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Fandom Durarara!!: The Dullahan Hunt

How far are you into Durarara!!?

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Well, see, I would, but see, Nao doesn't have anything to do with Motoko. Like, she worked in Russia Sushi, and isn't even in the same school as she is.

Unless, of course, she's an alumnus and was her sempai, or something.

And besides, we haven't the foggiest what episode 2 will be about.

@simj22 i'm mainly just looking for pre-established relationships lol.

and it's ok ahahah. i'm just too pumped for this rp, that's all.

i have some ideas for nao and motoko though, if you're interested.

the ideas are under the cut!

* ) motoko's the type to explore the city on a daily basis. even like just taking

casual strolls and stuff. maybe nao and motoko crossed paths before?

* ) mo likes to randomly hit on girls she find attractive. maybe she hit on nao before?!

or wait maybe chikage, mo's boyfriend, hit on her before?!?!?!

* ) she ( motoko ) probably dined at russia sushi before... maybe nao served for her

or smth?!?

* ) EDIT: nao being a senpai of motoko's or is an alumnus works too!

* ) MO'S GENERAL OPINION ON NAO (like if they ever met or smth i guess?? idk. but

yes this is what momo most likely thinks of nao): motoko gets bad vibes from nao. she

couldn't explain it and when she came to rocchi to talk about it, he brushed it off and

teased her on how she was probably just intimidated by her (nao) or it could be that

she (motoko) feels that nao can steal him away from her. she hit him in response and

blabbered about how no one can ever intimidate her though at the back of her mind,

they (chikage and motoko) both know that motoko might really just be feeling intimidation

and envy towards the other girl.

alright! i hope that's okay!! i can come up with more if you want to ~ and btw, what do you

think nao thinks of momo?
[QUOTE="The One Eyed Bandit]I mean a would

I have work I need to do also ~_~


well... do you want to? i mean, do you want to plot?

i have some ideas that could work or smth... sooo just

tell me if you want to plot
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/upload_2015-7-26_13-37-54.png.011d5f4b091de0bca4f198d85747d10c.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="64094" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/upload_2015-7-26_13-37-54.png.011d5f4b091de0bca4f198d85747d10c.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Here a little something for those roleplaying =D

sorry If I miss a few out ^^; You may do what you like with it :)



  • upload_2015-7-26_13-37-54.png
    1.7 MB · Views: 162
[QUOTE="Bob Brawler]Wow you guys are enthusiastic... and here i am, blocked on his bloody equipment.


lol well... hbu? do you want to plot smth too?

i'd plot with you if you want to!

i have some ideas too but if you have some,

let me hear it out!

@xkeyxx WOW that is soooo cool! your art style is cute although

you need to work on your palette more
:/ still, it's awesome!

too bad i didn't get to join earlier!! ><

btw, how about you? would you like to plot?

i just joined and my character sheet is the last

one posted on the character thread
:) i have

relationship ideas but if you have some, lemme

know. i'd love to hear you out.


[QUOTE="Bob Brawler]i cant plot with anyone, Riku just moved to Ikebukuro, so he knows no one...


oh i understand! i read his cs
:) though the idea i had in mind was that,

maybe they got acquainted because motoko randomly approached him

because he was a foreigner?? smth like that. and then maybe she decides

that she tag along with him now to annoy the shit out of him lol

but idk. them meeting each other for the first time on ep2 is good too!

Welcome @Chennn !!!!!! :DDD Hope you get the vibes of excitement for this roleplay and episode two!!!!!

@xkeyxx You are a digital art senpai, now..... ;w; Kyona looks so cute!~
yumiyukifan1 said:
Welcome @Chennn !!!!!! :DDD Hope you get the vibes of excitement for this roleplay and episode two!!!!!

hi and thanks for welcoming me!
:D i really love the drrr!! so i was pumped when

i saw this rp. everyone's characters are interesting too
:) btw, you like k-pop too

huh? lol sorry for the random question.

also, hey do you want to plot a pre-established relationship with my character,

motoko? i have some ideas but if you have some too, let me hear it!


The internet has returned, and so have I!

It seems that a lot of awesome events have happened. 0:

@xkeyxx your art is just amaze!

@Chennn h-h-h-hello new awesome person

I like your character uwu may haru and motoko have a thing? like a plot thing

@xkeyxx i'm no artist but i'm sure you can improve on that! there

are A LOT of coloring and shading guides on digital art out there.

most of them are from deviantart and tumblr.
Chennn said:
well... do you want to? i mean, do you want to plot?

i have some ideas that could work or smth... sooo just

tell me if you want to plot
We probably should cuz they like, go to the same school and stuff.

Feel free to post any ideas you have, but I probably won't reply for a good 19 hours cuz class

Also, @xkeyxx Noiiicceeee, makes me want to do something similar >_>

i mean, i haven't even used sai since i bought it, so maybe this is an opportunity >_>

but knowing me i probably wont do shit xP
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I'm only slightly disappointed that her black jacket isn't in the chibi image, half draped around her arms.

In any case, @Chennn I'll get back to ya on that. Still sorta at work.
Yeshh!!!! K-pop is awesome!!! My favorite group is Exo!!!

And sure! My character moved to Ikkebukkero like 5 years ago, so I don't mind! Plus, Kyona's kinda lonely, even though she's lived in Ikkebukkero for 5 years..........

~ She may have seen her around da school?

~ Motoko and her hottie might've crossed paths with her before

That's all I have T-T

@etherna hello and thank you so much! i've read haru's

character sheet and i like her too >//< and i'd love to plot

of course! i already have ideas for them but you first!

what do you have in mind for them? also, what does haru

think of motoko?


@simj22 aight! just come at me when you wanna

plot ~ *wINK WONK*

@yumiyukifan1 oh exo! i used to be a fangirl of exo!

i still listen to them occasionally and i also play a lot

of exo-m songs on the game superstar smtown. i'm

not a fangirl of them now though
:/ btw, who's your

fave member!?!

also yes plotting! both of your ideas could work well.

which do you prefer more? btw, what do you think is

kyona's opinion or thoughts on momo? momo is

pretty much a weirdo so i understand if she finds momo

odd lmao.

simj22 said:
Speaking of hotties, should I just create an npc for nao's....uh, intimate friend?

i think that'd be cool since it will develop her character

more. although, idk if that's against the rules or smth.
[QUOTE="Bob Brawler]i thought it was me... (:'()

u just fkin said he was new to ikebukuru u dum
simj22 said:
u just fkin said he was new to ikebukuru u dum

@Bob Brawler lmao apply cold water to the burned area. ahahah.
Chennn said:
@etherna hello and thank you so much! i've read haru's

character sheet and i like her too >//< and i'd love to plot

of course! i already have ideas for them but you first!

what do you have in mind for them? also, what does haru

think of motoko?
Yays! I was thinking that they were only sort of acquaintances (seeing as Motoko can acquire a lot of those with her unforgettable personality). Since Haru's been around for only about a week in Ikebukuro, I wager the best first meeting the two will have had (if we decide that Haru and Motoko have met before episode 2) will be at night. Haru wanders a lot around at night. They could be classmates/ seatmates as well (?) I'll bet 2 potatoes that you have better ideas. cx

And now, let us travel into Haru's mind~

*clears throat*


What is this gurl doing.

She's annoying me

But nobody notices me (?!/1//!111)


She is interestingly different

*shifts uncomfortably*

If Motoko does notice and approach her, she'd be the second in Ikebukuro who'd do so. (The first was Helena Hamburg, the one who saved her in episode 1.) Since Haru manages to slip in and out of crowds completely unnoticed, it would be a suuurpriiiise.


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I used to like Luhan!!! But then he left so, I guess Chenyueol and D.O. are my second favorites xD . I'm still kinda a fangirl, though, I feel that Exo is gonna get old, like the other bands.... Who's your favorite member? Or used to be?

Well, for Kyona, she's the type that doesn't really mind odd people.... She views Ikkebukkero as a place filled with all kinds of unique people and she reflects herself as one of them. Plus, she's also lonely (*Cough* Thanks great great great great great grandpa!!!) due to her family's law about emotions, and would also like to hang with someone for awhile. So, what she thinks about Motoko, and the other odd-balls of this city.....

Oh, another person. Yeah, she looks okay.... She acts like her appearance, too.... Looks like fun. I'll spend some time with her to kill the minutes away.... And I don't have 'much' friends, but eh. The most interesting people are the best in many ways.....

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