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Futuristic Dystopian Superpower/Smart Kid High School

Well, I'll join, but don't expect me to be ultra active, as I'm co-GMing two other RPs, and participating in more than enough others.
Goodness, i forgot to actually reply to you- sorry about that! I'd be glad to have you aboard. I'm currently on and off working on setting up a lore page on top of our discord that I can send you a link to if you so desire. Please use the code provided for your cs- but dont worry if you have issues with it. If its frustrating you or you just dont like coding you can PM Hoax Hoax and I and after it's approved Hoax can send you the finished code.

I'm interested and fully okay with the slow start!
That's so great! Feel free to submit a character sheet and ask for a link to the discord. I'm going to warn you that the start may be a bit later than initially intended, as well as a bit slow in general- I'm wrapping up this semester of college and am leaving for a place with little internet like immediately after lol.

If you're still on board, we're working on getting a lore page up and running, and if you have problems coding, as I said above you can PM Hoax and myself so we can look it over and code as needed.

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