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Seasplash241 Seasplash241 Pumpkid Pumpkid Vampunk Vampunk Angelofwishes7 Angelofwishes7 Abyss Abyss Shadow Shadow


Alright, I've got an important announcement for the RP! I'm doing this in favour of Thunder, so no worries.

As you all know, RPs usually die because RPers either end up not having people to interact with, or they can't jump in at the right moment in time for whatever's happening in the RP at that point. So, in order to prevent this, Thunder and I encourage you to plan your interactions. PM each other, create ways your characters could connect in time for the RP. Thunder and I have already done this with our characters, and we just want to encourage you to do the same.

Planning our interactions, the who's, what's and when's and all that, will make this RP seem more like a storyline. Everyone will know what to do because they planned ahead of time thus, they won't get bored and leave the RP. You don't need to make the plannings detailed or anything---just toss ideas around. Don't be shy to use the OOC as well---let everyone know what you're gonna do if it's important.

And as all stories go, there are beginnings, the rising actions, climax, etc;. We can plan these all as a group, to make this RP as good and interesting as we know it can be. If there's anything that kills a good RP, it's lack of communication, of connection, of creativity. So, as a conclusion, plot among yourselves. PM, use the OOC---be creative!
I've already got some stuff going for Amir, but if anyone wants to plot with me with my water dragon Vai I'd love that!
I can Alexander would mostly be interacting with any, if not all of the royal family. That would also be the same for anyone who is close to the royal family.
Where are my hunters at?!

Uncle Lionel wants to tell you some heavily exaggerated stories of his adventures!
I’m thinking about making a male earth dragon to balance out the gender scale a bit. Anyone looking for anything in particular?
Seasplash241 Seasplash241 Pumpkid Pumpkid Vampunk Vampunk Angelofwishes7 Angelofwishes7 Abyss Abyss Shadow Shadow

I've got an idea...if you guys don't like it then that's fine, but here it goes!

Okay so, this idea kind of incorporates everyone--the hunters, the royals, the ordinaries.

I'm thinking we can start with the two sisters, Alessandra and Blair. They're both out at night, flying around without permission, enjoying each others' company. This is where the hunters come in; Lionel, Atlas, Mazikeen, Liev---Lionel (because Lionel is the oldest and more experienced) or Mazikeen (because she's Commander of Hunters etc) being the leader. Either or really.
Anyway, the party spot the two and the chase begins, blah blah.
In the end, Blair ends up getting captured, and Alessandra escapes, though she's still being chased by my character Liev. They have a fight, but Liev obviously wins because a), he's an Onyx and b), he's older and stronger than her.
Buuut while that's happening, Severin and Alexander who were on patrol too that night, hear the commotion and rush to help, intending to fight. A battle ensues, hunter against Draki.

While that goes on, Liev, already knowing his mission (infiltrate the Mountain Tribe to act as a spy to leak information to the hunters on the Draki whereabouts), uses Alessadra's weak state to his advantage, forcing her to show him the way home so she could nurse her wounds. They go back, and since Alessandra is wounded, they go to Aurora, the healer. (We can also have Amir in there too---so we all interact, him getting mad at Alessandra for a) going out at night without a pass and b) letting a stranger into their home).

The hunters end up losing the fight, losing Blair as well. They retreat, and Severin, Alexander and Blair go back, (Blair assumingly getting lectured by both veterans) and when they head back, they get treated to a nice surprise:

Alessandra wounded and a new Draki in town.

That's the basic premise of it---we can change things if it isn't to the majority's liking. Please tell me if I forgot to add you in xD
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Seasplash241 Seasplash241 Pumpkid Pumpkid Vampunk Vampunk Angelofwishes7 Angelofwishes7 Abyss Abyss Shadow Shadow

I've got an idea...if you guys don't like it then that's fine, but here it goes!

Okay so, this idea kind of incorporates everyone--the hunters, the royals, the ordinaries.

I'm thinking we can start with the two sisters, Alessandra and Blair. They're both out at night, flying around without permission, enjoying each others' company. This is where the hunters come in; Lionel, Atlas, Mazikeen, Liev---Lionel (because Lionel is the oldest and more experienced) or Mazikeen (because she's Commander of Hunters etc;)being the leader. Either or really.
Anyway, the party spot the two and the chase begins, blah blah.
In the end, Blair ends up getting captured, and Alessandra escapes, though she's still being chased by my character Liev. They have a fight, but Liev obviously wins because a), he's an Onyx and b), he's older and stronger than her.
Buuut while that's happening, Severin and Alexander who were on patrol too that night, hear the commotion and rush to help, intending to fight. A battle ensues, hunter against Draki.

While that goes on, Liev, already knowing his mission (infiltrate the Mountain Tribe to act as a spy to leak information to the hunters on the Draki whereabouts), uses Alessadra's weak state to his advantage, forcing her to show him the way home so she could nurse her wounds. They go back, and since Alessandra is wounded, they go to Aurora, the healer. (We can also have Amir in there too---so we all interact, him getting mad at Alessandra for a) going out at night without a pass and b) letting a stranger into their home).

The hunters end up losing the fight, losing Blair as well. They retreat, and Severin, Alexander and Blair go back, (Blair assumingly getting lectured by both veterans) and when they head back, they get treated to a nice surprise:

Alessandra wounded and a new Draki in town.

That's the basic premise of it---we can change things if it isn't to the majority's liking. Please tell me if I forgot to add you in xD
I like it
Seasplash241 Seasplash241 Pumpkid Pumpkid Vampunk Vampunk Angelofwishes7 Angelofwishes7 Abyss Abyss Shadow Shadow

I've got an idea...if you guys don't like it then that's fine, but here it goes!

Okay so, this idea kind of incorporates everyone--the hunters, the royals, the ordinaries.

I'm thinking we can start with the two sisters, Alessandra and Blair. They're both out at night, flying around without permission, enjoying each others' company. This is where the hunters come in; Lionel, Atlas, Mazikeen, Liev---Lionel (because Lionel is the oldest and more experienced) or Mazikeen (because she's Commander of Hunters etc) being the leader. Either or really.
Anyway, the party spot the two and the chase begins, blah blah.
In the end, Blair ends up getting captured, and Alessandra escapes, though she's still being chased by my character Liev. They have a fight, but Liev obviously wins because a), he's an Onyx and b), he's older and stronger than her.
Buuut while that's happening, Severin and Alexander who were on patrol too that night, hear the commotion and rush to help, intending to fight. A battle ensues, hunter against Draki.

While that goes on, Liev, already knowing his mission (infiltrate the Mountain Tribe to act as a spy to leak information to the hunters on the Draki whereabouts), uses Alessadra's weak state to his advantage, forcing her to show him the way home so she could nurse her wounds. They go back, and since Alessandra is wounded, they go to Aurora, the healer. (We can also have Amir in there too---so we all interact, him getting mad at Alessandra for a) going out at night without a pass and b) letting a stranger into their home).

The hunters end up losing the fight, losing Blair as well. They retreat, and Severin, Alexander and Blair go back, (Blair assumingly getting lectured by both veterans) and when they head back, they get treated to a nice surprise:

Alessandra wounded and a new Draki in town.

That's the basic premise of it---we can change things if it isn't to the majority's liking. Please tell me if I forgot to add you in xD
Oooooo, I could get behind this x3
Although, Blair would probably have to be riding Alessandra or something similar, being as she hasn't manifested yet .w.
I wonder how the hunters would respond to Blair being human? Would they think Alessandra kidnapped her, maybe..?
Oooooo, I could get behind this x3
Although, Blair would probably have to be riding Alessandra or something similar, being as she hasn't manifested yet .w.
I wonder how the hunters would respond to Blair being human? Would they think Alessandra kidnapped her, maybe..?

Well, Blair would naturally be terrified, and if my memory serves me, Draki 15 years or younger only manifest when forced by a strong emotion like fear. So in this case, she could turn into a dragon solely by fear, backed by her natural Draki instincts to defend herself.
My question is do we have to find a partner right now / soulmate and work it out or just the entry?
Well, Blair would naturally be terrified, and if my memory serves me, Draki 15 years or younger only manifest when forced by a strong emotion like fear. So in this case, she could turn into a dragon solely by fear, backed by her natural Draki instincts to defend herself.
Oh yeah... True
Might have to run it by the GM tho, seeing as she specified that Blair wouldn't be manifested...
But I think that could be interesting, considering her Draki form wouldn't stand much of a chance, haha...
I'll almost feel bad about bullying all these youngster dragons.


Lionel is going to feel like an ol' git shooing children off his lawn.
Just posted my earth draki! I'm super excited for this haha. Also, I was wondering if anyone would be interested in their character being the friend of Amir's? I feel like he needs a confidant, someone who would listen to him.
Just posted my earth draki! I'm super excited for this haha. Also, I was wondering if anyone would be interested in their character being the friend of Amir's? I feel like he needs a confidant, someone who would listen to him.
Would you like to plot something with my character?
I don't really care what, could be a love interest for someone or confidante or whatever x3
She's open to all of that, so...
Oh yeah... True
Might have to run it by the GM tho, seeing as she specified that Blair wouldn't be manifested...
But I think that could be interesting, considering her Draki form wouldn't stand much of a chance, haha...
This sounds good to me and would be a great time for her to manifest. The whole clan would be in aw of your return.

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