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Fandom Durarara!!: The Dullahan Hunt

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I seem to have missed a lotta stuff. Anything I needed to know while I was gone? (Sorry for the bother~)
etherna said:
I seem to have missed a lotta stuff. Anything I needed to know while I was gone? (Sorry for the bother~)
No bother at all. The episode ended and I'm still working on the episode summary + start of episode 2 so you haven't missed much. The rules/game mechanics were updated so you might wanna check that out if you haven't already^^

hello everyone!!! i finally posted my character sheet!!

geesh, that took longer than expected. my laptop's been acting up

lately lol. but anyway, please let me hear what you think of her!

i'm also up for plotting pre-established relationships and all that biz

so just come at me ~~~
Chennn said:
Kurumi a best.

[QUOTE="The One Eyed Bandit]Kurumi a best.


lol ikr! she's super cute ahahah. i was thinking of using another character

to use as fc but after scrolling endlessly on pixiv and zerochan, i can't find

anybody else who would be perfect for motoko! ><

kurumi's really cute but i stopped watching the anime though 'coz i got bored

of it lol. i think i only lasted up until ep3 or ep5??! idk. i forgot already.


also hey everyone! if you want me to provide a tldr version of

motoko's character sheet, just tell me lol

EDIT: is it okay for me to roll the dice now or??? sorry if i'm being annoying.

i'm still new to this website lol
Last edited by a moderator:
Hi Chenn:)

Just from a brief glance your cs, it looks fine. I'll fully read your cs tomorrow before I post the second episode. Too tired to keep my eyes open. I stayed up late trying to organize episode 1 into summary =/

Which shouldn't have taken as long as it did...
QuirkyAngel said:
Hi Chenn:)
Just from a brief glance your cs, it looks fine. I'll fully read your cs tomorrow before I post the second episode. Too tired to keep my eyes open. I stayed up late trying to organize episode 1 into summary =/

Which shouldn't have taken as long as it did...
oh ok i understand! but should i roll the dice now or???

ps this rp is rad!!!! :DDDD

btw, opal gemstone (?) posted a summary somewhere in

the ooc thread. i can't find it now but i'll try looking for it now

and link it if you want to!
simj22 said:
I can summarise the entire 4 pages or so if you want, @QuirkyAngel . I'm real bored, so.
Thanks, but I already finished. It's been edited into the IC1 first post:)

Chennn said:
oh ok i understand! but should i roll the dice now or???

ps this rp is rad!!!! :DDDD

I like your enthusiasm^^

Go ahead and roll first, if it'll help you finish your cs.

Well...I'm off to bed.
QuirkyAngel said:
Go ahead and roll first, if it'll help you finish your cs.

thank you! and i will
:) hopefully, i'll get good numbers hahah.

and yes good night to you ~~

uuuurgghshh wtf wtf wtf i just rolled the dice and

the coding of my tabs got messed up wtf what do i do ughhh
Chennn said:
thank you! and i will :) hopefully, i'll get good numbers hahah.

and yes good night to you ~~

uuuurgghshh wtf wtf wtf i just rolled the dice and

the coding of my tabs got messed up wtf what do i do ughhh
Lemme take a look.
Removed all the base formatting on the post and deleted some weird code. Mostly fixed now I think. @Chennn

  • tumblr_ngkf6tR7o71qa94xto1_500.gif


    // the coding is shit. i'm sorry. mun has given up on fixing it already. if you know how to fix it, do tell me.

    // dice already rolled!

First things first, I'm noticing a lot of stray [*size][*/size]s codes hanging around. I can help you troubleshoot this later, since I'm kinda supposed to be working.


The One Eyed Bandit]Removed all the base formatting on the post and deleted some weird code. Mostly fixed now I think. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/19592-chennn/ said:

  • tumblr_ngkf6tR7o71qa94xto1_500.gif


    // the coding is shit. i'm sorry. mun has given up on fixing it already. if you know how to fix it, do tell me.

    // dice already rolled!

WelP, he did it. Nevermind then. Looks like im completely useless. Time to go cry.
Also you should be able to just copy paste the below into your post. I don't trust quote not to break something ~_~







// the coding is shit. i'm sorry. mun has given up on fixing it already. if you know how to fix it, do tell me.

// dice already rolled!









[indent]Motoko Tsutsugami



[indent]Momocchi, Momo, Mo-chan, M.O, lots of other variations of her name


Online Alias




[indent]17 years old












[indent]Panromantic Bisexual












[indent]64 kg.



[indent]Slim; slightly well-endowed



[indent]Long jet black hair that is slightly wavy; it is often kept in twin pigtails


Eye Color

[indent]Red // i know that my character fc, kurumi tokisaki, has heterochromia but for my character, she will only have one eye color—which is red.



[indent]Fair but not entirely pale


Fashion Style

[indent]Motoko’s fashion style is heavily influenced by the Gothic Lolita subculture. She would often be seen sporting a dark Victorian Era-esque dress paired with doll shoes though of course, there would be times when she would be seen wearing a private school uniform.



[indent]To keep her hair together and accessorize them, Motoko wears various styles of ponytail to tie her hair.








Positive Traits

[indent]✖ Adaptable — it's quite easy for her to blend into the crowd since she can adjust her personality to her will easily. in fact, her personality changes depending on her mood or whoever she's with.

✖ Sympathetic — behind that sly smirk and perverse nature lies a girl who wants to do good. she’s not good good but good in a chaotic good way. she wants to reach out for others though her ways and perspective are kind of unorthodox.

✖ Contrite — she actually feels remorseful every time she believes she's done something wrong. deep inside, she would ask for forgiveness from whoever deity's watching over her at the moment despite the fact that she doesn't strongly believe in one.

✖ Lenient — as an addition to her sympathetic nature, motoko is very lenient and forgiving. note that she does forgive but she never forgets.


Neutral Traits

[indent]✖ Inquisitive — she loves learning oh so much! though with that said, she asks too many questions for her own good.

✖ Free spirited — motoko is often nonchalant and is in fact, highly idealistic despite the existence of her harshly realistic side. she knows that peace and love is a pipe dream but she would still hang on to it.

✖ Perverse — like what she says, "It's not that I'm a perverted girl... it's just that I'm openly expressing my desires and is in touch with my sexual side. It's your fault, you guys are prudes!"

✖ Mercurial — she changes sides depending on her mood.


Negative Traits

[indent]✖ Cunning — as much as it pains her to do so, motoko tends to use her wits in deceit and evasion to live by. it hurts her completely but to her, what must be done shall be done.

✖ Annoying — grinding one’s gears is probably motoko’s pastime. seeing the infuriated faces of people she annoys satisfies her so much you have no idea. Though unlike orihara izaya, she wouldn’t go to the extent of ruining somebody’s life for shits and giggles.

✖ Restless — for some reason, motoko doesn't know how to stay still. whether she's waiting at a line, conversing with someone or just sitting alone, various thought would flood her mind whilst trying to find something to kill her boredom.

✖ Obscure — motoko hides secrets from everyone and anyone and she doesn't like it one bit.



[indent]✖ Gothic Lolita fashion

✖ affection and love

✖ her mobile phone

✖ peace

✖ the internet

✖ lollipops

✖ her boyfriend



[indent]✖ Those Gyaru B*tches

✖ boredom and dullness

✖ rejection

✖ humiliation

✖ crowds

✖ restrictions

✖ lack of knowledge

✖ wounds and scars


Habits | Quirks

[indent]✖ absentmindedly bites her lower lip on random situations

✖ tapping and clicking at stuff as if it was percussion instrument and moving her head to it's beats

✖ rambling too much for her own good

✖ her eyesight is getting worse by the second so she occasionally squints to see clearly



[indent]✖ stalking her own boyfriend

✖ reading ( whether it's manga, newspapers, encyclopedias, literature or porn, it doesn't matter. she just loves to read. )

✖ surfing the web ( and lurking and posting on the dollars website )

✖ watching movies


General Attitude

[indent]Motoko is a person of change and facades. She is one who wears so many masks, you'll feel like you'll never meet the *real* her ever. It all depends on her mood and whoever she's with actually. One minute, she'll be acting like a pure Catholic schoolgirl to you, the next thing you'll know, she's being sexually aggressive and spouting innuendos after innuendos--not that her dear boyfriend minded the latter, anyway // *cough*pervert*cough*

Though generally, Motoko could be described as eccentric, carefree, and well, talkative. Some see her as childish and immature while others see her as simply a hazard or a complete sociopath. In all honestly, it depends on what side of her you meet. Hopefully, you won't get on her bad side.


Greatest Fear

[indent]Motoko fears three things only: 1) What humans are capable of. She have seen them in their worst and brightest times and she fears for what more they can do. 2) Her, living a mundane life. and 3) Her sanity slipping away.


Love Interest

[indent]Motoko has been dating the leader of the Toramaru, Rokujo Chikage, for almost a year now. They have a deep understanding of each other and she doesn't mind him having other girlfriends.









[indent]Motoko Tsutsugami was no orphan, no foreigner, no heiress, no nothing. She is, in fact, just another girl who grew up on Tokyo her whole life and has been living a boring routine-like pattern. She has no Yakuza parents to speak of--just a loving couple who both work in equally dull offices to give their children the best that they can offer. No royal siblings to brag about--just a semi-annoying younger sister named Megumi who wishes to marry the lackluster actor Yuhei Hanejima.

Motoko's stuck on this pattern since forever now and there is no escape for her. It’s not that she loathes her family but it’s just that she knows that a life like this is just not for her. Fortunately for her, her curiosity leads her to one shady website after another and so she stumbles upon the Dollars website. It’s been almost two years since that fated midnight and Motoko believes her life has changed for the better. [ Though if you look at it differently, you’ll notice that her life has been a jumbled mess ever since she became affiliated with Rokujo Chikage and the Dollars. ]


Reasons for Playing the Game

[indent]Motoko’s plan is simple—be the one to catch the Black Bike and make sure Rocchi is safe. It’s foolproof. She doesn’t give a heck about the prize money nor the Black Bike himself (herself?) and just wants this stupid game to end since seeing Chikage in pain hurts her. As far as Motoko knows, he isn’t aware that she joined the game and she wants to keep it that way.


Relationship with Canon Characters

[indent]✖ Rokujo Chikage — Motoko is one of Chikage's many girlfriends and albeit, most likely the weirdest one. They don't hang out as often but they do keep in touch and it is worth noting that he is the only person that she is willing to open up to.

✖ Mikado Ryuugamine && Anri Sonohara — They've talked a few times only and has no real relationship to speak of. They met because the two are class representatives and Motoko is the president of some school club and they were supposed to collaborate for some school program. Once in a while, Motoko sees the two together and they all just exchange pleasantries and then go on their own ways.

✖Namie Yagiri — Motoko has been running a few errands for the other lately—most of which are related to the older female’s younger brother and his girlfriend, Harima Mika. Namie and Motoko keep their relationship strictly professional, contacting each other only when they need each other for something and not even bothering to exchange pleasantries when they past by each other on the streets.









[indent]Investigative Ability | 6

Fighting Ability | 1

Social Skills | 6



[indent]✖ For a Japanese person, Motoko has great command of the English language. Lately, she’s been self-studying Korean, Russian, and Mandarin too. It’s a slow process but these are all great ways to “spice up” her life.

✖ Motoko is proficient in most types of video games since she’s had a phase where video games and gambling had been her only way to express her desire for a “new life”.

✖ Given her very mundane history, Motoko has no background when it comes to martial arts, parkour, and the like. She doesn't have super-strength or extraordinary weapons either. As a means of protection, she uses mostly household items. Be it kitchenware, utensils, hair clips, or even an umbrella, Motoko knows how to improvise and use it as a weapon. Often times though, these are just used as to make time as she plans for an escape.

✖ Motoko Tsutsugami has her own ways of retrieving information and convincing people to do her bidding. It might not be as as impressive as an informant's or as the others who joined the game but it is good enough when you realise that Motoko wasn't born with connections and is in fact, just another high school girl.



[indent]✖ She gets stressed out easily. When she reaches her limit, one could swear that it feels like Motoko is losing her mind already. At this point, she becomes very aggressive and violent, laughs maniacally, or cries hysterically. Her breakdowns are an unpleasant sight to see and luckily, she’s doing a good job bottling up her feelings.

✖ Motoko can be extremely impulsive at times. This leads to a complete failure of her well-crafted plan.

✖ Frankly, she doesn’t know herself fully and just the thought of that scares her.












[indent]Motoko is a junior high school student of Raira Academy. She mainly relies on her parents for her financial needs but occasionally takes jobs from Yagiri Namie who, not to mention, pays her very handsomely.[/indent]


[indent]Motoko wants to live life to the fullest, making sure adventure and entertainment are on her top priorities. At the moment, she doesn’t have any “big dreams” for the future. She just wants to win this darn game without having Chikage or her family find out. When she accomplishes this, well, I guess it’s time for her to look for another hobby.[/indent]

Favorite Color

[indent]Black and Red ~[/indent]

Theme Song







omg thanks you guys!!!! i'll try putting it now. i was in the process of removing everything

and picking everything apart and you already fixed it. wow thanks!!

here have a cookie ~

I dont even get a consolation prize

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/Screenshot_2015-07-26-18-49-13.png.6d6f63d4dee4e6794264dfb5613704e6.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="64082" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/Screenshot_2015-07-26-18-49-13.png.6d6f63d4dee4e6794264dfb5613704e6.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Its okay, I made my own.



  • Screenshot_2015-07-26-18-49-13.png
    1.1 MB · Views: 14
simj22 said:
I dont even get a consolation prize
*pets you* don't be so sad u_u...

here have cookies!!



btw hey thanks again! i just put up the character sheet.

it looks better now! thanks so much


i should really start working on that research paper buttttt--

*coughs politely* can anyone like please plot with me!?!?!?

idk. motoko needs some lurv ;__;

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