Dreamscape (Roleplay Thread)


Dragon Knight


The Dream World otherwise known as Slumberland is the world where all dreams come together, it is a world constructed by imagination filled with the most vivid of people's ideas. Dreams exist in this world as small, cute creatures who appear when their Dreamer sleeps and disappear when he awakens.

However a dark presence has drawn it shadow over the Dream World and Dreams have been evolving into Nightmares, terrifying, larger and more powerful versions of themselves causing destruction and mayhem.

The Sandman, charged with looking after the Dream World decides to bring enlist the help of Humans, bringing them into the Dream World and making them Lucid Dreamers with extraordinary powers based on their own dreams to help fight the Nightmares, transform them back to Dreams and discover the cause for this chaos in the Dream World.


The Dream World, a beautiful realm painted with a myriad of colors that constantly flowed like water. Amidst the Field of Dreams and endless field of green spiral shaped grass with flowers that has faces and chatted with one another. Where trees had arms, and many flying dreams shaped like clouds with wings and propellors floated by.

A gust of sand blew in as it flowed together and began to form a shape as the Sandman began to form out of nothing but the sand from seemingly nowhere. As he formed he took a breath, and looked over this portion of the Dream World. He had been doing this job a long long time, eons. He had been charged with watching over this world, but now something was threatening it.

Why were Nightmares appearing, he had to recruit more and more Lucid Dreamers just to keep up with them all...

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It had been a long day at the university and as Ava walked into her apartment, she promptly collapsed on the couch. Almost immediately, she fell asleep and found herself back in the Dream World. She grinned as she fell through the sky, now used to the feeling. As the ground began rushing up to meet her, she twisted and landed on her side. She carefully stood up and brushed herself off, looking across the field. She smirked and recognized many of the places. She turned and spied the Sandman, to whom she hurried over to.

"Much trouble lately, Sandy?" she asked as she strolled up beside him, watching the different Dreams flutter by. Her feathers rustled against her back as she stood beside the ruler of all Dreams. He was a good guy and she respected him very much. A breeze blew across the land and blew her loose hair against her face. She brushed the red strands back and sucked in the cool, sweet air. It seemed that everything was fine and dandy here. At least, she hoped it was.
"No, they are increasing. Seven Nightmares alone in the Crying Moutains just this morning. I still don't why it is increasing. Why are so many people having bad dreams. Any luck with your investigation in the Real World as to the cause. Did that Sleep Clinic place have any answers?"

He turned to Ava, she was one of the very first humans he approached and helped to become a Lucid Dreamer, she had been with him a while and she knew what was what.
Ava shook her head, "Some people are saying that the government is poisoning the water and that's why...but that's their excuse for everything." She sighed and took a seat on the lush grass of the hill, "It's getting worse with the younger children though. I've hardly been able to sleep the past few weeks because my neighbor's daughter screams and cries at night. I end up crashing after school every day." Ava had been around the Dream World for a while and knew the way things worked around here pretty well. "As for the Sleep Clinic, they were just as confused as we are.
Raelden mashed furiously on the buttons of the controller. He hadn't come this far to lose to the same boss for the fifth time in a row. This time, he would show Dracula who was boss.

"Come on, Simon, show him what you're made of," said Rael to himself as he jumped, dodged attacks, and lashed out with his whip. After a few moments of wearing down his opponent, Rael finished him off and stretched.

"Took me long enough to beat the Castlevania series...longer than it took to finish Doom, and that's saying something..." He put down the controller and glanced at the clock. Ten minutes until bedtime.

Running a hand through his wavy blond hair, Rael stood up and looked around his room. It was like a classic gamer's wonderland. There was memorabilia from almost every classic game franchise, but the most abundant one was the Mega Man series. Rael loved Mega Man, and the only thing he loved more than the games themselves was his favorite character in the game, Proto Man. He was always so cool, so mysterious and badass.

Of course, Rael was into several of the modern games too, but the classics always held a special place in his heart. They were what he had grown up with, like a blankie that you just can't let go of no matter how old you get. When he was just a young novice gamer, he had vowed to beat every single one of the classics ((or at least the ones worth playing)). Rael started with all of the classic Super Mario games. It took him almost a year and a half to beat the classic versions of Mario, but the more modern games proved to be significantly easier, which was another reason he liked the classics more. They were genuinely challenging, and when you beat them you felt much more rewarded and successful, you felt accomplished. Legend of Zelda didn't take nearly as long, and neither did Metroid or Final Fantasy. These series, even as a kid, he had beaten fairly quickly. Rael met his first real challenge when he played Mega Man. It was his first worthy opponent, and one that he ended up falling in love with. Even after beating all of the old and new Mega Man games, he still loved it to death. He bought all of the new ones that came out as soon as they came out. Obsessed? Rael thought of it more as "passionate".

He fell deeper into thought about his gaming pursuits, but then his alarm clock rang, and Rael eagerly slipped under his bedcovers and fell fast asleep, entering the Dream World.


Rael fell from the heavens. The Dream World always did that to those who entered it, but even if you landed flat on your face from the nearly-hundred-foot drop, you never got hurt from it. But Rael's entrance was always different from everyone else's. Instead of simply falling, he entered the Dream World as a beam of energy, as if dropping down into a level Mega Man-style. It even had the same sound effect. Rael loved this place.

When the beam landed, it dissipated and Rael stepped forth. He wore the Proto Man armor, complete with arm cannon, classic shield, and helmet with visor. He looked rather good in the armor, and Rael loved being his favorite character whenever he fell asleep. No matter how bad his day was, he could always go to bed and become Proto Man. Nothing thrilled him more. Of course, he wasn't really Proto Man himself, but Rael wore the same armor and had the same powers and gear, so it was basically the same thing.

He walked around, searching for the guy he worked for in this place. The guy everyone worked for in this place, the Sandman, master of dreams. The Dream World was having troubles lately, so Rael and some other teens had been recruited to help out. After a few minutes of traveling across the landscape, he spotted Sandman.

"Hey, Sand-meister! What's up!" Rael called, running towards him. Ava, another recruit, was already with him. She always fell asleep before he did. When he caught up with them, Rael crossed his arms behind his head luxuriously.

"So, what do we have today? Lots of big, bad nightmares to pummel, am I right?"

Rael thought Sandman was a cool guy, but the dude was much too serious, he thought. It would do him good to relax once in awhile. Then again, he did have an entire dimension basically to take care of, so that didn't really leave much time for R and R.
Sandman gave Rael an acknowledging nod as he approached.

"What worries me is the speed. Normally it takes a while for Dreams to become Nightmares, hours even. Though lately some of these Dreams become Nightmares in seconds."

He looked around.

"This place, there is a strong source of negative energy, bad emotions flowing around here. Your REM counters will confirm that, we need to find the source. Something here may soon transform into a Nightmare..."
Brock had just ran home after school because of the kids trying to beat him up. He had such a bad day he could not wait until he was in the dream world. He thought to himself I could just go early.


Brock was falling yet again and it was just too much fun. He was of course wearing his blue shirt, blue jeans, and had his bow across his back. He also had the black highlights that he liked so much. He started to look for the Sandman which he liked to call Sandy. Sandy was the person that everyone here worked for since they were all recruited. Brock starts to them in the distance so he simply teleports over to them. He overhears the conversation that they had just had. He then says to Sandy, "Hey Sandy, I'm here. Do we have anything to beat up."
The Sandman looked to Brock as he arrived and sighed. These humans, always so eager to beat stuff up like this was some game or movie to them. The new ones still had to learn that these Dreams, they were in pain. They were being transformed into Nightmares against their will. The negative waves caused horrible pain and mutated them, they were victims more then they were villains. The new kids still didn't see that, but they would learn.

"Not yet, first search. I've traced some negative waves to this spot, some Dream here has absorbed negative waves. They could start transforming at any moment. Begin searching..."
Ava nodded and pointed at the boys, she was the oldest member of the crew and usually took charge after Sandman gave them their task, "Alright, I'll go north. Brock, west. And Rael, east. Use your REM Counters to contact me if you find anything." Ava then took off at surprising speed. She never was too eager to fight, she knew the Dreams weren't just turned bad by their own will. They were fighting right along side them and she hoped that eventually the boys would understand that.
Brock starts to head west wondering why can't Sandy and Ava be a little more care-free. Although Brock starts to think that maybe they had to much hardship in their lives to even by light-hearted and carefree. Ava has been here a long time while Brock just joined about 2 months ago. As Brock is walking and thinking he sees a dream bunny. These little guys are the best things here, so light-hearted no worries... well other than being turned into giant killing Nightmares. Brock searches were absolutely fruitless. brock decides to pet the bunny until something comes up.
Suddenly the REM Counters began to beep on the group's wrists, indicating negative waves present nearby. The signal was coming from the north side of the field near a money tree which was filled with banknotes for leaves and a few coins as buds.

Three flying dreams were floating around the tree. They were all small little clouds with propellors and wings, they had pilot hats, one had red goggles, one had blue goggles and the third had green goggles.
Ava looked up at the trees and spots the clouds. She rushes over and begins saying positive things. The easiest thing to do was try to coaxe the negative energy out before they become Nightmares. She frowned as they continued to look fiercer and fiercer. Where are the boys?, she thought quietly.
Brock starts to run toward the place that Sandy told us. When I got there Ava was coaxing them with positive things but it was not working. So, I drew my bow and got ready to shoot while I told Ava to back up. 
Brock wakes up before he shoots.
As Ava comes to the the Flying Dreams. They greet her as she starts chatting with, making sure to be calm and careful knowing one of them may have absorbed the negative energy.

Suddenly Brocks arrives and when he aims his bow at them, all three get a fright and hide behind Ava.

"Why is he attacking us?!"

The one with green goggles mumbles out as he shakes and trembles behind Ava.
Ava frowns at Brock. And then he disappears. He woke up. Damn. She turned and knelt down, "Shh...it's okay. He thought he saw something. It's not your fault. Shhh..."
Rael grunted and headed east. It was a silent, understood fact that Ava was the leader, but that didn't mean Rael had to like it. Besides, he wasn't as immature as he appeared. He knew the dreams didn't enjoy being nightmares, but why should that mean he and the other teens couldn't have fun doing their job? He liked that Brock kid, that kid had the right idea; he had that "have fun and don't give a crap" attitude that Rael had, but they were also a little different. Rael, as spirited and carefree as he was, wasn't an idiot ((not to say that Brock was, mind you)), and, in fact, through his impressive gaming career, developed a highly strategic and calculating mindset. How else would he have beaten all of those games so fast?

The digital display on his visor kicked on, and Rael started scanning the area for high REM signatures. He wandered around as it scanned, trying to remember what the next game to beat on his list was, when the scanner started glitching.

"Ugh, why couldn't Proto Man get a software upgrade," mumbled Rael to himself as he took off the helmet and futzed with the display. When he got it working again, he put the helmet back on. The gentle constant ping of the scanner resumed, and Rael started to relax. Then, the scanner beeped, and the entire scanning range displayed as entirely full of high signatures.

"What?!?" Rael whirled around three-sixty degrees, the barrel of his primed arm cannon glowing as he held it out in front of him defensively, but there was not a nightmare in sight.

"...Odd..." The area of Dream World that Rael was in was called Aspiration City. Visiting it was often an experience of mixed emotions; some people had wholesome, healthy aspirations, people who wanted to get that one girl or boy's attention, or wanted to land that dream job, but others had dark, evil wishes. Some wished for money, some wanted revenge against those who had slighted them, and still more wished for power, for control over others.

There were lots of buildings, true, but if he was entirely surrounded by nightmares, he would definitely be able to see at least one of them...

Rael turned on the communicator in the helmet. "Ava? I'm in Aspiration City. I had to recalibrate the scanner because it said I was entirely surrounded by abnormal signatures. Let the Sand-Meister know." 
Suddenly, Rael's scanner beeped again, but this time it showed only a single signature to the far north, where Ava had been dispatched. He turned and ran in that direction.

"Ava, I'm on my way. Make sure that novice Brock doesn't do anything idiotic."
Clara walked through the front door of her home, kicking off her shoes and trudging into her bedroom, tossing her backpack on to her floor. Her mom or dad didn't seem to be home yet, which seemed to be the perfect time to fall asleep. Immediately she threw herself onto her bed after closing her door, drifting off into the Dream World...

When she started to feel herself falling, she opened her eyes, greeted by the Field of Dreams. She looked around, her ponytail lashing around in the wind as she was beginning to land. The Sandman had told her there were others when she was recruited, but no one was in sight.

"Nightmares..." she whispered, looking around, then taking off in one direction. If there was one nearby like she thought, she wanted to check it out.
When Rael reached the spot where Ava stood, trying to comfort a trio of small Flying Dreams, he looked around quizzically.

"Where's the newbie, Brock? Was he here?"

He glanced at the dreams.

"And why are they worked up?"
Jerry breathed a sigh of uneasy relief as he lay down on his bed. His long, tiresome shift at the grocery store over, it seemed like he could relax - if it weren't for the fact that he had a duty to defend the Dream World, along with his other real world responsibilities. As the worry of paying next week's rent mulled over in his mind, Jerry drifted off to sleep, into the imperiled Dream World...


Plummeting towards the Field of Dreams, Jerry could see a fellow Lucid Dreamer as a tiny moving dot against the green grass. As he came closer to the ground, he decided to use his sword's power to slow his fall. Jerry grabbed the hilt and unsheathed the blade. A spark lit up on the edge of the blade, and the entire blade shot an audible blast of blue flame about ten feet into the air. His fall indeed slowed to that of a feather, but as he could see Clara up ahead and probably within earshot, Jerry couldn't help but feel a bit stupid. Sheepishly, he sheathed his sword and tried to catch up with her on foot.
Clara flinched, hearing a loud explosion-like blast coming from behind her. She skidded to a stop, immediately spinning around to face where the noise took place. Cautiously, she gripped the hilt of her sword and walked further up the hill, eventually spotting another Lucid Dreamer making their way towards her. She let out a silent sigh, calming down and letting her hand slide off her sword and falling back to her side, and walking over to meet with Jerry half-way.

"That was quite the entrance." she said jokingly when she was only a few feet away, smiling at him. "Although, you nearly scared me half to death with the sudden noise."
Suddenly the red goggled dream spoke up.

"It was that stupid idiot! He tried to kill us!"

He yelled out uncharacteristically in a far deeper voice, as the other two dreams stared at him in surprise. That was not like him, that was definitely a sign of negative waves.

The red goggled flying dream immediately covered his mouth, realizing what he had said.
Rael rubbed his face frustratingly. That Brock guy could be a real numbskull sometimes. He had to learn to think things through a little more.

"Ava, we'd better hurry up and make sure they don't turn into nightmares. From the looks of it, they don't have much time," he whispered to Ava, trying to keep his voice down so he didn't make the Flying Dreams worry or freak out.
Ava's eyes widened and she kept trying to soothe them, but as far as she could tell, nothing was working. She frowned and shook her head. She turned and in a low voice, said "It's no use. They're too far gone. It's inevitable." She stood up and backed away slowly. "We can only wait now."
Rael rubbed the back of his helmet nervously.

"Well...don't you think maybe...we should...I dunno, take them out now?"

He awaited either a surprised or angry look from Ava.

"I mean, if it's inevitable, maybe we should get rid of them now before they get the chance to cause any destruction. If we wait until they turn into nightmares, they might get away or something. Besides, then they won't have to feel the pain of being a nightmare."
"Do you realize what attacking now would do?" Ava asked and studied his eyes. She knew the answer. No. He didn't and she shook her head. Her hand went up and she backed him against the tree, "We attack now and a, we stop them from becoming Nightmares, but kill them in the process. Or b, they turn into Nightmares faster and we have less of a chance of saving them before they become as full on, u stoppable Nightmare." She backed up, "Your new and you haven't learned yet, but attack prematurely and you could be responsible for a life."

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