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Fandom Durarara!!: The Dullahan Hunt

How far are you into Durarara!!?

  • I've seen or am in the middle of season 1

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  • I've seen or am in the middle of season 2

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  • I've never watched Durarara!!

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  • I read the light novels and know all there is about Durarara!!

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I've never joined a pokemon rp before, since I've not bothered to ask about what the hell they're about, and no one's told me what they're about either, so, hey.

I mean, if I'm going to be rping as a pokemon, hahahahahaha, no. Pokemon trainer, maaaaaaybe.
Well me and Dago have one and we need one more person. If you guys are interested the plotting is on Skype.
I like how when Nao is in the same shop and just walked up to you guys, you fail to notice her completely. Good job @xkeyxx


Detailed, he says, when no one even detailedly reads other stuff.
Oh, I'm sorry, did I have to pander to everyone's attention span by actively tagging everyone in the scene? I must have forgotten that rule.



hi everyoneeee! i've been a bit busy lately so i didn't

have time to hang out in the ooc and post momo's

first ic post yet. tbh i haven't figured out what to write

yet lmao. i'll reply to the ooc msgs i need to reply to

in just a sec.

i'll go read the new characters' profiles and the latest

ic posts now!


in spoilers because i don't wanna stretch my post lol


wait so woah do you agree with my plan / suggestion

or nah??? i meant the one i said with the spoilers and all.. the tutor

idea w/ the 'more than meets the eye' thing?

i'm still not sure what to post but i think i
may have momo interact

with your character. idk. i still have planned out what i'll have her

do yet.


thanks for being welcoming ;w; anyway about the plotting...

momo's part of the manga/anime club too! though she isn't way too

fond of anime as much as the other members. like she watches and

reads but she isn't an otaku. she has a negative-ish opinion on otakus

tbh. i think momo's part of the art club too! wait idk. maybe? i haven't

decided on what parts she specifically is in.
:/ she's a president of a

language-related club though, that's for sure. tho i haven't decided what

specifically lmao.

btw, do you want them to be acquainted already? acquaintances are as

far as i'll go for momo's relationship right now tbh... since she isn't the

type to consider people as friends easily. maybe they're good acquaintances?

or like momo treats him
kinda well since she needs connections but

inside her mind, she's all mehhh.


omg wait really!? even your relatives are fans of shinee and

bts?? what's their age range if you don't mind me asking? and ah yes growl.

growl is the song that made them super popular tbh so i understand why

you found them cool in that mv!

and ok wait yes plotting now! sooo wait are we really gonna go with that plan?

like momo treating kyona like a little sister at most times (aka usually when

somebody's around or they're at school) but acting like she doesn't know her

/ acting aloof when they're at the building?? so we're going with that? what do

you think? btw, momo and kyona seem slightly close and well, both are pretty

street smart... do you think they know a lot or at least a thing or two about each

other? like for example, momo knows about kyona's family background

doesn't speak of it much / doesn't bring it up / doesn't tell kyona know that she

knows but sometimes hints at it. or like, kyona knows that momo dates the toramaru

leader, rokujo chikage. [ that fact isn't really well-known since momo doesn't

brag/flaunt and she doesn't hang out with chikage a lot. she also hides that fact

from her family esp. parents. also, chikage has A LOT of girlfriends lol] how momo

found out about the family issue and how kyona found out about chikage... we can

decide on that later? idk. tell me what you think of this idea please!

PS thanks for re-welcoming me to the group lol


oh no it doesn't necessarily have to be a romantic or sexual relationship lol.

it could really be ANYTHING! friends, fake friends, enemies, exes, acquaintances etc.

if you want to plot with me, just tag me here in the ooc thread
:D let me here your ideas.


@simj22 lol just saw your post about them ignoring nao.

and you know... i know it's part of the rules to not ignore any

rper but you know, if they really
didn't notice nao, you can't

just force them to do so. like that's godmodding. one of the

golden rules of rping tbh.

ah but yes i understand where you're coming from. it's rude

to ignore others on purpose. [ but if it's like part of your charrie

to ignore people, then that's cool. B) ] i don't wanna cause

any ooc drama here ^^"


like i've seen gifs and caps of the episode but i really wanna watch

it!!!!! if you guys dunno about it, 4.5 is an OVA about the hotpot party

at shinra's and celty's house! pretty much everyone is there and i've

been seeing people on the web spazz about how cute the episode is! *cough*izayaisjellybcozhewasn'tinvitedsohehadahotpotpartyalone*cough*

i saw a livestream of it on the web yesterday but it was still raw aaaand i

was too busy so i didn't get to watch it ;__;

has anybody here watched it already? if yes, where did you watch it!?

are there eng subs!?!? link it please /sob

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@QuirkyAngel aight hi hello thanks for accepting my

character btw
:) i have a question... since you control

the canons, do you have them participate in the chatroom

too or not?

also hmm.. i've read the recent episode 2 posts in the

main ic chat and i think there is/are (a) person/people

that blurted out their chat username and said that that's

their dollars name. i forgot who but anyway, iirc... the

chat username and the dollars name are different? i think.

celty's chatroom name is setton and i think she's seruru

or smth like that in the dollars website. idk. anyway, what

i'm saying is that the dollars name and the chat name is

supposed to be different. but yeah, it's up to the rper anyway

if they want to have the same names for both platforms.

@Shizuo Draven oh hellooooo! i'm a new-ish member here.

hello. my character is motoko tsutsugami and her profile

is on the 2nd page of the character thread

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