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Fandom Dragons:The Riders of Berk (Still Accepting)

Should this Role Play have a plot to it?

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(A little late, I know.)

After walking for a few minutes, it starts to get dark. Like, really dark. The enormous dragons above are still rumbling and roaring, making all kinds of noise and what seems like a muffled dragonese language. That doesn't make me feel much better. Maisy, knowing how I'm feeling, moves closer to walk only inches from my left side. I rap my arm around her neck and half hug her for a moment as she extends a wing slightly to "guard" my back, knowing that having open darkness at my back is something I can't stand. I thankfully snatch a torch out of its holder on the wall in the gloom, where I would expect it to be. Maisy's slightly glowing eyes peer at the stick in the darkness as we slowly walk, then she glances at me. I glance at her knowing look for a moment, then I carefully extend the stick in front of her while keeping a firm grip. She blows a small whirl of fire on it, which makes the thick end ignite.

"Thanks, girl," I say to her, and she quietly rumbles in response.

We continue to walk in the quiet gloom for a while, making our way higher and higher in the stables. As we ascend, the fighting above reaches a fever pitch, then it gradually dies down. By the time we reach the third floor from the top, the fighting above has seemed to stop entirely. I am so thankful of that.

Eventually, we make it to the top, where I mount Maisy and then we fly out of the hangar at the top of the cliff. We circle around the village once, surveying the damage. Then we drop down next to our little cottage. Some of the roof is burnt, which we will probably have to fix later, but it is fine other than that. I dismount Maisy and jump into the snow, thankful for my thick boots that block out the cold of the snow. I do shake a bit, though, as chills run up my spine from the dropping temperature. Then I walk to a small side room connected to the house, and open the double doors. Piles and piles of fish are safely stored inside, and I only have a moment to get out of the way before Maisy barrels in and starts to munch on her meal. I laugh, rub her neck once, then walk into the house to warm up and grab a meal.
Ren made it to the docks, but he was a bit reluctant to reveal himself. The air was cold and dry, and he didn't know how the humans would react. Thoughts swam through the poor dragon's mind, which only confused him even more. He could also hear the shrill calls of other dragons, even while he was underwater. It couldn't be that bad, right? Starting to regret his decision, Ren peeked out of the water, only the dorsal side of his head showing as he slowly lifted his head up to peer over the dock. His black, moist eyes scanned over the docks for any sign of life. Luckily, there weren't any occupying this dock or anywhere around him. Most likely because he waited so long to reveal himself, and the cold weather didn't help much, either. Seeing as the coast was clear, Ren did what any other sane water dragon would do.

He left the comfort of the water, and tried to lift himself up onto the dock.

Rising up to his full height, the large dragon stared at the likely slippery dock. Using his needle like claws, Ren latched himself to the dock, and tried his best to lift himself up without breaking the dock itself. The loose boards underneath his feet began to crack and splinter, but thankfully, they did not give way. Once he had risen a ways out of the water, he flapped his wings to help him further. And finally, with one last mighty flap, the dragon emerged on the dock victoriously. What did he do once he accomplished this feat?

He sneezed.

With that, the shy dragon who had just emerged into a human village for the first time plummeted back into the water, bringing the fragile dock down with him. He let out a loud squeal, which could be heard by humans and dragons alike for miles. Once Ren had recovered from the traumatizing event, he looked around at what remained of the dock he had been standing on. This was not good, not good at all....
As I almost close the door of my home, about to yell a "Hey, guys!" to my parents, I hear a small crash muffled by the extremely loud and echoy sound of a screech. It sounded very animalistic, almost draconic, and like it came from down below the village, or at least a ways away. I stop for a moment, startled, then quickly turn and shut the front door to my home. I can warm up and eat later.

Jogging over to Maisy, I say loudly, "Come on, girl, let's go see what that was."

Maisy, not even caring at all, thumps her tail twice and wines happily into her mouthful of fish, not turning away from them. I frown at her back in a friendly way, then pat her back meaningfully a couple of times.

"Maisy, come on," I say sternly, eyeing the back of her horned head. She pauses, eats another mouthful of fish, then grudgingly walks backwards out of the shed. She gives me a pouting glare with her big eyes, then she turns away from the shed and prepares for me to get on her back. I laugh a bit and shake my head at her childish facial expression, shut the door to the shed, then hop onto her back. Without being directed, she shoots straight up into the air.

"We need to scan the area below the village," I tell her as we hover in the air for moment. She glances sharply back at me, a judging look on her face. I know immediately what that look means: she thinks I'm crazy. Because "bellow the village" means on the docks, beach, or in the water. All places Maisy hates. But I glare back at her for a moment, and she grumbles before flying forward and diving down the edge of the cliff face leading down to the water.

Since it is closest, we head to the docks first. We reach them in a few seconds, and before we stop I can already tell what happened. In one spot, the docks are completely busted, a giant hole with wood floating in the middle of it. Also, I see something that looks like..a dragon's head? Or body? Something like a dragon, anyway, floating under the hole. Maisy grumbles at the closeness of the water, but we push down closer anyway, hovering close to the hole to see if anything happens.
Ren peeks out of the water, similar to a crocodile or an alligator, and looks at the damage he had caused. Being a very large dragon, he had successfully broken off half of the dock, leaving a large gaping hole and a plethora of debris. He looks up with his glassy eyes to see that he had attracted a large crowd of curious dragons and startled humans. Letting out a yelp, Ren disappeared into the water below, only to resurface again a few moments later. He appeared further away from the dock, peeking out again in the same crocodile-esque manner.

He definitely wasn't the smartest dragon around.

Taking another look at his situation, he knew that they had spotted him, as he was receiving looks from many appalled dragons and sympathetic humans. His dorsal fins stiffened at the sight, showing his discomfort. From that point on, he simply observed, waiting for something to happen. Good or bad, it didn't necessarily matter to the shy dragon. Despite his large size, he wasn't exactly intimidating in any way. In fact, he was very timid, which was not a frequent personality trait among most dragons. Flinching slightly at the sudden movements of strangers, Ren continued to wait.
As Maisy and I continue to hover and watch what appears to be a dragon, I see it's head move and peer out of the water. It kind of reminds me of a large lizard, like maybe a crocodile. Except it is a bright, very pretty blue color. From the looks of it, I get the feeling it is probably a type of Tidal dragon.

I begin to encourage Maisy to drop a little closer to the large creature, but it drops back down deeper into the water and darts away from the destroyed docks. That solidifies my guess that it is aquatic. I am tempted to get closer and investigate it more, and Maisy appears to feel the same despite the water, but I hesitate in my final decision on what to do. The poor creature, no matter it's size, still looks scared and apprehensive of us. Like, legit scared and wary. Honestly, I am not mad at the dragon for breaking the dock, as it obviously didn't really intend to. If it had, it would have continued to destroy it rather than swim away. So it must be an accident. Instead of being mad, I feel sorry for the poor thing, and am tempted to fly closer to it and comfort it from the air. I know that would only scare and spook the dragon even more, though, so I hang back where I am a bit above and to the side of the dock. I watch the dragon calmly, though, curious about it. Maisy looks sideways at it in the same way, obviously also curious about the beast as well.
Sky flew overhead past Maizy and landed near the villagers. Skor hopped off and looked at the dragon, then the broken dock back to the dragon
Lock simply sat there, completely confused, but he stayed. He also examined the other thing curiously. The first thing pat his back. Again, he found the contact rather nice.
Torunn looked at Kable, a big smile on her face. "Where'd you find him?" She asked taking a step forward and putting her hand out.
It was the gesture again! Lock knew this one. As he had done earlier, he also stepped forward and pressed his foot against her hand.
Ren notices that a dragon and their rider had followed him. He thought about truly running away, but they don't seem threatening in any way. They didn't attempt to move closer, as they seemed curious rather than hostile. Then again, this could all be an act. To him, however, this seemed too genuine. After a rather lengthy debate with himself, he did something new.

He chirped at the dragon above him, waiting for a response.

Unfortunately, he hadn't anticipated Skor, and he flinched back underwater. He felt startled, but he could still hear whatever was happening above him.

@LucianGrey7971 , @1stLt HChurch
Maisy and I continue to watch the dragon, who begins to watch us in seemingly the same way. After a moment of nothing but Maisy and I staring at the dragon who is staring at us, the big blue thing makes a chirping sound. It is a bit of a surprise to me, but I find it adorable, and it makes me even more curious about the dragon. I let out a short laugh while still looking at the dragon, smiling a bit. Maisy doesn't make a sound, but she still looks at it curiously. Now I really want to investigate this dragon, as it is truly intriguing.

As I turn Maisy to head toward the dragon, though, I see Skor walk up to the edge of the dock and kneal. He stops way closer to the dragon than I did, and this seems to spook the dragon without meaning to. It drops lower in the water because of it. I can still see it's blue hide shining dully through the gloom of water, but it's still below water and seemingly hiding.

Because of this, I don't come any closer. One person that close to the dragon is enough. From the looks of it, any more - plus another dragon - would scare the beast completely away. I definitely want to get closer, to maybe investigate and calm the dragon more by hovering close to it over the water and trying to vocally calm it, but I know I shouldn't, for the dragon's sake.
Torunn watched as the night fury put his foot on her hand. "Smart one, aren't ye." She said. She looked at kable. "If you need help with anything with him let me know, ok?" She said using her other hand to tap the dragons head.

@azimuth and @frostbite lulamoon
He nodded "i will torunn" he patted locks head some more "i dont think ittl be very hard to train him though, hes pretty tame and friendly. But i will let you know if i need help."

@azimuth @Jinx

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After the petting, lock turned to wander about on his own. He could smell some sheep, so he decided to investigate.
"You think so too?" Kabel chuckled a littlea "glad im not the only one. Tell you what though, i expected him to run when i found him."

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Torunn smiled a little. "I would of guessed he would of, maybe he was curious." She said moving a strand of hair out of her face. She looked in the direction of the woods where she saw the dragon and she froze. "Oh no....." She mumbled when she saw the dragon trying to put a fire out that her dads dragon started by shooting a fire ball at it.

She looked at kable, then back to the woods. She took a breath before she walked over to kable and pushed him a little in the direction of the woods. "Come on!" She said before she started to run that way. "Dad!" She yelled as loud as she could 3 or 4 times as she got closer to the woods.

When she saw he didn't hear her she stopped looking at kable panting, she took her mothers necklace of and handed to him. "Don't move, and hold on to that..." She said giving him a small hug and then turning and ran into he smokey fire filled woods. "Give it to my dad if I'm not out by the time he gets down there by you!" She called over her shoulder as she ran.

By the time she reached where the dragon was, the smoke was so thick she was coughing. She took off her sweater and started to beat where the fire was, after about 10 minutes of that part of it was out. She stood there looking at the dragon that was still in the tree patting the fire out with its wings and tail.

She put her hand on the tree and heard a cracking sound, before she could make it out the tree snapped and she let out a scream as it fell on top of her. But just before the tree hit her nimbus leaped from the tree and dove in, wrapping his wings around the girl and the tree and other trees came crashing down.

@frostbite lulamoon @bloodydaimyo AND EVERYONE ELSE!!! (Some one tag most the people that would here the scream!)
Yaffa was just about to head to the small room at the back of the forge when a piercing scream rang through the night. From the woods? She pondered before actually making her move. Someone could be in trouble. Quickly she grabbed her vest and slung it over her shoulders before she took her leave of the forge. Thick black smoke curled up from the tree line and she quickly grabbed an empty bucket that was lying around. She arrived at the edge of the wood and plunged into the dark mess of trees and shadow. "Is anybody out there? Are you hurt?" She yelled. This place was a wreck and they needed to do something about it before it spread to Berk.
"Torunn!" Kabel ran into the woods, clutching the necklace in his hand tightly. "Torunn!" He saw nimbus first, then guessed where Torunn must have been. His path was blocked however, and he couldn't get to her "Torunn! Just hold on, I'm coming!"

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