Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
MTchaos1134 said:
Hearing the need for possible vengance,Raz uses his dimension to Hakeem."I felt you needed assistance,or vengance.what seems to be the problem?"he said floating in front of them.
Isabel flinches once Raz appears. "Why are you here? Actually please don't bring up vengeance, I don't know if that's a good thing to do in this situation."

GingerBread said:
"I just woke up, I figured I should wake you up first. But I'll go get some Tea now. Be back in like five or ten minutes" Vance used his darkness manipulation to teleport into the guild where he started making tea. While the kettle was boiling, Vance teleported to a bakery and got some cakes and then went to a corner shop and got some biscuits. Five minutes later Vance returned to the guild and poured the boiling water into a teapot. He then grabbed some tea bags, sugar and Milk, set them all on a tray.
Vance then brought it all down to the darkness realm and created a small table for him to place it down on. Vance then created three chairs, two of them were side by side and the other one was the opposite side of the table, Vance did this so Luna could sit next to him if she wanted to.
"Tea and cakes and some biscuits." Vance smiled at Luna as he began pouring her a cup of tea. "Sorry about the wait. I would get a light or something in here, but I'm pretty sure the realm wouldn't like that. I do always have the Light realm, if you'd prefer"
Luna was touching her heart but snaps out of it, standing up almost immediately. She sits down next to his own chair. "No light! Please...anything but the light. I'm fine."

[QUOTE="The Imperial Flame]Jade woke up in her battle attire, the area around her seemed to be a snowy ice land. Wow, of all places to wake up. She spotted a cave in the side of a cliff, and drew her scythes. She used the chain extensions to grapple up to the cave for shelter. Now to wait and see if anyone knows i am here. She sat down on a rock, and closed her eyes meditating.

"The worlast knows where you are." Grimm whispers in her ear from behind.
Light said:
"I'm Grimm! Your best friend!" The cloud stopage floating in circles. "Now? We wait and prepare for the worst that is to come. What do you remember about your trial?"
Luna nods her head which is still in his chest. "You have to wake me up first. Just...get me out of here."

Isabel thinks about it, maybe it could work and he might be happy if she accepted. "Well....I could become your mother."

Grimmavus's soul stops dancing around and enters his body. He drops down directly next to Layla and begins to participate in the snuggling.
MTchaos1134 said:
Hearing the need for possible vengance,Raz uses his dimension to Hakeem."I felt you needed assistance,or vengance.what seems to be the problem?"he said floating in front of them.
When Isabel accepted his wish, he smiled brightly and hugged her tight. He was about to speak, but then Raz showed up. Hakeem shakes his head. No vengeance is needed Raz. I'm not going down that path. Thanks anyway.
Ent smiled, his hand continued to move through Aedus's hair. He then stopped and just stroked his head instead "Lets go find the guild." Ent calmly said, continuing to hold Aedus to him. Not wanting to let him go.

Margaret who was imprisoned deep in the underworld called help for someone to rescue her, as she waited for hours and hours, she then sensed strong loneliness and despair upon Hakeem and so because her powers generate through death, tragedy and darkness, she then used her telepathy to communicate with Hakeem and told him "Please find Jerry, he is in trouble right now". @Embaga Elder
ShadowEntity said:
Margaret who was imprisoned deep in the underworld called help for someone to rescue her, as she waited for hours and hours, she then sensed strong loneliness and despair upon Hakeem and so because her powers generate through death, tragedy and darkness, she then used her telepathy to communicate with Hakeem and told him "Please find Jerry, he is in trouble right now". @Embaga Elder
( What about Jerry's reply? He has to beat it on his own. Hakeem can't even enter that locked away realm. )
ShadowEntity said:
When Jerry awoke, he saw a mystical being on which he sensed had a powerful force in it. Though because he isn't sure of what the creature could do, he fired a missile of candy bombs at it and so the attacks didn't work and so the mystical being charged up a powerful ball of light that almost hit him. Jerry then came up with a solution and so he transformed into his Jack O Lantern Mode and grew a hundreds of large plants that breath fire and as well combined its power with candy explosives. He successfully defeated it and returned back to the guild hall, as he sat down on the bench and slept.
( Seriously? Are you fucking kidding me? No. Just no. Fuck that. )
[QUOTE="Embaga Elder]When Isabel accepted his wish, he smiled brightly and hugged her tight. He was about to speak, but then Raz showed up. Hakeem shakes his head. No vengeance is needed Raz. I'm not going down that path. Thanks anyway.

Isabel smiles and hugs her new child back. "Um...is that all? Do you need me for anything right now? Mommy has to go on a date."
As Hakeem was hugging Isabel, he heard a female's voice in his head. The voice was unfamiliar to him. He didn't know who it was. Whoever this is, I can't help him. I must be up against the same type of being I went up against. He's on his own. We can only hope he makes it out alive. He releases Isabel and wipes his eyes. No I'm okay. I'm about to go train now. He puts on a smile and teleports away. @Light @ShadowEntity
(!) Fola looked at the approaching challeger and pinched the bridge of his nose "Every time, every fuckng time.. Okay whatever the hell you are, I'm kind of busy currently with arrangments and shit regarding the love of my life, as such, I don't have time for your bullshit. So let me try to make this as quick as possible..." He snapped his fingers, attempting to take the being's heart, if possible.

As Jerry awoke, he realized that he was no longer in the room, as there were questions circling him "Where am I? And how did I end up here?", as he turns around and notices a strange being, he then asks "Um... Hey dude, can you tell me where I am?", as Jerry felt nervous and tried to summon his scarecrow. He wasn't successful at summoning his scarecrow to get him and instead, he felt more nervous, as he stared at the creature and asked another question "Hey.... I tried summoning my ride a couple of times, so what do you want from me? This better be important".
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Light said:
Luna was touching her heart but snaps out of it, standing up almost immediately. She sits down next to his own chair. "No light! Please...anything but the light. I'm fine."
Vance nods and places the cup of tea in front of Luna, allowing her to add sugar and milk as she wanted. "So I just had a thought" Vance started pouring himself a cup of tea as he sat down in his seat next to Luna. "That thing reminds me of the sins. And when we killed the Sins we got powers. now I didn't get any powers from this thing but I didn't really kill it, it just left. But it was able to put you and me into a dream, so it could attack me. Now I'm thinking that if I kill it, I should be able to get the power to go in and out of your dreams, as well as wake you up" Vance smiled at Luna as he put a teaspoon of sugar and a splash of milk into his tea. "But I might not get that stuff from it, in which case, I'll demand it from Grimm. I guess I could ask for Layla to convince him to give it to me instead of helping me to kill, you know. But best case scenario, I'd get both" Vance smiled at Luna again as he took a sip of his tea.

metalcity said:
Ent smiled, his hand continued to move through Aedus's hair. He then stopped and just stroked his head instead "Lets go find the guild." Ent calmly said, continuing to hold Aedus to him. Not wanting to let him go.
Aedus gingerly moved himself away from Ent. Still wanting to stay close to him, Aedus grabbed Ent's hand and smiled up at him. "O-Okay, do you think the guild symbol that D-Death gave us will lead us to the guild E-Ent?"
Light said:
( ! ) The crows ended up being crushed through telekinesis. The being overrides his ability to manipulate his mind and opens it. His memories began to surround them like pictures. The being didn't answer the question and begins to build up a psionic explosion at the level of potentially decimating a city.
(Oh...my! Light you touched his memory! This will be interesting. But still I always like to left some mystery to be explored. D:)

"Take my body......"

"What are you waiting for? It is yours now...

But why? Why is he doing this? His eyes...those eyes...they are so......


"It's a twin. Congratulation, miss."

"Strange, this one is not crying...at all..."


I know I am different...the moment I am born. I...don't feel a thing...I can't.... feel what everybody are feeling, inside of me, I am empty......

I am empty......

"Why are you doing this Earl...you-you killed the rabbit......"

"It probably don't feel a thing."

"Why..do you have to be this cruel......"

"You are so irritating, Erebus! Quit crying!!!"

"Hey...where are you going!"

"Somewhere without you!!!!!!"

I ran away from him, I always do, I hate him, he is such a nuisance. I hate him. He had everything, friends...parents...I don't need all of them...but I don't like him taking away all of that from me...I wish he was gone for good......


I push him over and see him fell down, just to see his reaction. He is bleeding, but still smiling.

"It's okay...I can handle this......"

"Why aren't you angry? You forgive me just like that?"

He smiled and shook his head.

"Because you are my brother! Silly!"

I never really understand what he meant by that, I could only look into his eyes.

"Earl, please...listen to me for once! You..."

"Shut up!!!"

He had tears all over his face...I don't like it...I don't like it one bit.....

I punched him in the face...as hard as I could, I wanna made him feel the scorching pain on his face.......

"Earl! Don't...don't ...we only have each other now......Earl......"

With my hand soaked with the blood of my parents, I ran away...again...I ran away from him. I could still hear him sobbing like a baby, I ran faster and faster.

"I wouldn't let you go this time......"

I opened my "eyes", for the first time.

For the first time, I feel different...I can feel...I can feel it...

I can feel him......

I can feel the regrets...the pain...inside of me......

Finally...I can feel it...I can feel it all now......

I sat in the middle of a destroyed town, was this all because of me?

In front of me was his lifeless body, was it because of me?

Yes, it was all my fault......

Kid, your brother, he really loves you. He takes away the curse and sins from you. He gave up his free mind just to trade back yours. I am sorry, I couldn't do anything besides watching, fate had made a decision......

Guilt, the guilt inside of me is growing, I try anything I could to make up to him, to make up my past mistakes, but I knew all of that will never be enough. I will never be able to forgive myself, never......

I was not meant to live this life, I was not meant for it. He is the one who should live this life, not me.

I'll return what have to be returned.

"Take my body......"

"What are you waiting for? It is yours now...Erebus"


"E-Earl......" He kneeled down, sobbing. He couldn't utter a word besides his brother's name, now that he finally remember him.

Around him was a faint blue aura, seemingly forming a shield around him.


LokiofSP said:
(!) Fola looked at the approaching challeger and pinched the bridge of his nose "Every time, every fuckng time.. Okay whatever the hell you are, I'm kind of busy currently with arrangments and shit regarding the love of my life, as such, I don't have time for your bullshit. So let me try to make this as quick as possible..." He snapped his fingers, attempting to take the being's heart, if possible.

CelticSol said:
(You can't one shot an enemy without asking the person controlling them if that's acceptable. The fight is not over.)
"Bye Hakeem!" Isabel makes her way outside only to see a being simply shrug off Fola's attack and flick it's wrist, causing Fola's left knee cap to actually explode. "FOLA!" Isabel runs forwsrd, only to be blocked off by an unusual force field made to block off higher powers. The being turns to Fola. "Aye homes." The being speaks up with a deep voice. "You got a nice girl. Do you talk to her? I bet you do. You want her to know everything about your life. Girls I know love that. Man I just smashed my home boys girl last night. She was like, oooohhh. Ooohh! Ricardo! Oo- aw shit. Here he comes." A portal opens up and a being similar to him steps out.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/14f066b153984c242b4cdcedcb1a6274.jpg.21b3563bb5e78e21e8bb2047fcbb83e5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="111978" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/14f066b153984c242b4cdcedcb1a6274.jpg.21b3563bb5e78e21e8bb2047fcbb83e5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"Aaaaaaayyyyyyyyyeeeeeee! Paulie what's good?"

The being shakes it's head and shrugs. "Nothin', just got bored as hell in the Abyssal Realm. My girl seems way too happy though. What's up?"

"Yeah I bet she is. Nothin really dude, just messin with this punk bitch." The being makes it so that with each minute it takes Fola to beat him he loses an inch on his Peter as well as losing Isabel's trust.

"Wait...is he that one with the,parent issues? The one who got beat up by his parents? This dude? Nnnaaahhh...wait....ah....aha...ah!" The being fakes a sneeze and dabs on Fola. "Dabbed on yo shit punk bitch. Ricardo press this fool."

"Alright I gotchu. Aye, two inch. Each minute it takes to beat me the closer the Earth gets to the sun. Walk on that sunshine you fucking headass. Tryna be like. Ooohh I don't have time for this. Face ass bitch. You know what? Actually with that. Here's your real challenge." The being has Isabel suddenly shift under his control. "You can either kill her and win. Let her kill you and lose but she still dies. Or find a way to beat both her and I without touching her or any extension of her like her powers or your powers and win." Isabel summons Thors hammer and throws it at Fola.

Another being steps out of a portal and immediately blasts Jackie with holy light.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/93ba2ab75ca9b5d593a4c518f6eed3b5.jpg.c697d5d1dc038766d7ff6d00e26f5e65.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="111985" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/93ba2ab75ca9b5d593a4c518f6eed3b5.jpg.c697d5d1dc038766d7ff6d00e26f5e65.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"Oh shit! AAYYYYYEE, Tyrell! Aye is this yo girl? The one bad bitch with the fine ass? Oh yeah she is huh. Beat that ass Tyrell!"

The one named Tyrell rolls his eyes and continues to blast Jackie with holy light. "You are walking sinful filth. Perish." The being releases a cresent of purifying light to slice Jackie in half.

ShadowEntity said:
As Jerry awoke, he realized that he was no longer in the room, as there were questions circling him "Where am I? And how did I end up here?", as he turns around and notices a strange being, he then asks "Um... Hey dude, can you tell me where I am?", as Jerry felt nervous and tried to summon his scarecrow. He wasn't successful at summoning his scarecrow to get him and instead, he felt more nervous, as he stared at the creature and asked another question "Hey.... I tried summoning my ride a couple of times, so what do you want from me? This better be important".
The being rushes towards Jerry and smashes all four of its flaming fists into his face.

Dreamtique said:
(Oh...my! Light you touched his memory! This will be interesting. But still I always like to left some mystery to be explored. D:)

"Take my body......"

"What are you waiting for? It is yours now...

But why? Why is he doing this? His eyes...those eyes...they are so......


"It's a twin. Congratulation, miss."

"Strange, this one is not crying...at all..."


I know I am different...the moment I am born. I...don't feel a thing...I can't.... feel what everybody are feeling, inside of me, I am empty......

I am empty......

"Why are you doing this Earl...you-you killed the rabbit......"

"It probably don't feel a thing."

"Why..do you have to be this cruel......"

"You are so irritating, Erebus! Quit crying!!!"

"Hey...where are you going!"

"Somewhere without you!!!!!!"

I ran away from him, I always do, I hate him, he is such a nuisance. I hate him. He had everything, friends...parents...I don't need all of them...but I don't like him taking away all of that from me...I wish he was gone for good......


I push him over and see him fell down, just to see his reaction. He is bleeding, but still smiling.

"It's okay...I can handle this......"

"Why aren't you angry? You forgive me just like that?"

He smiled and shook his head.

"Because you are my brother! Silly!"

I never really understand what he meant by that, I could only look into his eyes.

"Earl, please...listen to me for once! You..."

"Shut up!!!"

He had tears all over his face...I don't like it...I don't like it one bit.....

I punched him in the face...as hard as I could, I wanna made him feel the scorching pain on his face.......

"Earl! Don't...don't ...we only have each other now......Earl......"

With my hand soaked with the blood of my parents, I ran away...again...I ran away from him. I could still hear him sobbing like a baby, I ran faster and faster.

"I wouldn't let you go this time......"

I opened my "eyes", for the first time.

For the first time, I feel different...I can feel...I can feel it...

I can feel him......

I can feel the regrets...the pain...inside of me......

Finally...I can feel it...I can feel it all now......

I sat in the middle of a destroyed town, was this all because of me?

In front of me was his lifeless body, was it because of me?

Yes, it was all my fault......

Kid, your brother, he really loves you. He takes away the curse and sins from you. He gave up his free mind just to trade back yours. I am sorry, I couldn't do anything besides watching, fate had made a decision......

Guilt, the guilt inside of me is growing, I try anything I could to make up to him, to make up my past mistakes, but I knew all of that will never be enough. I will never be able to forgive myself, never......

I was not meant to live this life, I was not meant for it. He is the one who should live this life, not me.

I'll return what have to be returned.

"Take my body......"

"What are you waiting for? It is yours now...Erebus"


"E-Earl......" He kneeled down, sobbing. He couldn't utter a word besides his brother's name, now that he finally remember him.

Around him was a faint blue aura, seemingly forming a shield around him.


The being disperses and dies, sending Earl back to where he came. Earl ranks up to Epsilon and the being ends up back in the Abyssal Realm.

( This is what you were up against. )

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/Screenshot_2016-03-14-10-26-30.png.6211e3ac44d8dde7e63b6ea6468995f4.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="111988" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/Screenshot_2016-03-14-10-26-30.png.6211e3ac44d8dde7e63b6ea6468995f4.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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GingerBread said:
Vance nods and places the cup of tea in front of Luna, allowing her to add sugar and milk as she wanted. "So I just had a thought" Vance started pouring himself a cup of tea as he sat down in his seat next to Luna. "That thing reminds me of the sins. And when we killed the Sins we got powers. now I didn't get any powers from this thing but I didn't really kill it, it just left. But it was able to put you and me into a dream, so it could attack me. Now I'm thinking that if I kill it, I should be able to get the power to go in and out of your dreams, as well as wake you up" Vance smiled at Luna as he put a teaspoon of sugar and a splash of milk into his tea. "But I might not get that stuff from it, in which case, I'll demand it from Grimm. I guess I could ask for Layla to convince him to give it to me instead of helping me to kill, you know. But best case scenario, I'd get both" Vance smiled at Luna again as he took a sip of his tea.
Aedus gingerly moved himself away from Ent. Still wanting to stay close to him, Aedus grabbed Ent's hand and smiled up at him. "O-Okay, do you think the guild symbol that D-Death gave us will lead us to the guild E-Ent?"
Luna doesn't touch her tea yet. She lost her mood to eat and drink but didn't want to tell Vance that. She fakes a smile back at his smile. "That sounds like a plan. How will you encounter it again?"
Light said:
Luna doesn't touch her tea yet. She lost her mood to eat and drink but didn't want to tell Vance that. She fakes a smile back at his smile. "That sounds like a plan. How will you encounter it again?"
"Well it came to attack me, So I'll just wait. That's normally my plan anyway" Vance waved his hand dismissively. "But that doesn't matter right now, and it probably won't matter later either. What I want to know, is how you're holding up. I highly doubt that's a real smile, my 'magic' eyes are telling me it isn't. Now I could be wrong, but I like to put my trust in my senses and they haven't betrayed that trust yet" Vance made the two chairs him and Luna were sitting on join together, making it a bench. "So, what's up? This is a once in a lifetime thing. Cause I'm going to do whatever I can to cheer you up. So basically, anything you want me to. I mean you did make me break one of my rules after all. You made me care about someone"
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There was many a feeling running through the young witch's mind. Emasculation, betreyal, hoplessnes, anger, pain because his left knee cap WAS FUCKING EXPLODED! He barly understood what was going on, but he did hear the win stipulations. The terrible, terrible win stipulations, IF he won, it probably wouldn't happen until he had negative inches, his parents had a fucking GPS signal power on him, the Earth was inside of the sun, and Isabel trusted him as much as fucking Itami.

He ducked under the hammer and summoned his death scythe, using it as more of a crutch or a walking stick instead of a weapon. He let out a low growl as a thought came to his mind. He called out, "OI! PAULIE OR WHATEVER YOUR FUCKING NAME IS! YOUR 'HOMEBOY' OR WHATEVER FUCKED YOUR GIRL! HE WAS TALKING MAD SHIT, SAYING YOU WASN'T GOOD ENOUGH FOR HER! DO WITH THAT LITTLE FACT WHAT YOU WILL..."

With that said, he exhaled a breath and turned around, getting ready for the harder part of the fight. He tossed the scythe to his side, his left leg useless on his side as he splayed out his hands, "Now then...Bell, please, just stop and talk to me here...I don't want to fight you, you'd kick my ass in a heartbeat and we both know it..."

Light said:
"Bye Hakeem!" Isabel makes her way outside only to see a being simply shrug off Fola's attack and flick it's wrist, causing Fola's left knee cap to actually explode. "FOLA!" Isabel runs forwsrd, only to be blocked off by an unusual force field made to block off higher powers. The being turns to Fola. "Aye homes." The being speaks up with a deep voice. "You got a nice girl. Do you talk to her? I bet you do. You want her to know everything about your life. Girls I know love that. Man I just smashed my home boys girl last night. She was like, oooohhh. Ooohh! Ricardo! Oo- aw shit. Here he comes." A portal opens up and a being similar to him steps out.
View attachment 249553

"Aaaaaaayyyyyyyyyeeeeeee! Paulie what's good?"

The being shakes it's head and shrugs. "Nothin', just got bored as hell in the Abyssal Realm. My girl seems way too happy though. What's up?"

"Yeah I bet she is. Nothin really dude, just messin with this punk bitch." The being makes it so that with each minute it takes Fola to beat him he loses an inch on his Peter as well as losing Isabel's trust.

"Wait...is he that one with the,parent issues? The one who got beat up by his parents? This dude? Nnnaaahhh...wait....ah....aha...ah!" The being fakes a sneeze and dabs on Fola. "Dabbed on yo shit punk bitch. Ricardo press this fool."

"Alright I gotchu. Aye, two inch. Each minute it takes to beat me the closer the Earth gets to the sun. Walk on that sunshine you fucking headass. Tryna be like. Ooohh I don't have time for this. Face ass bitch. You know what? Actually with that. Here's your real challenge." The being has Isabel suddenly shift under his control. "You can either kill her and win. Let her kill you and lose but she still dies. Or find a way to beat both her and I without touching her or any extension of her like her powers or your powers and win." Isabel summons Thors hammer and throws it at Fola.

Another being steps out of a portal and immediately blasts Jackie with holy light.

View attachment 249564

"Oh shit! AAYYYYYEE, Tyrell! Aye is this yo girl? The one bad bitch with the fine ass? Oh yeah she is huh. Beat that ass Tyrell!"

The one named Tyrell rolls his eyes and continues to blast Jackie with holy light. "You are walking sinful filth. Perish." The being releases a cresent of purifying light to slice Jackie in half.

The being rushes towards Jerry and smashes all four of its flaming fists into his face.

The being disperses and dies, sending Earl back to where he came. Earl ranks up to Epsilon and the being ends up back in the Abyssal Realm.

( This is what you were up against. )

View attachment 249569
(@Daimao )

Without even a hesitation, Jackie shoves Alpha out of the range of the holy light with a harsh push. The blast hits her square in the chest, throwing her back several feet into the guild wall. She wheezes and coughs as she falls on all fours, trying to get air back into her body, the holy light burning across her chest and sending her lungs into spasms, her hand pressed hard against her sternum as if it would qwell the burning pain racing across her skin. She looks up in time to see the crescent shaped holy light coming her way, and scrambles to her feet, diving to the side just in time for the magic to hit the wall where Jackie had been. She pulls herself into the weak cover of a half wall, her hand on her chest. She tries to ignore the fact she can hear the flesh almost sizzling, can smell her skin burning-

Focus, Jackie! This is not the time for this. We have the cover of shadows; use it to your advantage, More lowly, he growls, Miserae should know better than to insult me like this. Kill the Angel.

She breaths in a rasping breath, quickly stripping off her scorched dress as a dark membrane, decorated in varying black and red veins, covers her body. She takes off her heels, peeking over her cover to check the location of the mysterious being , then whips her shoes, one after the other, straight into the forehead of the being, before she drops through her cover. She reappears above the being, putting her knees on it's hips, one hand at it's throat, the other on it's face, and sends a surge of potent corruption into it's body, her fingers cutting into it's flesh to push corruption through it's blood stream.
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GingerBread said:
"Well it came to attack me, So I'll just wait. That's normally my plan anyway" Vance waved his hand dismissively. "But that doesn't matter right now, and it probably won't matter later either. What I want to know, is how you're holding up. I highly doubt that's a real smile, my 'magic' eyes are telling me it isn't. Now I could be wrong, but I like to put my trust in my senses and they haven't betrayed that trust yet" Vance made the two chairs him and Luna were sitting on join together, making it a bench. "So, what's up? This is a once in a lifetime thing. Cause I'm going to do whatever I can to cheer you up. So basically, anything you want me to. I mean you did make me break one of my rules after all. You made me care about someone"
Luna sighs and looks down at her cup, her frown becoming apparent. "Your magic eye huh? I hope it doesn't betray you....betrayal isn't that nice of a feeling." Luna glances at Vance, deciding that she should speak up. "It's just the nightmare....just thinking about it." Luna scoots over to Vance and rests her head on his shoulder. "I don't know....I don't know what I want or what I'd like to do. I've lost my power...my status...my child....and my place in Olympus."

LokiofSP said:
There was many a feeling running through the young witch's mind. Emasculation, betreyal, hoplessnes, anger, pain because his left knee cap WAS FUCKING EXPLODED! He barly understood what was going on, but he did hear the win stipulations. The terrible, terrible win stipulations, IF he won, it probably wouldn't happen until he had negative inches, his parents had a fucking GPS signal power on him, the Earth was inside of the sun, and Isabel trusted him as much as fucking Itami.
He ducked under the hammer and summoned his death scythe, using it as more of a crutch or a walking stick instead of a weapon. He let out a low growl as a thought came to his mind. He called out, "OI! PAULIE OR WHATEVER YOUR FUCKING NAME IS! YOUR 'HOMEBOY' OR WHATEVER FUCKED YOUR GIRL! HE WAS TALKING MAD SHIT, SAYING YOU WASN'T GOOD ENOUGH FOR HER! DO WITH THAT LITTLE FACT WHAT YOU WILL..."

With that said, he exhaled a breath and turned around, getting ready for the harder part of the fight. He tossed the scythe to his side, his left leg useless on his side as he splayed out his hands, "Now then...Bell, please, just stop and talk to me here...I don't want to fight you, you'd kick my ass in a heartbeat and we both know it..."

CelticSol said:
(@Daimao )
Without even a hesitation, Jackie shoves Alpha out of the range of the holy light with a harsh push. The blast hits her square in the chest, throwing her back several feet into the guild wall. She wheezes and coughs as she falls on all fours, trying to get air back into her body, the holy light burning across her chest and sending her lungs into spasms, her hand pressed hard against her sternum as if it would qwell the burning pain racing across her skin. She looks up in time to see the crescent shaped holy light coming her way, and scrambles to her feet, diving to the side just in time for the magic to hit the wall where Jackie had been. She pulls herself into the weak cover of a half wall, her hand on her chest. She tries to ignore the fact she can hear the flesh almost sizzling, can smell her skin burning-

Focus, Jackie! This is not the time for this. We have the cover of shadows; use it to your advantage, More lowly, he growls, Miserae should know better than to insult me like this. Kill the Angel.

She breaths in a rasping breath, quickly stripping off her scorched dress as a dark membrane, decorated in varying black and red veins, covers her body. She takes off her heels, peeking over her cover to check the location of the mysterious being , then whips her shoes, one after the other, straight into the forehead of the being, before she drops through her cover. She reappears above the being, putting her knees on it's hips, one hand at it's throat, the other on it's face, and sends a surge of potent corruption into it's body, her fingers cutting into it's flesh to push corruption through it's blood stream.
Paulie looks towards Ricardo, the type immediately start to fight. Isabel runs towards Fola and summons a birth scythe, swinging it at him while she summons the blade of fate, time, and space in her free hand, turning the chainsaw on. "Aye! Two inch! Another minute has passed, and your parents will find out about you. Oops. Did I mention your parents in front of your girlfriend? You haven't told her about them yet have you? How could you? What type of boyfriend are you? I'm sure she's told you about all of her secrets." He waves his staff and finally beats Paulie, all the circles floating behind his head had flickered out and his staff had fallen before Fola. Ricardo tenses up when he sees his fallen friends staff drop before him.

( ! ) To their left, the being Jackie is on top of merely stands up even with everything holding him down. The corruption doesn't even bother the being. "Miserae says hello Sanctum." The being raises it's hand and grabs Jackie by her head, palming it and holding her above the ground. In a flash the being flings Jackie into a wall, appearing there as well to smash a hammer of primordial light into her face, purifying her slowly as it begins to stay there and crush her skull, holding her above the ground still. Each nerve and cell within Jackie'a body were slowly severing. "You're sick. You're disgusting. You walk amongst the pure sheep wearing a vile sheep suit....an abomination is more beautiful in the eyes of the pure. All you do is corrupt because your very existence is a pitiful pestilence." The being looks towards Alpha. "I pity you...that's why I must free you from the grasp of the spawn Satan himself discarded in disgust. Do you even know of her life? All she does is live a life of anarchy! Her mother!" Each time he mentions someone they end up being ressurected before Jackie. "Her father! Her friends! Her friend in the car crash. Her previous lover. Everyone whom has died because of her and those she has killed! You were most likely next." The being turns back to Jackie. "I will smite you." The being waves it's hands and erases her ability to use powers even from Sanctum. "I will purify this world." Runes to encase even her soul afterwards appear as well. "Then to make sure nothing like this happens. I will eliminate the very leftover trace of your existence. You have no shame. Even now....you refuse to repent and hide behind your sins. You haven't even told him at all and I know it." The being gestures to Alpha. "Now you shall die, harbouring those very sins within the thick mucus that is your soul."
Light said:
Luna sighs and looks down at her cup, her frown becoming apparent. "Your magic eye huh? I hope it doesn't betray you....betrayal isn't that nice of a feeling." Luna glances at Vance, deciding that she should speak up. "It's just the nightmare....just thinking about it." Luna scoots over to Vance and rests her head on his shoulder. "I don't know....I don't know what I want or what I'd like to do. I've lost my power...my status...my child....and my place in Olympus."
Vance's voice became angrier, but he did his best to keep his expression neutral. "Why do you care about your status or your place in Olympus? Did any of them lift even a fucking finger to help you? or to punish Apollo? No, they didn't. Now you can care about losing your child. I've no idea how that feels, so I won't even comment on how you should feel about that." Vance gently wrapped his arm around Luna and started gently rubbing her arm, aiming to comfort her in some way. "But losing your powers is a stupid thing to care about, I've lost my powers before, but I dealt with it. I have weaker powers than most of the people I fight, Yet I still kick their arses." Vance sighed and gently shook his head, realizing he was going slightly off of his point.

Vance smiled at Luna as his expression became gentler and his voice became softer.
"My point is, in the end, Powers don't matter. Most of the shit in life doesn't matter. The only things that matter are the things that you want to matter. The things that make you happy, nothing else matters in life. Not money, not power, not even status. None of that matters, because when you care about that stuff you are caring about what other people, whom you might hate or not even know, think about you. So cheer up, have some tea and do things that make you happy in life. Because in the end, that's all that's going to matter"
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GingerBread said:
Vance's voice became angrier, but he did his best to keep his expression neutral. "Why do you care about your status or your place in Olympus? Did any of them lift even a fucking finger to help you? or to punish Apollo? No, they didn't. Now you can care about losing your child. I've no idea how that feels, so I won't even comment on how you should feel about that." Vance gently wrapped his arm around Luna and started gently rubbing her arm, aiming to comfort her in some way. "But losing your powers is a stupid thing to care about, I've lost my powers before, but I dealt with it. I have weaker powers than most of the people I fight, Yet I still kick their arses." Vance sighed and gently shook his head, realizing he was going slightly off of his point.
Vance smiled at Luna as his expression became gentler and his voice became softer.
"My point is, in the end, Powers don't matter. Most of the shit in life doesn't matter. The only things that matter are the things that you want to matter. The things that make you happy, nothing else matters in life. Not money, not power, not even status. None of that matters, because when you care about that stuff you are caring about what other people, whom you might hate or not even know, think about you. So cheer up, have some tea and do things that make you happy in life. Because in the end, that's all that's going to matter"
"Olympus I can let slide but the power I cannot. You misunderstand. He stole a piece of me and I'm stuck in this body. I'm no longer a full titan just half of one. It's like....a different country stealing tea away from England. You don't need tea to survive but that is completely unforgivable and that's a part of their history. It matters to me and I need it back." Luna sighs and reaches for the tea, giving up afterwards. "Can you do it for me Sir Vancelot?"
Light said:
"Olympus I can let slide but the power I cannot. You misunderstand. He stole a piece of me and I'm stuck in this body. I'm no longer a full titan just half of one. It's like....a different country stealing tea away from England. You don't need tea to survive but that is completely unforgivable and that's a part of their history. It matters to me and I need it back." Luna sighs and reaches for the tea, giving up afterwards. "Can you do it for me Sir Vancelot?"
"No. I can't get you your power back." Vance deadpanned as he looked directly at Luna, his expression slowly becoming more serious. "But that won't stop me from trying, or at the very least making His life a complete hell. Everyone has enemies and I will find his enemies. I don't give two shits if he's a god. I will completely destroy his life. And in the process I will try to get you your powers back" Vance took a sip of his tea and smiled at Luna. "How does that sound?"
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Only once the being had disappeared did Arwyn show her relief.

"That was close." she said before turning to look at Syrax. "A little too close for my liking."

"It was a test of our resolve." he grumbled before turning his head to attend to his burnt hide.

"Well I believe we passed it." Arwyn said, walking over to her scaled companion to place a hand on his wound. "Here, allow me."

Focusing her energy on his wound, she allowed her own life energy to channel through their bond and be absorbed by his wound. Arwyn felt a light tug on her very essence as her companion's flesh slowly began to knit itself back together.

When she had finished the wyvern rumbled softly in thanks.
"What now?" he asked while looking around.

(I'm pretty sure you teleported them back to where they were, right? Just thought I'd check

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