Dreams of the Third Age


Senior Member



It's been ten years since the return of the Solars, but the creation had been turned upside down. Hecate revealed herself as the maiden of change. The Realm houses had suffered many infighting between the houses since the disappearance of the Scarlet Empress. With the realm not being able to fight off on all fronts, they needed to put someone else on the throne. Mnemon was the most obvious choice and the one that would reflect the most strength to their enemies.

In the West, The Silver Prince and his entourage had been defeated by an assault of Devil Tigers. In Thorn, The Mask of Winter faced his demise against a group of Solars and Lunars fighting together. A powerful twilight sorcerer removed the shadowlands from Thorn and has renamed the city New Thorn.

In the North, a group of deathknights lead by the Shadow Prince took over Whitewall, the trinity of gods managed to escape to Yu Shan with the aid of the Sidereals.

The Bull of the North has gathered many Dragon-Blooded and young solars to his cause to take over the North and uniting the icewalker tribes.

In the East, Rakshi and her army of apemen had taken most of the tribes surrounding her domain. Filial Wisdom is readying a counterattack.

In Yu Shan, the bureau of destiny is doing their best to cope with all the upcoming changes. Chejob Kejak died of old age, with nobody to challenge her Ayesha Ura advanced the agenda of the Gold Faction and managed to get their faction in position of power. The return of the Solars had proven to be a good thing for creation at the moment.

Hecate intends to bring the Third Age and only by uniting all the factions that Creation as we know it will hope to escape this fate.


This will essentially be a Land United type of game. There will combat and possibilities

for diplomacy, gathering allies or persuading others factions that it would be in their best interest to join up against the end of creation.


Character creation in Dreams of the Third Age: (can only go up to essence 6 at creation).

-Scroll of errata 2.5.

-Solars/Abyssals/Infernals 9/7/6 Attributes, 45 dots of Abilities , 30 dots of Backgrounds, 45 Charms, five dots of Virtues, and 35 bonus points. Start at Essence 4 for free. There are charms for solaroids to get essence 6, just pick them up but yeah it's only been a decade worth of experience at most. Devil tigers are allowed, Eclipse can pick up foreign charms for double the cost (BP or Charms).

-The Lunar begins with 13/11/9 Attributes plus two dots to spend in Caste or Favored Attributes, 50 dots of Abilities , 30 dots of Backgrounds, 74 Charms and/or shapeshifting

Knacks, five dots of Virtues, and 50 bonus points. Start at Essence 4 for free. You have a couple of centuries of experience.

- The Sidereal begins with 12/10/8 Attributes, 50 dots of Abilities after training if not ronin, 30 dots of Backgrounds, 74 Charms, 22 dots of college, five dots of Virtues, and 50 bonus points. Start at Essence 4 for free. You have a couple of centuries of experience.

-Dragon Blooded begins with 14/12/10 attributes, 55 dots of abilities after education/training, nine free specialties, 85 charms and five dots of virtues, 30 dots of Background, 50 bonus points. Start at Essence 5 for free. It should be noted that you are playing an old and powerful dragon blooded, 1500 years old, which is extremely unusual. Dragon-Blooded begins with Legendary Breeding (as the merit in Scroll of Heroes).

-This game will only use BP instead of XP, less headache.

-SGambit for SMA styles rework for 2.5 and sutras.

Listed here:


Quicksilver Hands of Dream Style

Charcoal March of Spiders

Obsidian Shards of Infinity Style

-Lupo is available as a Sifu for sidereal of the Gold faction, by default he knows all the approved SMA and his usual list of CMA above. He is Sifu 5.

-Sidereals pay 3/4 for CMA.

-SMA BP costs: Solars 6 (5 for favored MA), Sidereals 5 (4 for favored MA).

Requirements Roughly looking for 10 players more or less with the agenda of trying to unite all the factions to stop the emergence of the third age.

I would need a backstory of your character and possibly what they have been doing and what is their motivation. It would be possible to pursue personal goals.
Still interested. My character is a solar Dawn caste with Merela's memories and personality still stuck quite solidly in her skull. She is also the daughter of V'Neef and would like to be Empress some time down the line.

In the 748th year of the Empress's glorious reign, her youngest daughter gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. V'Neef cared deeply for her new daughter, like she cared for all of her children, which meant that young Suhiko was given the best tutors Imperial favors could buy and even the occasional display of affection from her mother.

When Suhiko was six years old, she first met her grandmother and though the young girl understood none of the conversation going on around her, she understood the importance full well, and the event is still burned into her memory.

Already at a young age, V'Neef's sixth child showed an aptitude for military matters, grasping strategy and the tactics of sword-fighting at an age where most children still had to be told which end of it to hold. Her mother approved strongly of Suhiko's talents, the Empress had recently given them control of the Merchant Navy and they needed good and loyal officers to command it.

As the last of Suhiko's pre-teen years ticked away, her family became increasingly worried. Could this be their first failure? Could this extraordinary girl be the first child of V'Neef's body who was not Chosen by the Dragons?

Exalt or no, they sent her to the House of Bells at the young age of twelve and Suhiko fit right in. She dived into the camaraderie of young soldiers-to-be, the tomes of strategy and tactics, the gateway tournaments and the fight clubs, legal or otherwise. She was merely a mortal, but a dedicated and skilled mortal can outperform a lazy dragonblooded, something she proved time and again to their obvious anger. An anger that would likely have resulted in beatings or worse, had she not been so directly related to the Empress. No one really knew how upset any harm to Suhiko would make her Imperial Majesty, probably not much, but one does not take changes with the Empress's favor.

Every student enrolled at the House of Bells is given a copy of the Thousand Correct Actions of the Upright Soldier, and every student reads it. Not every student, however, takes it to heart. Suhiko had read it time and time again, she could recite several long pieces of it from memory, and one piece that was forever burned in her memory was:

"If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle."

And she realized that they were never taught how the Realm itself is. They knew legions, fleets, dragons of infantry and fangs of war striders. But not the Realm entire. So Suhiko studied on her own, sought out old text and what she read frightened her. The Realm was mighty, but it had a single point of failure, and if an enemy was able to strike at that point, it might well crumble all together.

When Suhiko turned fourteen, her family finally gave up all hope. She was a failure. She was a mortal and would forever remain so. Her mother announced that she would be transferred to Siren's Rock for naval training and would marry Cathak Varran, the exalted son of an adopted outcaste and a mortal Cathak, upon graduation. Though her family never told her to stop contacting them, her letters went unanswered and unread, she was no longer invited to family events, and though she had never felt dependent on her family, its absense still made her feel alone as never before.

It was in the fall of her third year at Siren's Rock that news reached them that the Empress had vanished and an insignificant man named Tepet Fokuf placed upon the Scarlet Throne. And it was on that day Suhiko was for the first time in her life truly terrified. The Empress had fallen and a powerless regent placed in her stead. The Realm's single point of failure had been struck, and struck terribly.

The class on general strategy was usually Suhiko's favourite, but on that day, it only made her angry. The honourable Gemstone Pearl who taught them had failed to grasp the severity of the Empress's disappearance, he ignored the most momentous event in centuries and when confronted, he insisted on the continued infallibility of the Realm. Suhiko could not stand for it, she rose from her chair. She spoke of her conviction, of the threat this posed to the Realm and to Creation itself. With every word, her voice gained in strength like another wave crashing against the shore. With every word, she seemed to grow a little taller, as if the clash of her words eroded the rest of them. And with every word, the light shone brighter in her eyes until it could be contained no longer and burst forth from her forehead with the glory of the rising sun.
Ah coolness. Syrenica is pretty close to being done. So that is to say, You still have my interest.

Syrenica is a DT who has broke her leash to play in Creation, and... help a group of Solar, Lunars, Sidereals in making Creation a good place to play in. xD

Syrenica was an orphan thief discarded and left to die after a failed attempt to get food at one of City of Steel Lotus’ markets. She was only eight at the time, hardly able to understand why she was in pain, miserable, and hungry. Confusion was hers until a woman and two men found her. They were different and strange but their alluring power drew her to them and they trained her to be better. She knew not why, but they explained that the world was broken, its people cruel, she would be their instrument to purify the world. Syrenica was surprising good at this, as long as they fed and clothed her she would steal and gather information. She did not care that her information killed someone, it was not her doing the killing and she rarely knew it was happening.

Eventually she blossomed and she could not sneak as well as before, but this didn’t matter to her masters. They trained her in other ways. To dance, to seduce, to lead astray, these skills and more were taught me. She noticed a change though in the way the masters looked at her, but she ignored it, afraid that if she were to say anything she would be alone again. Eventually they proudly exclaimed that it was time to grant her new skills and power, but to do so she would have to go their Manse deep in the Southwest. She didn’t complain and left with them, and at the manse her life was destroyed. Her masters were Solars, and one a Twilight Genesis master at that. He was commissioned to create of Syrenica a new serpent girl, by the Dawn Adamant Mountain who had a harem of already.

Revealing themselves as well as their intent to Syrenica did its damage, doubt and fear raced through her, and she knew that if she didn't act soon she would become that which she should not. But she reasoned that if she remained, she would not be abandoned. It was clear that she was wanted. When they cast her to a mass of writhing metal tentacles she was shattered and the sorrow of the past eight years ago rushed at her before the darkness engulfed her. The frightening living machine changed her in the most painful of ways for a few days it worked on her, and when it was done and Solar magic was used to heal the operated and changed parts she was cast into a room to awake and recall her misery and pain. A demon capitalized her on this and offered her the exaltation in a subtle way, worming and working her way, while undermining all the defenses the girl may have left. After a few days she took the offered chance and exalted as a Malefactor. With her solar masters leaving her to the administrations of the harem, Syrenica plotted the demise of her master and his friends. Syrenica wanted to see them die, for she no longer needed anyone. She was her own mistress!

In the following month she tricked and deceived her solar masters, and one by one she slew them, her serpent body helping her to crush and smother the life of all of them. Once she had allowed them each the final moments she left the manse and had it destroyed.

In Malfeas Syrenica quickly learned her role. She knew her place and with the power granted her she held her loyalty. But born in her heart from the time of her exaltation was a desire, a powerful greed that was filling her demonically influenced heart. She wanted riches, silks, slaves, and fine foods, and while the Reclamation wanted her to corrupt and taint the social and religious structures in An Teng the threat of the Silver Prince became more pressing of an issue. With She Who Lives In Her Name’s guidance and her own chosen and demons, with Kimbery’s Lintha the Infernal host struck at the Silver Prince’s hateful land. But before they could, Syrenica was sent to learn all she could of the Silver Prince. Her former training at the fore, she found him hard to understand and deal with, but also a threat to her ability to work. Still he was unaware that she was an Infernal and not a Lunar’s beastman. She snuck around his place and found the location of Island 5. She stole any information she could, and sabotaged the island defenses as best as she could. She was caught however and tortured by the Silver Prince, but she resisted while her Demonic Familiar Sukari spy worked to further undermine the Prince's defenses and then signal the fleets handing over the information Syrenica had gathered.

She remained chained and bound while the Silver Prince left to deal with the Infernal host that was attacking. For a while she remained too, using her tail to dangle the keys to the clasps that bound her before her. Once she freed herself she opened the door for other Infernals like her. A year back she has unlocked the secrets of Tiger and Phoenix, and had writ her legend into the very foundations of the Universe. No others knew of this even her Yozi patrons were uncertain of what has transpired with her. But her time was to come. As her fellow DTs stormed the fortress the Silver Prince found himself outnumbered and out powered. His Abyssals were out dealing the Infernal Host, and he was now pressed with a handful of Devil Tigers. They fell upon him, every power, every spell, every attack both new and old cutting and slicing him, while Syrenica employed weakening strikes. He could not flee, he was trapped. For a week the fight went on, the Devil Tigers stood proudly before a defeated Silver Prince, countless Infernal weapon jutting from his battered and broken form. To Kill the Unkillable, like her fellows she had learned to forge of their exaltation a weapon to slay that which could not be killed. Once his shattered form tumbled from the tower, his body fading into the necrotic essence of the Underworld, the battle was over, the Silver Princes fleet seriously damaged, his Abyssals captured or missing, his Island theirs.

Syrenica has not stayed though, recently she had severed her Exaltation from Lillun, declaring her dissatisfaction with the Reclamation and Yozi’s ill-fated plans. The yozi have let her be as she joins a group of Exalts who want one thing, fun, adventure, and well of course keeping Creation free of its enemies. If nothing else she has the opportunity to find a place all her own, to gather her treasures, her riches, and her power at. But for now she will entertain and provide information to the free and fun Creation based Exalts.

And a Story that talks about her exaltation.

Long ago I was consigned to death in the streets of the City of Steel Lotus. No parents, no one to love me, and no way to get food. I was found by three people who I consider as gods, they fed me and granted me skills to sneak unseen, to steal unnoticed, to hug the shadows as if they were my own. They gave me these gifts and I was good at with them. I was trained to dance, to lead astray, and doom, but I only cared about the dances, and the admiration. When I grew older, this was more than I wanted, to dance, to eat, to be free and enjoy a life of simple pleasures. Eventually the simple pleasures were not enough. I wanted more. Jewelry, dresses, spices, and wines, they gave me fans to join my knives, and my beauty and form was the most eye catching. I was taught to seduce and trick when power would not avail me.

When my sixteenth year came and I was to join the masters I was excited. I would know what they do, I would see their power, and what wondrous things they would make. They brought me to their manse in the Southwest and my life would change for the second time here. The manse was scary, dark and foreboding, with its five curving spires looking like a diamond shaped maw that was closed. I followed them, I trusted them. Oh gods, I trusted them. Inside the manse I felt the pulse of something living, the ground was moist under my bare feet, and the humid air made my clothes cling to my well-endowed curvaceous form. They were silent and I followed by my eyes followed the passageway that curved down and inward as if it were some living tube of flesh, life blood, and meat. The scent was atrocious worse than most dungeons were, but I still followed, and every step weakened my resolve and dimmed my excitement. I had heard stories of people who sacrifice virgin girls to dark gods, was this my fate, to be saved from death only to have my body and soul violated and consumed by some dark and evil god of the land. I almost bolted with that thought, but I trusted them, this was no trap I told myself. Finally we came to a large room, larger than room of any mansion I have been to. The ground was made of metal, and the walls were of the same living flesh.

“Syrenica, we will gift you with something new. You will enjoy it,” the woman who had raised me to this day said with her sweet tone. I trusted them so much, but doubts were growing. They lead me to the center of the room and they were silent. Her hand was against my back a reassuring feeling. Finally they stopped me at the heart of the room, or rather at the edge, a circle was etched in the wall, and a hole was in very center, a hole that I could put a hand in.

“Now Syrenica, what is going to happen will be scary, but you have to be strong, this is for you darling,” one of the men said his look kind and gentle. How could I trust them? They fed and clothed me, granted me skills and knowledge. They were my family. Not like that woman that had abandoned me all those years ago, not that like man that had disappeared from my life going to some distant land.

“I, I trust you. You are my gods. You won’t let anything hurt me if it wasn’t meant to help me right.”

The woman smiles and runs her hands through waist length hair. “Yes Syrenica.”

“We are starting,” a new voice said from everywhere and nowhere at the same time. “You always have the sexy ones for the scale don’t you Adamant Mountain?”

The three turn to a spot at the north end where the soft gleam of glass sat. “Of course Radiant Fires, she will be the best one yet. Come, we can watch from the observation windows.” He turned to me and nodded. “Do well, your life counts on it.”

Something about the way he said that made my heart skip a beat and my blood run cold. It was his eyes I realized, full of ambition and cruelty. Why did I not notice it before? I could still run, the door out was still open. I could maybe even return to Steel Lotus and tell the guards there that something unholy happens here. I looked to their backs as they walked away talking amongst themselves. My heart pounded heavily in my chest and I looked to the windows then the door, all I had to do was run, no pain if I ran. I had the skills, I had the ability. I could live on my own!

“I don’t want to be alone,” the words came unbidden from my lips. I look to the trio as they near the door and raise my voice. “I don’t…”

“What is it dear,” the woman asks with a look of concern on her face, but her smile was wrong. I could shout it… but I couldn’t. I didn’t want anything more to change. I wanted to go back to what we had before. All the laughing, all the joys, all the tears, and pains and bandages, I wanted those days back. Eight years, was it all a lie?

“N, nothing,” my voice cracks with fear. She shakes her head and they reach the door, my legs are frozen where they remain. Adamant Mountain, a big man, with large muscles and a sharp mind turned to me and smirked, upon his head was strange symbol glowing golden. And I realized then, that he was an Anathema, a demon that looked like a human. When did this change? I look to the window and then back to the door as it closed with a finality that made me fall to my knees. They had always been this way… always.

Suddenly the voice returned to the room. “Girl, turn away from the center and do not look back.” With tears in my eyes I do as I’m told. The floor rumbles softly and I stiffen, I feel a harsh warm blast of air rush up my legs and against my back, blowing aside my sweat damp hair. Then something roars loudly and I sense something behind me rise from the now open hole. I gasp as something wet falls on me and I turn to see to my horror a bunch of writhing pulsing metallic tubes. With a cry I bolt to the closed door but before I can get far several grab my legs and I find myself dangling over the center hole. A large tube rises and opens showing its slimy wet darkness to me.

“Please! Let me go! I’ll do anything,” I beg as I stare at the darkness with fear I turn my eyes to the window and see four people watching me and at their side was two women with scales on their arms and body, and the lower body of a snake. Demure and passive, they didn’t even watch as I was lowered towards the rising tube. “…anything…” With a sharp cry I am dropped flailing into the middle tube and slowly slide down into the darkness. I feel something sharp strike me and before long my cries and movement silence as I disappear into the darkness of the Manse.

When I awake, and waking is painful, I am strung up on a wall, my hands and arms pulled up above me and bound, a metal clasp holds my neck and my waist. Breathing is hard, and my body is wet with sweat. I’m without clothes, and my head hums and whispers at me.


I wince at the unspoken words and new tears touch my indigo eyes.

Always alone.

I shiver and shake my head the whispers becoming insistent and louder. My eyes fall to my legs, or what would have been legs. I had a snake’s body, the scales a dark indigo blue, scattering of blacker scales marked me around my waist and my arms.

Powerless, scared, alone, little girl, who will soon to be a mindless slave, for the sun-kings of old. New tears joined in and I sobbed broken heartedly.

It doesn’t have to be this way, you have fire, determination, they purposefully sabotaged your heart to fail. Your parents abandoned you. The world hates you. But, it doesn’t have to be this way. It can change, just call my name, Xy’Veria, and I will give you the ability to redefine the world that scorns you.

I cried the rest of that day, until I was released, but the whisper’s voice echoed in my head with its promise. The woman that had raised me smiled and prepared me, those slaves of Adamant Mountain taught me to use my new form in the dances. They had no will anymore, the lived only to please Adamant Mountain. I had to change something soon, or soon only Adamant Mountain would be my world. I wanted more. I had always wanted more. But… maybe alone I would forever be.

That night after a painful and long exercise of dancing and training in the arts of pleasure, I slithered into my room and in my tears I called to the name, hoping beyond all hope that it wasn’t my mind playing tricks on me. A creature of demonic beauty stepped before me, with wings and tail, graceful horns and seductive lips with enticing eyes.

“You called, you are wise to accept the gift I am about to give. I demanded you, you see. Your strength of will still strong despite all the abandonments and betrayals you have endured. You have survived the warping of your form and your heart desires so many of the prettiest things.” She flicked back strands of black hair. “Now I will grant you power, when you are released from it, you will have to deal with your former masters.”

The demoness embraces me and I close my eyes a sense of security held in those warm arms. In mere moments I fall into a deep slumber, and outside of my body curled up in the fetal position was a diamond made of breathing living metal-flesh. For five days I slept while things greater than I worked to improve my form. I Exalted and I felt the power running through me, when I broke free of my Chrysalis Grotesque I found Adamant Mountain’s slave squirming in pain before me, a smile touches my lips and I knew what punishments I would inflict on my former masters.

I will have her sheet up as well as a link to her DT-in progress stuff with in a few days.
Still interested, fire aspect DB is in the works. I'm probably going to have lots of weird background questions for you given his age, but at the moment it is still a work in progress.

First one for charm planning: Transcendent Gaian Harmony, it would be theoretically possible to start with essence 9 and 5 purchase of this.. that isn't likely to happen as its a fun side project goal, but.. would that be a thing that would be permitted? Working towards whatever all element dragon thing/essence 9?

Second: DB charms from Hundredfold Facets of Enlightenment. I'm guessing on a case by case basis, but just wanted to give a heads up I might be looking at a few of them. Nothing in particular as yet.
Feantari said:
Still interested, fire aspect DB is in the works. I'm probably going to have lots of weird background questions for you given his age, but at the moment it is still a work in progress.
First one for charm planning: Transcendent Gaian Harmony, it would be theoretically possible to start with essence 9 and 5 purchase of this.. that isn't likely to happen as its a fun side project goal, but.. would that be a thing that would be permitted? Working towards whatever all element dragon thing/essence 9?

Second: DB charms from Hundredfold Facets of Enlightenment. I'm guessing on a case by case basis, but just wanted to give a heads up I might be looking at a few of them. Nothing in particular as yet.
Would that be possible if you hit essence 9 in game? Yeah sure.
This game is approved and set to 'Awaiting Players'. When the ST is ready to progress, could he let us know.

Captain Hesperus
Alexandra is close to being done, here is what I have. She is a Chosen of Secrets with a few centuries of experience protecting creation, she has an uncanny resemblance to Integra Hellsing as well.

Alexandra is a tough and charismatic woman. She is calm, collected and rarely lets her emotions get the best of her. Always keen for adventure and to fight the good fight in creation's defense she takes her tasks very seriously. Stopping at no length to protect the Maidens or Creation. FOr her failure is not tolerated, especially her own and she handles it poorly.

Alexandra is one of the ranking Oracles in the Division of Secrets and has served on Her Majesty's Privy Council for the Management of Armed Conflicts (the Convention on War) for over a century, serving with distinction. Her specialties include prophecy, political maneuvering, reconnaissance, weather manipulation, and smuggling. Wielding each in turn to gather and deploy the secrets necessary to keep creation running.

Once on a mission she befriended a charming pirate named <JayTee's character>. Impressed with his attitude, drive and swashbuckling bravado Alexanrda promised to help him where she could. Sending favorable weather to ease his journeys or hide his vessel in a fog bank. When she takes her rare sabbatical she likes to spend a week or two aboard his vessel braving the skies.

Alexandra also runs the Hellfire Organization, which has been tasked for millennia with protecting Creation and enforcing Heaven's will through extraordinary means. The philosophy of the organization can be summed up as "use darkness to fight darkness", and it has endeavored to fulfill that outlook by recruiting demons, fae, ghosts and other horrors into being spie or traitors to there kind. Alexandra has recently led the organization on its most dangerous mission, recruiting a Deathknight (OOC: Lord-Leafar), only time will tell if he will be a valuable asset or her greatest mistake.
[QUOTE="Kaji-Oni]Alexandra is close to being done, here is what I have. She is a Chosen of Secrets with a few centuries of experience protecting creation, she has an uncanny resemblance to Integra Hellsing as well.

Slight problem, potentially - I don't believe Leafar is going with an Abyssal any more.
Yays! For both. Cause... while Revlid's is nice and all, I can't do what I believe I can do with with it as I can with the RAW set.
My mutations for my DBT are fine for me. Wings, feathers, and claws. I make such a happy birdie!
Goddamnbatman said:
Oh mutations, using the regular one. I'm ready to start working on the forums.
I don't suppose there's any point asking if I can use Revlid's just for my By Rage Recast pool?

Welp, time to look up 60 points of mutations worth taking when I already have a weapon. >_>
[QUOTE="Kaji-Oni]Alexandra is close to being done, here is what I have. She is a Chosen of Secrets with a few centuries of experience protecting creation, she has an uncanny resemblance to Integra Hellsing as well.
Alexandra is a tough and charismatic woman. She is calm, collected and rarely lets her emotions get the best of her. Always keen for adventure and to fight the good fight in creation's defense she takes her tasks very seriously. Stopping at no length to protect the Maidens or Creation. FOr her failure is not tolerated, especially her own and she handles it poorly.

Alexandra is one of the ranking Oracles in the Division of Secrets and has served on Her Majesty's Privy Council for the Management of Armed Conflicts (the Convention on War) for over a century, serving with distinction. Her specialties include prophecy, political maneuvering, reconnaissance, weather manipulation, and smuggling. Wielding each in turn to gather and deploy the secrets necessary to keep creation running.

Once on a mission she befriended a charming pirate named <JayTee's character>. Impressed with his attitude, drive and swashbuckling bravado Alexanrda promised to help him where she could. Sending favorable weather to ease his journeys or hide his vessel in a fog bank. When she takes her rare sabbatical she likes to spend a week or two aboard his vessel braving the skies.

Alexandra also runs the Hellfire Organization, which has been tasked for millennia with protecting Creation and enforcing Heaven's will through extraordinary means. The philosophy of the organization can be summed up as "use darkness to fight darkness", and it has endeavored to fulfill that outlook by recruiting demons, fae, ghosts and other horrors into being spie or traitors to there kind. Alexandra has recently led the organization on its most dangerous mission, recruiting a Deathknight (OOC: Lord-Leafar), only time will tell if he will be a valuable asset or her greatest mistake.

You know, seeing your character has stirred my interest again for the Abyssal...darn my fickle mind! I'll get back to you on what I end up doing.

Here's my character!

Str 3 Dex 6 Sta 3

Chr 4 Manip 1 App 4

Per 4 Int 3 Wits 3

(F) Melee 6 (+3 Artifacts)

(F) War 3

Investigation 6 (+1 Interrogation)

Lore 3

(F) Integrity 4

Resistance 5

Occult 2

© Awareness 4

© Dodge 3

© Athletics 4

(F) Linguistics 2 (Old Realm, Low Realm, Riverspeak)

(F) Presence 3

Artifact 3 (Oracion)

Artifact 2 (Silken Armor)

Manse 5 (Hearth's Home)

Manse 5 (Wind-Bound Gem)

Artifact 3 (Requiem)

Resources 2

Artifact 2 (Hearthstone Bracers [Orichalcum] and vitriol) 4

Ally 3 (Isli, Lesser Dragon of Water)

Artifact 5 (Tyris)

Compassion 2

Conviction 5

Temperance 4

Valor 2


First Xentair Excellency (x6)

Second Xentair Excellency

Xentair Mythos Exultant

Ascendancy Mantle of Xentair

Sorcerous Enlightenment of Xentair (Sapphire)

So Speaks Xentair

Scales of Judgment Stance

Insignificant Embers Intuition

Green Sun Nimbus Flare

God-Scorch Invective

From Pain, Reforged

Radiant Fury Dissolution

Wrath-Stoked Bonfire Soul

Nightmare Fugue Vigilance

Impervious Primacy Mantle

Viridian Legend Exoskeleton

Gifts of Invisible Flame

Demon Emperor Shintai

By Agony Empowered

Solipistic Rejection of Impossibilities

Sacred Kamhilla's Inhalation

Freedom Lets Go

Broken Silence Laughter Defense

Wind-born Stride

Thousand-fold Typhoon Hand

Unimpeded Perfection of Exertion

Joy in Violence Approach

Self-As Cyclone Stance

Scarlet Rapture Shintai

Who Strikes the Wind?

Crimson Wind-Ribbons (x2)

In Fond Remembrance of Adrian

Threat-monitoring Excitement

Hardened Devil Body x2

From Pain Reforged

Scar-Writ Saga Shield (x2)

Triumphant Howl of the Devil-Tiger

Tempest of Inner Focus

Flame of the Rising Phoenix

Swallowing the Scorpion

Face of the Titans


Personal 28/28

Peripheral 46/46 [2 armor+ 5 shield+ 6 Daiklave+ 4 bracers]

Willpower: 10/10


-0 []

-1 [] []

-2 [] []

-4 []

-I [] [] []

Soak: 9L/9B Natural Soak + 5L/3B Armor = 14L/12B Total


Requiem: Speed 4, Acc 19, Dmg 13/3L, PDV 7+2 (0+6+6+2), Rate 4, Attune 6, O

Oracion: Speed 5, Acc 15, Dmg 5B, PDV 14+2 (13+6+6+2), Rate 1, Attune 5, M, Sh0

Dodge DV 8

Mental Dodge DV 11

Before he was Xentair, he was Ralm, a boy living in the Scavenger Lands. And every day was a struggle for survival. He was not a privileged, nor was he blessed. He barely made end's meet, fought others for survival. But yet, he couldn't survive. Perhaps it was his way of thinking, his strong sense of what was right and what was wrong, but he couldn't bring himself to do the things he needed to survive. He was unable to steal, lie, or cheat. Those things did not come easily to him. The spoiled and rotten nobles within his small town laughed and spat upon his misery. Nobody extended a hand to help him, nobody even bothered to give him a second glance. He was simply a person that did not, or rather could not exist. He was someone that nobody cared about. All he could rely on was himself and he did not mind that.

One day, he saw a noble who had scorned him being attacked by assassins before him. If he had found some way to forgive him and fight, perhaps a Solar Exaltation would have chosen him. Instead though, he looked the person he hated straight in the eye and said a single phrase.

"An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, and an evil for an evil." And the boy walked away and left the noble to die, bleeding out on the floor. But a few weeks later things started to get worse. War had engulfed the land as a bandit raid slaughtered everyone there. But as the village burned, a voice spoke to him.

"Do you want to survive?" it asked. Ralm nodded once, for he, like other people, did not wish to die. And so a single jade lion materialized before him and engulfed the boy within itself, the exaltation of the first Scourge grafted itself to his soul. And when he emerged three days later, Ralm was a changed soul, now a Scourge of the Yozi's he slaughtered everyone around him and went to Cecelyne.

But years later, Ralm grew weary of his masters' constant attempts to escape into Creation. He longed for freedom, freedom to decide his own path. He did not want to be mocked by anyone else, never again. He wanted to carve out his legend into the world, as so one day he felt something strange within him. It was a feeling of change within his very soul, within the very shard of Exaltation within his body. And so, gathering a few shards of enlightenment within himself from his masters, he forged his way into the Shinma themself and declared his own legend. He was Xentair, the Final Verdict, and the very first Devil Tiger. Further and further he meditated upon his own power and own essence, his constant experiments with his own essence changing the very structure of all of his artifacts, and eventually redefined himself in his image. He wove two more Chrysalis Grotesques and redefined his caste, and forged his own charms. He was his own master now.

The transformation was revealed to the other Infernals during the Calibration Thing, shocking nearly everyone present. And in doing so he was branded as the Heretic. Xentair did not mind, he had dealt with worse titles than before. And so he went out in creation, never returning to the Hellish realm that was his home for 6 years. He wandered Creation, exploring and forging his own legend as he developed his own latent powers. But then one day when he was in the West, searching for evidence that would allow him to judge if the Solars were truly worthy to rule Creation again, he had heard of the attack against the Lintha. He temporarily joined up with other Devil Tigers who had followed the path that he took and together they sailed to Skullstone.

It was there that he found what he was originally looking for, the Brass Leviathan, imprisoned and chained within a harbor in the Silver Prince's domain. It was a symbol of the madness of the Solars, and another piece of evidence that weighed against them. It was this time that he demonstrated his true power as Xentair. He easily extracted and healed the dormant dragon within. And the person who had damaged and imprisoned her, the Silver Prince, felt the pain that he had dealt as his essence lashed out against the Death Lord, weakening him for the rest of the fight. And through the combined powers of the Neo-Primordials, the Death Lord died permanently.

It was shortly afterwards that he and the other Devil-Tigers severed their link to Lillun, determined to leave the Yozi's service. And so Xentair wanders creation, seeking to advance his own legend. He retained a friendship with Isli, the missing Lesser Elemental Dragon of Water as he wandered Creation, although he had no idea of the things to come.
Alright, doing a headcount so I know who to include in my history when I talk about my Skyship crew. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong or join up if you're not a member already :)

Sherwood: Scouting and sorcery

Esbilon: Master of marines

Kaji-Oni: Intelligence, Ship support

I miss anyone? Anyone not happy with their position?
We could be allies, but I don't think my character would be happy serving under another. How'd you like a juicy trading contract with the former-Hundred Kingdoms? Assuming you wouldn't mind working with an Infernal, of course.
Looks good to me. Don't forget that Renna is your Lunar Bond, too.

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