Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

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LonelyAssassin said:
"So you're saying I was meant to resist?" Ren sort of felt cheated that he came so easily, he pouts to himself.
"Yes but you not doing so made things much easier on me." Kelsey turns her head to face Ren and smirks. "Problem?"
Light said:
"Yes but you not doing so made things much easier on me." Kelsey turns her head to face Ren and smirks. "Problem?"
Ren stammers in his speech and ends up not saying anything, he blushes redder than before and crosses his arms with attitude, he sits on the ground he mumbles to himself.
Light said:
View attachment 275384
There was a woman inside the guild, lingering within the shadows. She stays close to the ground and feels for even the smallest of vibrations in it. She begins to plan for an opening to strike.

( @LonelyAssassin )

Reed and Adrianna appear directly in front of Kelsey and Ren. Adrianna looks at the pair and immediately frowns. "Sister, this is all pointless you need to stop participating. We need to end this entire thing. Becoming Queen isn't important and our other siblings need to know of this!"

Kelsey simply stares at Adrianna, her sister, with hard eyes. She doesn't say a word, not even gesturing a single thing to Ren.

Riley moves over to Akki and begins to shake him upside-down to check for trinkets as well. Though that's when Vatman showed up. Riley grows terrified and screeches, thinking that he's here to take his trinkets. Riley grabs Bob and Akki only to curl around them in a defensive manner.
looking in the woman's direction, a large shadow being with two large shields rise and protect raz."why are you hiding? Reveal yourself please." Raz stood motionless, while the shadow being is prepared to stop any blows towards raz.
Anubis finally makes it after a long walk,(he teleported) and approaches the once famous guild building, Dragons roar. He knocks on the entrance and waits for a response. @Light
Light said:
The Jäqren flies upwards and glides down the street at a slow pace for Hakeem to follow. "This is the Anti-God Zone, there are many new species here and new laws. The female over there is of a new species called the Meta Demon." The Jäqren gestures to the inky black being previously seen before. "The town you're currently living in is going through the process of creation along with the rest of this zone."

( Look to the far bottom left with the side walk and people. That's where they are. )

The Jäqren keeps to the left, where people moving away from the gravity screen are supposed to walk. "The blue screen is called a gravity screen. Each driver and fraereck are equipped with items to get the fraereck started. Forthraeas has instructed me to inform you heavily on how transportation and travel works." The words of some odd language he was using were coming out as whispers or airy breaths. "To first summon a fraereck." The Jäqren gestures to the floating vehicles moving along the gravity screen. "You need the corresponding summoning disk that will bring it forth from your keepers pocket. Once it has materialized you will appear above the gravity screen in the speed adjustment tube which allows you to merge into traffic safely. Though to appear there you need to keep your energy brace on your wrist at all times. It's what powers your fraereck. If you fail to have it on then you will be immediately sent back to your registered safe spot before you could touch a pedal. When registering for a license you must include a certian place you would like to be instantly transported to in case of emergency. When facing a potential crash your fraereck will disappear and your energy brace will absorb all the energy of the forces propelling you forward that would normally kill you in other realms. You will also be instantly sent towards your safe place. So with that crashes are impossible. Your energy used up while driving will be returned to you afterwards."

The Jäqren approaches a place where the sidewalk was about to hit the street. "The gravity screen will make sure all things registered to be on it will levitate upon it. All things that are not registered for it won't be able to cross, get on, or get within a certian range above or below it. Like so." The Jäqren flies towards the busy gravity screen and suddenly appears beside Hakeem as if there was an invisible wall teleporting him back. "Also...if you'd like to move across the gravity screen through the side walk." The Jäqren flies towards the edge of the side walk and appears on the other side through teleportation he didn't even have to do. Successfully crossing the gravity screen without disturbing traffic. "Try it yourself...there is much more to learn about."

Ryder sat there and took the hits, being ejected from his form. It seemed like he used up all of his energy to do so and didn't know exactly what to do next. His powers were currently locked away. Shadow had the same probelm.
Hakeem was astonished by what he was seeing. New types of beings, and the advance layout made it all even better. He turned to the inky woman and made an icky face, while sticking out his tongue. She looks weird, is she still under creation too?? He asked. Then a better question popped up in his head. Actually how long will it be until this whole place would be complete? He asked curiously. He turned to see the blue gravity screen, bring informed about the basics of the screen, and how travel works. The cars weren't actually called cars in this realm which Hakeem didn't understand why, and he didn't care much either because their name for cars is much better. Even though the name sounded a little strange.

When the owl went into the busy streets he reached his hand out towards him as if he could grab a hold of him, yelling.
Wait!!! Don't..go Hakeem was completely amazed by how the owl was transported to the other side. It was so cool that he wanted to try himself. Luckily the owl approved. Hakeem walked to the edge of the sidewalk, teleporting to the other side. Yeah that was pretty cool. What's next?

Cole and Crimson stood in front of their hatchlings. Speaking the same thing. Looks like someone reached their limit. You'll need more practice, and stamina if you want to stay in that state longer.

Crimson shrugs his shoulders. Well that's a problem for another day. Can you continue fighting??

Cole lights a smoke. We could stop now or we can continue. It's whatever you want. I say we continue. @Light
Light said:
( Kings too. )
"Peacefully stop? I already have one of the many people I need." She gestures towards Ren. "So why should I stop? Just so you can trick me and become queen?"
Reed groaned. "What does it matter if you become queen good god? Adrianna what element does she even have?" He said slightly annoyed.
LonelyAssassin said:
Ren stammers in his speech and ends up not saying anything, he blushes redder than before and crosses his arms with attitude, he sits on the ground he mumbles to himself.
Tazmodo said:
Reed groaned. "What does it matter if you become queen good god? Adrianna what element does she even have?" He said slightly annoyed.
Kelsey stares at Reed, pursing her lips at his comment and sizing him up. "What good does your opinion do?"

Adrianna manages to stammer out the words, light element. Kelsey instantly turns to Adrianna with an orb of light in her hands, threatening to hit Adrianna with it. "How do you!"

MTchaos1134 said:
looking in the woman's direction, a large shadow being with two large shields rise and protect raz."why are you hiding? Reveal yourself please." Raz stood motionless, while the shadow being is prepared to stop any blows towards raz.
MTchaos1134 said:
Anubis finally makes it after a long walk,(he teleported) and approaches the once famous guild building, Dragons roar. He knocks on the entrance and waits for a response. @Light
Anubis could feel the guild building quake and release a sloshing noise. After what seemed to feel like hours, mud bursts out the front doors and hits Anubis. The current of mud pushes Raz and Grimm out the building since it was completely filled with mud.

"Next, you are to learn that we don't unnecessarily judge others here. She is a perfectly beautiful creation. In here we all run under one race if born. Ethnicity stands for where you're from on the map and species vary. I'm going to teach you about the zone and it's people. Are you prepared?"

Shadow was far too hungry and far too tired to fight any longer. He approaches Crimson and falls asleep directly on him.

Ryder approaches Cole and begins eating his clothes.
Light said:
Kelsey stares at Reed, pursing her lips at his comment and sizing him up. "What good does your opinion do?"
Adrianna manages to stammer out the words, light element. Kelsey instantly turns to Adrianna with an orb of light in her hands, threatening to hit Adrianna with it. "How do you!"

Anubis could feel the guild building quake and release a sloshing noise. After what seemed to feel like hours, mud bursts out the front doors and hits Anubis. The current of mud pushes Raz and Grimm out the building since it was completely filled with mud.

"Next, you are to learn that we don't unnecessarily judge others here. She is a perfectly beautiful creation. In here we all run under one race if born. Ethnicity stands for where you're from on the map and species vary. I'm going to teach you about the zone and it's people. Are you prepared?"

Shadow was far too hungry and far too tired to fight any longer. He approaches Crimson and falls asleep directly on him.

Ryder approaches Cole and begins eating his clothes.
Reed smiled. "Well that's perfect after the death of Ryan the light went to Jackson. Then after that he beat the fire guy so this should be easy. Anyways Kelsey last warning and I don't think you're a bad person you seem nice but this queen thing needs to stop you're dragging others into it and it needs to stop."
Light said:
Kelsey stares at Reed, pursing her lips at his comment and sizing him up. "What good does your opinion do?"
Adrianna manages to stammer out the words, light element. Kelsey instantly turns to Adrianna with an orb of light in her hands, threatening to hit Adrianna with it. "How do you!"

Anubis could feel the guild building quake and release a sloshing noise. After what seemed to feel like hours, mud bursts out the front doors and hits Anubis. The current of mud pushes Raz and Grimm out the building since it was completely filled with mud.

"Next, you are to learn that we don't unnecessarily judge others here. She is a perfectly beautiful creation. In here we all run under one race if born. Ethnicity stands for where you're from on the map and species vary. I'm going to teach you about the zone and it's people. Are you prepared?"

Shadow was far too hungry and far too tired to fight any longer. He approaches Crimson and falls asleep directly on him.

Ryder approaches Cole and begins eating his clothes.
Both raz an Anubis teleport out of the mud, ignoring eachother and dealing with the task at hand"hey Grimm was this mud produced by magic? Beacuse I feel like that woman in there did this." Two large figures with even bigger hands rise up, and start moving the mud, so they could regain access.
Tazmodo said:
Reed smiled. "Well that's perfect after the death of Ryan the light went to Jackson. Then after that he beat the fire guy so this should be easy. Anyways Kelsey last warning and I don't think you're a bad person you seem nice but this queen thing needs to stop you're dragging others into it and it needs to stop."
Light said:
Kelsey stares at Reed, pursing her lips at his comment and sizing him up. "What good does your opinion do?"
Adrianna manages to stammer out the words, light element. Kelsey instantly turns to Adrianna with an orb of light in her hands, threatening to hit Adrianna with it. "How do you!"
Ren was still mumbling to himself for a moment before turning his head back to face the group of people he had no clue about, it seemed as though things were starting to get heated between them. He didn't really want to get caught in the crossfire between the two parties, they seemed really serious and were all probably powered individuals. He slowly got up and took a step back or two.
Light said:
Riley moves over to Akki and begins to shake him upside-down to check for trinkets as well. Though that's when Vatman showed up. Riley grows terrified and screeches, thinking that he's here to take his trinkets. Riley grabs Bob and Akki only to curl around them in a defensive manner.
"Hey, now." He says calmly as Riley shakes him, but nothing falls out before Riley sets him down and curls around him and Bob. "Hey, what's wrong?" He asks as he peeks out from behind Riley to see another strange person.
Light said:
Riley moves over to Akki and begins to shake him upside-down to check for trinkets as well. Though that's when Vatman showed up. Riley grows terrified and screeches, thinking that he's here to take his trinkets. Riley grabs Bob and Akki only to curl around them in a defensive manner.
GingerBread said:

Vance had managed to 'Convince' a healer to fully heal him before leaving the hospital and going on his merry way, getting a plan for what to do next, Since the only person he knew had stabbed him in the leg and arm.
"Well Maybe I should've tried to expand the list of people I know. I'm sure people will show up to kill me at some point or I can become a vigilante, that'll give me something to do. That could be fun" Vance continued strolling along the street before seeing something in a window that caught his eye.

A couple of moments later Vance had left the building after appropriating the thing he had seen in the window, with minimal damage to the property.
"Well now to find something else to do. I could go test this thing out" Vance nodded to himself before going into his darkness realm, bringing the thing he had taken with him.

A couple of minutes later Vance emerged on top of a platform of darkness above a rooftop, looking up towards the dark sky while he was wearing the thing he had stole from the building. Vance then saw three silhouettes on a rooftop and decided to check it out. Vance jumped down from his platform and onto the roof.

Vance looked towards the guy in the bunny costume and nodded, respecting his choice for wearing a costume like he was as well. He then turned his attention towards the other guy who seemed to be looking for a fight.
"What's going on Here?" Vance started speaking in the deepest tone he could before he started coughing slightly and muttering to himself. "That can't be good for my throat. I'll just talk normally, fuck it"

@Lotusy @Light @Ethan Vail

(What Vance looks like:

View attachment 275291


[QUOTE="Ethan Vail]"Hey, now." He says calmly as Riley shakes him, but nothing falls out before Riley sets him down and curls around him and Bob. "Hey, what's wrong?" He asks as he peeks out from behind Riley to see another strange person.
Bob nods in satisfaction as Riley began to shake Akki, then raised an eyebrow in confusion as a man in a metal bat costume landed next to them, causing Riley to curl up around himself and Akki. "Hooold on, Riley," he said softly, before prying the biosect's limbs off of him and walking in front of the two, putting himself between Vance and Riley. "I wouldn't say anything's wrong, sir. It's all a misunderstanding. You see, we're trying to calm down this newborn here, but he got a bit feisty and started shaking me. I hope he's not scared again," Bob muttered, tapping his chin and looking back at Riley. "But while you're at it, could you keep that other young man entertained?" He gestured at Akki, who was still peeking out from behind Riley. "I'm only trying to help to atone for my actions, but that young man starts getting mighty aggressive with me..."
Tazmodo said:
Reed smiled. "Well that's perfect after the death of Ryan the light went to Jackson. Then after that he beat the fire guy so this should be easy. Anyways Kelsey last warning and I don't think you're a bad person you seem nice but this queen thing needs to stop you're dragging others into it and it needs to stop."
LonelyAssassin said:
Ren was still mumbling to himself for a moment before turning his head back to face the group of people he had no clue about, it seemed as though things were starting to get heated between them. He didn't really want to get caught in the crossfire between the two parties, they seemed really serious and were all probably powered individuals. He slowly got up and took a step back or two.
Kelsey honestly didn't know what to do. She heard Reed mention a light embodiment which wouldn't be a good thing to fight against. She couldn't just stand down after obtaining one person though. Kelsey turns to Ren and and sighs. "Heads or tails?"

MTchaos1134 said:
Both raz an Anubis teleport out of the mud, ignoring eachother and dealing with the task at hand"hey Grimm was this mud produced by magic? Beacuse I feel like that woman in there did this." Two large figures with even bigger hands rise up, and start moving the mud, so they could regain access.
"Yeah it was but the worst is about to come." Before they could step into the building, and earthquake occurs. The earthquake destroys the bridge and begins to have the guild break apart and fall into the ocean. "Wwwoow...there she goes."

@GingerBread[/URL] )

Riley hears a loud noise over in the distance and turns his head to it. He could see the Dragon's Roar building and it's bridge connecting to the city collapse into the ocean due to an earthquake centered around it. Riley had never seen an earthquake before or destruction like that, so he was frozen still.
Light said:
Kelsey honestly didn't know what to do. She heard Reed mention a light embodiment which wouldn't be a good thing to fight against. She couldn't just stand down after obtaining one person though. Kelsey turns to Ren and and sighs. "Heads or tails?"
"Yeah it was but the worst is about to come." Before they could step into the building, and earthquake occurs. The earthquake destroys the bridge and begins to have the guild break apart and fall into the ocean. "Wwwoow...there she goes."

( @GingerBread )

Riley hears a loud noise over in the distance and turns his head to it. He could see the Dragon's Roar building and it's bridge connecting to the city collapse into the ocean due to an earthquake centered around it. Riley had never seen an earthquake before or destruction like that, so he was frozen still.
Reed sighed. "Tails I always pick tails. Loon just join us and we'll figure out another way to stop this thing. I promise."
Light said:
Kelsey honestly didn't know what to do. She heard Reed mention a light embodiment which wouldn't be a good thing to fight against. She couldn't just stand down after obtaining one person though. Kelsey turns to Ren and and sighs. "Heads or tails?"
Ren was slightly confused at the sudden question, a question based on chance, what even was the outcome? He was too intimidated to question it though right now so he just chose. No harm right?

"Tails? Most people usually choose heads in my experience so Tails."
Tazmodo said:
Reed sighed. "Tails I always pick tails. Loon just join us and we'll figure out another way to stop this thing. I promise."
LonelyAssassin said:
Ren was slightly confused at the sudden question, a question based on chance, what even was the outcome? He was too intimidated to question it though right now so he just chose. No harm right?
"Tails? Most people usually choose heads in my experience so Tails."
"I wasn't asking you, I was asking Ren. Thank you for the offer thoug-" Kelsey let's out a sad sigh once Ren chooses tails. "Well...looks like I won't be hunting people anymore. You're free and welcome to go or join us, Ren."

( @CelticSol )

Grimmavus appears in front of Siobhan with a frown on his face. "Siobhan! Do you have an explanation as to why you've done what you did?"

( @Lotusy )

Kinziel was extremely nervous, she honestly did not know what to say. She paces in front of the apartment door she stays in with Malren, rehearsing the lines she's been trying to tell him. On each she gains enough courage she throws the door open and yells. "Malren! I'm pregnant!"

Not too far away from Sergio was a continous and ominous feeling of dread...death even. If he were to look around he could see nothing but a teenager several feet away from him.

( @LokiofSP )

Jayn was facing nothing but harsh storms. These windy storms kept blowing her over and even lift her into the air. It seemed like wind was not treating her well, though the wind patterns were a bit too odd to be natural.
Light said:
"I wasn't asking you, I was asking Ren. Thank you for the offer thoug-" Kelsey let's out a sad sigh once Ren chooses tails. "Well...looks like I won't be hunting people anymore. You're free and welcome to go or join us, Ren."
Ren didn't now whether his decision was good or bad, he stuttered and stammered for a bit before pausing and scratching his head,

"Well I'm sort of curious now... so. Uh."

His life was sort of slow before and now suddenly it picked up with the meeting of this one woman. He wouldn't mind seeing this through for a little longer, why not?

B.A.T.M.A.N looked over at the earthquake silently for a moment before shrugging. "Not my problem" He muttered to himself before he started walking over to Akki, ignoring Riley since he seemed frozen with fear anyway. He then firmly grabbed Akki by the throat, not tight enough to do anything except cause mild discomfort to him. "So Bunnyman Furry, what do you want me to do to this guy? I can drop him off the building if you'd like. Or I can kill him right here or I can trap him inside a different realm. I'm new to this whole vigilante thing anyway, so I don't know if I should kill or not. But I do have this really nice sword with me" B.A.T.M.A.N gestured to his sword with his free hand."And I'd kinda like to break it in"

@Light @Lotusy @Ethan Vail
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LonelyAssassin said:
Ren didn't now whether his decision was good or bad, he stuttered and stammered for a bit before pausing and scratching his head,
"Well I'm sort of curious now... so. Uh."

His life was sort of slow before and now suddenly it picked up with the meeting of this one woman. He wouldn't mind seeing this through for a little longer, why not?
( @Tazmodo )

"Good. So where are we headed next? If we are to stop the others then we should hurry." Kelsey turns to Ren and finally remembers something. "Actually before we go, Ren needs to eat."

Adrianna considers this and nods. "Alright then we should get supplies while he eats. Come on Reed." Adrianna gestures for Reed to follow her down the hall while Kelsey begins to pull Ren to the dining hall.
( @GingerBread @LokiofSP )

Maya's eggs begins to shake and suddenly glows. The eggs break open and suddenly two beings lay down before her.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/38a88ce6a652e434510564587d8abc94.jpg.5cba009d0df289509d28afb0acf9d08a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="123442" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/38a88ce6a652e434510564587d8abc94.jpg.5cba009d0df289509d28afb0acf9d08a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

( @Embaga Elder )

Hakeem's egg begins to shake and suddenly glows. Once the warming glow ends a being comes forth.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/0849b36d0b553aaf09676df193a8dbdf.jpg.f2bd27b7ee41e1633378e1c4614255a7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="123443" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/0849b36d0b553aaf09676df193a8dbdf.jpg.f2bd27b7ee41e1633378e1c4614255a7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Inaro's egg shakes heavily and glows, hatching before him. There was suddenly a horse...but no rider. The horse stands before Inaro, waiting.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/44e5017294205944cbfe83c7688ca3b8.jpg.42b105dffcd0d2d3d1a36a687896ca41.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="123445" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/44e5017294205944cbfe83c7688ca3b8.jpg.42b105dffcd0d2d3d1a36a687896ca41.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Light said:
( @Tazmodo )
"Good. So where are we headed next? If we are to stop the others then we should hurry." Kelsey turns to Ren and finally remembers something. "Actually before we go, Ren needs to eat."

Adrianna considers this and nods. "Alright then we should get supplies while he eats. Come on Reed." Adrianna gestures for Reed to follow her down the hall while Kelsey begins to pull Ren to the dining hall.
Reed follows Adrianna while Theodore and Jackson go with Kelsey to make sure she isn't tricking us. Reed looked at Adrianna. "So what supplies are we getting or what do we need?"
Light said:
( @Tazmodo )
"Good. So where are we headed next? If we are to stop the others then we should hurry." Kelsey turns to Ren and finally remembers something. "Actually before we go, Ren needs to eat."

Adrianna considers this and nods. "Alright then we should get supplies while he eats. Come on Reed." Adrianna gestures for Reed to follow her down the hall while Kelsey begins to pull Ren to the dining hall.
Ren grinned when Kelsey reminded him of the hunger in his stomach, there was a hole filled from the pie but half of it was probably on the floor in London still. The Cyan haired Demon allowed himself to be pulled into the Dining hallf by Kelsey.

"So what kinda things do you guys eat? Anything exotic?"
Tazmodo said:
Reed follows Adrianna while Theodore and Jackson go with Kelsey to make sure she isn't tricking us. Reed looked at Adrianna. "So what supplies are we getting or what do we need?"
"I was hoping you could figure it out since you're the one who's planning. I don't know much about powers so if you find something that could be useful, take it. Is there anything you have in mind?" Adrianna smiles at Reed, stepping closer to him out of curiosity.

LonelyAssassin said:
Ren grinned when Kelsey reminded him of the hunger in his stomach, there was a hole filled from the pie but half of it was probably on the floor in London still. The Cyan haired Demon allowed himself to be pulled into the Dining hallf by Kelsey.
"So what kinda things do you guys eat? Anything exotic?"
"Yes you could say that." Kelsey finally drags him to the dining hall. "What would you like to eat? I may or may not make it for you myself if it's within my capabilities."
Light said:
"Yes you could say that." Kelsey finally drags him to the dining hall. "What would you like to eat? I may or may not make it for you myself if it's within my capabilities."
"Well I'd love to taste your Cooking, whatever is within your capabilities and currently on your mind. Go for it, I'm not picky. I'm actually willing to try anything."

Ren smiled politely at Kelsey, an innocent look filled with his heart.
Light said:
"I was hoping you could figure it out since you're the one who's planning. I don't know much about powers so if you find something that could be useful, take it. Is there anything you have in mind?" Adrianna smiles at Reed, stepping closer to him out of curiosity.
"Yes you could say that." Kelsey finally drags him to the dining hall. "What would you like to eat? I may or may not make it for you myself if it's within my capabilities."
Reed looked at her and smiled. "Do you have any weapons here anything helps?" He noticed how close she was and took a step back and leaned against the wall.

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