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Fandom Fallout: Longhorn Showdown

Emperor Of Embers

The Red Kaiser of Flame
War. War is everywhere. It has broken out in the United states, and tore them apart. Now all that remains of humanity now struggles to survive in Post-Apocalyptic Texas. Creatures from around the country roam in search of food, and water, but the life giving liquid is a deadly poison, all because of one bomb. Now we have a group of diversity trying to save humanity, while others seek to finish it. Will you save Humanity? Or Rule the wastelands, enslaving the rest of mankind?
Zeus was roaming through the abandoned town of San Antonio, Texas, searching for a merchant, or at least, a place to rest for the on coming night. "It is getting dark, and I have been walking for days. I need to stop, or I will surely go mad." He thought to himself as he saw a couch, sitting on a sidewalk in front of an abandoned weapons shop. "Perfect. I think I will rest here. Then in a few hours I need to move again." he thought aloud, sitting on the couch with his Super Sledge. @Drewcifer
Zeus saw a very peculiar child, spooked and irritated. "Who are you, young one?" He asked the child, unsure of what to make of him. "Where are your parents? And Why do you speak of such utter savagery?" he asked, really curious about this boy, since he is holding two revolvers. "And are you of age to hold such armaments?" he added, somewhat frightened that the boy had two guns on him, but Zeus knew the boy was outmatched in terms of firepower. @Drewcifer @Deadkool
"Wow!" He shouted, jumping. "You sound like a knight! Are you a royal guard that protects Prince Galvaton from the evil hands of Axelize!?" He asked, spinning the chamber of one of his revolvers.
"No, I am just a Super Mutant..... just roaming for no reason. And it does get rather lonely." he replied, seeing joy in the boy's enthusiasm. "What is you name, young 'un?" he asked. "Did I really just talk like I was southern?" He thought, waiting for an answer from the boy. @Drewcifer @Deadkool
Sergei walled out of a decrepit building and looked to the super mutant and psychopath. "Want box of crazy did I just walk into? This is like the beginning to a bad joke. A super mutant and a kiddie raider wall into a bar. Point is, mind giving me three good reasons why Josef here." Sergei pointed to his laser. "Shouldn't carve you up into tiny pieces?" A piece of paper fell from a nearby building until it made it's way to their level and Josef disintergrated it. A grin slowly spread across Sergei's face.
"Because if you were to disintegrate me, You WOULD KILL THE ONE OF THE FEW FRIENDLY MUTANTS HERE!" He shouted with rage as he readied his super sledge. And another, you have no idea who any of us are, do you? And finally, Do you do this to everyone you meet?" he said, standing in front of allen. @Drewcifer
Mia was hunting, she didn't hunt any of the mutant creatures that called this world home, but rather the people or sub humans that were a threat to the other humans. Mutants, raiders, and monsters called super mutants she hunted them all for the good of those few people that tried to make an honest and real living. Mia heard something crunch under her boots and looking down she saw a bottle hocked to a jerry rigged inhaler. Jet one of the most popular chems in this wasteland of a word and a sure sign of raiders.

Then Mia heard a very loud very deep voice that could only be that of a super mutant, though what it said was almost a joke, super mutants were not smart and never had she found one that could be called intelligent that wasn't also completely insane. Mia moved to the building that seemed to be where the shouting had come from, an old weapons shop which must have been picked clean by now so the creature must have wandered in thinking it could get some ammo for some weapon it had found. There was little in the wastes more dangerous than an armed super mutant, but Mia was a paladin whatever the danger she could face it.

When Mia arrived there was a ghouls a super mutant and a child, and to Mia the situation was apparent the two mutants had kidnapped the child and were going to argue over how they would eat the child, she had seen this before. " Both of you mutants put down your weapons and release the child." Mia said the laser riffle aimed at the ghoul as he was the ranged threat.
"Well shit, ya see, now you got me dragged into this. Listen, Paladin, this child is not being kidnapped, stop making assumptions. Now, Mutant, how the hell was I supposed to know you were apart of the one percent of intelligent mutants, and secondly, yeah, I do, y'know why? Because when I don't shit like that happens." Sergei said as he pointed to the Paladin.
Mia did not exactly trust the ghoul as there was little other reason that a ghouls would work with a super mutant, though it did seem the two were at odds and the kid in question seemed to be hallucinating as Mia had her power armor and that included the helmet her entire body was covered. There was a chance the kid was a raider child, they tended to get left behind when a raider group was driven off or wandered away looking for more chems, the kids seemed to almost always follow in their parents footsteps. The ghoul also apparently knew brotherhood ranks not something a normal mutant shouldn't really know unless they had some connection to the brotherhood or tortured it out of them.

" What connection do you have with the brotherhood ghoul, your kind tend to be filled with plasma long before your allowed to approach a brotherhood fort let alone be allowed to learn the difference in ranks.?"Mia asked her laser riffle still pointed at the ghoul.
"Well, back in The Capital Wasteland, The Brotherhood is a bit less bigoted. My own kind and your people fight the behemoths. If you've got a campfire and some time, I could bore you to death. Thing is, I'm not too interested in conversing with someone who has a gun pointed at my head." Sergei said with a thick Russian accent, he then looked to his knapsack. "Anyone want some Sunset Sarsaparilla? No? Bad time?"
"I'd hate to break up your date, but we should get moving, the night draws close, and that is when the bigger predators show up." Zeus said. "Especially Nightstalkers." he added, Taking out his FIDO machine gun, which made barking and growling noises. "Meet FIDO, My personal guard weapon." he added. "Ready to go when you all are." @Drewcifer
Mia had heard something like that about the capitol chapter and she honestly 0was a bit concerned about it but still he didn't sound right she couldn't place his accent though with how different people all over sounded there was no telling where the ghoul might be from, not to mention the ghoul being such could very well be from before the war, as a few ghouls claimed to be. She could at least trust that the ghoul was not the murderous sort but that didn't mean she could trust him.

" I see you have come quiet a distance " She said her aim shifting to the super mutant surprised the creature could refrain from shouting something stupid for so long , though to her surprise the super mutant spoke in more than the normal stupid way. The situation was obviously not a kidnapping, however she would not follow one just because it could do more than grunt.

" I will take the child to the nearest town myself " She said thinking that this would end the situation she would take the child out and the mutants could go about their own twisted ways.
"I think we should all go together. Our chances of survival will increase with a group." Zeus said. "And besides, Allen here reminds me of my son...... Before he passed." He added, looking down in sadness, a couple tears rolling down his face. "He was a part of the war that started this era, and he was the first to be fried by the nuclear fires of the bombs." He added with a tone of pain. @Drewcifer
[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre]"I think we should all go together. Our chances of survival will increase with a group." Zeus said. "And besides, Allen here reminds me of my son...... Before he passed." He added, looking down in sadness, a couple tears rolling down his face. "He was a part of the war that started this era, and he was the first to be fried by the nuclear fires of the bombs." He added with a tone of pain. @Drewcifer

Allen threw a piece of candy at him. "Eat it." He said, continuing to throw more.
So the super mutant was some kind of crazy as all of his kind had to be. Mia didn't want to leave the child with a crazy super mutant and a ghoul, as while the two seemed sane enough for the moment she knew all too well that they could turn on the boy at any moment. She would need to stay close to these two creature for the sake of the child.

" The child should be with his kind until you realize that I see no choice but to make sure you don't lose yourself" She said before turning to the ghoul " and that you don't go feral"
Sergei was getting sick of this Paladin. He turned to her and said "Your idiocracy is bordering on unbearable. You really have no idea how ghouls work do you? A ghoul can't become a feral, that is, unless you've got a few nuclear bombs lying around. I could go swimming in what's left of The White House and I wouldn't turn feral. Point is, me turning feral is the least of your problems. Oh, and if you want to return this kid to his 'own kind' I'd recommend dropping him off at the nearest raider settlement. I'm still a human, just with one godforsaken face and an unnatural resistance to radiation."
" Put the guns down child, the ghouls is not feral yet "[/color] She said she didn't have to trust this ghoul she had seen to many ghouls that were mindless monsters and as this ghoul was like them yet different she could not trust him at least with other ghouls, this ghouls was smart and while if there were others she might believe he meant no harm it was only a tweaked out kid and a super mutant so her mistrust was sound in her mind. " I will take him to be raised by proper humans not raiders even you and the super mutant are more human than some of those scum"
"HEY! MY BROTHER IS NOT A SCUM! HE'S A MAN! Actually, he's a cold blooded thief, like me.... SO DONT CALL HIM A SCUM!" He shouted.

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