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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Realistic or Modern Eager Destruction


Aurelia Aurita

ᴀ ᴅᴇsᴛʀᴜᴄᴛɪᴏɴ, ᴀɴ ᴀɴɴɪʜɪʟᴀᴛɪᴏɴ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴏɴʟʏ ᴍᴀɴ ᴄᴀɴ ᴘʀᴏᴠᴏᴋᴇ, ᴏɴʟʏ ᴍᴀɴ ᴄᴀɴ ᴘʀᴇᴠᴇɴᴛ.





Physically and mentally dependent on a particular substance, and unable to

stop taking it without incurring adverse effects.

Don't go outside during dust storms or after the moon rises,

Don't trust anyone,

Don't share supplies,

Don't accept offers,

And absolutely do not take Orfeit Rexem.

If you want to survive, the rules are simple.
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Character: Allison Jones.


Start Location: Billboard, in front of Zorro hq(?).

End Location: Temporary Vigilant hq.

Time: Evening.

Directed to: No one.

"Almost done," the woman grunted, stepping back to examine her Burner. The coloured paint spelled out 'VIGILANT' in large, demanding letters. She felt the wind against her back, tugging at her ponytail. The chemical sent of spray paint wafted through the air, paint dripping down the old, dirtied billboard. Allison took a deep breath, adjusting her mask. She added some things, trying to make it as neat but obnoxious as possible. How Chase found out where the gang's hub was? She wasn't going to ask. She snickered, dropping the half empty cans into her ratty bag. It was going to get dark soon, the Junkies would be out in a bit.

Allison glanced down at the ground, then turned and started heading down the dilapidated ladder. Her breath caught in her throat, her heart beat speeding up. The twenty one year old pushed herself to go faster, her foot nearly slipping. Catching herself from falling, she paused before continued again. She felt dust and dirt pelt her bare skin, almost regretting her choice of shorts and a tank top. Smoothing her lightened hair, Allison jumped from the second rung to the ground, her knees bending. She corrected her mask for a second time and set off in a jog towards where Vigilant had set up for the night.

She kept a steady pace, weaving through buildings like she knew the place like the back of her hand. Her runners crunched against the piles of debris, dirt and gravel, she scanned the area ahead for movement and discarded needles. Her mind was blank as she ran, the sun slowly dropping from the sky. The Orfeit Rexem pretty much ruined the eyesight of anyone who used long enough, they became overly sensitive to sunlight. Even those who weren't heavy users stayed in during the day, the light still agitated them.

As she walked through the door, Allison dropped her bag against the wall. She wiped her hands against her shorts, leaving behind stains of blue paint. She didn't really mind."I'm back," she stated, pulling down her mask. She rubbed her face, glanced around and then put it with her spray paint. She fell into place, acting completely calm. She knew was late and that there was going to be consequences, but her face didn't give anything away.
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Chase exhaled slightly, pressing his lips together as he peered out the dusty, weather stained window. The sun was beginning to slowly fall behind the horizon, illuminating the world with a warm golden coat. He sauntered down the hallway, his feet scuffing lightly against the rust stained tiles. The young man ran his tongue across the length of his teeth anxiously, his hands were clammy as he paced up the abandoned halls, "Everyone up!" Chase shouted, running a hand through his untidy chestnut mane of hair, it was nearing sun down and Allison hadn't yet returned from spray painting. Usually Chase wouldn't get worried over his second in command cutting it close, but she was really cutting it this time.

"Everyone in the foyer in five!" Chase called, jogging up the small flight of stairs to the second floor, "Come on, everyone. We're cutting it close, hurry up!" Chase paced to the end of the hallway where his small room resided. He had rested his small rucksack against the white chipped door in preparation for their expedition. He stood up to his full height, rolling his neck slightly. He took a breath before heading back downstairs where his fellow Vigilants waited.

Chase took his time heading down the stairs, as if to buy Allison as much time as he could to get back. He took a deep breath stepping into the foyer where the rest of the group waited, he stepped into the door way looking out at the small group of five including himself, only one person, even now remained absent, Allison, "Alright, since this is our first night in this area we gotta be on our guard, we can't do the norm since we're not completely sure what we're up against," Chase explained looking around the small crowd, "So, from what I've noticed, there is another gang in this area who, and from what I've gathered, won't appreciate us setting up shop here, but they're going to have to deal with that," Chase continued leaning against the door frame, "We're going out in teams of two," He pointed the people together, opposed to speaking more than he really had to, "I'll be by myself until I figure out where the hell Al-"

As if on cue the door opened, though through the small crowd he couldn't see the new comer, he had a sneaking suspicion as to who it was. His suspicions were confirmed when he heard the clang of spray paint cans hitting the floor followed by a familiar voice, "I'm back."

"Alright, I guess I don't have to go looking for her." Chase said a small smirk apparent on his pale features, "I won't everyone back by sunrise, or else we'll assume the worst while we look for you, alright, don't be stupid and keep in mind it's not just us in town." Chase finished, as everyone turned to leave until it was just Chase and Allison.

"Cutting it a little close don't you think?" Chase asked as they stepped into the night, the moon the only visible
Character: Allison Jones.

Year: 2028.

Start Location: Temporary Vigilant hq.

End Location: Streets of Novena.

Directed to: @Wallflower

"I'm still breathin', aren't I?" Allison glanced at the boss, a cocky smirk apparent on her face,"Besides, It's not like I'm stupid enough to get myself in shit on our first day here." but she was, and she had before. Her hand grazed the waistband of her shorts as they walked, hesitating at her hip. Her lips pressed together to form a thin line as the female spun swiftly on her heel and jogged back into the building without a word. Her footfalls turned heavy as she darted up the stairs, they were covered with stains and a thin film of dirt and dust. Allison continued this cadence down the hall, stopping only when she reached her room. The door squeaked as she opened it, years of neglect causing it to protest against any use.

"God, this place is disgusting."
Allison muttered as she grabbed the black handgun from her poor excuse of a bed. It was her trusty .22, something Allison had picked up in one of her early adventures with Vigilant. She slide it into her shorts, the handle peaking out from the ratty jean material where it could be easily accessed but easily hidden as well. She would be using it to coerce more than anything, it made for a pretty good argument. People don't tend to negotiate too aggressively when a gun is put to their head. Don't get her wrong, she and the rest of Vigilant were there to help, but it wasn't all bright and kind.

She emerged into the night moments later, her fingers running absent minded over the ghost of an injury on her cheek. She fell in stride with Chase effortlessly, putting her hands in her pockets. Hereyes took in the world in front of her. Despite the sun being completely hidden by the horizon, it still seemed almost unbearably hot, as if someone has set the ground she traversed on fire. Despite this, the area seemed completely different at night. It put her on edge at first, the feeling sending a rush down her back.

During the day, Novena seemed like a barren and abandoned place; everything was covered in dirt, things were scattered about, broken glass littered what was left of roads. But above all else, there was a pleasant type of quiet, the only other sounds accompanying you were the whistle of the wind as it blew through cracks and past your face, and the crunch of your shoes against gravel and debris. During the night, a veil of tension and suspicion suffocated the place; it became less welcoming and more like an enemy looming just out of sight. Hostility and dread seemed to be written in every shadow cast by the shells buildings. Allison shook away these observations, her attention turning back to the male, "Had to get my gun." she explained briefly.
Chase said nothing to her remark, because he didn't want to piss his friend off, because getting them found out on their day there sounded like something she might do. Chase stopped in his tracks as Allison turned to sprint back to the small apartment building. The sound of her sneakers slapping against the pavement echoed in his ears until she disappeared into the building. Chase glanced around, despite being night it was still unnervingly warm. Not the nice kind of warm either. The kind of warm where your clothes stick to you and all you can smell is yourself, and it really doesn't help when you're coated in a layer of dirt and grime.

It was waiting for her, the first junkie of the night caught his eye. Her mane of almost non existent blonde hair was what stood out, the hair was only there in a few places, she almost looked like a barbie doll which had had it's hair aggressively clipped off. She slowly crept out of a near by house almost like a deer. Like if she heard anything she might take off. Other than her hair, she almost seemed normal until he caught sight of her arms and legs, which were covered in long bloody scratches and patches of missing skin. He glanced around noticing one of the troops had paused by a stop sign, pulling out his flashlight he blinked it once in their direction to catch their attention, he pointed at the feeble junkie and they immediately got the hint as they slowly crept towards her.

He stood there like a lump until he heard the familiar slap of shoes against pavement, he glanced up as he pushed his mop of chestnut hair out of his captivating blue eyes. They fell into step together once again, Chase rose an eyebrow in her direction, silently asking 'What the hell?' She glanced over at him, her brown locks swaying over shoulder as they walked, "Had to get my gun." She explained briefly.

"Where did you spray paint anyway?" The young man opened and closed his mouth a couple of times, eyeing her gun before he finally spoke, "You, uh, you are aware that your gun doesn't work right?" He asked, his eyebrows furrowed as they got farther away from the building. As the moon disappeared behind the murky clouds all he could see was a dark outline of everything around him. He sighed slightly, glancing around pointing to the left wordlessly as if to say 'Let's go that way first.' With that they turned heading down the next street towards their destination
Character: Allison Jones.

Start Location: Streets of Novena.

End Location: Streets of Novena.

Directed To: @Wallflower

Allison didn't answer right away for dramatic effect, obviously proud of her achievement, "Remember how you told us where Zorro's hub was?" she asked, biting her tongue as a mischievous grin playing at her lips, "Well, there just happened to be a gigantic billboard across the road from it!" the 'budding artist' exclaimed with a child-like degree of excitement. But her mood quickly dropped back to it's usual level, her eyes rolling as he questioned the presence of the pistol, "I know the gun doesn't work, dumbass," she shot at him,[ see what I did there? (': ] leaning to the left, per his instructions, "I'm bringing it with me from now on, just in case we have to... 'negotiate' one of these days." Allison didn't need to explain much further than that, her intentions clear.

Allison scuffed her feet along the ground, biting the inside of her cheek. The moon was bright tonight, it always was. There was never any clouds to block it's path, never enough moisture in the air to create any. Whatever happened during the war really fucked up the planet, huh? With every country cut off from what was left of America, Allison had long given up getting help from the outside world. Even each Sector seemed to be it's own bubble, their issues being the only thing linking them.

She often wondered what it would have been like if the war never happened, maybe they would have hoverboards by now, something Allison had always found interesting. It'd be like skateboading, but in the air. But that probably won't happen now, the planet and humanity was doomed, and Vigilant was only postponing the inevitable.

"Anywho, what're we doin' again?" Allison asked without looking at the boss, scratching the back of her neck. She kind of regretted missing the brief meeting, hating being out of the loop. Her body was tense as they walk: her back straight, eyes being drawn to any movement or sound. Her dirt stained face and paint stained clothes screamed 'wild' with an expression to match. She knew they weren't going to just do rounds, the Junkies weren't used to their presence yet, and they weren't here to just help them out this time. This time they had a present enemy, Zorro. She watched hesitant figures starting to peak from burrows and buildings, the darkness hiding their grotesque habits and appearances. To say she felt bad for these poor souls was an understatement, but to an extent, she envied them, and that fact disgusted her.
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Chase offered a wry smile, shaking his head slightly, "Only you would do that." He chuckled slightly, he rolled his blue orbs, looking up at the dark sky. The moon hung dim in the sky, lighting their way enough for the to see, he frowned slightly noting the absence of stars in the sky, He pressed his lips together as the pair headed down the cracked pavement street, "Nobody saw you, right?" He asked raising a dark brow, he glanced at his shoes as they walked, as his eyes moved downward, he noticed a spot of blue paint on his colleague's shorts.

"You have paint on your shorts, by the way." He spoke out've the corner of his mouth as they neared their destination. Chase's converse scrapped against the cracked road as he walked. He'd have to look out for a new pair of shoes if he could find them, his were beginning to fall apart. He ran a hand through his greasy, sweat soaked chestnut locks pushing it out of his eyes.

As a kid, him and his friends used to talk and drone on about how cool a zombie apocalypse would be, and all the things they would steal first. Now that he thought about it, he never knew why he never thought about deodorant. He'd kill for a stick of Old Spice now of days. All the things he used to take for granted, his two-in-one shampoo and conditioner, two ply toilet paper, mouthwash. Things you think you wouldn't miss in the end of the world, now felt like distant dreams. Chase was so deep in his thoughts, he almost hadn't heard Allison speak, "Anywho, what're we doin' again?"

Chase scratched the back of his neck, "We're, uh," He ran his tongue over his teeth in thought, "There's a fighting ring up ahead, we gotta split it up," He pressed his lips together, "I think it might be Zorro's so, have your 'negotiator' ready." He didn't know what they would be walking into, and as they got closer to their destination, Chase couldn't help but wonder if he was walking them right to their death.
Character: Samuel Drosey

Start Location: Streets of Novena.

End Location: Streets of Novena.

Directed To: @Wallflower @Sprite

The sound of crowd cheering was echoing through the streets. As the two got closer, the stench of death started to dawn on them. A rather large crowd was gathered around a sort-of arena, with metal bars instead of ropes. Two people were in the arena, looking ratehr bloddy and malnurished. Their skin was hanging off their bones, looking more like a horror scene than anything from a civilized place.

There was music, a sort-of cheerie old irish music, as the combatants traded fierce blows. It was clear they were junkies, and as it looks, it was a rather fight to the death. At a table there was a man, older, scruffy beard, gathering bets. On the table there were money, as well as Orfeit Rexem. Next to him, there was a bulky looking man, maybe a Zorro enforcer, or just someone that kept him safe.

A man, wearing a neon green t-shirt and wearing a pair of tatered grey pants was standing down, craddling himself, rocking back and forth. Looking up, he saw the two, and extended his hand. "Orfeim... Please... P-Peddler." He was shaking, like he was cold, and his eyes were the souless eyes someone could ever see, like staring in the eyes of a doll.

A boy, in a beenie cap crossed their path, looking at them. "...Don't give him anything... He killed before..." Going to a rather empty place overviewing the arena, he stood down, taking a small book. The title read : "Organic Chemistry, Vol. II". He was really laid back, almost disensitised to all teh violence around him. He had a small satchell around his neck, and a beenie on his head, reading "Saint". It didn't appear as if he would turn agressive towards them, being rather captivated by the book, his lips slowly moving as he read.
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Character: Allison Jones.

Start location: Streets of Novena.

End Location: Streets of Novena.

Directed to: @Wallflower

Allison stared at Chase, her eyes narrowed slightly; she was pretending to be offended. "Of course no one saw me," she started, glancing down at her shorts, brushing at the now-dried paint, "Besides, they're all probably users anyway, they couldn't have seen me even if they wanted to" she tried to laugh it off, brushing a stray strand of hair behind her ear. She didn't respond to his comment about her shorts, in all honesty, she didn't feel any urgency about it; it's not like she could do anything about it until next month. Allison dug her hands into her pockets and continued scanning the neighborhood that surrounded them.

Allison raised an eyebrow, glancing over her shoulder at the male,
"A fighting ring? On our first night? I like it," she rubbed her hands together like an evil mastermind about put their evil plan in action, "What's the plan?" She asked, running her hands along the handle of her pistol, "Do we storm in and start screaming orders, or do we take one target as hostage," Allison began listing off possible game plans, numbering them on her fingers, "Or we could pretend to be junkies and take everyone by surprise.. don't think we could pull off that one, though" she looked between herself and the boss, both of them walked with too much confidence, and could look people in the eye without cowering. Their bodies weren't broken, their eyesight wasn't effected; they were looking pretty damn fine considering today's situation.

The drone of cheers and music caught her attention, a small smirk forming on her face. Her pace slowed to give Chase some time to respond. Her nose twitched as the smell of death, sweat and unkempt bodies invaded her senses. She was used to these smells, but this magnitude made her want to gag. She suppressed the urge, swallowing, and taking a deep breath. Her fingers brushed the scar on her cheek as her eyes picked out the building not too far away. She bit down on her lower lip, remembering the night she was attacked. It filled her with a desire for revenge more than anything.
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Chase pressed his lips together, his eyes narrowing slightly as he caught sight of the fighting ring. His lip caught in between his teeth as he contemplated the best route of entry, "We should, uh, find the back entrance," He muttered, sighing slightly, "If things go south, tear out alright?" Chase didn't have a problem with dying. The thought even seemed appealing sometimes. But if things went wrong, Vigilant would still need a leader.

As they neared the grey building, a sense of nostalgia flooded through him as he peered up at the crumbling structure, a ghost of a smile on his thin lips. In his college days, he lived in a building like that, large, grey and falling apart. The lanky man pushed his hand through his chestnut locks, "Get out your 'negotiator.'" He joked lightly.

The young man ran his tongue over his teeth a couple of times, sighing slightly. He wrung his hands in front of him, a couple of knuckles cracking as he did. The moon reflected in his captivating cobalt orbs, he bit the inside of his cheek as they jogged around the side of the building until stopping at the chipped white painted door.

Chase couldn't help the sense of giddy delight that swelled inside as he slipped his tarnished brass knuckles onto his bruised right hand, with a childish grin he glanced at Alison, "I'll clear out the backrooms," He confirmed, "Try to get a hold of a Zorro, not one that looks too useless, we need one that's not expendable," He ordered, "Don't die." He chuckled, although it was serious, before closing his left, bruise free hand around the door knob.
Character: Allison Jones.

Time: Night.

Starting Location: Fighting ring.

Ending Location: Fighting ring.

Directed to: @Wallflower @AnnoDomini

Allison nodded, pulling her gun out. She watched as Chase opened the door, scooting ahead of him. Her shoes made little sound against the tiled floors, keeping her footsteps light and stealthy. She stuck close to the walls, keeping an eye out for any Junkies or guards. She could feel her heart beat increase, she bit her tongue as she grinned; the adrenaline rush she was always craving hitting her. Allison worked her way through a network of halls, dodging any other humans she came across, leaving them for Chase. There weren't many. "Hmph" she chuckled, they wouldn't even know what hit them.

She grew too comfortable, and as she rounded a corner, she nearly smacked into a Junkie. She stared the hunched, pathetic looking man down. Her expression twisted, hiding surprise,
"Leave." Allison ordered, her voice filling with authority. The man wouldn't look at her, shaking in fear. The Vigilant member leaned forward, her eyes narrowing in a threatening way, "Did I stutter?" she barked, her hands finding a place on her hips, "get out of here" a growl sounded from the back of her throat. The man ran away with his tail beneath his legs. Allison felt kind of bad, but she had panicked and didn't want him ratting.

Continuing down the hall, Allison soon found herself facing the main room. She peaked in through the ajar door, her dull eyes quickly sizing up everyone in the room. The scene before her made her stomach flip, fighting rings always had, but this one was particularly horrid. The sweaty bodies packed the room, the fighters barely able to stand on their own two feet. Allison took a breath, sliding into the room. She let her head hang, shoulders curving inwards. She hid her gun in her waist band once more, not wanting to risque someone seeing it, but most seemed too involved in the fight to even notice her.

Allison already had her eyes on a target. She stumbled through the sea of people, mumbling sorry and letting herself be thrown around a bit. She breathed as little as possible, the scent causing her eyes to sting. When she finally got close to the male in a beanie, she stared at him for a second. What had caught her eye was that he was reading a book. Allison found it kind of odd, but she couldn't be too curious right now. It was obvious he wasn't a junkie- or at least he wasn't completely taken by the drug yet. There was a good chance he was a member of Zorro. Suddenly, the girl had a gun pointed to his head. She pretended to turn off the safety, free hand knocking the book from his grasp and grabbing his wrists. She landed a blow to his knee with her foot, causing him to drop down. "Everybody down!" The girl demanded fiercely over the hollers of the crowd and the beat of the music.
The music stopped. The junkies turned to look at girl, so did the one that was at the betting table. The boy looked up and fell as soon as he was kicked. "...You're making a huge mistake..." The junkies snarled, their eyes fixed on the girl.

Raising his hands, he looked her in the eyes. His were of a green shade, grape green, and the dark circles around his eyes indicated he didn't sleep. Slowly raising up, he managed to say something. "...If you don't move fast, we're gonna die..."

The muscled man, who seemingly disappeared for a while, returned with a couple of men with weapons. "...Shite..." Turning towards them, hands still in the air, Samuel hopped they had a good plan.

@Sprite @Wallflower
Character: Allison Jones.

Time: Night.

Starting Location: Fighting Ring.

Ending Location: Fighting Ring.

Directed To: @AnnoDomini @Wallflower

Allison stared at the men, pushing the barrel of the gun harder into the poor guy's head. She exhaled, grabbing the guy by the shoulder to make sure he didn't move much more. Her fingernails dug into the material of his shirt. Her eyes wandered over the faces of the junkies. 'They're upset because I stand between them and their possibility of winning Orfeit' she thought to herself. She took another steadying breath, "You guys want the Sludge?" she addressed the addicted crowd, only acknowledging the armed men with her eyes as she used Samuel as a meat shield, "Well, here's your chance. Take it all and run" Allison waited a second, no one moved. "Now" the girl's voice deepened as she ordered the viewers viciously. Now she had forced the crew's hand; either they protect the Orfeit or they deal with her. She watched the swell of the crowd realize their opportunity, the desperate energy rising.

Allison's grip on her weapon tightened, watching chaos break out. She pushed her back up against the wall, and edge along the wall to the corner closest to the door she entered from.
'Where the fuck is the rest of them?' despite her reckless attitude, she was able to recognize when the odds were against her favor. Almost as if on queue, three members emerged from the dissipating crowd. She bit her lip to hide a smirk. Her eyes bounced from face to face as she picked the other Zorro members out. "You move or speak without permission, I shoot, got it?" She started, her tone low so that only he can hear, "And if your friends shoot me, everyone gets killed. Even your boss." She said the last part loud enough for everyone to hear, bluffing flawlessly.

Her stony expression melted as the door beside her opened. Allison's head snapped towards it, noticing Chase's familiar profile right away. She looked at him with a mischievous expression on her face. She started laughing, but kept it quiet. Her shoulders shook gently, moving her head to the side so no one else but him could see; Allison suddenly found this hilarious.
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Chase couldn't help the sense of excitement and dread which welled inside as he tapped his fingers against the inside of his brass knuckles as they strained his bruised his knuckles. He crouched down, slinking through the dimly lit halls. "There's some kind of riot in the ring," A voice ahead spoke, "I'm going to go in there, stay out here, let the other guards know." The guy, who was obviously superior to the other, began to march down the hall. The younger one, turned heading in the direction of the small hallway, where Chase had been ease dropping. The guy went by and the young chestnut haired man went for the cheap shot.

His brass knuckles collided painfully with the back of the young boy's bald head, with a painful, almost animated crack. Chase cringed slightly, his hands aching as he adjusted the malee weapon. He glanced up the hall, suddenly crouching again and continuing through the back rooms. After a few minutes passed, he was sure he'd taken care of everyone in the back, '
Alison.' He reminded himself.

"Stop right there." A man hissed, a red handkerchief hanging loosely around his thick neck "Where do you think you're going?"

"To the party?" Chase smirked, "So, if you'll excuse me, my good m-" As the pale boy made a move to go around the man, who upon closer inspection seemed to be as tall as he was wide, the man drew his gun, "Those aren't very good manners, my good sir." The stubby man rose his gun quickly as the lanky boy rammed into him, barely able to make him stumble. The chestnut haired man's ears rang as he shoved the jabba the hut wanna be once more. Staggering slightly, his vision shaky Chase threw all his weight (which was little next to this guy) into a swing, which successfully connected with the obese balloon man's jaw, resulting in a satisfying crack which Chase sadly, couldn't hear because his ears were still ringing. The man crumpled to the ground in a squishy heap, holding his possibly broken jaw delicately, "I said, 'Excuse me.'" Chase grumbled, heading down the same corridor Allison had about 15 minutes prior.

He leaned against the wall, still rather disoriented as he made his way down the final hallway. His head throbbed, the effect of a gunshot so close to his ears was really throwing him off, he could barely hear the male version of Honey Boo-Boo's mom wailing behind him. He slumped through the doors, his head down as he slapped the side of his head as if to knock water out of his ear. When he looked up all eyes were on him, he noticed Alison holding her useless gun to some guys head and shook his head chuckling,
"That's priceless." He commented, but it came out much louder than need be, he didn't seem to notice. He dug an actually working gun from his jeans pointing it at the few zorro members that remained, "I was kind of worried about your little scout troupe," He remarked, "but seeing as how you got bested by a gun with no firing clip." He pointed his gun at their abductee, "Now your little friend is in real danger." He let himself give a lopsided grin, completely unaware he was half yelling.
Samuel smiled at the guy, his grin growing. "You do realize this is a tight pickle you're in, roight? Two of you, one with an unloaded gun, against some of my members and many, many addicts?" He breathed easily, looking at the others. "Lower your guns boys. Who taught you maners?" The members lower their guns, and the addicts start to back up a little, some still having a crazy look on thier face. "I am -ah- giving you a chance. Leave, now. If you shoot me, you'll not get out of here. If you wanted to talk, I suggest over a cup o' ale?"

Samuel smiled and his hands went on the girl's grip. "Quite a hold there, las. Mind teaching me sometimes?" His eyes turned to Chase. "Oh, you like to smile boyo? And I'm not little. I'm fun sized." He tried to get loose, groaning. "Let's how you deal if ol' Iron Grip here is holding your neck. Oh and darlin', don'ty pistol whip me. Might ruin some features you like." He looked up and winked. The adicts started to growl again. "...I suggest you two make up your mind faster. They haven't had their dose yet and they get really, really cranky."

@Wallflower @Sprite
Artemis Eve Carlisle sat behind her desk as the ruckus broke out around the HQ. She had assumed it was a group of men getting ready for their nightly patrol. That was, at last, until someone poked their head in and told her otherwise.

The news was a shock to her,they had just received word that two Vigilants were raiding a fighting ring. "What the hell do you mean, nobody's stopped them yet?!" Pure hot rage was coursing through her now.

Father wouldn't like this, he wouldn't like this at all. He had always had such a strong control over everything, and Vigilant had never been a big problem before, until recently ,that is. "You send a group of men over there right now and kill the bastards if you have to, and bring me whoever the hell it is that's in charge." She would tear him to bits before her father got the chance. In the end, they'd be happy that they got to deal with her instead of him. Artemis was going to tear them a new one.

Whatever it meant to prevent this from happening again, she'd do it. Especially if it meant putting the fear of God into both the citizens of Novena and the Zorro members alike. The white-haired girl placed her head on her desk with a sigh of agony following after. 'Not even one week could be quiet, could it?' She thought this to herself.
Hazel Greenweld


Hazel woke up to the sounds of shouts in the corridor, hating Chase at that moment, but instead of wallowing in her own misery, she picked herself up from the no doubt bug infested mattress, and began to clean herself up. She would have done almost anything for make-up, but she had to keep reminding herself that that was a life she was no longer leading, and as long as Orfeit Rexem existed, she never would again.

She cleaned up to the best of her ability in the dirty motel, finally brushing her silvery hair through with her fingers and tying it up in a messy ponytail before leaving the room in torn black trousers, a tank top and an old leather jacket. Although worn out, the clothing mirrored her damaged personality. Hazel stretched as she walked out of her room and down the hallway, towards the foyer, already planning her day. The first day in a new town always constituted of her hard drinking in a local bar or pub - her excuse was that it helped her gain information, and although she always came back with valuable knowledge about the Zorro's in the area, it also meant that she could get piss face drunk.

Hazel stopped herself from rolling her eyes, as Chase barked out orders. Same old, same old. Her only reaction was evident when she realised who she had been paired up with, and as her eyes flittered to the corner of the room, a pain expression shot across her face, quickly giving way to a stormy one. To pair her up with Adrian was ludicrous - especially with their history. Instead of exploding at Chase for his stupid idea, she watched him walk away with Allison and as soon as he was out of sight, she turned sharply on Adrian.

"You don't get to partner up with me" She snapped at him, staring at his cold eyes. "Don't even think of following me" She finished. Turning on her heel, she walked out of the foyer, into the darkening night, with little thought of herself as the figures of the night, slowly started coming out.

(@ambiguities )
Adrian H. Jacobs


Adrian shut the worn and tattered book he held in hands, he had busied himself with reading the dirtied book for the last few days, although the book hadn't really interested him in the slightest. In a way, he was glad that Chase had taken the initiative to wake everyone up otherwise he would've left on his own to quench his boredom. Adrian pulled himself off the shoddy bed, inwardly cringing at the creaky noises it made. He located his shoes, slipping them on before digging in his bag for his pistol. He hadn't used it, so the bullets had been untouched for a while. But still, he felt the slightest bit more vulnerable without it, even if he knew how to defend himself using other methods of violence.

He left the room and sauntered down the hallway, making his way to the foyer. He shoved his hand into the pockets of his jeans, listening intently to Chase's words. It took Adrian a moment to realize that Alice was gone, a ghost of a smile made it's way to his face as he realized what she was doing. But the faint smile fell at the mention of partners, Chase's fingers pointing to two people each. He pursed his lips as he glanced at Hazel. His eyes snapped to the side as he heard a bag of metal cans clank together as they were dropped on the floor. Chase's attention flickered to her for a minute before dismissing us.

Just before Adrian was about to leave, a mess of light blond hair coming into view. When she spoke, his glared daggers at her. It was an almost immediate reaction. But he couldn't help but feel a bit of guilt. "Don't even think of following me." He scoffed, biting back a snappy remark. Yeah, who'll keep you from getting so drunk you won't even remember your own name? Adrian waited for her to get farther away, before leaving as well. Although their relationship was hostile, he knew that he'd always be there to get her out of trouble despite their past.
Hazel Greenweld


Hazel walked the dirt road,straining her eyes to the lack of light while kicking up the dust. Staring down at her feet provided an escape from looking at the figures emerging, the deformed creatures that could no longer be counted as humans. She knew she it was cowardice, but she was better at avoiding problems than facing them, unless they involved violence or sarcasm.

She came to realise after some time of walking, that finding a pub or a bar in this town might not be so easy, and she slowed her pace as she considered where she was, and then she saw with a glimmer on interest a fighting ring off to the side. Some people were fleeing with spooked looks on their faces and Hazel considered the idea of going in, grinning. Going into the fighting ring alone, to what seemed like the middle of chaos was suicidal, and that made it so appealing. Her reckless side, stared at the fighting ring thrilled, and as usual it won out. She slipped into the entrance in the front, pulling out two daggers from the inside of her jacket in preparation, hoping the situation would get bloody, and in those hopes she stepped through the hallway she had been walking, into a large auditorium.

Hazel blinked, thrown off by the fact that Chase and Allison were already there, but as predicted the room was in chaos. "I don't know about you" Hazel called out, hearing the last part of the exchange from a man in the centre, "But I don't negotiate with criminals". Instead, she grabbed the first man she saw, he didn't seem like an addict, instead he was a healthy man, which led her to assume that he was part of Zorro - or at least she hoped, as she slit his throat quickly to prove her point, and his body crumpled to the floor. Hazel, with her silver hair framing her face, like the halo of an avenging angel, wondered for a moment if she had started a bloodbath, as she glanced back at Chase and Allison.
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