Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

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"Not sure? I guess we could try." Ent raised his hand that had the guild symbol on it and he started to inspected it. "Seems stupid. It's not like saying something like 'teleport me to the guild hall' would wor-" Mid way through what Ent was saying he was teleported to the guild hall. "k or anything, that would be stupid." Ent slowed down as he was talking and looked around "What the fuck just happened? Aedus? AEDUS?" Ent looked around the guild hall, starting to become annoyed. "Someone better tell me what just happened!" he angrily shouted.

@GingerBread @anyone in the hall
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Jerry wasn't able to dodge that attack, as he took damage that burned a bit of his clothes, he then commented "Oh now, things are about to get serious", as Jerry fires a flaming pumpkin at the being. @Light
Light said:
Luna sighs and looks down at her cup, her frown becoming apparent. "Your magic eye huh? I hope it doesn't betray you....betrayal isn't that nice of a feeling." Luna glances at Vance, deciding that she should speak up. "It's just the nightmare....just thinking about it." Luna scoots over to Vance and rests her head on his shoulder. "I don't know....I don't know what I want or what I'd like to do. I've lost my power...my status...my child....and my place in Olympus."
Paulie looks towards Ricardo, the type immediately start to fight. Isabel runs towards Fola and summons a birth scythe, swinging it at him while she summons the blade of fate, time, and space in her free hand, turning the chainsaw on. "Aye! Two inch! Another minute has passed, and your parents will find out about you. Oops. Did I mention your parents in front of your girlfriend? You haven't told her about them yet have you? How could you? What type of boyfriend are you? I'm sure she's told you about all of her secrets." He waves his staff and finally beats Paulie, all the circles floating behind his head had flickered out and his staff had fallen before Fola. Ricardo tenses up when he sees his fallen friends staff drop before him.

( ! ) To their left, the being Jackie is on top of merely stands up even with everything holding him down. The corruption doesn't even bother the being. "Miserae says hello Sanctum." The being raises it's hand and grabs Jackie by her head, palming it and holding her above the ground. In a flash the being flings Jackie into a wall, appearing there as well to smash a hammer of primordial light into her face, purifying her slowly as it begins to stay there and crush her skull, holding her above the ground still. Each nerve and cell within Jackie'a body were slowly severing. "You're sick. You're disgusting. You walk amongst the pure sheep wearing a vile sheep suit....an abomination is more beautiful in the eyes of the pure. All you do is corrupt because your very existence is a pitiful pestilence." The being looks towards Alpha. "I pity you...that's why I must free you from the grasp of the spawn Satan himself discarded in disgust. Do you even know of her life? All she does is live a life of anarchy! Her mother!" Each time he mentions someone they end up being ressurected before Jackie. "Her father! Her friends! Her friend in the car crash. Her previous lover. Everyone whom has died because of her and those she has killed! You were most likely next." The being turns back to Jackie. "I will smite you." The being waves it's hands and erases her ability to use powers even from Sanctum. "I will purify this world." Runes to encase even her soul afterwards appear as well. "Then to make sure nothing like this happens. I will eliminate the very leftover trace of your existence. You have no shame. Even now....you refuse to repent and hide behind your sins. You haven't even told him at all and I know it." The being gestures to Alpha. "Now you shall die, harbouring those very sins within the thick mucus that is your soul."
Alpha's eyes narrow at the being's words and actions, flaming with hellish fury. However, before he can do something drastic, he suddenly shifts, Delta taking over. "Blah blah blah," she says, her hand imitating a mouth that was blabbing away. "She killed a bunch of people and everyone she's been close to has died," she repeated, mocking the being. "Who gives a FUCK?!? BECAUSE ALPHA SURE AS HELL FUCKING DOESN'T!" She shakes her head. "She is his sole reason for life. He doesn't give a flying shit what she's done, who she's killed, or who's died because of her. SO DON'T YOU DARE FUCKING SAY THAT YOU FUCKING PITY US, YOU PRETENTIOUS PIECE OF SHIT!" She yelled, finger pointed at the being. "I CAN TELL AT A GLANCE THAT YOU'RE NOT ONLY A SHIT EATER, BUT YOU'RE A SHIT EATER WHO WAS NEVER TOLD TO BELIEVE IN HIMSELF! MAYBE IF YOU GREW A FUCKING PAIR OF BALLS YOU WOULDN'T BE A COMPLETELY WORTHLESS SHIT STAIN! EVERY BREATH YOU TAKE IS A STUNNING ENDORSEMENT OF ABORTION! YOU ARE A STUNNING MASTERPIECE OF USELESSNESS! I HAVE HALF A MIND TO SHOVE MY FOOT SO HARD AND FAST UP YOUR ASSHOLE THAT IT WOULD TRIGGER A GEOLOGICAL EVENT, BUT I DON'T WANT TO WASTE THE EFFORT ON A FUCKNUGGET LIKE YOURSELF!" Delta then turned her sights to Jackie, a maelstrom of magical energy whipping up around her. "And YOU! JACQUELINE SAPIENTI! YOU THINK THAT YOU DON'T DESERVE ALPHA'S LOVE! AND YOU KNOW WHAT? AFTER YOUR PITIFUL DISPLAY, IM STARTING TO AGREE WITH YOU! BUT THAT DOESN'T FUCKING MATTER, BECAUSE IT'S NOT UP TO YOU OR ME! IT'S UP TO ALPHA! YOU THINK THAT YOU'VE DONE HORRIBLE THINGS IN YOUR LIFE? WELL FUCKING WOMAN UP, BECAUSE WE'VE DONE THOUSANDS OF MORE HORRIBLE THINGS IN OUR LIFE! AND ALPHA ALONE WILL DO A TRILLION MORE IF YOU GET KILLED! SO YOU BETTER GET THE FUCK OFF THAT ASS OF YOURS AND DESTROY THIS MOTHERFUCKER, OR I'LL RIP OUT YOUR SHRIVELED UP OVARIES, PUT THEM WHERE YOUR EYES SHOULD BE, PUT A SOMBRERO ON YOUR HEAD, AND BEAT YOU LIKE A FUCKING PIÑATA!" Her rant done, Delta glares at Jackie and the being, her ice blue eyes radiating pure malice at the both of them.




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metalcity said:
"Not sure? I guess we could try." Ent raised his hand that had the guild symbol on it and he started to inspected it. "Seems stupid. It's not like saying something like 'teleport me to the guild hall' would wor-" Mid way through what Ent was saying he was teleported to the guild hall. "k or anything, that would be stupid." Ent slowed down as he was talking and looked around "What the fuck just happened? Aedus? AEDUS?" Ent looked around the guild hall, starting to become annoyed. "Someone better tell me what just happened!" he angrily shouted.
@GingerBread @anyone in the hall
Aedsu started worrying again when Ent disappeared mid sentence. "E-Ent!? I-Is something e-else fighting you?" Aedus hoped he managed to teleport to the guild. He closed his eyes and thought about himself teleporting to the guild. When he opened his eyes he found himself in another part of the guild separate to Ent. "E-Ent!?"

Light said:
"That sounds....nice." Luna closes her eyes, trying to envision a world...a world without Apollo.
"Yeah, I'm sure it does." Vance smiled at Luna and leaned backwards, letting his head tilt towards the 'roof' of the darkness realm. I've absolutely no idea how I'm going to do it, but I'll find a way. I always do, though I'm sure one day my luck will run out. Hopefully it's not soon Vance lightly shook his head. "So is there anything you want to do Luna? With or without me?"
Before Arwyn could even think of an answer to Syrax's question, the milky mists that had surrounded the two receded and she found herself staring at a completely different location. A distant rumbling could be heard from the ring of falling water as it cascaded in a shimmering wall and then down out of sight. It was oddly peaceful.

A low hiss from Syrax brought her attention to the two mysterious beings that were suspended mid air, the water drifting from their forms feeding the ever-flowing rush of the waterfall

"What is this place?" Arwyn found herself saying aloud while she gazed about her.

"A similar realm with similar beings." Syrax responded with a flick of his tail. "Stay on your guard"

It was all too easy for her hand to grasp for the hilt of her sword as the same being that had once tryed to kill her now approached her. Still, she stayed her hand when she saw that the creature did not have the same threatening stance it had previously.

She accepted the being's apology with an inclination of her head. "You fought well and with honor. You were doing your duty." she said. She glanced up at the two beings and nodded in understanding when he mentioned that they would keep their silence.

A hint of a smile appeared on her face when the being asked about their well being, which caused the wyvern beside her to snort loudly.

"Besides almost being shortened by a head, Syrax and I have had worse." when the dragon spoke something in her head she added. "My companion here wants to know what you meant by "what is to come"."

@Light (gtg to bed now. See ya)
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When Isabel had swung her birth scythe, Fola made a desperate grab at his scythe to block the birth scythe, but his block was weak and it was once again pushed to the side. He then brought up his own sword, in sheath, and attempted to block Sunset with it, only for the other sword to slash through his E-bay purchase, pinning him in the arm. He tripped over himself to get away only to find time and space in his gut.

He coughed up a bit of blood after that action and gripped the blade by it's, well...Blade and attempted to move it from his stomach. He then noticed the staff and grabbed it, holding it tight to his chest as he spoke as best he could despite the blade in his stomach. He looked Isabel in the eyes, "Bell...Please...Calm down..." He craned his neck to look at Ricardo, "Hey! If you don't let her go, I'm going to find out what this does! Fucking test me!"

@Light @Daimao @CelticSol
"What? Why? But first, is there anywhere other than here? I hate the cold, and caves." She said shuffling over to the entrance, almost like a dance. She span her scythes around, the air around her warming at the scythes almost living heat. Her tail twitched slightly, and her ears perked. She could hear the snow storm outside calming down.

GingerBread said:
"Yeah, I'm sure it does." Vance smiled at Luna and leaned backwards, letting his head tilt towards the 'roof' of the darkness realm. I've absolutely no idea how I'm going to do it, but I'll find a way. I always do, though I'm sure one day my luck will run out. Hopefully it's not soon Vance lightly shook his head. "So is there anything you want to do Luna? With or without me?"
"I just want to relax here....I hope you don't mind." Luna gets comfortable to rest in Vance.

CelticSol said:
A portal opens within a couple feet of Jackie and the being, and a creature easily 10 feet tall barrels out and slams into the being, claws grasping around it and throwing it hard to the side, forcing it to release Jackie. Jackie drops with a sharp gasp, the pain from the hammer suddenly dropping as she's released. She doesn't get up from her hands and knees, simply staring at her hands, everything around her very far away. He's... right. Even if she tries to value what she knows Alpha feels over what this being has said, there would still be undeniable truth to it's words. She couldn't protect any of them; her parents, her brothers, Hannah, Andrew-
"Very sad, isn't it?" Phantom hands plant themselves on her shoulders, a voice at her ear sending a shiver down her spine, "Look at them all, Jackie," A hand a part of her knows isn't actually there lifts her chin, and she can hear the smile in Sovereign's voice as she regards every face she's ever failed, standing there as if they'd never actually died, "They trusted you, Jackie. They loved you, like you had loved them," He chuckles in her ear as his tone turns to a croon that turns her blood to ice, "And it killed them all. Your family to fire, and your little lover and your little friend to the demon within you. What will claim Alpha? Any guesses? My money's on him dying by you. I mean, hasn't he already? You've always hurt him so deeply, Jackie - how long until you go too far?" The faces change - Andrew, the exit wound of a bullet through the middle of his forehead with blood flowing from the wound, his eyes, his mouth, his nose; her mother and father burn to ash before her, their skin charring black as they look emptily at her; her brothers, Josh, riddled with bullets and burned, Paul, burned and scarred; Hannah, a split across her face-


Jackie's head snaps over to Delta, the hallucination falling from her mind like shattered glass, Delta's shout having sharpened her focus into a point and banished the haze from her mind. Throughout the entire rant, Jackie's eyes progressively grow wider, and by the end, Jackie all but scrambles to her feet, having been briefly reminded of her mother's fury when she and her brother had snuck out to a party in their teens, and she squeaks out a quick, automatic, "Yes, ma'am!"

Like a flood gate, Sanctum and his power reenters her mind, Damn him, damn Miserae, He snarls, his voice somewhat distant in her mind, I give you my power, now kill him, Jackie. KILL HIM!

Scowling at the demon, tendrils slowly grow from her back, spreading out around her. She glares evenly at it, the beast faltering it's attack on it in order for Jackie to take it's place, "I've made a lot of mistakes in my life, I will admit that. I will admit to every sin you can tell me I've committed, because there are a lot of things I've done that I regret, but there's nothing I can do now to fix them except try and do better by them. And I have. I have this guild, who strives to help people, and I use a power that's meant to destroy to help the world around me. I have Isabel, who means the world to me, who brought me out of my darkest moments even when she had to drag me out kicking and screaming, and," She hesitates, her eyes landing briefly on Delta, before they shift back to the being, "I have Beta, Gamma, Delta, and Alpha, who are all important to me in one way or another; Delta, who is quickly becoming the big sister I never had but probably needed; Gamma and Beta, who are like the brothers that I've lost along the way; and Alpha... The one I love, the one I care the most about, my best friend and the love of my life, who makes me want to be a better person every day so that I can feel like I've done enough good to deserve someone like him," Her eyes turn sharp, "And you are not taking me away from that, you self-righteous motherfucker," She holds her arms out wide in open challenge, eyes glowing, "Come at me, you punk bitch."
LokiofSP said:
When Isabel had swung her birth scythe, Fola made a desperate grab at his scythe to block the birth scythe, but his block was weak and it was once again pushed to the side. He then brought up his own sword, in sheath, and attempted to block Sunset with it, only for the other sword to slash through his E-bay purchase, pinning him in the arm. He tripped over himself to get away only to find time and space in his gut.
He coughed up a bit of blood after that action and gripped the blade by it's, well...Blade and attempted to move it from his stomach. He then noticed the staff and grabbed it, holding it tight to his chest as he spoke as best he could despite the blade in his stomach. He looked Isabel in the eyes, "Bell...Please...Calm down..." He craned his neck to look at Ricardo, "Hey! If you don't let her go, I'm going to find out what this does! Fucking test me!"

@Light @Daimao @CelticSol
The being was about to smite both Jackie and the being whom assisted her but he ends up dispersing. The being ends up back in the Abyssal Realm.

( This is what you were up against. )

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/Screenshot_2016-03-14-19-47-21.png.ad150e7011d39add14567adab736857b.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="112084" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/Screenshot_2016-03-14-19-47-21.png.ad150e7011d39add14567adab736857b.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Once Fola makes contact with Isabels weapons things end up changing. Instead of the blade being in Fola's gut, it was in Fola's hands inside of Isabella's gut, the chainsaw shredding her insides apart. Isabel begins to cough up blood as she screams, slumping over the blade which began to cut into her palms as she does so. "You've won. Wow....I would have expected you to try and open up about your past as I kept pointing out to solve the problem. This is goodbye....for now." The being reverses and heals all things done to Fola and the planet except for the parents. The being disperses and dies, ending up in the Abyssal Realm. Isabel was dying though as a last effort she sends her existence to her personal Anti-God zone. Though in Fola'a eyes, Isabel suffocates on her own blood and disperses. All that was left in Fola's hands was her black barrette. Her weapons disappear yet the guild symbol is still active and alive. Black barrette and staff in hand, Fola was suddenly taken to a different location.

( This is what you were up against. )

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/Screenshot_2016-03-14-20-04-19.png.2bd2557a8f3e8bd580233ae2310dbcfe.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="112097" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/Screenshot_2016-03-14-20-04-19.png.2bd2557a8f3e8bd580233ae2310dbcfe.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Juju said:
Before Arwyn could even think of an answer to Syrax's question, the milky mists that had surrounded the two receded and she found herself staring at a completely different location. A distant rumbling could be heard from the ring of falling water as it cascaded in a shimmering wall and then down out of sight. It was oddly peaceful.
A low hiss from Syrax brought her attention to the two mysterious beings that were suspended mid air, the water drifting from their forms feeding the ever-flowing rush of the waterfall

"What is this place?" Arwyn found herself saying aloud while she gazed about her.

"A similar realm with similar beings." Syrax responded with a flick of his tail. "Stay on your guard"

It was all too easy for her hand to grasp for the hilt of her sword as the same being that had once tryed to kill her now approached her. Still, she stayed her hand when she saw that the creature did not have the same threatening stance it had previously.

She accepted the being's apology with an inclination of her head. "You fought well and with honor. You were doing your duty." she said. She glanced up at the two beings and nodded in understanding when he mentioned that they would keep their silence.

A hint of a smile appeared on her face when the being asked about their well being, which caused the wyvern beside her to snort loudly.

"Besides almost being shortened by a head, Syrax and I have had worse." when the dragon spoke something in her head she added. "My companion here wants to know what you meant by "what is to come"."

@Light (gtg to bed now. See ya)
The being goes silent...becoming still. "Your allies....Dragon's Roar. They all have had similar tests and are to come here for their final trial. This is the pit in which you shall all fight each trial from weakest to strongest one by one."

Grimm snaps his fingers and they both end up in the Sahara Desert. "Is this good?" Confetti bursts from behind Grimm. "So why are you hanging out today?"



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Light said:
Grimm snaps his fingers and they both end up in the Sahara Desert. "Is this good?" Confetti bursts from behind Grimm. "So why are you hanging out today?"
"I honestly have no idea, I don't remember much about anytime before today." She said, catching a piece of confetti, and eating it. She quickly realized the plastic shred was not food, and spat it out. "That looked tasty, but it wasn't tasty." She just really wanted to help someone right then. " I guess I want to help someone, I have a strong feeling about it."
OceanBunny said:
Kyoko giggled and shook her head. "Certainly not very friendly. It just seemed odd that everyone keeps disappearing and I'd never seen beings like those before. I hope not many people die." She frowned and looked around the place again.
Light said:
"That sounds....nice." Luna closes her eyes, trying to envision a world...a world without Apollo.
( @CelticSol @LokiofSP @Daimao @djinnamon @OceanBunny @Embaga Elder @MTchaos1134 @metalcity @Juju @CitrineGalaxite @Lotusy @Dreamtique @Fluffykitty9000 @Nova King @ShadowEntity @Austria @Yaoke Saint @GingerBread )

Arwyn and Syrax appear in a pit. They were deep inside of it with water running down the circular sides but there seemed to be a gap between the wall the water was running down and the platform they stood on so the water didn't fill it. The pit itself seemed to be two miles wide from each side. There were two floating beings above them, floating over the pit with the water originating from them.

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View attachment 249724

Everything seemed to be peaceful at the moment, nothing but running water. Arwyn and Syrax's being appears before them.

View attachment 249726

"I apologize for my previous actions and I apologize in advance for what's to come. For now though....we may talk before the....others arrive. They shall not utter a word about us meeting." The trial gestures upwards to the two water beings. "How are you two?" The being seemed kind, now that it wasn't ordered to harm them. This also seemed to be a locked away realm.

"What I mean iiiiss. Everyone in the world can see you!" Grimm begins to smile and dance. "So, how are you?"

( ! ) The being begins to absorb the fire, the ground below them begins to heat up. It's fire on its head in the bowl seemed to grow bigger. Though the bowl on its head seemed easy to knock off.

( He used up a reply. @LokiofSP @CelticSol )

( ! ) The being merely stares at Delta, raising his hand with a blank expression. The being flicks it's wrist down and nothing happens. The being puts his hand down and turns to Jackie, allowing the hammer to crush her even further and orders the ressurected to approach her and grab on to her, calling out to her and bringing up the times they suffered because of her to torment her as it was killing her. "I don't even think I could stomach you verbally repenting." Suddenly Delta is switched back into Alpha. If Alpha were to turn around he would see his trial standing behind him, waiting expectantly. The other being had silently summoned him through flicking it's wrist and this being just chose to stay unnoticed for a while.

View attachment 249732

Ricardo waves his staff and begins to make the staff floating before Fola levitate slowly towards him, trying to ease it away from Fola as Isabel appears behind Fola and jabs towards him with her blade. She had an obviously confused face about the whole past of Fola the being keeps bringing up but also a hurt expression since Fola has never told her, even through the mind control. The being begins to cackle, completely sure that Isabel was feeling deceived about the fact that Fola still hasn't told her about his past while she was losing his trust he filled her with.
Alpha turned around, noticing the being behind him. He then turned back around, waving the being off. "Go away."
"Hhhhhmmmmmm." Grimm appears on the bridge in front of Kyoko and in front of another Grimm clone. "Hhhheeyyy! Hello. Kyoko this is uuuuhhhhh. What's your name?'" The Grimm clone with Kyoko was the one speaking.

Daimao said:
Alpha turned around, noticing the being behind him. He then turned back around, waving the being off. "Go away."
The being back hands Alpha, knocking him down the bridge. The being appears where Alpha is and looks up, sending Alpha into the air. A pillar of holy aura blasts down upon Alpha, slamming him back down onto the bridge. The being banishes Alpha to the Underworld and appears there as well.
OceanBunny said:
Kyoko looked between the two Grimms curiously. "Isn't he you?" She asked the one who spoke.
"Yup!" Grimm nods his head. "Aren't you, you?" Grimm summons a death scythe and leans on it.
Light said:
"I just want to relax here....I hope you don't mind." Luna gets comfortable to rest in Vance.
"I mean I don't mind you staying here, This place is open to you at all times." Vance smiled at Luna, not really sure why she found his darkness realm appealing, but he didn't bother questioning it. "So, as much as I'm happy for you to stay here, don't you have a fiancé? I mean you told me you did before, shouldn't you want to go spend time with him or something? I'm not saying you have to, but I'd imagine he'd you'd be happier with him"
@OceanBunny[/URL] )

"Okay Jade! I welcome you to wherever the heck this place is....Oh it's the Dragon's Roar guild building. So what's up? You eyeing my scythe?"

GingerBread said:
"I mean I don't mind you staying here, This place is open to you at all times." Vance smiled at Luna, not really sure why she found his darkness realm appealing, but he didn't bother questioning it. "So, as much as I'm happy for you to stay here, don't you have a fiancé? I mean you told me you did before, shouldn't you want to go spend time with him or something? I'm not saying you have to, but I'd imagine he'd you'd be happier with him"
"Thank you." Luna smiles and enjoys the darkness realm, a place with no light. It was beautiful in its own right. The question about her fiancé does shock her a bit. "I wouldn't say that anymore. It's called off. Besides...I'm fine here. You treat me differently, Vance." Luna looks up at Vance, opening her eyes to take in his features. "Why are you being so nice to me though?"
Light said:
"Yup!" Grimm nods his head. "Aren't you, you?" Grimm summons a death scythe and leans on it.
[QUOTE="The Imperial Flame]Jade wasn't very sure what she was seeing. "My Name?" She said, her eyes enviously stared at his scythe. She snapped out of it and said "Jade."

Kyoko giggles at Grims response and nods before turning to the other girl. "Hi, I'm Kyoko, its nice to meet you." She smiled, ears twitching slightly.
Light said:
"Thank you." Luna smiles and enjoys the darkness realm, a place with no light. It was beautiful in its own right. The question about her fiancé does shock her a bit. "I wouldn't say that anymore. It's called off. Besides...I'm fine here. You treat me differently, Vance." Luna looks up at Vance, opening her eyes to take in his features. "Why are you being so nice to me though?"
"Oh, so you broke up with him? Fair enough" Vance does a half shrug, not wanting to shrug both his shoulder and push Luna off of him. "Why wouldn't I be nice to you? I'm nice to everyone, well everyone that earned my respect at least. But I'll treat everyone with some sort of respect or ignore them. Unless I have a reason to hate them" Vance smiled at Luna. "Why do you ask though? Would you rather I didn't treat you with respect? Believe it or not Luna, I actually like you. You're not a moron like most of the people I run into."
Light said:
"Hhhhhmmmmmm." Grimm appears on the bridge in front of Kyoko and in front of another Grimm clone. "Hhhheeyyy! Hello. Kyoko this is uuuuhhhhh. What's your name?'" The Grimm clone with Kyoko was the one speaking.
The being back hands Alpha, knocking him down the bridge. The being appears where Alpha is and looks up, sending Alpha into the air. A pillar of holy aura blasts down upon Alpha, slamming him back down onto the bridge. The being banishes Alpha to the Underworld and appears there as well.
Alpha simply layed on the ground of the underworld. "All I wanted was to go on a date with the woman I love, and then you and your friends had to show up and ruin everything," Alpha grumbled, standing up. "Well? What is it you want? You want to erase me from existence for sinning or whatever?" He asked, cracking his neck. "Let's just get this over with."
OceanBunny said:
Kyoko giggles at Grims response and nods before turning to the other girl. "Hi, I'm Kyoko, its nice to meet you." She smiled, ears twitching slightly.
( @The Imperial Flame )

The Grimm clone that came with Jade gets an exciting idea. "Kyoko! Oh Kyoko! You should make me become a magical girl!"

GingerBread said:
"Oh, so you broke up with him? Fair enough" Vance does a half shrug, not wanting to shrug both his shoulder and push Luna off of him. "Why wouldn't I be nice to you? I'm nice to everyone, well everyone that earned my respect at least. But I'll treat everyone with some sort of respect or ignore them. Unless I have a reason to hate them" Vance smiled at Luna. "Why do you ask though? Would you rather I didn't treat you with respect? Believe it or not Luna, I actually like you. You're not a moron like most of the people I run into."
"No! It's fine....don't be disrespectful. It's just....this is new to me. Men actually treating me right is...just new to me. I like it though, this feeling." Luna scoots even closer to Vance. "You have a nice smile, you should do it more."

Daimao said:
Alpha simply layed on the ground of the underworld. "All I wanted was to go on a date with the woman I love, and then you and your friends had to show up and ruin everything," Alpha grumbled, standing up. "Well? What is it you want? You want to erase me from existence for sinning or whatever?" He asked, cracking his neck. "Let's just get this over with."
The being looks through its book and continues to read, continuing on from the last chapter it left off of. "Fail and I torture her before your eyes. That is all." Holy elements surround Alpha and invade his body, damaging Beta, Gamma, and Delta as well. Alpha's bones were littered in holy bombs as well as mythic slaying aura. Each thing Alpha did the the being didn't approve of meant an explosion would occur. The being wouldn't tell him this though. The being continues to read the book, internally sighing at the shitty character development of the main character.

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