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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Realistic or Modern Eager Destruction


Aurelia Aurita

Reminder Please make your character between the ages of 15 and 25.

Keep unnecessary and unwanted drama to a minimum.

Keep your character somewhat realistic and make sure they don't go against the plot.

Don't be a special snowflake.

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Allison Ryker Jones

b a s i c s


gender ;; female.

age ;; 21.

birthday ;; 01/06/xx

"Allison Jones... that name hasn't been heard around here in almost two years..."

At the age of 19, this woman seemingly disappeared. But that wouldn't really be hard when the world is at rock bottom, right? That was the year Allison joined Vigilant. They had somehow found out something the girl had been working hard on trying to hide; the fact that she was immune to Orfeit Rexem. She wouldn't have joined if it wasn't for the gangs, the new "rulers" were what pushed the girl over the edge. Her family mourned her briefly, but it wasn't long before Sludge clouded their brains and washed any memory of her away.

Now 21, Allison fits in comfortably with the rest of Vigilant. She has been with them for two years, and has learned the tricks of the trade, so well in fact that she has moved up to the leader's right hand. She's mostly known as the one who spray paints almost everywhere. She is quite passionate about the art, and uses it as a form of expression. Some of her own work has been spotted, the works marked by the initials "A.J", which she is what she is referred to among the outsiders. It snowballed and became her alias.

but the thing is, you cannot simply just stop, because an addiction is an obsession that takes over your mind and every thought.

d e t a i l s


Allison originally had black hair, but the relentless sunrays she was forced to endure turned her hair into a light brown. It reaches below her shoulders, but is often tied up. She has dull brown eyes and a heavy tan. She stands at 5'6 with an athletic build and a good amount of muscle mass. She wears a pair of shorts, a tank top, a medical face mask and a pair of unassuming runners. She has many scars, but one of the more notable ones is the one of her right cheek, her mask covers most of it, it just peeking out the top. She got it in her first and only ring fight for OR, her opponent didn't play fair and pulled a piece of glass on her. It was inflicted not long before Vigilant found her, and they were the ones who patched it up the best they could.


Intense • Daredevil • Aggressive

All there is at a person's very core is the will to survive. At the end of the day, that's all we want, no matter how bad that sounds. At the most inconvenient times, this ignited an internal struggle within her. Allison is thought to be stoic and fearless, but that was her convincing herself that's really who she is. The woman wanted to be bold and selfess, but a survival instinct held her back. This was the problem she was confronted with during the first several months in Vigilant, but she threw herself into her work, and that become her way of survival.

Allison became an adrenaline junkie, she didn't feel normal unless she was doing something that got her heart pumping and her hands sweating. What had been holding her back disappeared. She traded an internal extreme for an external one. If there's something exciting to do, she
hasto do it. Climbing the tallest buildings to get the best place to paint? On it. Break up a fighting ring? On my way. Deal with an extremely aggressive citizen? Already there.

You could say that she became addicted to the thrill.

Allison has a way with the addict citizens of the Sectors, especially the ones who have given up completely, they could be considered her "soft spot". She enjoys watching hope returning to their faces, despite them having very little life left to live. Even though they can't sleep or see, they scratch themselves to bone and pull their hair out if it grows back in, Allison made their spark return, and that fills her with inexplicable joy.

Allison continues to wonder why she's immune to the drug and it's effects, but her hatred of the gangs and the world's state and her dedication to Vigilant keeps her curiosity at the back of her mind.

h i s t o r y

hometown ;; Berkley, California - current location ;; Novena

I bit my lip and held my breath, pushing the plunger down and watching the liquid drain from the syringe. I waited for the rush, the crazy hallucinations, but they never came. I was crushed, and instead of easing my pain, the experience amplified it.


o t h e r


> Primary: .22 pistol. "Easy to hide, persuasive and you look fuckin cool with it"

> Secondary: Pocket knife. "I always have it on me, it's useful for other things too"

> Last resort: Wooden baseball bat. "Not that discreet, but fun to use"


Allison drops a Vigilant tag in every sector they visit. They can be usually found on a building's walls, inside or out. It's either a Burner or a Throw Up, depending on the paints available and the time she has.

For her own work, it's less of a "I was here" statement and more something that's supposed to inspire hope. It could be anything from a painting of a cloud to the sunrise. Due to her medium, she can't get overly detailed, but she does shade and put a lot of effort into these pieces. They are always somewhere they can easily be viewed, and are as large as she can manage.

A.J. is always in the lower right hand corner of the things she paints.


Allison easily gets along with the rest of Vigilant, and would willingly put her life in their hands. She considers them good friends,

When it comes to the Junkies, Allison seems to gravitate towards children and the p.o.d.s (also referred to as Pods). P.o.d. or "prisoner of drug" plays off of the term "prisoner of war", and they are the one's who have been totally taken over by the drug.

t r i v i a

1. Allison's sexuality has never been revealed.

2. Her mask helps against the shitty air, but also the fumes of the paint.

3. She holds grudges for a very long time, especially against those who betray her or her friends, or those who prey on the weak.

4. Allison was an art major in college, and was going to go on to join an art gallery, but the war cut that short.

5. here's a lil

because I'm a dork

coding by

@r i n n e
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Hazel Greenweld


Age: 23

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Allegiance: Vigilant


Hazel is a reckless woman who has a clear disregard for her own safety, which could be possibly linked to the fact that she was never taught to care, with her mother being an addict to Orfeit Rexem, and hardly noticing her existence. It is because of her addiction that Hazel believes she is immune, as her mother took it from early on in her pregnancy - and Hazel was lucky to be born healthy.

Hazel often hides her caring personality between a veil of sarcasm, arrogance and wit, often appearing antisocial and cold, however to those who know her - truly know her, they know she is slightly insecure and protective of those she loves. Hazel is often terrified of screwing up, so she simply avoids responsibility, especially as people often die around her and she often feels at fault; this is one of the main reason she has started to avoid getting close to people; as she doesn't want to endanger them with her behaviour.


Hazel was born to a mother; Teresa, who was already an addict to drugs, and when 8 years ago Orfeit Rexem was introduced her additction became even worse - to where she was barely recognised to be human. This meant that Hazel was brought up by her older sister; however she at the age 15, her older sister decided to try Orfeit Rexem and overdosed, dying immediately from the drug which wasn't compatible with her sister system. This was only in the beginning stages of the introduction of the drug - and no one has really known what it could do. Hazel at the age of 15 was left to bring up her younger while her mother was on a constant high, until when her sister was 6, she was caught in the crossfire of a war between the gangs while Hazel was out in town with her. She died from a gunshot wound and Hazel has forever since then blamed herself for not looking after her sister well enough.

After her sister's death, at the age of 18, Hazel joined the vigilant and broke off all contact with her mother, she's kept to herself, afraid of bringing death, chaos and destruction into their lives.


- Weaknesses (3)

  • She is reckless and often thoughtless, easily endangering her own life with no thought of consequences
  • She has no quams about being an absolute unfeeling bitch when needed.
  • Hazel easily erupts and can be very emotional. In order to at times tune our her emotion she drinks.

- Strengths (3)

  • She is incredibly loyal and protective
  • She's very fast and agile; and due to her way of life before joining the vigilant she has well toned and not simply raw talent
  • Hazel is incredibly intelligent and once she put's her mind on it, she can accomplish anything
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Adrian H. Jacobs










<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpeg.7fff0ed1b4d2f0a9c1d110d4717ac085.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="121332" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpeg.7fff0ed1b4d2f0a9c1d110d4717ac085.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Adrian as about 6'3, lean with a generous amount of muscle. His eyes are a chocolatey almond color and his hair a rich colored brown. He has a strong angular jaw, peppered with slight stubble. His looks are rather intimidating when he isn't smiling or laughing.
















Adrian was born and grew up in an average family in a chaos-ridden community. As soon as the new drug hit, everything went downhill for them. His parents tried to shield him and his little sister from the hectic world around them as much as they could, but unfortunately, you can't shield reality. One night while Adrian was with his girlfriend, His home was raided by three men, desperate for their high. They stormed in, accusing his parents of harboring the dangerous drug. They denied, and denied, pleading with them, but it wasn't enough. By the time Adrian got back, they were all shot dead. In his state of hysteria, he found someone with the drug and injected it in himself, hoping his death would come.

By the time he woke up, without any of the deadly side affects, he knew he had to be amongst the rare that were immune to it. He grew cold and distant for months, and years later, he joined the vigilants.


Adrian's acts as the 'muscle' or the 'buffer' of the group. He's not stupid, he just likes to use his physical strength in accompany to his intelligence. Although he doesn't see himself as any rank and prefers to be seen as an equal amongst his peers.


Adrian's usually uses a pistol, but he's always carries a dagger with him. He doesn't use these as often though due to his exceptional skill in hand-to-hand combat.

- Weaknesses (3)

*He can get very irrational when he's caught up in his emotions

*Bringing up his family

*Seeing people cry

- Strengths (3)

*He'st a strategist

*Exceptional at hand-to-hand combat

*He has great reflexes



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Samuel Dorsey


Age: 21

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Allegiance: Zorro


Sam is a rather carefull person, a trait inherited from both of his parents, before his father became a crazed addict, but it was more influenced by his mother, who taught him to try and do things slow and carefull, but Sam abandoned the slow part of her words. He developped his speed as a rather psychological escape from his pain he felt at home, as he tried to run from it every single day, only to find himself coming back.

Sam, although he doesn't show it, is a very affectionate and friendly soul, but, as it could be considered a weakness, he only let his close friends know this. As he is selling this stuff, peddling it to addicts, he has to keep his guilt on the inside, sometimes justifying it as calling himself a 'death' character, and that they asked for it, he only delivered.

As for his gang, it is his first family. He cares for his 'mates' as he calls them, and would die for them if given the option. He has a small obsesion for chemistry, and he is known to look for chemistry books, thinking that if he finds a way to make Orfeit, he might get the gang to be rich and powerfull.


Samuel is the child of Joslyn and Travis Dorsey. Travis was an electronic engineer, and Joslyn a school teacher. Life wasn't rosey, as the drug started to hit the streets. At first, his father started to take it, as a method to "vent stress" as he said. Soon, the beatings started, plus his parent's endless yellings. Samuel soon started to live more and more on the streets, as home was beginning to be unhospitable. He would often snatch Orfeit from his home and sell it around where he lived, getting some money here and there.

When his father eventually found out, he was furious. He had beaten Samuel to an inch of his life, leaving him crying and bloddied. 12 years old, and crying on the floor like a baby. It was something that molded him,something that changed him. '...Never, again...' he taught to himself, like a small chant, as his crying started to die out. A few days later, he was again out, selling the drug, but mostly by buying it from other neighbourhoods. Luckily, his mother homeschooled him, when she could, and he learned how to count and simple mathematical equations.

Relying more on his speed and his new-found street smarts, Samuel was a good runner and supplier, starting to sell the drug to other places. One time, after he got his money, he went back home. What he found, made him freeze in place. His mother was laying on the ground, dead from an overdose, but his father, he was still alive. He was twitching, convulsing, turning his head towards Samuel and extending his hand towards him. Through vicious coughing noises, he managed to utter. "...Help... Help... s-son!" Samuel stood there, not smiling, but not frowning either. He simply crouched, looking in his father's eyes as he died.

Once his father was dead, a sigh escaped Samuel's mouth, as he got up, and ransacked the house. He took what he could in his pouch, and a few clothes in a small backpack. He stopped in the doorway as he looked back one last time. Closing the door, he left his family home, and now he was alone, in this cruel world. At 18, he joined Zorro, and he hasn't told anyone about his past. Either he is being affected by it, or he doesn't find it interesting.


- Weaknesses (3)

  • Lack of empathy for others.
  • Low strenght, as he is often found running and scounting, not fighting.
  • Not addicted to Orfeim, but both alchool and cigars are his go-to for relieving pain.

- Strengths (3)

  • Loyal to his gang and members. He is incredibly loyal and protective
  • Fast and a keen eye for details, traits he gained peddling the drug and running errands.; and due to her way of life before joining the vigilant she has well toned and not simply raw talent
  • Versed in chemistry and reading, those being his favorite past times, second to alchool.

- Weapons

  • Primary : M1911 Pistol. (Taken from his home)
  • Secondary : Baseball Bat (You find these things like pennies)
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Artemis Eve Carlisle

"As long as we don't die, this is gonna be one hell of a story."

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8c98d48ebf_EDOC.jpg.2fd75c40a8e286c24f23a10f3d65785a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="122316" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8c98d48ebf_EDOC.jpg.2fd75c40a8e286c24f23a10f3d65785a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Name: Artemis Eve Carlisle

Age: 21


Birthday: January 27

Appearance: Artemis was born with snow white hair and a complexion to match. Her eyes are a captivating pale blue that catches the attention of most people that look at her. There is a scar over her left eye that was obtained in a street fight when she was 16 years old. The person that gave it to her was swiftly dealt with by her father.

Allegiance: The Zorro


-Positive: Artemis is an extremely loyal girl, she's trustworthy, and she cares deeply for her loved ones. She is also a very mature girl that knows how to get what she wants. Get on her good side, and you're golden.

-Neutral: She is an authoritarian, and she's efficient at the role. Artemis is conservative and yet quite hypnotic in her own way. When set on a certain goal, she is driven and hard-working.

-Negative: Artemis is an arrogant and materialistic girl, by which I mean she likes what is hers and doesn't enjoy giving it up. She is blunt and brutal, both things that are useful in her line of work. To top it all off, she is both demanding and sometimes compulsive.

Alignment: Neutral Evil

Weaknesses: She is an impatient girl who is quite impulsive as well. Another one of her downfalls is that she can become easily attached to people, places and things.

Strengths: Artemis is a determined girl with one of those won't quit attitudes. She is quite honest, almost to a fault, and a natural born leader.

Other: Artemis is the daughter of the Godfather. If anyone has any concerns, they go to her first, and sometimes, quite often, actually, she calls the shots. Some of the gang members have gotten used to either calling her Art or Eve.



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I'll fix the pictures tomorrow, if I spend any more time working on this bio tonight, I'll opt out.]

Chase Lawrence Matthews

b a s i c s

gender ;; Male

age ;; 24

birthday ;; 05/15

"I miss your frozen love too much
And I'd overdose from just a touch."
Chase was 21 when his world crashed and burned. For a while, it almost seemed like they might make it. He had his fiance and his health and that

was enough for him. Unfortunately, it wasn't enough for his fiance. Because not six months into rock bottom, she opted out. Injecting a vile of Orfeit rexem deep into

her veins. Since the poor girl already had a fairly weak immune system she stood virtually no chance against the drug, which killed her in minutes.

Now 24, Chase still isn't quite over Violet's death. But, let's be honest you wouldn't be either. Now the leader of the Vigilant organization, which he has been for the

past three years. He's a rather serious guy, cracking jokes occasionally, unless he's with his best friend; Alison. He's really a big softie, although he tries to act

a tough-y tough bad ass.

As the light left her eyes it left his heart too, leaving him a broken shell of a man.

d e t a i l s


"Oh, you're back inside my dreams
Broken bones and empty screams."
Chase has always had dark chestnut brown hair, it reached to about his ears, curling judgmentally around his ears. He stands at 6'1 with a rather lanky build, he has

slight muscles, from running, fighting and toughening up like the "bad ass" he is. He usually wears a tight dirty muscle shirt with a pair of cargo shorts, he has two

pairs of shoes. One a pair of red warn out converse, and the other a pair of blue vans. He has several different scars due to being rather clumsy and unlucky over the

years. The only scars that're man made and not made by Chase being an absolute klutz are a long scar across his back from a car accident when he and Violet were attempting

to flee Chicago and a scar across the bridge of his nose also from the car accident.


Kind hearted • Sarcastic • Easily Discouraged

Chase unlike many these days, couldn't shake his kind hearted nature. The young man is too altruistic for his own good, often putting the needs of others before the

needs of himself, which in turn usually ends up with him getting the short end of the stick. For a while, when the organization Vigilant began, Chase was out to help everyone

no matter what. He didn't want anybody to suffer the way his Violet did. But after a couple of wrong turns, Chase quickly found out not everybody wanted the help he was


Despite usually being a rather nice guy, that doesn't stop Chase from trying to be a sassy little bad ass, even though everybody knows he's really a big softie. He can be

rather insensitive at times with his humor, not realizing until later that he was way out of line; which usually leaves him feeling like he just killed someone's mom. Despite

that, he's still a sarcastic little shit.

Being a helpful guy, Chase is a bit of a people pleaser. So when he's trying to make someone feel better, or do something nice for them, if they continue to push him

away and/or say something mean about his attempts to help, he quickly can become dispirited usually replying with something long the lines of, "Oh, okay."

h i s t o r y

hometown ;; Chicago, Illinois - current location ;; Novena

"The house was awake
With shadows and monsters

The hallways they echoed and groaned."

o t h e r / e x t r a


> Primary: Tarnished brass knuckles

> Secondary: Glock

> Last resort: A hunting knife


Chase gets along well with almost everyone inside and out of Vigilant. He's particularly close with his best friend and second command Alison.

"I'm searching for something that I can't reach..."

t r i v i a

1. Chase has no desire to be in a romantic relationship again.

2. His knuckles always seem to be an aesthetic hue of purple and blue.

3. He's low key a smol child who needs hella attention and reassurance.

4. He's always screwing with his hair.

5. He's a huge dork.

6. Allison is his smol child.

"You say that you're no good for me
Cause I'm always tugging at your sleeve

And I swear I hate you when you leave

But I like it anyway."


  • Name: Giorgio Magini






    Personality:She's a rather disturbed child, speaking to herself when she's alone and often referring to an imaginatory friend that she knows isn't real but since she hardly meets people who aren't hositle she finds it diffcult to let go of this 'friend' she's made for herself. At first she comes off as quite, docile, keeping her head down around others to make herself look smaller, this is a persona. During a fight, she'll laugh as she got hit, acting insane to scare her enemy by speaking nonsense or making jokes during their confrontation. This may also be a persona but she's been playing the part for so long that she's lost herself within it.When she's speaking normally, she speaks in a blunt fashion, usually in a humorous fashion no matter how serious or morbid the subject is.

    Background:She was rasied by her father during one of depression, which met that she would often go days without food or water, quickly learning that no one would listen to her crying. When her father began disappearing, to get his drugs or to get high, she would often amuse herself with old home movies that she got working again in their shelter, this is where her friend came. She made up Mr. Shadow as she saw that shadows dancing as the sun set, and convinced herself that they were people. When her father wasn't around she would speak with Mr Shadow, pour out her worries, and had convinced herself that he spoke wisedom to her, telling her things would get better when she got 'bigger'.

    When she did get older her father began begging her to find his favorite drug of choice because he felt like he was dying, when at first she refused he threaten to kill himself, saying that it would have been her fault. Finally she caved and began putting herself in dangerous situations in order to find her father Sludge, hoping that in return she might find a better side of him.


    • Her father
    • Her unstable mental state from years of isolation
    • A pretty girl offering affection


    • Her quick reflexes.
    • The ability to adapt her personility to her enviroment
    • Her enduranance

Name: Thomas Smith.

Age: 20 years old.

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Asexual/Straight

Allegiance: None


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/sdse2.PNG.4f8f7cd7a2b65c0955fcae24a2917fc9.PNG" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="122883" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/sdse2.PNG.4f8f7cd7a2b65c0955fcae24a2917fc9.PNG" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Tom just want to get everything done quickly, he didn't really care about the world nor did he care about the hot issues in this country. He only cares about the things that will benefit him and he only kept his eyes on the things that will help him reach his goals, he's also an opportunist with sharp eyes for helpful tools to get him out of dangerous situation, his true source of happiness is when he's alone or when he's asleep. He'd usually keep a calm and cool demeanor around others.

History/Background :

When the drugs first came out he's the type who didn't care about addictive substances. He's a good religious boy raised by a pair of strict parents whom he left when he reached maturity, they aren't addicts as they believe that anything and everything that's popular is a part of "Secret Government plan". Both his mother and father always told him that a better life and a better world can only be realized when everyone unites under the same banner, whether it's Vigilantes, Zorros, or anything, they must be united under one ruler or leader. Driven by this mindset he sets off to play his part only carrying weapons his paranoid parents kept.



- Marksmanship: Be it video game or live shooting he's the man for the job, both training while he's bored and talent contributed to this skill.

- Improvised Weaponry: Sharp eye and some knowledge he received from his "Odd parents" made him quite well versed in creating some creative ways out.

- Sleight of hand.


- Physical Fitness: He's definitely not the fittest, there's a reason why he chose shooting to fighting close range, he's thin and possessed no muscle whatsoever

- Sickly: Heavy exposure to the harsh environment and not having a strong constitution made his body very sick and vulnerable to other illnesses

- Phobia: He greatly feared chicken and large fowls.

- Despite having a great eyesight and attention to detail he's not perfect and even made quite a lot of clumsy mistakes


- Deck of cards

- Lighter

- Empty drinking flask


- M1903 Springfield sniper rifle

- An old Revolver



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