Dreams of Doors and Roads [Gardens of Oneiromancy]

To Sam

Rolling her eyes heavenwards, she grabs your proffered hand impatiently and pumps it. "Sure, whatever. Goodbye, Mr. Lightfoot." She turns on her heel with a singularly smooth movement, sunlight catching previously unseen amber highlights in her brown hair, and leaves without another word.

Sam pours his will into the brief handshake, feels the Wyrd snap closed around them. He smiles as he watches her go.

"See you tonight", he says quietly. He leaves some money on the table and heads out the door. His work here was done.

Spending one point of willpower to seal the contract.

You've got to be fucking kidding! His patience was now all but gone. Turning off the water he went to the phone, pick it up and said in a loud, angery voice "who is this?"
To West

The coffee shop is little more than a corner store tucked away in a little alleyway; the sort of shop that crops up everywhere, can't possibly be profitable and yet stays open forever. It's not even a franchise, but you can't really think of anyone calling it a family-run business either. The almost metaphorical grime, the "run-down-ness" of the Docks seeps into everything here, and this shop is no exception. You forget the guy behind the counter as soon as he takes your money.
To Jason

"Woooooah there, big fella, no need to have a fucking heart attack!" Laughter booms down the line. "It's Al here."

"Al", AKA Able Aloysius, is Ivyvale's resident "Father" of the Family of Silent Nights; your superior, if you will. Like Aisling, he rolled into town and overcame suspicion amongst the freehold to establish the entitlement to which you now belong. A powerful Broadback, he is (quite literally) an ox of a man; rarely do you meet men who so fully epitomise words like "burly", and "larger than life". He's always laughing about something. The local Summer Court has accepted him with open arms.

He (finally) stops laughing. "Sleep alright?"

My kind of place; idle chit-chat that doesn't mean a damn thing, coffee that could strip paint and food that even rats take a moment to consider. West takes his time ordering the same tar as usual and some pretending-to-be-made-of-food sugar... thing. Mmmm sugar things. As usual he takes a look at the paper before leaving and as usual is greeted by too many words and not enough information. In other news the news is still selling news.

Coffee, check. Food... yeah I guess that counts. Now to waste the day. West finishes the cup and set out for a walk around the Docks. This place reminded him of New York a bit... dark and vampiric. Not an inch of the Docks had been spared from its nature and there was something comforting in that. That and every now and again you'd find that really pissed off drunk who's always good for a spat. West could feel the urge to pick a fight simmering below the collar.

"Drop it, grease monkey." He growls to himself. "No reason to ruin a perfectly good day with your t-hug-ish tendencies." Besides, lately he'd been good. Aside from decking that one store clerk or almost throwing his boss out a window he hadn't done anything stupid in weeks.
Nalani Appleblossom

Right. That's more like it. Nalani smiles slightly at the hidden message. If someone wants her to be at the Spring Revel, then so be it. For the first time in a good long while, she felt better. Useful.

Tucking the bit of paper into the pocket of her hoodie, she leans back against the twisted branches. It was still a few hours before the bar opened. She thought about maybe visiting Gareth, just to see what he was up to. The sun was still too high in the sky for her liking. Besides, the darkling was good at research and seems pretty good about helping others out. Maybe he could help her dig up some more music for her to try out.
To West

It is this point that you notice a small and unleashed albino ferret sniffing curiously at your shoes.

"You smell," it declares, indifferently, wrinkling its nose and blinking bright red eyes at you.

West looks down at the creature with shock and amuzement. How often do you get to see a talking rat? Especially an honest one.

"Ya know I have friends that won't say that t' me. I can respect that." He reaches down to pick the mouthy rodent up or at least offer it his hand. "I hope I'm not just loosing it... leave it to me to dream up talking pestillence."

Animal ken I'd suppose?

A small growl builds in his chest as his beastial nature smells living food. West gives a small sigh and clears his throat.
To Jason

"Aw heck, today's youngsters, eh? They never should have gotten rid of the Rod, that's my opinion." More booming laughter. "Or the manacles. Ah... But that's besides the point. The point is, son, we've got a little job for you..."

He goes on to explain the situation, easily becoming sidetracked by a need to digress on another topic from time to time, but you get the gist of it. The Family wants you to watch over the dreams of one or more mortals and they'd be "much obliged" (his words) if you'd manage it pretty sharpish. Kind of short notice but not all that unreasonable, once you think about it.

Plus, it's easy glamour, and you could use a regular fix, so to speak.
To West

The ferret seems perfectly at ease to allow itself into your grasp.


"If you even think about nibbling on me I'll curse you to a life of unending misery, furball," he says, correctly guessing your thoughts; his voice is curiously dry, with a slight hint of sarcasm, though his gaze is without malice. He looks like a man (uh, ferret) who's just stating a fact. "He's in here, Ash."

And sure enough, Aisling, your "Mother", waltzes in (a good phrase, you think, her movements as unconsciously graceful as any dance). "Don't run off like that, Eucalyptus," she begins in an admonishing tone. "Has he been teasing you?" This last is directed at you.
To Nalani

The wind whistles through the branches overhead. It was going to be a good day. You might want to put the paper back in the widow's hands before you leave; you might even want to add your own scrap of paper to the pile. Who knows..?

"Unending misery could be worth a snack..." West says somewhat casually though allowing the creature's hunger to seep through. "I like you, Lunch."

When the ferret calls in the woman West takes a moment to regard her movement... she'd be a bitch to fight... Aisling walks over and converses with the rodent before addressing him. West is still trying to remember whether or not she's trouble.

"Huh?" West looks down at the ferret perched on his forearm. "Lunch? No he's just saying hi. All in all I hate sayin' that the most honest person I'd ever met was a rat." He cocks an eyebrow questioningly.

"Whatever I did this time I swear he deserved it."
Gareth Hughes

Daylight had crept in through the dormroom window slowly, flowing over the sleeping form hunched over textbooks lying open on the floor and finally coming to brush the fingertips of the man dozing against the far wall. He inhaled sharply and curled his hand away from the light.

The instinctive motion stirred Gareth out of his half-sleep. It was morning, of this he was positive. The extra few seconds it took to reorientate himself were proof enough that day had broken, and with it the strangely reassured feeling that came with the night had left him.

He clambered to his feet, long arms and legs ungainly in the morning fug, somehow managing to keep almost silent as he crept around the room retrieving his things. He scratched a message on some notepaper - "Hi Lisa, I had to rush off but I'll be back to go over those notes with you tomorrow before your test. Gareth" - with his fountain pen and slung his messenger bag over his shoulder before gently letting himself out into the hall.

He couldn't remember which dorm he was in, and hoped it was one of the co-ed buildings - there was nothing more embarassing than to be mistaken as a hungover Lothario making the Walk of Shame back from a girl's dorm, when it really was a "study date" and your intentions were completely noble.

Of course looking like a scruffy art student and blinking in the sunlight didn't help one's case.

Gareth thought it best to hurry back home, a few streets off campus and up a few winding staircases to the attic apartment where he could refill his thermos of tea and hope today noone else called him about the emergency study sessions his flier offered.

He was beginning to regret putting both his cellphone number and "can help with any class", but that was what happened when you let the choice of paper colour distract you in a copy shop.
To Gareth

All's quiet.

...not too quiet, heaven defend us from all clichés great and small. Just your usual, run of the mill quiet, generated by a general lack of people where normally there are many people busy at work. Now it's just...still. Peaceful. And thus, you remain unaccosted on your way back to your apartment, your phone mercifully silent. It could turn out to be a good day. But what to do?
To West

For a moment, Aisling's eyes narrow suspiciously. "I'm not going to ask what it is you think I've come here to talk about. Something tells me I wouldn't like it and that I should be talking to you about it but...oh never mind." She'll take a seat without asking, and remove the ferret from your hands in one graceful movement, the offensive little rate vanishing into the folds of her shawls in moments, muttering inaudible deprecations.

"I have, however," she continues, "come to talk to you about other matters of importance."

She'll fill you in on what the Family expects of you and your motley. "You need not restrict yourself to one mortal, if you so wish, but you must choose at least one. It may be to your advantage to devote yourself to watching over the dreamscape of one and one only, or perhaps you - and thus, we - would be better served if you were to look upon many. I am not here to dictate that to you, however. Your choices are your own. The experience will be doubtlessly enlightening, either way. Any questions?"

She sounds like a teacher when she's like this.
To Jason

"Whoever you want, by sundown today and within the confine of Ivyvale - we're not all that picky." He pauses. "Not rightly sure I understand what you mean by "what", mind you..."

Short, to the point and really cute when she's talking business; he remembered why he join the bunch. You know, other than the obvious. West gets an odd smirk entertaining some depravity or another.

"So let me get this straight... You want me to watch some poor shmuck's dreams?" A glimmer of excitement dances across his face. "Cool."

It slowly dawned on him he'd never actually done that before. Feeding on emotions, yes. Dreams weren't really his forte. Still he was more than eager to learn. Again his mind begins to wander to the more... He clears his throat.

"Yeah, ok, Teach. I don't see why the hell not. So long as I don't have to wear anything stupid I guess it ain't that bad."
To West

"It'll be a mortal's dreamscape; what you wear is left entirely to your discretion, I'm sure... and don't call me 'Teach.'" She rises, straightening her shawl, making no sign as to whether or not she can tell you're thinking... thoughts like that. "I have other business to attend to today. I'll bid you farewell. For now."
Nalani Appleblossom

Maybe it was the sound of the wind that made her do it. The breeze reminded her of a concept she'd long forgotten - possibilities. Nalani grabs a pen from her messenger bag, ripping a small square of paper from the notebook she always carries with her to jot bits of music that came to her at random times. In a cramped hand, she pens a plain wish. I'd love to have someone to call my own. There. Nothing fancy, a little corny, but that was the truth. She hurries through the sunny areas, leaving all the wishes including hers back in the widow's cold hands.

Leaving the park, she heads for a nearby bakery. She picks up half a dozen assorted muffins, each one nearly as large as a softball, with a couple of banana nut ones for her. Knowing Gareth, he probably didn't have anything around for breakfast. Nearly missing the bus, she chases after it just in time for the driver to throw the doors open for her.

It didn't take long to walk from the bus stop to Gareth's apartment. Lucky for her, one of the tenants she had seen before was at the front door. With a small "thank you," she slips easily into the apartment building, racing up the stairs to his apartment.

"Hey Gareth," she knocks smartly on the door. "Are you awake? It's Nalani. I've got some muffins!"
(ooc - I had the first part of this post all typed up as its own entry, until my wireless network disconnected and the post got lost down the proverbial back of the sofa of the internet X_X hopefully I've recaptured the gist of it at least)

Gareth Hughes

There was a rhythmn to Gareth's life. At first he would be calm, collected, peaceful, until.... a sudden rememberance of something he needed to do, or should have already been doing, and everything was action and energy until... he was at rest again, reassured nothing needed his time or attention at present.

His morning had passed in such a rhythmn, idly daydreaming in the shower until the realisation that the hot water was going to run out any second now and he'd better hurry before AIIIII! Cold!

The remaining traces of the early morning malaise were thus lifted, and he could busy himself until further matters - or visitors - made themselves known.


"Hmmm?" Gareth glances up from the desk where he had been hard at work slaying that vile, villainous dragon of the modern age - balancing his finances. With the money he'd made this week on study sessions, and the extra he earned from his small plot of goblin flowers in the hedge, he'd just about break even. But living so close to the edge wasn't a good thing. Perhaps he'd pick up a part-time shift at one of the coffee places in town?

Stepping over and around the small mounds of notebooks and papers that tende dto accumulate in his rooms, he made his way to the door.

"Oh hello! Oh, they'll go well with... The tea!"

Dashing back into the apartment, Gareth ran to the kitchen to find the pot he'd put on earlier had been left to stew and while he would happily still drink it, any subtle play of flavours across the palate was forever lost to time and distraction.

"...Sorry," he began, sheepishly. "Momentary lapse of concentration. I'll put a new one on. Would you like anything in particular?" He returned to his guest on the threshold and ushered her in, closing the door and finding somewhere for her to sit.

He stands with her and extends her his hand. "Thanks then. I'm sure I'll see ya soon enough." West grins at the ferret "You too, Lunch."

So how to convince someone to let me watch their dreams without going through the trouble of explaining I'm most likely the creature under their bed? He shrugged in response to his own question. Time to make it happen.

West takes off heading towards the schools, there was a guy he knew who hunted around that area. If anyone could make the big bad wolf smooth it was Sam Lightfoot.

(out of game: you asked me to looked over someone. I was aksing who, where are they and when and what the situation was ie. nightmares, or some biz to be done in dream time. :)

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