Dreams of Doors and Roads [Gardens of Oneiromancy]


He pauses dabbing his forehead for a moment. Well seems he's happy here I may as well finish what I was doing. He nods to himself.

"Nah." He sets himself up on the bench press. "So I was watchin' this thing on tha Discovery Channel 'bout domesticated wolves... just don't seem right..." he trails off not sure where he was going with that.

"What kinda music do ya like?" Worked last time...
Nalani Appleblossom

Careful not to let the door slam behind her, Nalani entered the store, tugging her earbuds off before calling out a greeting. "Hi there." She cleared her throat softly as she stopped in front of the counter. "Excuse me but, I was wondering if you had any new sheet music for violin come in recently?" Small, feathery snowflakes eddied around her, vanishing entirely just few inches away from her body.
To West

"The Jurassic Ska Bandits." He shrugs, odd bits of bloody shale crumbling from his shoulders and neck.

He's not much of a talker, Virgil the Black.

Yeah I got nothing. West stares blankly at the big shedding monster for a moment in near disbelief. He turns back to the bench he'd set up and begins his labored math lesson. Maybe Mr. Black just came to work out...? Well boys and girls, isn't paranoia fun... he sighs and dedicates himself to his routine.
To West

Huh. He's being awfully persistent about asking whether or not you're leaving. Soon. It's almost like he wants you gone... does Virgil have business here? You know the gym is under-used as it is, it wouldn't be such a bad place to serve as a rendezvous point.

Upon closer inspection, the Ogre's deeply in-set eyes are darting to the back of the gym, but he's otherwise nonchalant... as much as an Ogre can be. Sooo... do you call the Executioner out, or do you leave it be..?

An otherwise unimportant detail waved in front of the face of a nosey dog... why is it I am so compelled to stick me head in a bee hive for something as unimportant as...

"Big date Virgil?" No tact. None. If you get yourself killed I'm just going to laugh.

West finishes his set and sits up on the bench. It was getting close to time to check on the young miss.
To West

Virgil snorts (a singularly disgusting act which dislodges various humours from his nostrils which do not bear mentioning). "None of your business."

He proceeds to slowly and carefully crush the barbell he's holding, with soft, barely imperceptible sounds of tortured metal scraping against itself.

He grins to himself. "Is she cute?"

He puts his hands up in advance still grinning. "A'right I'm done. Knock 'em dead, big guy." He chuckles and gathers his things.
To West

The Ogre's nonplussed, to say the least, replacing the now spherical weight on the stand with care, but he doesn't make a move to follow you. Or tear you a new one, by proxy.

He's free to change his mind, of course.
Gareth Hughes

Putting his phone down, Gareth began to ponder who he could ask to pledge. Absentmindedly he opened the door and swept the snowflakes outside. He knew they were ephemeral, and wouldn't actually melt and make the floor wet, but it still didn't seem right to leave them to disappear still inside the house.

Who to choose, who to choose... It wasn't as if he were being forced to decide upon who to condemn to an awful fate of everlasting horror, but it did mean that whoever he picked he would never be able to look directly in the eyes again. Seeing inside someone's dreams was like walking in on them undressing, and could lead to awkward silences and embarrassed giggling at the worst moments.

Still, it had to be done. Besides, it was only going to be for a short while, and if it were someone from the university, they'd only be in his life around finals weekm and that would be that. Gareth wracked his brain for the names and faces of the students he'd tutored, wondering which ones were this semester and which had since moved away.

As he settled on Lisa, the girl he'd been with last night, he realised he'd put his jacket back on and begun walking back to campus. He hoped he'd remembered to lock the door while he didn't know he was leaving. The neighbourhood wasn't a bad one, but locking your apartment was always a good idea no matter where you were.

He crossed the road and stepped back onto campus grounds, wondering if the feeling of crossing a threshold was just his imagination or not. As he made his way to Lisa's dormitory he kept his eyes peeled.
To Gareth

The St. Christina Hall was possessed of a south-facing aspect, its old and variegated ivy-strewn red-brick walls soaking up the sunlight, radiating with a palpable heat. The dorm is traditionally given as accommodation to psychology, history and mythology students, though it is not particularly sizeable; built at a time when female college students were the exception and not not the norm, it only accommodates some two dozen students at a time. It is, however, rather more...charming, from an architectural perspective, than the significantly larger dorms built at a later date.

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