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Dungeon Life

"Don't call me young, you damn old man.." Vendetta growled, baring her teeth. Her dress would tighten around her form and go grey, representing her mood. "Why are you here?" She asked, crossing her arms
"Hmm Old man? I look only 20...." He'd appear behind her "Calm down... can't I check on the person I consider my little sister?..." He'd pat her head..
Vendetta growled and lowered her head, shrugging. "You're still an old geezer.." She muttered, looking away, "but I suppose that counts.." She sighed, her dress going out and going white again.
"Yeah! He gave me a prayer and asked for me to bless him so he could go through the labyrinth. " she smiled, her defensive side Gond now
"He seems decent" He'd smell the human then lick the halberd "He seems like he won't die instantly...." He'd yawn loudly his ears twitching
He'd reappear behind her and pat her on the head... "I know I know... and shouldn't you wear something that covers you more?... a lot of guys will just stare at your beauty..." He'd yawn and start to fall asleep...
"I look fine!" She muttered, elbowing him in the stomach. "At least I don't look like a damn snitch..." She said, her defensive wall rising again.
Vendetta groaned, her dress tightening around her form and turning dark grey. She flicked his ear. "You act more like a child.." She muttered.
"Gah!" She yelled, closing her eyes, blushing bright red and pulling at his hands. "S-stop that! This is harassment!" She cried out
"Don't you dare go to sleep on me!" She growled, turning into a wolf and scampering away, growling, fangs bared and ears back
He'd pick her up and put her on his lap scratching her ears... "Calm down I won't.. anyway acting childish infront of humans isn't that God-like...." He'd yawn snuggling her
Vendetta stayed silent but wagged her tail at her ears being scratched. "I'm sorry about this human, but I am the goddess of family as well. Always make time for family, no matter how annoying" she said, looking at Arubion.

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