Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
'The orb BELONGS to me! I deserve it! I would take it if I could...No...No that's wrong...God what the fuck is wrong with me...' Fola smiled and spread his hands, "We just want the orb so we can help a group of pretty gals who's disappearance would break many a heart...Mine included..." He gestured to Morgana while internally gaging.

@Light @Dreamtique
Ethen made his way to the small child, he thought for a second. He pulled a balloon out of his pocket and offered it to the small child, with his other hand he honked his nose to try cheer her up. "Don't worry little girl, your dead now." He cheerfully told her, then after realising what he said his mind drifted off trying to think of something better to say.

Syrax saw the wave first. "Get back!" he hissed to Arwyn in alarm, but it was too late. The water crashed into the both of them and Syrax was left with no choice and let go of his grip on the tunnel so that he could grab on to his companion's cloak with his teeth and keep her with him. Water rushed around them and pushed them closer and closer to the waterfall until...

There was nothing beneath Syrax but water-choked air, and for the first time in a very long time the wyvern was falling. They had gone over the waterfall.

Tazmodo said:
( ! )Jackson smiles when he goes up in the air. He sprouts four wings and goes up avoiding the explosion. Jackson let out a sonic scream infused with the power of thunder strong enough to rupture his internal organs.
Crimson concentrates his Aura into both his hands and claps them together in the direction of the scream sending a sonic boom of rage energy. Having both sonic attacks collide with one another.

(!) While the attacks are colliding he appears behind Jackson and jabs his sword into his right shoulder blades. He snaps his fingers and the sword releases a vertical pulse slicing off his right arm. (!)

Tazmodo said:
( ! )
Scott cracked his knuckles. He ran after the guy at insane speeds and kicked him in the chest left off a nova of dark magic. He put a curse on him that inflicted unimaginable pain on Cole.
(!)As Scott charged towards into a kick towards Cole's chest, Cole created a Void portal on his chest causing Scott's foot to go inside of it. When Scott's foot is inside Cole complete closes the portal cutting Scott's foot clean off. (!) Why do I always get the speedster's? He said to his self while still holding the cigarette in his mouth.

Inaro was outside the guild when he witnessed the sky darken, and weird sense of evil floating in the air. The hell is going on here? He thought to himself. He felt his alignment start to shift from neutral good to true neutral. He longer felt the urge to defend for the guild as much as he did before but since it was a large group he stayed finished a bottle of beer. His bio metal covered the beer bottle and he tossed it into the crowd. He snaps his fingers and metallic needles sprout out from bio metal covered beer bottle dropping the crowd's numbers drastically. @Tazmodo
Light said:
( @Lotusy )
Carnage magic begins to spill out of her wounds but it wasn't eating anything, just harmlessly floating around the area. Some of the gaseous carnage magic seems to make a sinister smile, being extremely subtle about to make sure only Harry sees it. Alice only needed one touch and that's exactly what Harry did. "Yo, Carnage."

"Yes, yes I know." Harry's sword was completely covered in blood. Carnage was traveling throughout Alice's blood stream as he usually does and rises from it. He only took the form of a red upper body of a silhouette with a reaper's scythe recently handed to him. The harmless carnage magic shifts from a gas to a solid around Harry to hold him in place as Carnage buries the scythe into his back, ripping out his soul.

( Reparation wouldn't work since nothing was damaged or lost at all. )
Malren watched in surprise as the man in front of him had his soul torn out by Alice. The powerful red being called carnage had utterly destroyed him... the, suddenly, something pulled Alice into another realm. Malren growled angrily, watching as an elf and a werewolf picked up the body. "Hey!" He barked. "Where did you take Alice?"

Light said:
( @Lotusy )
The girl awakens and rubs her stomach. "What.... where? Am I dead?"
Viktor shook his head, removing his cigarette and snubbing out the end. "Not of lucky enough to be dead. You can summon rat-friend, da?" He took out his notepad, scrawling "Useless rat-friend" in red ink. "Now, train mind." He walked up to one of his shelves, retrieving "Summoners 101" from the shelves. "Make reading."

GingerBread said:
"N-no I'm...." Colin sat up on his bed and looked at the man before sighing, realizing that it wasn't worth lying to him. "I-I just feel useless. E-everytime I-I try to help I-I make things worse" Colin looked down at the ground again "A-all I-I want to do is help p-people"

"Now, do not make tear." Boris sat down on the side of Colin's bed, his metal limbs making a loud "clank" as he sat. "You are not useless, da? We all have talents." Boris flicked his left hand open, watching a couple of nanobots pop off and start dancing. "You see, I only control tiny bot. Tiny bot not strong enough to make Dragon's Roar." With a small "whirr", one of the nanobots fizzled out, exploding. "But you see, many tiny bot make of strong!" The nanobots on the floor swarmed up his hand, creating a massive fist. "You make see, da?" The bots spilled to the ground, and boris looked straight at Colin. "And tiny bot can build too! He build, he fix! And you useful too. If not useful, you not have honor of Dragon's Roar!"
Jackson grabbed him by the face with his other hand. He didn't care about the pain I will grow back soon. When he grabbed his face he clamped on and could feel the bones cracking under his fingers. A small spike of light went into both eyes blinding Crimson. Jackson swung him around and into the ground with enough force to split his spine into two. The moment he hit the ground Jackson slammed into his chest and cut his arm off with a light sword. He put the sword to his throat. "Any last words?" (Don't worry I won't kill and I can heal you trust me the illusion will fade away)

( ! )

Scott smiled. "Good." Blood poured out of his leg then stopped. The formed blessed and stabbed into his chest the moment the portal went away. His left leg puncture his lung and the right punctured his heart.

Cecilia shoots the bottle and turns it into candy. This time a jolly rancher. The ball of chaotic energy was now five times larger than the guild. Franklin condense the ball into the size of a tiny mint. He at the orb his body started to swell like he was going to explode until he blasted out all the energy in a beam the size of the guild destroying everything in it's path. The beam was moving at the speed of light.
Lotusy said:
Malren watched in surprise as the man in front of him had his soul torn out by Alice. The powerful red being called carnage had utterly destroyed him... the, suddenly, something pulled Alice into another realm. Malren growled angrily, watching as an elf and a werewolf picked up the body. "Hey!" He barked. "Where did you take Alice?"
Viktor shook his head, removing his cigarette and snubbing out the end. "Not of lucky enough to be dead. You can summon rat-friend, da?" He took out his notepad, scrawling "Useless rat-friend" in red ink. "Now, train mind." He walked up to one of his shelves, retrieving "Summoners 101" from the shelves. "Make reading."

"Now, do not make tear." Boris sat down on the side of Colin's bed, his metal limbs making a loud "clank" as he sat. "You are not useless, da? We all have talents." Boris flicked his left hand open, watching a couple of nanobots pop off and start dancing. "You see, I only control tiny bot. Tiny bot not strong enough to make Dragon's Roar." With a small "whirr", one of the nanobots fizzled out, exploding. "But you see, many tiny bot make of strong!" The nanobots on the floor swarmed up his hand, creating a massive fist. "You make see, da?" The bots spilled to the ground, and boris looked straight at Colin. "And tiny bot can build too! He build, he fix! And you useful too. If not useful, you not have honor of Dragon's Roar!"
Lotusy said:
Malren watched in surprise as the man in front of him had his soul torn out by Alice. The powerful red being called carnage had utterly destroyed him... the, suddenly, something pulled Alice into another realm. Malren growled angrily, watching as an elf and a werewolf picked up the body. "Hey!" He barked. "Where did you take Alice?"
Viktor shook his head, removing his cigarette and snubbing out the end. "Not of lucky enough to be dead. You can summon rat-friend, da?" He took out his notepad, scrawling "Useless rat-friend" in red ink. "Now, train mind." He walked up to one of his shelves, retrieving "Summoners 101" from the shelves. "Make reading."

"Now, do not make tear." Boris sat down on the side of Colin's bed, his metal limbs making a loud "clank" as he sat. "You are not useless, da? We all have talents." Boris flicked his left hand open, watching a couple of nanobots pop off and start dancing. "You see, I only control tiny bot. Tiny bot not strong enough to make Dragon's Roar." With a small "whirr", one of the nanobots fizzled out, exploding. "But you see, many tiny bot make of strong!" The nanobots on the floor swarmed up his hand, creating a massive fist. "You make see, da?" The bots spilled to the ground, and boris looked straight at Colin. "And tiny bot can build too! He build, he fix! And you useful too. If not useful, you not have honor of Dragon's Roar!"
Adrian (Wolf) looked at him and growled. "She killed our friend now for some pay back." Scott (Elf) sneered. "Why do you have a problem with that?"

The guy in the mask was still siting on his shoulder. "Oh hey its the newbies be careful their limits were shattered the moment they joined."
Light said:
Alexandria disappears after this. A blizzard began to kick up around Decimus.
Ashlyn raises an eyebrow at his comment. "You know what... forget it. Yes you may." Ashlyn drops the Red Orb into the hands of Morpheus.

"I don't wait for a thing." Morgan shrugs as the barrier goes down. The first guardian stands before them in front if a gate. "What are your intentions with the orb?"
Decimus stopped walking that way and turned around, picking a different course

Morpheus smiled and took it, immediately trying to scan it and learn it. The power immediately infected his power supply and started to destroy him. "Whoa whoa whoa whoa no! Not cool!" He flickered a bit and moved the orb through his existence to the last Morpheus in the Morpheus Realm. A sleeping green who forgot to come out. Hundreds of Blues appeared in the Realm with the Green to guard it and study the orb

Morpheus pulled the curse of the orb out of himself, the energy swirling around his hands and arms. The mouth of his snake head opened and sucked it inside of itself sealing it within the Cane safely to be used whenever he needed it

Morpheus twirled the cane and shook his head rapidly, fixing himself. "And that's how you protect the world AND the orb. Thank you thank you. I'll be here all week" He winked and the two appeared outside the guild. "I assume you're tired from all you've done. I brought you back so you can sleep"

LokiofSP said:

Ryan looked from Fola to the guardian. "Absolutely nothing. It's an extension of Morgan so I need to guard it. I don't actually plan on doing anything with it beyond protect it if that's what you're asking"
DizjayDeathPride said:
The cat started to get restless and wined and kicked off, running away again
Julius followed the cat. "Hey wait up where are you running to?" He felt kinda stupid for running after a cat and telling it to stop.
[QUOTE="Nova King]Julius followed the cat. "Hey wait up where are you running to?" He felt kinda stupid for running after a cat and telling it to stop.

The tiny brown kitten looked back to him then turned, running and weaving through the trees
DizjayDeathPride said:
The tiny brown kitten looked back to him then turned, running and weaving through the trees
Julius makes his Axe of energy and cuts down the trees. "Hey come on I only wanted to pet you." He try to not lose sight of the car.

Death had gone to honor her word but couldn't do it in this realm. She took Anna's soul and returned back to her realm. She created her a new body and sent the girl back to the guild, back to where she died.

The negativity was spreading through her realm and she just didnt have the care for it.

She pointed her finger up and a glowing light green light shined. It shot out and scattered into billions of thin threads, all coming to this single point. The threads connected to each soul across the planet. She pulled the thread and yanked every soul out, letting her Reapers handle the collection

Anna gasped deeply as if she weren't breathing this entire time. She grabbed her chest and fell off the couch, coughing and weezing. Once she calmed down she laid on the ground until the pain subsided
[QUOTE="Nova King]Julius makes his Axe of energy and cuts down the trees. "Hey come on I only wanted to pet you." He try to not lose sight of the car.

The cat meowed loudly in panick from the falling trees left and right. Each time the kitten turned it split, leaving another kitten to run the direction it was, creating more and more cats to follow
Tazmodo said:
Cecilia shoots the bottle and turns it into candy. This time a jolly rancher. The ball of chaotic energy was now five times larger than the guild. Franklin condense the ball into the size of a tiny mint. He at the orb his body started to swell like he was going to explode until he blasted out all the energy in a beam the size of the guild destroying everything in it's path. The beam was moving at the speed of light.
Lotusy said:
"Now, do not make tear." Boris sat down on the side of Colin's bed, his metal limbs making a loud "clank" as he sat. "You are not useless, da? We all have talents." Boris flicked his left hand open, watching a couple of nanobots pop off and start dancing. "You see, I only control tiny bot. Tiny bot not strong enough to make Dragon's Roar." With a small "whirr", one of the nanobots fizzled out, exploding. "But you see, many tiny bot make of strong!" The nanobots on the floor swarmed up his hand, creating a massive fist. "You make see, da?" The bots spilled to the ground, and boris looked straight at Colin. "And tiny bot can build too! He build, he fix! And you useful too. If not useful, you not have honor of Dragon's Roar!"
Colin smiled at Boris "Y-yeah, I guess I-I must be useful I-if I was allowed to join. B-but I still want to get stronger, S-so I can h-help people in m-more ways than h-heal-" Colin stopped talking as he noticed a light from outside get darker. Looking out of his window Colin noticed a man charging up something, looking like he was aiming it at the guild I need to do something about this!.... But someone else is probably taking care of it, I bet their doing a better job than me Colin shook the thought from his head and grabbed his staff, determined to help in any way he could.

Colin tapped his staff on the floor twice and created an absorption shield that surrounded the entire guild and absorbed anything that came into contact with it. As soon as the beam touched the shield it started to get absorbed, stopping it from destroying the guild at all. Once the beam had finished firing Colin made sure to remove the absorption shield so no one would get absorbed into it if they tried to enter the guild.

Colin sat back down on his bed, feeling tired after what he just did. He smiled at Boris
"Th-thanks for the m-motivation. B-but I still need to train, so that I'm actually able to help people. I-instead of j-just hindering them like I've been doing"


DizjayDeathPride said:
Death had gone to honor her word but couldn't do it in this realm. She took Anna's soul and returned back to her realm. She created her a new body and sent the girl back to the guild, back to where she died.
DizjayDeathPride said:
The negativity was spreading through her realm and she just didnt have the care for it.

She pointed her finger up and a glowing light green light shined. It shot out and scattered into billions of thin threads, all coming to this single point. The threads connected to each soul across the planet. She pulled the thread and yanked every soul out, letting her Reapers handle the collection

Anna gasped deeply as if she weren't breathing this entire time. She grabbed her chest and fell off the couch, coughing and weezing. Once she calmed down she laid on the ground until the pain subsided
(Did Death just kill everyone? Surely that's against the laws of grimm or whatever :P )

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DizjayDeathPride said:
The cat meowed loudly in panick from the falling trees left and right. Each time the kitten turned it split, leaving another kitten to run the direction it was, creating more and more cats to follow
Julius stops curing the trees and catches one. "Hey why we're you running from me? I only wanted to pet you."
Lotusy said:
(Lol it's funny to see my real name as a character :P )
Malren turned to the guy on his shoulder. "Hm. Well, I shattered my limits through sheer training. Powerful or no, rookies are rookies." He summoned Kinziel's full arsenal. "Try me, my friends. I dare you. I don't take kindly to cheaters."
(Adrian? No one uses my name : ( )

The little guy on his shoulder watched. "So you still use the pride demons toys does that mean you chose her?"

Adrian slams his hammer into the ground. Twenty symbols formed and a small army of creatures appeared. Their skin stronger then tempered steel. (15 feet tall)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/087fb1a583e47678eb408542341e5b1d.jpg.03320601024a543bc9e46cd34dd156a3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="104433" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/087fb1a583e47678eb408542341e5b1d.jpg.03320601024a543bc9e46cd34dd156a3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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GingerBread said:
Colin smiled at Boris "Y-yeah, I guess I-I must be useful I-if I was allowed to join. B-but I still want to get stronger, S-so I can h-help people in m-more ways than h-heal-" Colin stopped talking as he noticed a light from outside get darker. Looking out of his window Colin noticed a man charging up something, looking like he was aiming it at the guild I need to do something about this!.... But someone else is probably taking care of it, I bet their doing a better job than me Colin shook the thought from his head and grabbed his staff, determined to help in any way he could.
Colin tapped his staff on the floor twice and created an absorption shield that surrounded the entire guild and absorbed anything that came into contact with it. As soon as the beam touched the shield it started to get absorbed, stopping it from destroying the guild at all. Colin made sure to remove the absorption shield so no one would get absorbed into it if they tried to enter the guild.

Colin sat back down on his bed, feeling tired after what he just did. He smiled at Boris
"Th-thanks for the m-motivation. B-but I still need to train, so that I'm actually able to help people. I-instead of j-just hindering them like I've been doing"


(Did Death just kill everyone? Surely that's against the laws of grimm or whatever :P )

(Not in this realm thus, not his problem. Back to where she belongs where she is the keeper of the Laws)
[QUOTE="Nova King]Julius stops curing the trees and catches one. "Hey why we're you running from me? I only wanted to pet you."

The kitten groaned and hissed, wiggling around as a Morpheus fell from the trees in front of them. "They don't like sitting still. They like moving. That's all. Nothing really all that special. Hello again!"
DizjayDeathPride said:
The kitten groaned and hissed, wiggling around as a Morpheus fell from the trees in front of them. "They don't like sitting still. They like moving. That's all. Nothing really all that special. Hello again!"
Julius looked at Morpheus then the tree then Morpheus. "Oh ok." He put the cat down. "I'm starting to think animals hate me. Anyways what's been up I haven't seen you in a while?"
Nova King]Julius looked at Morpheus then the tree then Morpheus. "Oh ok." He put the cat down. "I'm starting to think animals hate me. Anyways what's been up I haven't seen you in a while?" [/QUOTE] [COLOR=#0000ff]The kitten scurried off and Morpheus shrugged. "No the squirrel liked you. You didn't like it. Maybe you're affiliating with the wrong animals. I on the other hand have been here and there. Causing problems. World domination. All the good good. You?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000ff] [/COLOR] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/10734-light/ said:

Morpheus (totally didn't know you were blowing up the guild) sighed and shook his head. "Go take a nap. Ill protect the guild this time." He pointed to the boy threatening them "YO BUDDY! WHAT'RE YOU DOING UP THERE?! ARE YOU TRYING YO BLOW UP MY HOUSE?!"
DizjayDeathPride said:
The kitten scurried off and Morpheus shrugged. "No the squirrel liked you. You didn't like it. Maybe you're affiliating with the wrong animals. I on the other hand have been here and there. Causing problems. World domination. All the good good. You?"


Morpheus (totally didn't know you were blowing up the guild) sighed and shook his head. "Go take a nap. Ill protect the guild this time." He pointed to the boy threatening them "YO BUDDY! WHAT'RE YOU DOING UP THERE?! ARE YOU TRYING YO BLOW UP MY HOUSE?!"
Julius looked sad. "Oh I thought it was attacking. Anyways why are people attacking all around here and stuff did I miss something?"
Tazmodo said:
Jackson grabbed him by the face with his other hand. He didn't care about the pain I will grow back soon. When he grabbed his face he clamped on and could feel the bones cracking under his fingers. A small spike of light went into both eyes blinding Crimson. Jackson swung him around and into the ground with enough force to split his spine into two. The moment he hit the ground Jackson slammed into his chest and cut his arm off with a light sword. He put the sword to his throat. "Any last words?" (Don't worry I won't kill and I can heal you trust me the illusion will fade away)
( ! )

Scott smiled. "Good." Blood poured out of his leg then stopped. The formed blessed and stabbed into his chest the moment the portal went away. His left leg puncture his lung and the right punctured his heart.

Cecilia shoots the bottle and turns it into candy. This time a jolly rancher. The ball of chaotic energy was now five times larger than the guild. Franklin condense the ball into the size of a tiny mint. He at the orb his body started to swell like he was going to explode until he blasted out all the energy in a beam the size of the guild destroying everything in it's path. The beam was moving at the speed of light.
Crimson felt like he was about to die again. He was very pissed, if he makes it out of this alive he'll heal, but he just had to survive. Crimson closed his eyes and he opened his rage cap, fully releasing all of his rage. The force from him releasing his Aura knocked Jackson off of him. His wounds completely healed as red and orange feathery wings grew from his back. He got off the ground and roared as two swords appeared in his hands. Crimson has entered his partial rage form.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/jarret_rage_by_karosu_maker-d4ugbk9.jpg.d104a9ecdeace60e066b88eef9eb1d1c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="104432" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/jarret_rage_by_karosu_maker-d4ugbk9.jpg.d104a9ecdeace60e066b88eef9eb1d1c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Cole pulled the legs out of his body and he felled to one knee as his wounds started to heal. He got up with purple aura flowing off of him as his void healing, heal him to an uninjured state. You know I'm just gone get this over with. He said as he snapped his fingers.

(!) When Cole snapped his fingers and void opened up next to Scott. For awhile nothing happened but then an asteroid come in hitting Scott dead on. (!)

As one of his guild members place up an absorbing field, Inaro entered his Elder State and creates a seal to absorb the chaotic energy within the blast to weaken it.

@Tazmodo @Light @DizjayDeathPride @GingerBread



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[QUOTE="Nova King]Julius looked sad. "Oh I thought it was attacking. Anyways why are people attacking all around here and stuff did I miss something?"

(Forgot the evil guy destroying guild )

"Fuck if I knew. Probably has something to do with the quality of living. The rich are always attacked it's terrible"
Tazmodo said:
(Adrian? No one uses my name : ( )
The little guy on his shoulder watched. "So you still use the pride demons toys does that mean you chose her?"

Adrian slams his hammer into the ground. Twenty symbols formed and a small army of creatures appeared. Their skin stronger then tempered steel. (15 feet tall)

View attachment 232917
(Maybe. Or Scott ;)

"Oh, can it," Malren muttered. "I always chose Kinziel." With a roar, he transformed into his Nemean Lion form. The guns, in the meantime, fired a magnetic pulse which pulled in the twenty metal creatures, tangling them and rendering them immobile. With another fierce roar, he rushed forward, catching Adrian on his massive paw and sending him flying backwards.

GingerBread said:
Colin smiled at Boris "Y-yeah, I guess I-I must be useful I-if I was allowed to join. B-but I still want to get stronger, S-so I can h-help people in m-more ways than h-heal-" Colin stopped talking as he noticed a light from outside get darker. Looking out of his window Colin noticed a man charging up something, looking like he was aiming it at the guild I need to do something about this!.... But someone else is probably taking care of it, I bet their doing a better job than me Colin shook the thought from his head and grabbed his staff, determined to help in any way he could.
Colin tapped his staff on the floor twice and created an absorption shield that surrounded the entire guild and absorbed anything that came into contact with it. As soon as the beam touched the shield it started to get absorbed, stopping it from destroying the guild at all. Once the beam had finished firing Colin made sure to remove the absorption shield so no one would get absorbed into it if they tried to enter the guild.

Colin sat back down on his bed, feeling tired after what he just did. He smiled at Boris
"Th-thanks for the m-motivation. B-but I still need to train, so that I'm actually able to help people. I-instead of j-just hindering them like I've been doing"


(Did Death just kill everyone? Surely that's against the laws of grimm or whatever :P )

Boris watched Colin stop the giant beam of death outside with interest. "Well, you certainly stopped that." He turned back to young man on the bed. "You lie. You are not of useless. Look out. You make of stop the death. You saved lives." His eyes hardened. "It makes terrible to see you make wallow in self-pity. Absolutely terrible." Boris stood up, with the nanobots assembling around him. "Come with me. I make of great cooking, you make of enjoy." With that, he strode out of the room, beckoning for Colin to follow him.
Lotusy said:
Boris watched Colin stop the giant beam of death outside with interest. "Well, you certainly stopped that." He turned back to young man on the bed. "You lie. You are not of useless. Look out. You make of stop the death. You saved lives." His eyes hardened. "It makes terrible to see you make wallow in self-pity. Absolutely terrible." Boris stood up, with the nanobots assembling around him. "Come with me. I make of great cooking, you make of enjoy." With that, he strode out of the room, beckoning for Colin to follow him.
Colin stood up and sheepishly followed behind Boris "Y-you don't have to c-cook for me" Colin started awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck. "I-I'm n-not really that hungry e-either" Colin lied, not wanting Boris to go through the trouble of cooking for him. "S-so, what's your name. I-I'm C-Colin" Colin smiled sheepishly at Boris while attempting to make small talk.

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