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Dungeon Life

She sighed and walked off, nodding to her human.

She grabbed a stick and poked Arubion with it. "Wake up" she said.
"No. This is my shrine and you aren't allowed to sleep!" She growl playfully and pounce on him, pushing him down smiling.

(Gtg. Gn)
Sable blinked when he vanished shrugging as she began sipping her tea.She assumed he was busy as she began thinking about the dungeon and how far down it could possibly go and if she could even make it far in there, after all she was just some amateur mage sure she was bringing something different to the table but that means.Maybe just maybe she should to learn to do something other then magic on the side.She had experimented with using the powder with her fire to make weapons but by all means she was as talented as a child the first time she did it.Everything she knew was self-taught but anyone with real experience would wipe the floor with her.She'd have to make sure to pair up with a warrior of some sort learn from observation and experience.It's how she had gotten through most of her life right?
Zoroan wastes no time and heads straight to The Huntress Circle. His eyes could frighten even the toughest fellow.Before praying he grabs a couple of drinks and then starts praying in a mocking manner "Oh you almighty god of Vengeance please give me more power to kill those scums who left me to die." After joking a little more he grabs another drink when a tall, muscular lizard warrior approaches him and with a sharp voice says" This is Vendetta Wolfeinhiem's shrine and the only scum here are you, watch your words my friend a god can kill you simply by looking in your direction" The lizard prays for a couple of minutes and then leaves.

Although not showing any emotions, Zoroan is smart enough to realize the power a god holds. He prays one more time, confessing what he has done and why he wants vengeance. He finally leaves The Huntress Circle unable to ignore the strange feeling that the last prayer gave him.
"Am I not allowed to play with my big brother?" She says, pouting

She then feels the power of a prayer and grew angry, getting up and watching him leave. "If want vengeance, learn to pray correctly and come back in an hour. Same for you, lizard" she says, her words travelling to them so they could hear her. She sighed. "All I get are rude visitors nowadays..." She muttered, returning to Arubion
He'd slice the rock in half and would pounce on her... "Hmmm? " He'd playfully breath on her neck... "I sense otherwise..."
"Hmmm your the one who pounced on me first...." He'd laugh and stand up...."Well I got more things to do...." He'd vanish and appear back at the table infront of Sable "Sorry about that... I was talking with another god and fell asle...." He'd fall asleep curling into a ball..
Radu was baffled at the sight of two gods acting the way they did. The fox god was a bit odd and definitely gave him a bad feeling in his stomach, Were it the gods cocky attitude or the way he felt dominant over others, Radu couldn't quite point it out but he knew he didn't like him. "That was interesting." Radu said looking back at his goddess.
"Quite. He's the oldest God, so we think, but he acts the most childish. Sorry for showing you that" she smiled weakly. "I am the goddess of family as well, so I can never turn down brothers or sisters" she chuckled, looking at him. "Don't worry, he's nicer than you think" she said walking over slowly. " you see, I'm still young, well for a god. So I don't really know how to act around humans and well.. It's more difficult than you think" she laughed, her dress proofing out and going white again. @Morality
Radu thought about what she said for a minute. He had never thought about it, but it must have been a bit odd to be around mortals. Being that humans worship the gods it must have been pretty easy to get caught up in all that. "At least around me just act like yourself." Radu said with a slight smile.
"Thank you Radu. That's very kind of you. Also, don't act like I'm higher up than you, just act normal. I don't like it when humans or gods do that, although in my pack I'm the Alpha." She said and chuckled. "So, what's your reason for going into the Labyrinth?" She asked questioningly.

"I wish to become famous to help sell my families weapons and armor. If I conquer the labyrinth then people will come from all over to buy the items we create." Radu said as he placed his halberd against a pillar.
Vendetta nodded. "I see you're point. But many people would think you were lying and doubt you. What will you bring back to show your valour?" She asked

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