Dreams of Doors and Roads [Gardens of Oneiromancy]


Sam puts on a show of the more confident best friend, encouraging the shy one to talk to girls. He does his best to look like he's watching and trying to not be seen to be watching.

Well, at least he's got the nervous approach down... he thinks to himself.
To West and Sam

The girl hesitates; perhaps so engrossed in reaching her destination, she did not see you until just now. "Do I know you?" she enquired, a trifle timid in her aspect, her stance hunched forward as if preparing to flee, or perhaps just expecting some sort of prank or practical joke, it's hard to say.

West can smell her fear and for a moment entertains a vision of a wolf looming over a rabit. Fuck off Creature. He scratches his head dismissivly before stretching a hand to her.

"Nah, I'm West... help you with your books?"
To West

Her eyes narrow. "I don't have any money, and I don't care how cliché it sounds, I will scream."

"Ok, you carry 'em then..." he sighs heavily putting his hands in pockets. "Jus' tryin' t' be nice... I didn't even talk about your ass or nothin'." He flushes red and stammers. "Shit, I... not that you don't... you h, have..."

He thumps his forehead hard. "Yep. Real smooth"
To West


If you think you're flushing red, it's nothing compared to your mark; she's blushing a red as deep as the colour of her jeans, right now, and it's getting deeper. It could be rage rather than embarrassment, mind you; she's quivering and the knuckles holding those books are pretty white... Whoops.

I think it's time for a good old fashioned Seduction roll, unless you have anything else in mind..? You can roll Presence+Persuasion, or Manipulation+Persuasion, but it'll be contested, naturally.

Sam is just staring at this point. He doesn't know whether to laugh, cry, or grab the Beast by the wrist and drag him away before he embarrassing himself. Of course, he mused, it may just be a clever ruse. Best to wait and watch.

"You can hit me, you're killing me with that look..." He nods scratching his head again. "Let's try that again."

so same as previous presence 4 persuation 0, 0 5 7 8, reroll on ten was an 8.
"I'm West and yeah, I'm no good at it but you looked in'eresting so I'm just here t' say hi." He withdraws his hand from his pocket and extends it to her.
To West

She looks at your hand uncertainly, biting her lip, as if your proffered sign of friendship might bite. "Look, I-"

Results for 4 dice: 2 successes [ 1 0 3 9 ] (TN: 8)
Results for 1 dice: 0 successes [ 5 ] (TN: 8)

With an uncharactaristic look of sincerity he catches her eye looking appologetic. He of course then realizes he's being a sissy and clears his throught keeping his hand extended.

Result for 4 dice: 2 successes [ 6 2 0 0 ] tn?

Result for 2 dice: 2 successes [ 0 9 ]

Result for 1 dice: 0 successes [ 2 ]
"I don't bite..." people...
To West

Her blush, if anything, deepens, but... she takes your hand (which engulfs her own). You can feel her pulse beneath her ever-so-slightly clammy skin, fluttering like a panicked bird, her skin surprisingly warm.

"I'm Clíona... and I guess you can take my books... if it's not too much trouble..." Her face flushes in an instant, so that she's abruptly pale rather than beetroot, as if unnerved by her own "audacity". Her smile, hesitant and fleeting, is both charming and worrying. A girl like this has every right to be suspicious, as a lamb amongst the wolves - heh, if only she knew...

With a stupid grin he almost loses all cool points by nearly blurting 'wow that worked?'.

He comits a willpower to the handshake to enact the pledge and relieves her of her books. "Heading anywhere fun?" He shoots Sam a grin.
To West

"Uhh, no, not really, I guess, unless you're a fan of the histories and theories of urban development..."

Sam watches in awe for a few moments at the blundering Beast, but once it becomes largely clear that he's probably not going to get maced or something he waves his farewell to West and gets ready to make his way home, mouthing 'Good luck!' and grinning like a madman at him before leaving.

He's going to need it.

"No, not particularly..." he scratches his head. Good luck huh? Well now he could use it... he had her attention now what. "But I don't know a damn thing about it. Not that I wouldn't mind hearin' bout it. I'm more into zoology or... mythology... Grab a slice with me?"

"Yeah, yano a slice of pizza. Sorry, I ferget sometimes where I am." He scratches his head in contemplation. "So whata ya say, come eat with me an' tell me about urban development?"
To West

"B-but I have... class," she protests, weakly. Ah, but her heart's not in it, her resolve is crumbling...

"...I guess I can afford to miss one lecture."

"Hell yeah, so what kinda music do ya like?" He grins somewhat triumphantly.

He heads off with her towards a nearby hole-in-the wall 'new york style' pizza joint, one of those places with a "Big Tony" behind the counter and just the right mixture of patchy wallpaper and composite.
To West

Ah, you've said something to pique her interest, and she concentrates for a moment, idly twisting her finger in a redundant red strap tied to her belt. "Ummm... I dunno. I mean, I like music, but it's a hard question to answer. I like late nineties, early noughties trance, like Sonique or Ultrabeat, but then I'm also drawn to independent folk music when the mood takes me. Lately, though, I've been listening to a lot of Diablo Swing Orchestra. Umm... I'll have a slice of the Hawaiian, heavy on the pineapple, please?"

"W-what sort of music do you like?"

There we go, now she's talking. "Meatsa for me."

"I like a bunch'a different kinds... Billy Joel, Bad Company, Nirvana... but I'm inta blues too. Been listening to some Brit recen'ly Alexi Murdoch I think's the name. Don't know if I've heard trance... house is fun..." he chews idly. "Why're ya so nervous, I ain't so bad t' most people."
To West

"I-I'll bear that in mind." She takes off her glasses and cleans them on the edge of her shirt for a moment before putting them back on. "So are you taking Comparative Theology here? Y-you said you liked mythology - and zoology, but I'm pretty sure they don't offer that here at Ivyvale..." She trails off.

He chews for a minute. "Nah I'm a mechanic... I said I was inta mythology and zoology. I'm something like a super hero." He grins as the thought of him in a cape plays through his head. Laaaaaaame.

"Ever hear the song 'nightmare' by Avenged Sevenfold?" He tries to play off the rediculousness of the whole situation.
To West

"I...think so? Metal - at least, I think it's rock/metal? - isn't usually my scene, although studies have shown it's great for stress relief. I don't really see pregnant mothers throwing out their Mozart and having their babies listen to Black Sabbath or, I dunno, Slayer instead. That's just my opinion, though," she added hurriedly.

West lets out a good laugh at the thought. "That's funny. I can see it now, baby metal: barny gets a mohawk." He laughs a bit longer. "But no I bring up that song cause it's relevant. I watch over dreams."

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