right? Haha I'm Ash".

Ay smiled at his comments and looked back to Fawn trying to recall what she was saying before "I prefer newbie, but for you I'll use Fawn. It is far prettier than Newbie I'll give you that..." Will paused and closed his eyes briefly before ooening then narrowly as tries to recall their conversation "what were you saying before??"
"Yeah, I'm fine." She zipped her backpack and put it on her lap.

"I was saying how my old school was a private school so it was a lot nicer, and the food looked a lot better, and that I moved here because it was the perfect mid-point between two of my dad's business locations." She stopped for a moment to think. "And then I asked if you played basketball."
Jay took his hat off and scratched his head, resting the hat on the table still in his hand "private school? Daddy must be pretty well off no?" Jay said with a small smirk as he dropped the hat on the table to sip his water once more - his mouth was becoming dry. "It's nice of you to leave your old school for your dad, you guys must be pretty close. What does he do?" Will asked hoping she wouldn't think he was being to forward and invading of her personal life. "Basketball, yeah I play, I'm the small forward for the team here at school; basketball, dance and music. That's pretty much me to a T"
"Well he owns several medical supplies companies around the country and even out." She thinks for a second. "I don't know how many. And on the closeness well..." She holds her hand sideways and tilts it up and down. "I mean he tolerates me."

She didn't find the question invasive, she has always been asked a lot of questions about her family life. She got questions from the people curious about the size of her house to the occasional therapist.

"You dance? I used to try to dance but I'd somehow wind up stepping on my own feet." She laughs. "I'm guessing that you're a lot better than i was."
"Medical supplies wow ? That sounds pretty cool, I'm sure he does very well for himself". AJ didn't want comment on her reply to his question about closeness, but the noseyness got the better of him and he wanted to know more, without making fawn uncomfortable of corse, but he was interested in the story now.

"He tolerates you? Is there some sort of a story behind that, do you just tolerate him too?". Ay felt invasive but he was a confident guy and could read people well, if she reacted bad he would apologise of course.

He left the question out there but also brushed over it, so that if she was uncomfortable the conversation would still flow, with out the need for her to answer - "and yeah I dance, mainly hip hop, mainstream and all that, break dancing, popping and that sort of thing. Comes with the culture. Quite honestly I don't step on my own feet much at all, so maybe I am better than you... Not gonna lie I'm pretty good" Ay said with a cheeky smile and a subtle wink, he sipped his water again as he finished the sentence and hoped for a good reaction. He felt the second comment was light hearted so maybe she would open up a little and feed his sudden curiousity.
"My Dad doesn't like some of the choices I've made...I will not elaborate on the choices." When coming to the second part of the sentence her tone got more serious.

"And I don't know if you're better." She shelved the serious tone and replaced it with a joking one. "I fall with intense amounts of grace when I dance." She laughed. "But really though, that's cool and you should probably show me sometime."
Vince practically ran to lunch. Completely opposite to what he'd expected, one of his teachers actually had given a test on the first day. Lucky, lucky him. What kind of teacher does that anyways? A sadistic one most likely. Vince paused in his journey to the cafeteria and pinched his nose, squeezed his eyes shut, and leaned against one of the lockers in the hallway. Already, he was feeling the beginnings of a headache coming on, and the first day wasn't even over yet. Vince shook it off. Whatever. After today, he could go back to the shop and take it out on whatever project Mr. Javan would have him do. Vince continued to lunch and stepped in line, waiting patiently for whatever the lovely lunch ladies were serving today. Once he'd gotten his food, he swerved around the other kids, slapping a few high fives with people he'd known from last year.

Vince didn't have too many close friends, but he did have several connections at school. Vince was outside when he realized it was raining, and he quickly put an arm over his tray to keep his food dry. Quickly, he ducked back under some shelter and chose to sit down on one of the benches there, where he could eat and stay dry. Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted the girl from earlier watching the rain. He briefly contemplated approaching her, and shrugged as he decided that yes, he would invite her to eat with him. He stood up and walked over.

"Hey, Marina right?" he asked, then smiled. "We met this morning. But I was wondering, I've got two cartons of milk, one more than I really need, so I was looking for someone to share it with. Would you like to eat lunch with me?"
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Ash looked a little blankly and confused at Kathrine, he did enjoy the attention but this seemed a little odd. "To the Cafeteria?" Ash replied "or school?" He added slowly "yes... Because I have to... To learn...or eat..... So everyday, I'll be here". Ash was quite confused, and this was very clear by the spacing of his words and the pausing between his diction. He closes his eyes as he did so often when changing topics and shook his head "I'm sorry... What was your name again" he quizzed Kathrin, unsure if they had met before or not. (@KristineluvsCookies)

After speaking to Kathrine quickly, Ash looked back at Fawn. The timing was quite good because it allowed him to brush past the personal aspect of the combination without making it obvious or awkward. It all seemed very personal, and it was no longer his place to probe; well, it never really was his place, but he had come to his senses now. "yeah I can definitely put on a show, bust a quick move and all that" Ash smile through his speech, and used his arms to imitate a robotic dance style and bobbing his head a little "I'm sure you do fall with grace, and that's probably harder than the dance it's self - maybe you are better" Ash flashed a smile with the left side of his mouth and nodded slightly, before creasing his brow to become quizitive again - "feels like you know allot about me now, what about you? What do you do for fun?" He asked with a light tone, hoping if he had touched a nerve with his earlier question he could rectify the situation
Marina gave a little smile "Yeah its Marina" she responded to his first question. After pondering whether she should eat lunch with him, she laughed a bit "sure why not" She wasn't exactly sure why a tall, mysterious senior was associating himself with her, but for some reason it seemed natural. Having thought about so much, she suddenly realized she hadn't talked in at least a minute or two. "So...do you like watching the rain as well?" she asked him, wondering if he came outside to this dreary weather because he liked it or because he saw her.

@Banana Panda

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