Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
Decimus struggled to break free and slipped away into the shadow realm. He rose back beside Morpheus and helped him up. "Looks like the fun begins."

Morpheus dusted himself off and cracked his neck. "Looks like it." His deck of cards appeared and he shuffled through them then threw one at Sloth, a highly explosive one

Lotusy said:
Malren growled in surprise as the wind blew him over, also unseating Ryan. Before the sins could launch a follow-up attack, Malren turned into he giant armored tortoise, and used his long neck to drag Ryan inside the shell. Afterwards, he closed off all limb holes with shell plating. His face morphed back to human "Well, that didn't go as planned, but we're safe now." He opened up a hole from one of his legs, giving Ryan an opening. "Hey, you're an archer, right? Can you shoot them from here?"
Ryan got inside and created another arrow of light and shot it straight to Envy. "Let's see how fast she is."
GingerBread said:
Vance got back up after being knocked over; He dived out of the shadows as soon he felt the darkness start to choke him Looks like i'm going to be forced to get involved Vance thought, shaking his head slightly as he drew his dagger, ready to fight anyone he had to.
djinnamon said:
Sage rolled onto his feet and slammed his foot on to the ground causing a large wall of ice to appear in front of him and stop the light in its tracks before it receded and Sage charged toward Chance(lust) with extreme speed as large shards of ice rained down on Lust.
Lust stands there and let's the ice rain down upon him. His invulnerable body blocks off the attacks. "You can't beat us. Your lives end now!" Lust begins to charge up attacks.

( You need to do the opposite of lust to drain out his powers and invulnerable body. )


(Im not sure if this is reinforcements for the sins)
( Reinforcements for the sins. )

The planes were being knocked down by dragons. It seemed like the sins that attacked her before were there.

Embaga Elder]When the wind started Inaro's body turned metal and he increased his weight to keep his current position. Celica came crashing towards Inaro punching for his jaw. The punch phased through Inaro's face as he changed the density of his head. A blade formed from Inaro's back curving until it Stabbed Envy in her side. This all happened as Inaro continued to drink his beer. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/10734-light/ said:
DizjayDeathPride said:
Ryan got inside and created another arrow of light and shot it straight to Envy. "Let's see how fast she is."
( @Lotusy )

( ! ) The metal shatters on Envy's body since she's in the form of superman. She grabs Inaro with that strength and throws him in the way of the arrow. She uses laser vision on Ryan and the turtle.

DizjayDeathPride said:
Morpheus dusted himself off and cracked his neck. "Looks like it." His deck of cards appeared and he shuffled through them then threw one at Sloth, a highly explosive one
Tazmodo said:
Jasmine walked over to sloth. "Hi I don't plan on fighting you. You don't seem like the whole fighting type either. I just don't want Derek to take over. Why aren't you fighting? Why is anyone fighting?"
Sloth stops the card using kinetic energy before it reaches them. "I don't want to fight either. I just want to go back to the forest with my cat and pegasus."

Tazmodo said:
( ! )
Jasmine and Reed hid under Jackson's shield. Reed teleported to wrath and kicked her side. He teleported to a different position and slashed her leg. He teleported again kicked her head. He kept this process going.
( ! ) Wrath's body was unharmed by Reed attacks. Reed couldn't even keep up with Wrath even with his teleportation since she was running so fast. Wrath was running in circles, creating a tornado.
Light said:
Lust stands there and let's the ice rain down upon him. His invulnerable body blocks off the attacks. "You can't beat us. Your lives end now!" Lust begins to charge up attacks.
( You need to do the opposite of lust to drain out his powers and invulnerable body. )

( ! ) Greed slips into the shadows to dodge the light attack and has a fury of dark spikes fire upward at Isaac. Jackson was pulled into the darkness realm with his powers nullified.

( Reinforcements for the sins. )

The planes were being knocked down by dragons. It seemed like the sins that attacked her before were there.

( @Lotusy )

( ! ) The metal shatters on Envy's body since she's in the form of superman. She grabs Inaro with that strength and throws him in the way of the arrow. She uses laser vision on Ryan and the turtle.

Sloth stops the card using kinetic energy before it reaches them. "I don't want to fight either. I just want to go back to the forest with my cat and pegasus."

( ! ) Wrath's body was unharmed by Reed attacks. Reed couldn't even keep up with Wrath even with his teleportation since she was running so fast. Wrath was running in circles, creating a tornado.
Decimus rose a wall of darkness in front of Ryan, blocking the beams

( ! ) Morpheus turned the ground under him into a tank and got inside, driving to Sloth and shooting her with missiles. Inside he sang along to the radio. "SOOOO TELL ME WHAT YOU WANT WHAT YOU REALLY REALLY WANT ILL TELL you what I want... Wait... Lust.. huh..." He changed the station, a bit disappointed

Ryan teleported using light and appeared behind Envy, shooting her with a barrage of exploding light arrows then teleported away, back behind the wall
Sage glared before he folded his arms and stood in a guarded and alert stance as a neutral but mildly expression appeared on his face while his attractiveness dialed down. " You are annoying. " he said as the air around him grew hotter and hotter.
Light said:
Lust stands there and let's the ice rain down upon him. His invulnerable body blocks off the attacks. "You can't beat us. Your lives end now!" Lust begins to charge up attacks.
Vance noticed one of the sins shouting about how their lives were going to end "So which one are you? You can't be greed or envy, i doubt your sloth, pride or wrath." Vance began trying to work out which one he was "I doubt you're Lust, that sin is meant to be good looking" Vance pursed his lips in thought before snapping his fingers "I got it! You must be gluttony, that would explain why you look god awful"

Sense Inaro's Bio-metal isn't like basic metal it doesn't shatter but it still didn't penetrate Envy's body. When he was thrown Inaro changed the density of his body allowing the arrow to phase through him. He then catches himself in the air by using his float ability. Inaro then teleports above Envy coming down on her head with his metallic hammer fist. @Light
Light said:
( ! ) It seemed like Kinziel couldn't be seen or sensed by anyone, including the sins. Kavael ( Wrath ) disappears kicking up a gust of wind, blowing all Dragon's Roar members over. Celica ( Envy ) takes the form of superman and crashes into Inaro a second after with her fist connecting with his jaw. Olivianna ( Sloth ) waits for the perfect opportunity to leave but keeps her kinetics up in case someone attacks her. Chance ( Lust ) has light burst from his body in all angles, only piercing dangerous to Dragon's Roar members. Greed has the darkness choke Decimus and Vance since they're hiding within them. They were also being quartered. ( ! )

Bruce flips with the gust of wind and manages to keep himself on his feet when he lands and away from any of the light bursts. In the middle of the flip he let the Nega-Bruce take over his body, a violently violet aura flowing around him, with the objective in mind of fighting Wrath, who he saw making the tornado around Reed. To him, she wasn't quite so invisible anymore. "Here we go then." He bursts forward at where the tornado was coming around and fires a ball of ki around in the other direction in case Wrath was able to dodge his clothesline in time.
Light said:
Lust stands there and let's the ice rain down upon him. His invulnerable body blocks off the attacks. "You can't beat us. Your lives end now!" Lust begins to charge up attacks.
( You need to do the opposite of lust to drain out his powers and invulnerable body. )

( ! ) Greed slips into the shadows to dodge the light attack and has a fury of dark spikes fire upward at Isaac. Jackson was pulled into the darkness realm with his powers nullified.

( Reinforcements for the sins. )

The planes were being knocked down by dragons. It seemed like the sins that attacked her before were there.

( @Lotusy )

( ! ) The metal shatters on Envy's body since she's in the form of superman. She grabs Inaro with that strength and throws him in the way of the arrow. She uses laser vision on Ryan and the turtle.

Sloth stops the card using kinetic energy before it reaches them. "I don't want to fight either. I just want to go back to the forest with my cat and pegasus."

( ! ) Wrath's body was unharmed by Reed attacks. Reed couldn't even keep up with Wrath even with his teleportation since she was running so fast. Wrath was running in circles, creating a tornado.
Isaac used the combination of his super speed and his sword to either block, deflect or evade the dark spikes. Then he goes on to ask "So which sin are you? I like knowing my opponent when I battle."
Malren rolled to the side as Ryan ditched him, turning into a rabbit and hiding behind the wall of darkness made by the other man. He then shot outwards like a bullet, running towards a calmer part of the battle. He sson found himself in front of Sloth, who wasn't attacking. "What's going on here?" He asked Jasmine.

@Tazmodo @Light
Light said:
Lust stands there and let's the ice rain down upon him. His invulnerable body blocks off the attacks. "You can't beat us. Your lives end now!" Lust begins to charge up attacks.
( You need to do the opposite of lust to drain out his powers and invulnerable body. )

( ! ) Greed slips into the shadows to dodge the light attack and has a fury of dark spikes fire upward at Isaac. Jackson was pulled into the darkness realm with his powers nullified.

( Reinforcements for the sins. )

The planes were being knocked down by dragons. It seemed like the sins that attacked her before were there.

( @Lotusy )

( ! ) The metal shatters on Envy's body since she's in the form of superman. She grabs Inaro with that strength and throws him in the way of the arrow. She uses laser vision on Ryan and the turtle.

Sloth stops the card using kinetic energy before it reaches them. "I don't want to fight either. I just want to go back to the forest with my cat and pegasus."

( ! ) Wrath's body was unharmed by Reed attacks. Reed couldn't even keep up with Wrath even with his teleportation since she was running so fast. Wrath was running in circles, creating a tornado.
Jackson used his darkness powers to keep him stable. He uses his shadow travel to try and get out.

( ! )

Reed teleported Wrath a few hundred feet in the air. Newt was sitting on his shoulder. He blasted a ball of fire at her. Newt then turned to the other Dragons tried to convince them to help as well.

Jasmine sat down. "Then why are you here you obviously don't care. Why let the other force you into it."
"Dragons!" Arwyn shouted against the wind and pointed to the winged creatures attacking the fighter planes. "And those are the Sins down there. We should help take them down;starting with these metal beasts." With a roar the wyvern dived down and grasped the nearest plane's wing with his talons. The added weight caused the plane to dip drastically to one side before spinning out of control whenever the weight suddenly disappeared as the dragon leapt from it. The plane plummeted to the ground before colliding with the rocks and unfortunate soldiers below and exploded.

Syrax roared in triumph before unleashing a gout of dragonfire at another plane, which exploded as well. The wyvern's voice boomed in the back of Arwyn's head, 'Dragons will always be the kings of the sky. These humans had better learn this lesson.'

Arwyn spotted the Sins battling with a couple of figures she did not recognize. "Over there, those are the ones we must defeat. Show them to fear dragons then." she shouted to Syrax. The dragon shifted his gaze down at the battle on the ground and growled. 'My pleasure.' he replied before swooping down towards the battle. Gliding above the strife, he unleashed a torrent of fire as he passed over the heads of some of the sins and their minions.

DizjayDeathPride said:
Ryan teleported using light and appeared behind Envy, shooting her with a barrage of exploding light arrows then teleported away, back behind the wall
Embaga Elder]Sense Inaro's Bio-metal isn't like basic metal it doesn't shatter but it still didn't penetrate Envy's body. When he was thrown Inaro changed the density of his body allowing the arrow to phase through him. He then catches himself in the air by using his float ability. Inaro then teleports above Envy coming down on her head with his metallic hammer fist. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/10734-light/ said:
( ! ) Envy falls to the ground due to receiving a hammer to the head and explosions on her back. Envy prepares to sneeze.

( Last time Superman sneezed he destroyed a planet. )

Lotusy said:
Malren rolled to the side as Ryan ditched him, turning into a rabbit and hiding behind the wall of darkness made by the other man. He then shot outwards like a bullet, running towards a calmer part of the battle. He sson found himself in front of Sloth, who wasn't attacking. "What's going on here?" He asked Jasmine.
@Tazmodo @Light
DizjayDeathPride said:
( ! ) Morpheus turned the ground under him into a tank and got inside, driving to Sloth and shooting her with missiles. Inside he sang along to the radio. "SOOOO TELL ME WHAT YOU WANT WHAT YOU REALLY REALLY WANT ILL TELL you what I want... Wait... Lust.. huh..." He changed the station, a bit disappointed
( @Tazmodo )

Tazmodo said:
Jasmine sat down. "Then why are you here you obviously don't care. Why let the other force you into it."
Juju said:
"Dragons!" Arwyn shouted against the wind and pointed to the winged creatures attacking the fighter planes. "And those are the Sins down there. We should help take them down;starting with these metal beasts." With a roar the wyvern dived down and grasped the nearest plane's wing with his talons. The added weight caused the plane to dip drastically to one side before spinning out of control whenever the weight suddenly disappeared as the dragon leapt from it. The plane plummeted to the ground before colliding with the rocks and unfortunate soldiers below and exploded.
Syrax roared in triumph before unleashing a gout of dragonfire at another plane, which exploded as well. The wyvern's voice boomed in the back of Arwyn's head, 'Dragons will always be the kings of the sky. These humans had better learn this lesson.'

Arwyn spotted the Sins battling with a couple of figures she did not recognize. "Over there, those are the ones we must defeat. Show them to fear dragons then." she shouted to Syrax. The dragon shifted his gaze down at the battle on the ground and growled. 'My pleasure.' he replied before swooping down towards the battle. Gliding above the strife, he unleashed a torrent of fire as he passed over the heads of some of the sins and their minions.

Olivianna stops the missiles once they make contact with her. "Please stop. I don't want to fight or talk so go away as well please." Olivianna continues to walk away from the scene but that was until a wyvern spewed fire at her. She falls back and uses her drainage field by accident. Draining Arwyn and everyone around her of their energy, making them all want to relax and lay down.

djinnamon said:
Sage glared before he folded his arms and stood in a guarded and alert stance as a neutral but mildly expression appeared on his face while his attractiveness dialed down. " You are annoying. " he said as the air around him grew hotter and hotter.
GingerBread said:
Vance noticed one of the sins shouting about how their lives were going to end "So which one are you? You can't be greed or envy, i doubt your sloth, pride or wrath." Vance began trying to work out which one he was "I doubt you're Lust, that sin is meant to be good looking" Vance pursed his lips in thought before snapping his fingers "I got it! You must be gluttony, that would explain why you look god awful"
( ! ) "I am Lust and I am not annoying!" Chance was almost done charging up his attack to kill them all. The light in the area seemed to get brighter and much more intense, as if a nova would occur.

Afrobrony said:
Bruce flips with the gust of wind and manages to keep himself on his feet when he lands and away from any of the light bursts. In the middle of the flip he let the Nega-Bruce take over his body, a violently violet aura flowing around him, with the objective in mind of fighting Wrath, who he saw making the tornado around Reed. To him, she wasn't quite so invisible anymore. "Here we go then." He bursts forward at where the tornado was coming around and fires a ball of ki around in the other direction in case Wrath was able to dodge his clothesline in time.
Tazmodo said:
( ! )
Reed teleported Wrath a few hundred feet in the air. Newt was sitting on his shoulder. He blasted a ball of fire at her. Newt then turned to the other Dragons tried to convince them to help as well.
( ! ) The tornado sweeps up both Bruce and Reed. Wrath lands on the ground unharmed and jumps straight towards Reed. Grabbing his face with enough jumping force to resist the pull of the tornado and slams the back of his head into the rough terrain, sliding several feet. She induced the anger and blind attacking within Reed. He would no longer use teleportation since he couldn't help but just swing with his fists wildly at anything around him. He was like a mindless animal that was focused on hitting the ground underneath him. Wrath stands up, still holding on to his face with one hand lifting him above the ground. She looks at where Bruce is, still caught up in the tornado she created. She would crush Reed's skull whenever she felt like it, but first she wanted to see Bruce become a stain on the floor as the 200 mph wind tornado launches him out downward. The dragons ignore Newt since his flames were completely ineffective against Wrath and since he was a useless dragon in their eyes.

[QUOTE="Cadin shadow lord]Isaac used the combination of his super speed and his sword to either block, deflect or evade the dark spikes. Then he goes on to ask "So which sin are you? I like knowing my opponent when I battle."

Tazmodo said:
Jackson used his darkness powers to keep him stable. He uses his shadow travel to try and get out.
( Jackson can't use his powers at all. They're all nullified. Doesn't matter if he has darkness powers as well. )

( ! ) Jackson was being crushed by the surrounding darkness. The pressure was so intense he can feel his eyes beginning to push out of their sockets.

"Greed... I am Greed." That's all she responds with. That's when large shadowy beings rise from the earth, surrounding Isaac.

( Low key went overboard here. All of you are about to die... oops. We have a sneeze that can destroy planets coming up. A super nova coming up. We have a 200 mph tornado with the addition of Bruce and Reed almost being at death's door. Jackson is really about to die and Isaac is surrounded by shadow beings that are... shadows. You can't exactly harm shadows you'll pass through them but they can make themselves solid enough for them to harm you when they want to. Isaac has the high possibility of dying as well. Sooo the planet is about to be obliterated by the super nova and the sneeze. Yeah... This is bad... figure something out. There is a way around this. )
" Your almost as bad at sex as your dumb. " he said before he went into his god form and he began to glow , powering up his own attack.

Light said:
( ! ) "I am Lust and I am not annoying!" Chance was almost done charging up his attack to kill them all. The light in the area seemed to get brighter and much more intense, as if a nova would occur.
Vance didn't seem to care about the nova that was about to happen "You're lust? Really? Then why aren't you even the slightest bit attractive?" Vance asked, sounding like he didn't believe him at all.

Keeping lust visible in the corner of his eye
Vance then looked over to Greed "Hey Greed remember this?" Vance pulled out the jeweled egg from earlier "It's not too late to work for me if you want this" Vance shouted over to Greed.

Light said:
( ! ) The tornado sweeps up both Bruce and Reed. Wrath lands on the ground unharmed and jumps straight towards Reed. Grabbing his face with enough jumping force to resist the pull of the tornado and slams the back of his head into the rough terrain, sliding several feet. She induced the anger and blind attacking within Reed. He would no longer use teleportation since he couldn't help but just swing with his fists wildly at anything around him. He was like a mindless animal that was focused on hitting the ground underneath him. Wrath stands up, still holding on to his face with one hand lifting him above the ground. She looks at where Bruce is, still caught up in the tornado she created. She would crush Reed's skull whenever she felt like it, but first she wanted to see Bruce become a stain on the floor as the 200 mph wind tornado launches him out downward. The dragons ignore Newt since his flames were completely ineffective against Wrath and since he was a useless dragon in their eyes.
"A tornado! How original!" Bruce teased at Wrath, almost a little too casual considering he was in the tornado that he just mentioned. He was a lot more powerful than Wrath had ever analyzed him, releasing this form was quite a rare event since it'd only happened once. And that one time had been unseen. The ball of ki that he had sent out before slams into her and sends her flying again as he starts to control his fight until he is standing on the ground despite the winds of the tornado. "Step right up. Step right up! Cause I ain't going down so easily!" If one were to think he was raising his voice in any type of anger they would be wrong because he really was just speaking over the winds.
As soon as Sloth stepped back, Malren could feel the pull of laziness on his mind. "Urrrg... Never..." He muttered, then shook his head. He transformed into an eagle, soaring up into the sky with one flap of his wings. The cold and bitter air instantly cleared his head, restoring his thoughts. While he was in the air, he decided to stall-fly above Envy, blocking out the sun and nullifying Superman's powers.


(To explain, Superman derives his powers from the yellow sun of earth. Without yellow light's he's powerless. Yea it's weird, but no one has Kryptonite, so...)
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Light said:
( ! ) Envy falls to the ground due to receiving a hammer to the head and explosions on her back. Envy prepares to sneeze.
( Last time Superman sneezed he destroyed a planet. )

( @Tazmodo )

Olivianna stops the missiles once they make contact with her. "Please stop. I don't want to fight or talk so go away as well please." Olivianna continues to walk away from the scene but that was until a wyvern spewed fire at her. She falls back and uses her drainage field by accident. Draining Arwyn and everyone around her of their energy, making them all want to relax and lay down.

( ! ) "I am Lust and I am not annoying!" Chance was almost done charging up his attack to kill them all. The light in the area seemed to get brighter and much more intense, as if a nova would occur.

( ! ) The tornado sweeps up both Bruce and Reed. Wrath lands on the ground unharmed and jumps straight towards Reed. Grabbing his face with enough jumping force to resist the pull of the tornado and slams the back of his head into the rough terrain, sliding several feet. She induced the anger and blind attacking within Reed. He would no longer use teleportation since he couldn't help but just swing with his fists wildly at anything around him. He was like a mindless animal that was focused on hitting the ground underneath him. Wrath stands up, still holding on to his face with one hand lifting him above the ground. She looks at where Bruce is, still caught up in the tornado she created. She would crush Reed's skull whenever she felt like it, but first she wanted to see Bruce become a stain on the floor as the 200 mph wind tornado launches him out downward. The dragons ignore Newt since his flames were completely ineffective against Wrath and since he was a useless dragon in their eyes.

( Jackson can't use his powers at all. They're all nullified. Doesn't matter if he has darkness powers as well. )

( ! ) Jackson was being crushed by the surrounding darkness. The pressure was so intense he can feel his eyes beginning to push out of their sockets.

"Greed... I am Greed." That's all she responds with. That's when large shadowy beings rise from the earth, surrounding Isaac.

( Low key went overboard here. All of you are about to die... oops. We have a sneeze that can destroy planets coming up. A super nova coming up. We have a 200 mph tornado with the addition of Bruce and Reed almost being at death's door. Jackson is really about to die and Isaac is surrounded by shadow beings that are... shadows. You can't exactly harm shadows you'll pass through them but they can make themselves solid enough for them to harm you when they want to. Isaac has the high possibility of dying as well. Sooo the planet is about to be obliterated by the super nova and the sneeze. Yeah... This is bad... figure something out. There is a way around this. )
"Umm how to combat greed, I doubt being charitable would do any- ohhhh no." Isaac looked at the shadow beings surrounding him and tried to formulate a plot. "Okay I can't slice through a shadow, unless they somehow become solid beings which I doubt they would do on purpose, unless I can distract them or bait them into it, which might work if they were from the pride sin that could work but not with Greed." So he came up with the biggest bluff he could to trick Greed. "Greed! I have an offer you can't refuse! I can lead you to a secret vault within the Dragon's Roar complex that contains riches beyond belief, knowledge long forgotten, and power so great you could control any realm you please! Just allow me to defeat these monsters and i'll bring you there" All of what he just said was just myths he'd about Dragon's Roar while traveling and he had no idea if any of it was true, but he said it with such passion and confidence it'd be hard not to believe him.
[QUOTE="Cadin shadow lord]
"Umm how to combat greed, I doubt being charitable would do any- ohhhh no." Isaac looked at the shadow beings surrounding him and tried to formulate a plot. "Okay I can't slice through a shadow, unless they somehow become solid beings which I doubt they would do on purpose, unless I can distract them or bait them into it, which might work if they were from the pride sin that could work but not with Greed." So he came up with the biggest bluff he could to trick Greed. "Greed! I have an offer you can't refuse! I can lead you to a secret vault within the Dragon's Roar complex that contains riches beyond belief, knowledge long forgotten, and power so great you could control any realm you please! Just allow me to defeat these monsters and i'll bring you there" All of what he just said was just myths he'd about Dragon's Roar while traveling and he had no idea if any of it was true, but he said it with such passion and confidence it'd be hard not to believe him.

(Oh shit, Isaac is the perfect one to fight Greed.)
(!)Inaro looks at Malren. Good shit kid. He looked back down towards Envy. It's sad that you had to copy superman of his power because you're too weak to acquire power on your own. His left hand turns into a giant blade. He raises it into the air. Death to the Sin Envy. He drops the blade onto envy trying slice her head off. (!) @Light
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Light said:
( ! ) Envy falls to the ground due to receiving a hammer to the head and explosions on her back. Envy prepares to sneeze.
( Last time Superman sneezed he destroyed a planet. )

( @Tazmodo )

Olivianna stops the missiles once they make contact with her. "Please stop. I don't want to fight or talk so go away as well please." Olivianna continues to walk away from the scene but that was until a wyvern spewed fire at her. She falls back and uses her drainage field by accident. Draining Arwyn and everyone around her of their energy, making them all want to relax and lay down.

( ! ) "I am Lust and I am not annoying!" Chance was almost done charging up his attack to kill them all. The light in the area seemed to get brighter and much more intense, as if a nova would occur.

( ! ) The tornado sweeps up both Bruce and Reed. Wrath lands on the ground unharmed and jumps straight towards Reed. Grabbing his face with enough jumping force to resist the pull of the tornado and slams the back of his head into the rough terrain, sliding several feet. She induced the anger and blind attacking within Reed. He would no longer use teleportation since he couldn't help but just swing with his fists wildly at anything around him. He was like a mindless animal that was focused on hitting the ground underneath him. Wrath stands up, still holding on to his face with one hand lifting him above the ground. She looks at where Bruce is, still caught up in the tornado she created. She would crush Reed's skull whenever she felt like it, but first she wanted to see Bruce become a stain on the floor as the 200 mph wind tornado launches him out downward. The dragons ignore Newt since his flames were completely ineffective against Wrath and since he was a useless dragon in their eyes.

( Jackson can't use his powers at all. They're all nullified. Doesn't matter if he has darkness powers as well. )

( ! ) Jackson was being crushed by the surrounding darkness. The pressure was so intense he can feel his eyes beginning to push out of their sockets.

"Greed... I am Greed." That's all she responds with. That's when large shadowy beings rise from the earth, surrounding Isaac.

( Low key went overboard here. All of you are about to die... oops. We have a sneeze that can destroy planets coming up. A super nova coming up. We have a 200 mph tornado with the addition of Bruce and Reed almost being at death's door. Jackson is really about to die and Isaac is surrounded by shadow beings that are... shadows. You can't exactly harm shadows you'll pass through them but they can make themselves solid enough for them to harm you when they want to. Isaac has the high possibility of dying as well. Sooo the planet is about to be obliterated by the super nova and the sneeze. Yeah... This is bad... figure something out. There is a way around this. )
(!) Ryan took this slight moment of hesitation and appeared before Envy, a fully charged arrow ready to be shot at her when she sneeze to explode powerfully enough to make a decent foot crator

Light said:
( ! ) Envy falls to the ground due to receiving a hammer to the head and explosions on her back. Envy prepares to sneeze.
( Last time Superman sneezed he destroyed a planet. )

( @Tazmodo )

Olivianna stops the missiles once they make contact with her. "Please stop. I don't want to fight or talk so go away as well please." Olivianna continues to walk away from the scene but that was until a wyvern spewed fire at her. She falls back and uses her drainage field by accident. Draining Arwyn and everyone around her of their energy, making them all want to relax and lay down.

( ! ) "I am Lust and I am not annoying!" Chance was almost done charging up his attack to kill them all. The light in the area seemed to get brighter and much more intense, as if a nova would occur.

( ! ) The tornado sweeps up both Bruce and Reed. Wrath lands on the ground unharmed and jumps straight towards Reed. Grabbing his face with enough jumping force to resist the pull of the tornado and slams the back of his head into the rough terrain, sliding several feet. She induced the anger and blind attacking within Reed. He would no longer use teleportation since he couldn't help but just swing with his fists wildly at anything around him. He was like a mindless animal that was focused on hitting the ground underneath him. Wrath stands up, still holding on to his face with one hand lifting him above the ground. She looks at where Bruce is, still caught up in the tornado she created. She would crush Reed's skull whenever she felt like it, but first she wanted to see Bruce become a stain on the floor as the 200 mph wind tornado launches him out downward. The dragons ignore Newt since his flames were completely ineffective against Wrath and since he was a useless dragon in their eyes.

( Jackson can't use his powers at all. They're all nullified. Doesn't matter if he has darkness powers as well. )

( ! ) Jackson was being crushed by the surrounding darkness. The pressure was so intense he can feel his eyes beginning to push out of their sockets.

"Greed... I am Greed." That's all she responds with. That's when large shadowy beings rise from the earth, surrounding Isaac.

( Low key went overboard here. All of you are about to die... oops. We have a sneeze that can destroy planets coming up. A super nova coming up. We have a 200 mph tornado with the addition of Bruce and Reed almost being at death's door. Jackson is really about to die and Isaac is surrounded by shadow beings that are... shadows. You can't exactly harm shadows you'll pass through them but they can make themselves solid enough for them to harm you when they want to. Isaac has the high possibility of dying as well. Sooo the planet is about to be obliterated by the super nova and the sneeze. Yeah... This is bad... figure something out. There is a way around this. )
( ! )

Jackson uses the guild symbol to go back. Reed looks at superman and draws his sword. He uses his gravity manipulation to increase speed dramatically. He stabbed his blades from his back and into his heart. (The sword is infused with magic. One of supermans weaknesses. Also @Lotusy the yellow start gives him strength he doesn't need it. Red stars drain him. And magic effects him. Also kryptonite no longer effects him he can lift mountains of that stuff.)

Jasmine fell asleep and Derek took over. The field didn't effect him as much and he turned into a big drill and dug underground escaping. He popped back out and looked around looking for someone to fight.

Reed did exactly that.
Suddenly the strength in Syrax's wings began to wane and the flapping of his wings became sluggish and slower. "Just get us lower and then we can rest." Arwyn shouted but her voice was quieter then normal. Then she realized what she was doing.

"No. Keep going and use more strength. Do not give up- you are better than this. We must not rest until they are all defeated!" she urged. Slowly but surely the wyvern began to regain speed and flames started to flicker through the gaps between his gritted teeth. With a roar Syrax folded his wings and pounced down onto the ground using the momentum to add to the force of impact, causing dirt and fragmented rocks to fly in all directions.

Once they had landed, Arwyn jumped off of Syrax's back and drew her sword and shield as she charged towards Sloth. Dawn's Heart glowed brightly as the dragonknight swung her blade towards the downed Sin. "You will all pay for what you have done!" she growled.(!)

(She doesn't know that Sloth doesn't want to fight.)

Light said:
( ! ) Envy falls to the ground due to receiving a hammer to the head and explosions on her back. Envy prepares to sneeze.
( Last time Superman sneezed he destroyed a planet. )

( @Tazmodo )

Olivianna stops the missiles once they make contact with her. "Please stop. I don't want to fight or talk so go away as well please." Olivianna continues to walk away from the scene but that was until a wyvern spewed fire at her. She falls back and uses her drainage field by accident. Draining Arwyn and everyone around her of their energy, making them all want to relax and lay down.

( ! ) "I am Lust and I am not annoying!" Chance was almost done charging up his attack to kill them all. The light in the area seemed to get brighter and much more intense, as if a nova would occur.

( ! ) The tornado sweeps up both Bruce and Reed. Wrath lands on the ground unharmed and jumps straight towards Reed. Grabbing his face with enough jumping force to resist the pull of the tornado and slams the back of his head into the rough terrain, sliding several feet. She induced the anger and blind attacking within Reed. He would no longer use teleportation since he couldn't help but just swing with his fists wildly at anything around him. He was like a mindless animal that was focused on hitting the ground underneath him. Wrath stands up, still holding on to his face with one hand lifting him above the ground. She looks at where Bruce is, still caught up in the tornado she created. She would crush Reed's skull whenever she felt like it, but first she wanted to see Bruce become a stain on the floor as the 200 mph wind tornado launches him out downward. The dragons ignore Newt since his flames were completely ineffective against Wrath and since he was a useless dragon in their eyes.

( Jackson can't use his powers at all. They're all nullified. Doesn't matter if he has darkness powers as well. )

( ! ) Jackson was being crushed by the surrounding darkness. The pressure was so intense he can feel his eyes beginning to push out of their sockets.

"Greed... I am Greed." That's all she responds with. That's when large shadowy beings rise from the earth, surrounding Isaac.

( Low key went overboard here. All of you are about to die... oops. We have a sneeze that can destroy planets coming up. A super nova coming up. We have a 200 mph tornado with the addition of Bruce and Reed almost being at death's door. Jackson is really about to die and Isaac is surrounded by shadow beings that are... shadows. You can't exactly harm shadows you'll pass through them but they can make themselves solid enough for them to harm you when they want to. Isaac has the high possibility of dying as well. Sooo the planet is about to be obliterated by the super nova and the sneeze. Yeah... This is bad... figure something out. There is a way around this. )
( ! ) Morpheus intended to stop but he had now lost the energy to do so and the tank continued it's rampage towards Sloth

djinnamon said:
" Your almost as bad at sex as your dumb. " he said before he went into his god form and he began to glow , powering up his own attack.
GingerBread said:
Vance didn't seem to care about the nova that was about to happen "You're lust? Really? Then why aren't you even the slightest bit attractive?" Vance asked, sounding like he didn't believe him at all.@Light
Lust slightly loses power and his charging super nova dwindles to a spark. "Damn." Lust makes large beings of light rise around Sage and Vance.

Afrobrony said:
"A tornado! How original!" Bruce teased at Wrath, almost a little too casual considering he was in the tornado that he just mentioned. He was a lot more powerful than Wrath had ever analyzed him, releasing this form was quite a rare event since it'd only happened once. And that one time had been unseen. The ball of ki that he had sent out before slams into her and sends her flying again as he starts to control his fight until he is standing on the ground despite the winds of the tornado. "Step right up. Step right up! Cause I ain't going down so easily!" If one were to think he was raising his voice in any type of anger they would be wrong because he really was just speaking over the winds.
Wrath was blown back because she lifted her feet last minute. She wanted to see how strong Bruce's blasts actually were since she was so strong at the moment she couldn't feel them. Now that she was done playing games, all attacks that come near her wouldn't even make her skin cells budge. She raises the army of 40, 18 foot tall beings as a simple warm up, sending them all towards Bruce.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/FLprgcV.png.a6623accb63734e9d3624cbe6309fc4c.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="95431" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/FLprgcV.png.a6623accb63734e9d3624cbe6309fc4c.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Lotusy said:
As soon as Sloth stepped back, Malren could feel the pull of laziness on his mind. "Urrrg... Never..." He muttered, then shook his head. He transformed into an eagle, soaring up into the sky with one flap of his wings. The cold and bitter air instantly cleared his head, restoring his thoughts. While he was in the air, he decided to stall-fly above Envy, blocking out the sun and nullifying Superman's powers.

(To explain, Superman derives his powers from the yellow sun of earth. Without yellow light's he's powerless. Yea it's weird, but no one has Kryptonite, so...)
Embaga Elder](!)Inaro looks at Malren. [B]Good shit kid.[/B] He looked back down towards Envy. [B]It's sad that you had to copy superman of his power because you're too weak to acquire power on your own. [/B]He left hang turns into a giant blade. He raises it into the air. [B]Death to the Sin Envy. [/B]He drops the blade onto envy trying slice her head off. (!) [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/10734-light/ said:
DizjayDeathPride said:
(!) Ryan took this slight moment of hesitation and appeared before Envy, a fully charged arrow ready to be shot at her when she sneeze to explode powerfully enough to make a decent foot crator
Tazmodo said:
( ! )
Jackson uses the guild symbol to go back. Reed looks at superman and draws his sword. He uses his gravity manipulation to increase speed dramatically. He stabbed his blades from his back and into his heart.
( Superman doesn't need the sun he gets empowered by it. It's like a power boost not a necessity. Hes been away from the sun many times before especially when he goes to the outskirts of space. He also overcame his vulnerability to kryptonite. The only thing that affects him now is magic. )

Envy releases her sneeze, only to notice the force of it dissipate. Little did they all know, Ashlyn put up her absolute defense field around Envy to negate all threats she can cause, such as the sneeze and her form of superman. Inaro ends up slicing her head off due to weakening her enough through insulting the meaning of envy itself. Though before she could regenerate Ryan blows her body up. Nothing but ashes are left as the essence of Envy passes over both Ryan and Inaro. Ryan gains her second and hidden ability life drainage while Inaro gains shape shifting. Jackson came in a second too late, stabbing through ashes.

DizjayDeathPride said:
( ! ) Morpheus intended to stop but he had now lost the energy to do so and the tank continued it's rampage towards Sloth
Juju said:
Suddenly the strength in Syrax's wings began to wane and the flapping of his wings became sluggish and slower. "Just get us lower and then we can rest." Arwyn shouted but her voice was quieter then normal. Then she realized what she was doing.
"No. Keep going and use more strength. Do not give up- you are better than this. We must not rest until they are all defeated!" she urged. Slowly but surely the wyvern began to regain speed and flames started to flicker through the gaps between his gritted teeth. With a roar Syrax folded his wings and pounced down onto the ground using the momentum to add to the force of impact, causing dirt and fragmented rocks to fly in all directions.

Once they had landed, Arwyn jumped off of Syrax's back and drew her sword and shield as she charged towards Sloth. Dawn's Heart glowed brightly as the dragonknight swung her blade towards the downed Sin. "You will all pay for what you have done!" she growled.(!)

(She doesn't know that Sloth doesn't want to fight.)

"I don't want to fight. Stop." Olivianna touches the tank and makes it stop through manipulating it's kinetics. "Olivianna drains all the remaining energy Arwyn has so even willpower couldn't save her now. All Arwyn wanted to do now was relax in the snow. "I'm gonna go."

The shadow beings drop but in a flash both Isaac and Vance were pulled into the darkness realm with their powers being nullified. This saving Vance from the situation with Lust. Greed was standing right in front of them with her eyes glaring. "Give them to me!"



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Light said:
The shadow beings drop but in a flash both Isaac and Vance were pulled into the darkness realm with their powers being nullified. This saving Vance from the situation with Lust. Greed was standing right in front of them with her eyes glaring. "Give them to me!"
"I'm assuming you want this egg" Vance motioned to the egg in his hand before tucking it back into his cloak "Well what's the magic word?" Vance laughed slightly as he asked Greed the question "You know i took this from a dying nobleman, i was meant to kill him and take it, but when i went to give it to the person who hired me, i found them dead. So i kept it as payment and the fact that i couldn't get rid of it without being caught" Vance explained how he came into possession of the egg, just trying to kill time "So, what are you going to give me in return? Power? Or are you willing to obey me?

@Light @Cadin shadow lord

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