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DulcetFlux & creativemind [WWII]

"Oh I dunno. Rest is all I seem to get around here lately.", he said turning his wheelchair back toward the doorway. "We can go inside though. I know you probably need to pin that hair back up so you can go back inside"
"Oh, right. Silly me," she chuckled and twisted her hair back into a bun. She put her veil back on and got up to follow the sergeant inside.
He slowly pushed himself inside of the church again. He turned toward where his bed was located. "I'm pretty wore out so I'm headed to bed. I'll see you in the morning.", he spoke as he slowly.
She nodded and waved him goodbye. As she went to bed she couldn't help but wonder if she'd entrusted jer secret to the right person. She simply closed her eyes, prayed and went to bed.
He wheeled himself to the bed tired from the day and the last conversation. He picked up his pocket book and slid himself into the bed covering up with the blankets.

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