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Dice Dual Worlds

Wow okay hi hello again I'm literally the worst. Just popping in to say real quick that I haven't forgotten about this roleplay. I'm plotting my character... slowly... very slowly... *sobs*
(Possibly a bump on the Interest Check might be a good idea. No offense, Pine ( :P ) )
@Detective Rascal alright, so my plans for this week is to get ahead on my homework, then I'll finally work on getting my character sheet out. I have him basically planned out, but y'know, priorities this and blah blah blah responsibilities and FEH.

I would be happy to help with giving the interest check some love, but only if you would be okay with my shameless plugging. * u *
Detective Rascal] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/3827-pine/ said:
@Pine[/URL] I'm happy for the shameless plug! Life became a little hectic for me too, but @Jaye are you still up for playing your two characters?
I have a rather hectic work schedule for the next week/fortnight, so my stuff might not be superb, but yeah I'm still up for playing both my peeps. (I wanna try them out at least a little ( :P ) )
Quick question. How would stats and skills correlate with the stress bars/numbers? I've read over the fate-core guide, but the bar system on the character sheet is confusing.
underpressure said:
Quick question. How would stats and skills correlate with the stress bars/numbers? I've read over the fate-core guide, but the bar system on the character sheet is confusing.
(Isn't the GM, but...) Short answer - they don't.

I set the Stress bars for what I thought was both in-character and what was fair for my chara. She's a scientist and has a semi-empathy thing going on, so high mental stress tolerance. In exchange, she has a lower physical stress tolerance, though it's not 'low' because of her exhaustion determination thing.

Basically set them to what seems right for your character, according to what you've already written for them.

Also - woo! Heya @Musicomar4 ! Good to have another around. Ooo, and is that another intersex character I spy? Awesome. Hm, reminds me, maybe it's time I post my second? Or I could wait until Musico has finished filling out her chara.
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The stress bars are more character oriented rather than logistical. But I've looked over your character, and you're accepted! I'm letting a rule slip-up slide because I want to get the ball rolling.


You already know that Tejal is accepted, but I was wondering if you knew what was going on with the images your using for profiles? They refuse to load for me.


I'm going to delete your character sheet in maybe around 24 hours, due to the fact that you posted an incomplete profile and haven't followed the rules. I'm giving you a chance to change your profile before I delete it, but if it isn't up to standard I'll follow through with my set consequences.
Detective Rascal] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/2644-jaye/ said:
You already know that Tejal is accepted, but I was wondering if you knew what was going on with the images your using for profiles? They refuse to load for me.
I... can't help ya there. They're displaying fine for me and they're hosted on RPN so unless you can't see other RPN hosted stuff, I dunno.

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