Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
GingerBread said:

Maya was too focused on the snakes and ladders game, believing it was the only way to save her friend. As such she didn't notice anything that christina was doing. Maya picked up and dice, rolled it and got four, she then picked up her piece and moved it four spaces making sure to hit each space while counting upwards to four. She then looked up at Morgan and gave her a small smile, having relaxed slightly thinking her best Friend would be okay now.
"Your turn!"

Morgan rolls the dice and gets a two. She moves up twice and goes up a snake. "Your turn."

Lighthouse8477 said:
Silently Draco looked at the ground and placed his ear to it. The floor was quaking ever so softly. Then it changed into a full pout rumble the house began to shake items fell of shelves shattering into million pieces as dust fell from the rafters. Earthquake! Thought Draco. He shot forward like an arrow changing into a dragon as his wings wrapped around Angelica as Draco felt the house collapsing. A large support beam fell on Draco who grunted slightly but made sure that Angelica was safe underneath his wings as the entire house continued to shake and fall apart.
Suddenly everything stops moving, Angelica had affected their sense of gravity. "Are you kidding me....." Angelica bowed her head, hiding her face.
Suddenly everything stops moving, Angelica had affected their sense of gravity. "Are you kidding me....." Angelica bowed her head, hiding her face.
Looking down at her Draco feels the shake in the ground. Then it dies away. He softly asks, "Are you okay? Sorry I acted instinctually." More like quickly and without thinking but hey that's what he did normally.
Light said:
Fola on the other hand moves towards Jackie at lightning speed, his body actually turning into electricity as his death scythe fades away. He flows inside of and outside of Jackie, coming out the other side but having hit her with high but not deadly voltage while doing so. He made sure to make her body move in reverse as well. When she wants to move her left arm left, her right arm would move right. When she wants to squat, she'd jump. When she moves backward she'll move forward instead.
At the surge of pain and electricity surging through her body, Jackie locks her jaw to keep a) screaming, or b) biting off her tongue. She remains still as a statue, with the exception of an occasional limb spasm, as Sanctum had made all her muscles seize painfully to keep her from falling and hurting herself more than she already is. Once the feeling of shocks leave her, she turns around to face Fola, only - to move the opposite way to see him?

She tries to lift her right hand to check her condition, but her left hand rises to her line of vision. When she tries to step back to gather her thoughts and come to a conclusion, she moves forward. Under the dawning realization of what's happened, she swears viciously, "Oh, you're fucking kidding me-"

I fucking told you not to get into a fight.

Shut up and be productive, get rid of this things, it's disorienting as fuck and I can't survive if I have to play opposite day.

You dumb bitch - don't you get it? I can't do it as fast as you'd like, it might take me longer than you're used to, meat sack.

Well, hop to it, She turns to Fola again, waiting for the next move, since initiating an attack is the worst idea when her lefts and rights have suddenly reversed.
Lighthouse8477 said:
Looking down at her Draco feels the shake in the ground. Then it dies away. He softly asks, "Are you okay? Sorry I acted instinctually." More like quickly and without thinking but hey that's what he did normally.
"Ever since you arrive....an earthquake occurs. Earthquakes never occur here. I want you to go away....now!"

CelticSol said:
At the surge of pain and electricity surging through her body, Jackie locks her jaw to keep a) screaming, or b) biting off her tongue. She remains still as a statue, with the exception of an occasional limb spasm, as Sanctum had made all her muscles seize painfully to keep her from falling and hurting herself more than she already is. Once the feeling of shocks leave her, she turns around to face Fola, only - to move the opposite way to see him?
She tries to lift her right hand to check her condition, but her left hand rises to her line of vision. When she tries to step back to gather her thoughts and come to a conclusion, she moves forward. Under the dawning realization of what's happened, she swears viciously, "Oh, you're fucking kidding me-"

I fucking told you not to get into a fight.

Shut up and be productive, get rid of this things, it's disorienting as fuck and I can't survive if I have to play opposite day.

You dumb bitch - don't you get it? I can't do it as fast as you'd like, it might take me longer than you're used to, meat sack.

Well, hop to it, She turns to Fola again, waiting for the next move, since initiating an attack is the worst idea when her lefts and rights have suddenly reversed.
( ! ) Christina has Fola send out orbs of electricity. There were countless orbs of electricity scatter around and regroup in front of him. He exhales eternal fire into the orbs of electricity. The orbs scatter once more and fill the battlefield around himself and Jackie. Filling the air as well. Each orb was at least 5 feet away from the other. If one was touched, it would electrocute the enemy and explode in eternal fire, triggering the other orbs to explode as well. Fola also uses these orbs to teleport with an electric body, appearing by the orb on Jackie's left. He appears in front of an orb far away from her the second after.
"Ever since you arrive....an earthquake occurs. Earthquakes never occur here. I want you to go away....now!"
Looking at her with a raised dragon eyebrow Draco asks, "Your really blaming a natural disaster on me just after I save your life?" He snorted then stated, "If I hadn't thrown myself over you this beam on my back would have crushed you and you want me gone because of an earthquake!" He snorted again. Ridiculous. Plain ridiculous.

Renshi was happy that he's racing with his father. He has have fun in a long time. The only fun that he had was playing hide and go seek with Raijin. It wasn't even all that fun, because it consisted of Renshi sleeping in the belly button of people who were sleeping outside, to be shocked by Raijin waking him up. Not fun, but racing with his father, was very fun. He looked back to see Grimm catching up. Hehe gotta go faster than that pops. he said before taking the speed up another notch. @Light

Maya watched Morgan take her go with a look of confusion on her face. Maya then frowned up at Morgan. "Hey! That's cheating, you're meant to go down the snakes. Not up!" Maya grabbed Morgan's piece and moved it back down the snake.



Seeing that he was attacking Alpha, Colin tried to calm down and try to take control of his body again. He tried to move his left arm slightly upwards. When it worked Colin smiled, then when he realised he was smiling he smiled even more. Colin brought his right arm back to his and changed it back, making it non-elastic. Colin then looked around and saw that Fola was attacking someone else
"F-Fola, d-don't attack her!" Colin shouted before realising that Fola was probably being controlled but couldn't get out of it Like he could.

Colin looked at the Electric and fire orbs that Fola had placed around the area. Colin shook his head and then slammed his staff into the ground,. He disrupted all of Fola's powers, causing the electricity and the flames to disappear.
How can I stop Fola from hurting anyone without hurting him? Well if I do hurt him I could always heal him afterwards, surely hurting him isn't as bad as killing him or letting him kill anyone else. I should see if anyone needs help first. Colin nodded to himself and looked over at Jackie and because of his injury perception he saw that all of her Brain signals were reversed, he assumed this was because of Fola overloading her brain in a certain way. Colin quickly ran over to her and tapped her with his staff, healing her and making her able to move normally again.

@Light @CelticSol @LokiofSP @Daimao
GingerBread said:

"I was only serious if you were. So yes, I am serious" Vance smiled back at at Luna, not saying a word as he thought about what he wanted to do now that he was sure that Luna wanted to have children with him. "I just wanted to make sure you were serious with having a child with me, a mortal or human. I'm not sure if there's a difference between them. Because if you were serious, which you are, It means I'll have to go do something later. But it's not too important, I'll find sometime to do it in my busy schedule"



Colin opened his eyes as he heard Illyana's voice. The moment he did however he instantly regretted it as he saw he was inside of the temple. "P-Please. I-I don't want to b-be in here. I-I don't want to e-even be near that O-Orb. I-It brings back too many bad m-memories. J-Just let me wait outside. I-I'm sure it's not too late for me t-to go back" Colin winced as he heard another voice, who he could only assume was Christina. "O-Or maybe it is..."

@Embaga Elder @LokiofSP @Light @CelticSol @Daimao


"Fola... Fo-la" Maya though for a moment on Fola's name, testing out how it sounded when she said it. "That's a cooler name than Frank! You must have the best parents to give you such a cool name! I wish I had a name as cool as yours" Maya started looking around the temple as they walked into it, once again being sent into awe at the scenery. "These places are so cool! I want to live in a place like this. Can you get me one Best friend?!"



Aedus frowned at what Ent said, not liking how opposed he was to trusting people. "S-So if you could trust me, why can't you t-trust other people E-Ent?" Aedus smiled at Ent, hoping that since Ent had a less than nice opinion in the beginning he could use that as a reason to get him to trust other people.

"You have not tried to kil-Because I love you. Now shut up and stop questioning me." he fearlessly commanded Aedus, remembering when Aedus tried to kill him for making him fight the dead. That memory still haunts him sometimes, only now because of how angry and upset Aedus was, he never wanted to see Aedus like that again.

Aedus frowned when Ent told him to shut up. "Okay..." He glanced around aimlessly, unsure of what to talk about now. "So, what do you want to do now E-Ent? I-I've still got this fish" Aedus lifted up the bag slightly and smiled at Ent before gingerly reaching for Ent's hand. "I-I don't think the guild has anything for us to do right now anyway"

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Lighthouse8477 said:
Looking at her with a raised dragon eyebrow Draco asks, "Your really blaming a natural disaster on me just after I save your life?" He snorted then stated, "If I hadn't thrown myself over you this beam on my back would have crushed you and you want me gone because of an earthquake!" He snorted again. Ridiculous. Plain ridiculous.
"I would have been fine. I don't need saving nor do I need your heroic deeds. Earthquakes don't happen here but suddenly one occurs when you arrive. So you're to blame. Leave. Now." Angelica was shifting through the rubble to find her stuff.

"Okay." Grimm begins to go faster, passing Renshi by at a swift speed. Grimm ends up landing on the bridge of the guild, waiting for him to catch up.

GingerBread said:
Maya watched Morgan take her go with a look of confusion on her face. Maya then frowned up at Morgan. "Hey! That's cheating, you're meant to go down the snakes. Not up!" Maya grabbed Morgan's piece and moved it back down the snake.

"No. Snakes are cool so in this game snakes move you up and ladders move you down." Morgan moves her piece back up. "Your turn."
GingerBread said:
Aedus frowned when Ent told him to shut up. "Okay..." He glanced around aimlessly, unsure of what to talk about now. "So, what do you want to do now E-Ent? I-I've still got this fish" Aedus lifted up the bag slightly and smiled at Ent before gingerly reaching for Ent's hand. "I-I don't think the guild has anything for us to do right now anyway"

Ent purred when Aedus mentioned fish "We should have a feast. How much did we get?" Ent asked, still with a slight purr in in his voice. He started to gently rub the top of Aedus's head.

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"That's cheating" Maya crossed her arms and pouted, intending to stop playing the game if Morgan was going to cheat. She then remembered that if she didn't play her best friend could be hurt. Maya begrudgingly picked up the dice and rolled it, getting a six. She picked up her piece and moved it, hitting a snake and going up two rows.



"We got two fish, Salmon and cod." Aedus smiled up at Ent, not minding that he had gotten nothing for himself as he was used to just getting fish for Ent anyway. "But I-I wouldn't be eating any. I-I don't eat fish, I'm a vegetarian remember E-Ent" Aedus moved closer to Ent and reached up to scratch behind his ears.

Ent rolled his eyes when Aedus said that he could not eat the fish. "Fine, what ever." He then looked down at Aedus with a smile, still rubbing his head slightly. "Where do you want to go to cook the food?" He asked.

"I would have been fine. I don't need saving nor do I need your heroic deeds. Earthquakes don't happen here but suddenly one occurs when you arrive. So you're to blame. Leave. Now." Angelica was shifting through the rubble to find her stuff.
Looking at her Draco snorted then changed into a human. He twirled and spoke some words. Suddenly the rubble lifted and all the broken dishes came back together and the beam went back into the ceiling. The house had been exactly like it was before the earth quake. Silently Draco went outside and stopped he called, "Um Angelica you might want to see this. I think I know what caused the earthquake and it wasn't me." He was staring at an army of black soldiers marching towards them. They seemed unaffected by the earthquake although a few of their ranks were on the ground. Most were moving towards the city. Draco changed into a dragon then. He cracked his neck and looked at Angelica and stated, "You need to stop being so stubborn and listen to me. Earthquakes are caused by chance! Not by me you...never mind. You really need to stop be so reclusive like me and be kind for once. And sorry if the truth hurts!" He then took off into the sky.
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Was shocked how fast his father took off, taking a full lead, and reaching the guild before him. Shortly after grim made it, Renshi made it to the bridge and descended onto the bridge. The guild hall was enormous. Renshi was in complete ah. He couldn't even say a word.


The longer the two stayed in the illusion, the more they realized that it wasn't real. Whatever they were seeing couldn't be real. They hope that at least knowing that their in an illusion with free them, since they have no abilities to free themselves.


(this was over due)

Realizing that he was hurting his friends and other guild members, he tries fighting back the possession. Starting off with his toes then his feet, moving forward, one foot at a time. One in front of the other. He tried turning his head towards Colin and using the mind orb to force him to remove the power negation he has on the group.

If all this was completed Inaro would try to flick his head sending Christina back with a TK blast, then flick his rest cutting her body up with telekinesis. @Light @GingerBread @CelticSol @Daimao
A bright yellow light flew in front of Grimm and Renshi. A woman was laying in front of them, and she seemed to be out cold. Her blondish hair messily spread out around her. A robotic voice said "System Reboot Initiated". As it did a flurry of hexagons flew across Her body, and they seemed to go into her skin. "Systems Online. Executing Code-name MERCY/Hannah." And with the last few words the girl's eyes fluttered open, her eyes quickly taking in her surroundings.


@Embaga Elder
Arwyn narrowed her eyes and shook her head in disappointment when Clyde agreed with his mother (which was quite understandable, but don't tell Arwyn that.) The dragonknight opened her mouth to say something but was interrupted when Abyssum hooked onto her arm. "No, no... there is no need for a celebration... hey!" She gave one last half-hearted glare towards Clyde before she was dragged off by the child.

When she was asked about her preferred garb, Arwyn gave Abyssum a queer look. "I prefer my armor..."

An unexpected smile appeared on her face whenever she could once again feel Syrax's presence. Unfortunately her dragon was not as happy as she.

Syrax growled and looked around the throne room.
"Where is she?" he growled in draconic.

GingerBread said:

"That's cheating" Maya crossed her arms and pouted, intending to stop playing the game if Morgan was going to cheat. She then remembered that if she didn't play her best friend could be hurt. Maya begrudgingly picked up the dice and rolled it, getting a six. She picked up her piece and moved it, hitting a snake and going up two rows.

Morgan rolls a one and has a real snake appear on the board, shooting her piece up ahead of Maya. "Your turn."

Lighthouse8477 said:
Looking at her Draco snorted then changed into a human. He twirled and spoke some words. Suddenly the rubble lifted and all the broken dishes came back together and the beam went back into the ceiling. The house had been exactly like it was before the earth quake. Silently Draco went outside and stopped he called, "Um Angelica you might want to see this. I think I know what caused the earthquake and it wasn't me." He was staring at an army of black soldiers marching towards them. They seemed unaffected by the earthquake although a few of their ranks were on the ground. Most were moving towards the city. Draco changed into a dragon then. He cracked his neck and looked at Angelica and stated, "You need to stop being so stubborn and listen to me. Earthquakes are caused by chance! Not by me you...never mind. You really need to stop be so reclusive like me and be kind for once. And sorry if the truth hurts!" He then took off into the sky.
Angelica collects all of the precious memories her family and brother have left behind in this house and has her dragon wings sprout from her back. She flies off and disappears.

Grimm screams and pulls out a pistol, pointing it at her and shooting at her. All 12 shots miss due to his terrible aiming. "It's the robotic invasion! She's here to kill us! Somebody help us! She's trying to take my son!"

( @CelticSol @LokiofSP @GingerBread @Daimao )

( ! ) Christina's body erupts in ghost lights while it's being cut up, feeding her all the life force that she's absorbed. This life force heals her and keeps her intact and alive. Christina summons several spirits and ties them to Inaro's soul. Making sure he was constantly infested with other spirits in his soul. Whether or not she'd have the spirits devour his soul, take his body permanently, or self destruct was up to her at any given moment. These spirits lock his body up once more. If Inaro even tried to remove them or if anyone other than Christina tries to as ell Inaro'a soul would be removed and obliterated. Christina sets both Cole and Crimson on fire with ghost lights, draining their souls while they can't move. If Crimson were to be killed by this it would be permanent since all things within existence has a soul, even a concept. Once the soul is gone, the being is as well. This was Christina's aim.

( No death threat here, relax. )

Christina opens her mouth and begins to pull in and devour the oxygen atoms in the area, replicating a black hole with her mouth. Everyone but Morgan and Maya was pulled into her mouth, distorting as they went in like you would going into a black hole. They end up in her infinite stomach, which was like a realm in term of size to them. It was all just soft ground underneath their feet with knee high liquid. The rest of the scenery around them was just darkness. Christina wasn't digesting them since she could manipulate exactly when and what she digests. Fola was released from the possession.

Juju said:
Arwyn narrowed her eyes and shook her head in disappointment when Clyde agreed with his mother (which was quite understandable, but don't tell Arwyn that.) The dragonknight opened her mouth to say something but was interrupted when Abyssum hooked onto her arm. "No, no... there is no need for a celebration... hey!" She gave one last half-hearted glare towards Clyde before she was dragged off by the child.
When she was asked about her preferred garb, Arwyn gave Abyssum a queer look. "I prefer my armor..."

An unexpected smile appeared on her face whenever she could once again feel Syrax's presence. Unfortunately her dragon was not as happy as she.

Syrax growled and looked around the throne room.
"Where is she?" he growled in draconic.

Abyssum blinks at her response. "No. Party clothes." She swipes her arm and a cresent of darkness appears, perfectly missing Hottie in a sense. It only cut her armor, causing it to fall off. "Hottie you have to wear parry clothes. My mom won't stop until you party."

"She's getting ready for a party." Miserae takes a break from blowing up a balloon. "Oh. I need to tell you something since you're here." That's when Miserae began to tell Syrax about the plan.
Silently Draco sighs. He looks at the army then closes his eyes. When he opens them the soldiers are gone! What? He lands and looks around. Impossible. He walks back to Angelica's house. Fine in perfect condition? What was going on. He turned human then stated, "Okay Draco keep it together their has to be a logical explanation for this think. I wish I had my father."

"You called?" Draco spun to his father who was dead. Quickly Draco ran his hand through his father. It went right through. An image! An illusion. He had the power to do Illusions? This was new. He had created the earthquake without knowing it. Made an illusion but why had that beam felt so heavy? maybe he could turn his illusions solid and unsolid. But how to control it? He had literally ruined any chance with Angelica whatsoever permanently. He sighed then stated, "I need help to master this new ability. But who can help? Grimm!" Draco shouted the last word he never wanted to accidentally use this power again.

(Okay I am adding Making Illusions to Draco's Powers's list under new found ability. Do I have to change that on my original character sign up sheet?)
Hannah smiled as she stood her hand shooting out and plugging the pistol with her pointer finger. "No Violent interaction is needed, I am a peacekeeper. "She said, her robotic voice not very apparent but her speech just screamed ROBOT! She Grabbed Grimm's hand and he felt a warm sensation go up his spine. This was her strange power, and even though it may not be very strong on Grimm, it still would be felt. Hannah just smiled at Grimm, her Yellow eyes analyzing his pulse, and other medical conditions. "Please remain calm, My Handheld healing device will be arriving shortly."

@Light @Embaga Elder
Lighthouse8477 said:
Silently Draco sighs. He looks at the army then closes his eyes. When he opens them the soldiers are gone! What? He lands and looks around. Impossible. He walks back to Angelica's house. Fine in perfect condition? What was going on. He turned human then stated, "Okay Draco keep it together their has to be a logical explanation for this think. I wish I had my father."
"You called?" Draco spun to his father who was dead. Quickly Draco ran his hand through his father. It went right through. An image! An illusion. He had the power to do Illusions? This was new. He had created the earthquake without knowing it. Made an illusion but why had that beam felt so heavy? maybe he could turn his illusions solid and unsolid. But how to control it? He had literally ruined any chance with Angelica whatsoever permanently. He sighed then stated, "I need help to master this new ability. But who can help? Grimm!" Draco shouted the last word he never wanted to accidentally use this power again.

(Okay I am adding Making Illusions to Draco's Powers's list under new found ability. Do I have to change that on my original character sign up sheet?)
Grimm appears in a clown outfit, juggling mice. "You called?" Grimm was previously performing at a circus.

Grimm screams once more at her swift movements and the feeling in his spine, turning into a cotton candy cloud. He tries to float away, only moving 3 MPH. "RUN!" He begins to strike her with laffy taffy, which were thunderbolts in his case.
Grimm appears in a clown outfit, juggling mice. "You called?" Grimm was previously performing at a circus.
Silently Draco looked at Grimm and stated, "I scared Angelica away with something I didn't know I had. I can create illusions watch." He held out his hands and exact replica of Grimm appeared in the same cotton candy fashion. He looked at Grimm as he stated, "I caused and earthquake and an entire black army from Illusions without knowing it! Also chasing Angelica away I'll find her later right now I need training on how to control this because." He vanished and continued speaking, "I can't control." He reappeared with a horse head and snorted then changed back to normal panting. "Can you help?"
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Hannah just cocked her head slightly as her sensors analyzed that the substance was edible. "Are these edible tears?" She asked as she grabbed some and ate it. "Interesting. Please do not resist my care." A Glowing Staff collided into the ground net to her, and caused a small electromagnetic pulse.


@Embaga Elder
Light said:
Grimm screams and pulls out a pistol, pointing it at her and shooting at her. All 12 shots miss due to his terrible aiming. "It's the robotic invasion! She's here to kill us! Somebody help us! She's trying to take my son!"
Light said:
Grimm screams once more at her swift movements and the feeling in his spine, turning into a cotton candy cloud. He tries to float away, only moving 3 MPH. "RUN!" He begins to strike her with laffy taffy, which were thunderbolts in his case.
Renshi laughed out loud as his father over reacted and fired pistol rounds towards the girl, missing each and everyone shot. He bends over trying to catch his breath, and wiping the tears that were coming from his eyes. Wow and here, I am thinking that you're a way better shot. He said still laughing a bit. He soon recovered and looked at the female robot. Watching as she touched him which caused Grimm to turn into a candy cloud and float away. It's funny because he was only motion at nice 3mph. Renshi decides to join in on the joke and turns himself into a ball of lightning and floats away at the same pace as Grimm. Run dad before she gets you!!


Vance was getting bored in his darkness realm, doing pretty much nothing.
How long does it take these people to get through a temple? I bet they're stuck on a question like "what are the thing you are trying to get called?" Fucking idiots. I guess if you want someone done well you either have to fucking oversee it, or do it yourself Vance shook his head and started throwing daggers and then creating walls of darkness for them to hit.


"We could go to the Guild E-Ent. I-I think all the members also have rooms there, s-so we might have some rooms as well" Aedus smiled at Ent and started walking in the direction of the guild, dragging Ent along with him.



Maya frowned at Morgan's blatant cheating. She then imagined how funny it would be if underneath the snake was a ladder that sent her all the way back down to the first square. Maya feeling slightly unnerved by the snake, had some cookies appear and held one in front of the snake before throwing it away, causing the snake to sliver off of the board. When it left the board a ladder was clearly present where the snake had been, leading Morgan's piece to the first square.

"Yay! See cheaters never win"
Maya stuck her tongue out at Morgan before picking up her piece and moving it down the ladder. Maya picked up the dice and rolled, getting a five and moving up a snake to the last row; 4 spaces from winning.



Colin started panicking slightly as he was pulled into Christina's stomach. Colin tapped his staff into the fleshy ground and had it rise up above everyone, stopping them from being in the liquid even slightly.
Am I inside of her body? I could seriously hurt her if I am... But that could end up trapping me in here, or killing me. I should wait, just in case. If there's no other option, I guess I'll have to...

@CelticSol @LokiofSP @GingerBread @Daimao @Embaga Elder @Light
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