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Fandom Dungeon Core Earth

"Thanks." James said as he grabbed the shirt and put it on. It was tight at first until it reformed itself over James's body. He lead them back to the safe room.
He saw that the left screen timer was now at ten hours and thirty minutes.

He sat down amd kept an eye on people as he looked at his achievements.

New Achivment! Boss battle Victor. You have faught and won your first boss battle reward: A bronze weapons box

New Achivment!: The way of pain: You have suffered one are more physical ailments and lived. Reward a bronze nurse box

New Achivment Overkill: You blew up a boss that was already in the red. Reward a silver explosives box
New Achivment Crippler.: You crippled your enemy before letting you hula friend slice her to peices. Don't know if that was smart or a real dick move. Reward a bronze ass hole box.

He reread the achievements before opening his loot boxes

Bronze weapon box: Tigger claws. Worn on your hand these blades are used for close quater combat. Side note they can be used as crafting material for your blueprints. 2x magazines of ammo.

Nurse box: The doctors lab coat. Increase intelligence by one. Ability to use heal on others. All healing spells due ten percent more health

silver explosives box: 5x Hob mush. Highly volatile explosives. Stick onto object and flip trigger to detonate a twenty yield explosive.

Bronze asshole box: the Tattoo of the renegade. Allowed permission to the Desperato club.
A tattoo floated infront of James before searing itself into his arm. What looked like a bloodstain dagger was visible from outside the shirt.

He equipped the lab coat and went to help some of Brain's crew.
Charlie snapped his finger as he used his other hand to try and open his own achievements, hands too shaky (Not from terror but his usual fidgeting) before gritting his teeth and punching the window- immediately moving it to his achievements- Questionable Cook- Threatened to eat an opponent after eating him- one bronze box. Charlie opened the box, looking at its contents- A giant Spoon. Charlie shrugged and strapped it to his back.
Danny was a bit disappointed both Don was already gone, feeling like the guy would be interested in the fight against the turtle knock-offs and that he only gotten one achievement for it. Still he wasn't gonna complain about more free stuf and opened his bronze weapons box.

New Achievement! Boss battle Victor. You have fought and won your first boss battle reward: A bronze weapons box

The weapons box turned out to contain a simple basic battle axe, and he added it to his inventory before turning towards the counter. "Hey, I'm gonna order a quick snack. Anyone else want something?"
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James shook his head no. "I'm fine." He said he moved his tiger claws to a crafting tag he stopped as he looked at Danny. "Hey Danny you want these?" He took out the claws it looked like a cut off glove with two seven inch blades coming from it. "Like I said before I'm really not a melee fighter. Getting my ass kicked by that snaping turtle proved that. But you might be able to use it effectively."
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Charlie shrugged and unfastened the strange melee weapon practicing swinging it, smiling as he saw a curl of lightning occasionally fire from the giant spoon, and after fifteen or so swings it shrunk down into a normal sized spoon. "Hey- I just won you-?" He said, annoyed as he swung it again and again in an effort to return it to its massive size. Eventually he gave up and dropped it into his hat.
Danny ordered a simple burger and as the NPC made it updated Don about their fight via chat. As soon as the burger was done he headed back to Charlie and James and ate while looking at the screen. Honestly he barely tasted his food but he knew he had to fill his stomach or he was going too be hungry to do anything. He didn't say it but he didn't like how much time had passed already without any sign of a stairwell.
Seeing how James didn't respond he put the tiger claws back into his inventory under crafting.

He took out his book and looked through the various gizmos his child self created. Some of them had metal alow 2/2 glowing on some of them. He sent a group message to Avian.

James: Hey Avian what can you tell me about crafting.

Avian: As long as there's a feasible blue print and materials you can craft items. Of course you'll need a crafting bench in order to do so. Benches are usually in guild halls which won't be available till the second floor. Or you can buy a traveling bench but that could run you a thousand coins.

James: Speaking of second floor. We haven't found a Stairwell

Avian: Stairwells won't be active until the first episode. Which should be in ten hours and eighteen minutes.
Charlie sat down- leaning back before tipping his hat over his eyes- yawning before falling asleep. Sleep was peaceful- free of the weirdness of the real world, and full of the weird and whimsical machinations of his mind. He was at the edges of sleep when he heard the doors open and a gunshot sound. Charlie bounced out of his chair, pulling the spoon from his hat- still small, and looked at two figures- a shadowy figure carrying two swords and a girl in strange attire- a large hat that Charlie envied on her head- two horns poking out behind it- a tail swishing behind her lethargically.

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Taura held her revolvers up, eye tracking each enemies movements before spinning the shining weapons in her hand, quickly putting them in the twin holsters on either hip. She didn't raise her hands- only grunting an apology to the Bunny Guy she had shot at- having opened the door to only find a weird monster waiting. She sauntered to a seat and sat down, warily watching everyone as Er stalked behind her, hand on a blade as she spun her revolver in one hand- though she had removed the bullets with a quick motion.
As Danny finished his burger he got a message on his HUD, thinking it was from Don or one of his partymembers, he opened it. He was wrong about who it was, it was from the A.I and it was about the fight earlier. After reading it over it seemed like the A.I had convinced the runners of the dungeon to give him a reward for figuring out the turtles' elemental weakness, it even came with an achievement. "Cool, I got another loot box for earlier."

New Achievement! Basic Elements 101. You understand water puts out fire, electricity is conducted by water and so on. Reward: A bronze elemental box

Just as Danny was about to open his new box the doors to the safe room opened and someone fired a gun. After a quick glance at James confirmed he didn't fire the shot Danny followed Charlie's example and got up, taking out his new battle axe. While the axe was weaker than his bladed hula hoop it looked more intimidating.
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The words naughty appeared over Taura's head as she froze.

Taura has discharged a fire arm in a safe room. As this is a first offense she will only be frozen for two minutes. Remember safe rooms are not for violence. Attacking in a safe room will not be tolerated.

James read the A.I. prompt and looked at the woman. She kindof looked like a cowgirl teifling. 'The NPCs are creative at the least.' He thought before looking at her strange companion. He nodded at the cloaked figure and walked back.

A couple of minutes later the sign over her head disappeared and she was free to move.
Taura froze, boiling on the inside as Error circled around her, trying to figure out how to unfreeze her.

Once she was free, she dropped down, rubbing her head as she got to her feet. "I'm not a fucking NPC or whatever the hell abbreviation you nerds use- I'm from the slightly worse shitshow we called Earth." She said as she picked up her revolver- which had been lain on the table while she was frozen.

Error walked toward the table- his form leaving a strange distortion in the air as he approached the salesman- pointing at a hamburger before holding up 2 fingers- his hand glitching for a moment- distorted as his pixels shifted.

Charlie hid behind a chair, peeking out at them as he covered his ears- wishing she had the silence thing that James had.
James looked at the teifling than at their new panther friend Brian. It was possible that her race was changed early. Something must've happened to her to become a hellspawn.

"Well being a teifling this early doesn't help your not a..." He glanced at Charlie. "Local case. Anyways you have a habit of firing up every room you walk into."
Her expression darkened a bit, though she followed his gaze to the Harrengon-Kin, who was trying to figure out what an NPC was.

"I'm not a local- I was just relaxing down at a fair in Austin- when all this shit happened. Error accidently spawned a minor demon- got covered in the blood and came out like this. He's stable now, but I gave him a clobbering for giving me these stupid horns and tail."

Error shrunk away at this, the glowing eyes that occasionally could be seen under the hood turning into an exaggerated sadness. "I ran into a troop of Feral rabbit-guys; not as human-looking as him, but plenty deadly."
When the A.I made it clear that violence wasn't allowed in the safe rooms and froze Taura for two minutes Danny decided to open his lootbox. Inside were a box of 50 matches, and a spray bottle filled with water. At first Danny was somewhat disappointed but he got an idea. While James and Charlie talked to the newcomers he sent Avian a question. "Hey , I just got a spray bottle in a lootbox, could I use that with potions?"

After sending the message he joined in on the conversation, having followed it enough to know what was going on. "Hmm glad I didn't run into those before meeting you Charlie, I might have mistaken you for a special version and attacked you."
You might be able too. You'll have to wait till the next floor to try. That's when crafting and potion making becomes available. Avian sent back.

James heard her and nodded before turning to the the hooded figure and the pixilated things he touched. There was something there he could tell. "Where were you attacked?" He asked. "Just so we have an idea of the local mobs."
"We tried to dodge those stupid green midgets, after stealing me some guns from under their pointed noses. The system said something about getting annoyed with avoiding interactions and the Bunny things appeared. Error tried to reverse it and we got a fucking demon as well." She said, grimacing a bit as Error sat down, holding two hamburgers. She tried to pick hers up, only for it to phase through her hands- changing colors for a moment before stabilizing. She glared at Error before eating it
Avian's comment was interesting and a good enough reason to keep the spray bottle, besides if it didn't work Danny could always sell it.

As for the conversation the info about the system getting annoyed and sending in something powerful was something to keep in mind. "Hmm so going full stealth mode is not an option." At this point Danny wasn't surprised to hear that the A.I. or it's owners were willing to pull dirty tricks like that. Neither seemed too concerned about keeping any crawlers alive, not if their death was more interesting. "I really hope Don's plan makes us entertaining enough to keep around."
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James looked at error and saw the effect it had on the food. Was he a glitch... a different kind of NPC? He shook his head before refocusing on her. "We're headed to kick those little green people's arces if you'd and your friend would like to join."

"Mista Jay." Sphinx said jumping up so that all could see him. "You think it wise to bring along ms. No trigger discipline and.... that?"

"Why not." Brian said. "If anything that last battle pretty much told me that best option is more fire power. And the um...." He glanced at Charlie he was warned about NPC mentality "As Danny pointed out The Ascendency(?) doesn't like us sneaking around. So we'll have to lay the hate until we reach them" James nodded at that.
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Danny actually agreed with both Sphinx and Brian. Having Taura and Error along could be trouble but depending on tough this chief was they could need the extra help, plus he didn't want to believe there were any humans willing to betray their own kind given the situation.
Taura gave a grunt as she tossed her burger in the trash- Error decided to keep his and eat on the go. He sat in the corner- the food entering his hood and coming out with a few pixels gone. Taura kept an eye on the rabbit thing in the corner of the room- before responding to the weird talking dog. "Easy fur face- I have plenty of trigger discipline; why do you think the rabbit is still standing; I fired a warning shot first."
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"Down boy.' He said to Sphinx before looking at Taura. "I think the safe room rules would still have the same effect." He said. "Anyways like I was saying the last boss pretty much kicked our collective asses. We could use the extra fire power if your in."
Danny didn't say anything since he wasn't too sure if Taurus and Error should join them, but also didn't outright object to the idea. He just hoped that if they did join they would be able to work together because having to deal with internal strife during a boss fight seemed like a recipe for disaster.
"Sounds good- I don't fancy changing even more." Taura said, her voice still the usual grumbling tenor as she motioned for Error to hurry up. He seemed to sigh- at least based on his body language, before holding the food in his hand- before it suddenly faded- absorbed by whatever he was. "So who are we stopping from kicking your collective asses?" Taura asked as she reloaded her revolvers, looking at James as she spoke.
James shrugged. "All we currently know is its some goblin chieftain. It's strength and weaknesses are unknown." He said his attention taken by how the cloaked figure absorbed the burger. What the hell was that.

Brain and Kimiko joined the crew conversation. "We should get moving."
Like James Danny was confused by how Error absorbed the burger but never got the chance to ask questions before Brian and Kimiko joined the talk having decided it was time to go. He agreed, the more time they spent talking the less time they had to level up and/or look for any staircases. As he got up he got a message from Don, he and his friends were about to attack the car boss he mentioned before.

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