One Thousand Club
"Thanks." James said as he grabbed the shirt and put it on. It was tight at first until it reformed itself over James's body. He lead them back to the safe room.
He saw that the left screen timer was now at ten hours and thirty minutes.
He sat down amd kept an eye on people as he looked at his achievements.
A tattoo floated infront of James before searing itself into his arm. What looked like a bloodstain dagger was visible from outside the shirt.
He equipped the lab coat and went to help some of Brain's crew.
He saw that the left screen timer was now at ten hours and thirty minutes.
He sat down amd kept an eye on people as he looked at his achievements.
New Achivment! Boss battle Victor. You have faught and won your first boss battle reward: A bronze weapons box
New Achivment!: The way of pain: You have suffered one are more physical ailments and lived. Reward a bronze nurse box
New Achivment Overkill: You blew up a boss that was already in the red. Reward a silver explosives box
New Achivment Crippler.: You crippled your enemy before letting you hula friend slice her to peices. Don't know if that was smart or a real dick move. Reward a bronze ass hole box.
He reread the achievements before opening his loot boxes
Bronze weapon box: Tigger claws. Worn on your hand these blades are used for close quater combat. Side note they can be used as crafting material for your blueprints. 2x magazines of ammo.
Nurse box: The doctors lab coat. Increase intelligence by one. Ability to use heal on others. All healing spells due ten percent more health
silver explosives box: 5x Hob mush. Highly volatile explosives. Stick onto object and flip trigger to detonate a twenty yield explosive.
Bronze asshole box: the Tattoo of the renegade. Allowed permission to the Desperato club.
New Achivment!: The way of pain: You have suffered one are more physical ailments and lived. Reward a bronze nurse box
New Achivment Overkill: You blew up a boss that was already in the red. Reward a silver explosives box
New Achivment Crippler.: You crippled your enemy before letting you hula friend slice her to peices. Don't know if that was smart or a real dick move. Reward a bronze ass hole box.
He reread the achievements before opening his loot boxes
Bronze weapon box: Tigger claws. Worn on your hand these blades are used for close quater combat. Side note they can be used as crafting material for your blueprints. 2x magazines of ammo.
Nurse box: The doctors lab coat. Increase intelligence by one. Ability to use heal on others. All healing spells due ten percent more health
silver explosives box: 5x Hob mush. Highly volatile explosives. Stick onto object and flip trigger to detonate a twenty yield explosive.
Bronze asshole box: the Tattoo of the renegade. Allowed permission to the Desperato club.
He equipped the lab coat and went to help some of Brain's crew.