Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

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"So you're not gonna do anything but watch? Does that mean I'm free to leave?" Kyoko asked the creature, tail flicking agitatedly behind her. She moved her compass into her hand. "If you don't want anything then why am I here?" She looks around the place again, trying to see anything useful. 'Might as well try to leave..' She sighs and closes her eyes, concentrating on the compass. 'I need to go back to Grimm.'

The being gets its head blown off and flies back, the dead collapse as well. Previously the being had mimicked all of his movements and reactions perfectly until it was shot. The being regenerates and stands. It's floating pegs stab into the ground and rise even more of the dead. The resurrected from before rise as well. The being gets in the same position as its enemy like before. It seemed to be like an endless mirroring game. It seemed like his term all necromancers are the same really applied here.

OceanBunny said:
"So you're not gonna do anything but watch? Does that mean I'm free to leave?" Kyoko asked the creature, tail flicking agitatedly behind her. She moved her compass into her hand. "If you don't want anything then why am I here?" She looks around the place again, trying to see anything useful. 'Might as well try to leave..' She sighs and closes her eyes, concentrating on the compass. 'I need to go back to Grimm.'
Kyoko appears beside Grimm, leaving the being behind in the realm. The being ends up following her to the guild, floating above the bridge in its large glory. It's eyes, the judge had seen her leave using the compass. The book, the jury flips to a certain page to activate a spell to counter that and sends it to the apple, the executioner. The being takes a bite of the apple and Kyoko's ability to compass travel was cut off. The being carefully watches Kyoko.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/98988b92b0bd5d5e42b3693955bfe8da.jpg.3611c7438f23aaddd096afc1364dd795.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="111525" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/98988b92b0bd5d5e42b3693955bfe8da.jpg.3611c7438f23aaddd096afc1364dd795.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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(!) Ent was surprised by the change in the environment, he started to be choked. "Nice try, but fuck off." Ent clicked his fingers and the dark air inside the being turned into a solid box, it started to expand at a alarming rate and spikes came out of it. Piecing the being's body Ent managed to locate the air and brand what was coming out of the being to him, allowing him to breath and still killing the being. "Admit defeat you piss head, or don't. I'll kill you either way. Unless you send me to my boyfriend." Ent looked at the dark spikes in anger.

Kyoko smiles at Grimm when she appears by him again. The being appearing as well made her frown. "Well apparently it didn't want me to leave." She says, watching its movements as it flips through its book and bites the apple. "That's new.." She feels her connection to the compass change and looks down at it. 'Take me back to where I just left.' She tests the compasses powers and finds that she remains where she is. "Grimm.. my compass doesn't work." She says softly, looking back up at the being.

Light said:
( ! ) The being notices his usage of gases and opens its mouth. All of the air and gas pockets in and around the mountain
were drawn into its mouth. The being disperses and appears before Ent, absorbing his stairs as well. The being makes its hands solid and chokes Ent, holding him his above the ground. He begins to manipulate his body to make the blood flow up to his brain. "Admit defeat." The being's raspy voice washes over Ent with uncomfortably warm air. The being made sure Ent had at least some air to breath.

Before Grimm could answer he was pulled into a locked away realm. There was a being floating before him, raising the dead. After it makes the dead from the Abyssal Realm rise it waits in the same position he's standing in.

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The being continues to watch Kyoko as well. It seemed like they only retaliate.

When Hakeem uses his powers the being pushes pushes both him and the candy back with an unknown force. Out from the rings spring beings whom are candy summoning resistant. After this the being stops attacking and simply stares at Hakeem. The minions seemed to be pushed away slightly by the being as well. Especially the minions standing in front of the tendrils facing it's back to them.

( ! ) The water began to drag Kotori down and fill her lungs with water. The being races by and clotheslines her, attempting to break her throat. The being had disappeared after the attack.
Kotori growled and high kicked the being away before swimming to the surface as fast as she could.
The wyvern had little time to react to the blast of radiant energy before it crashed into him, but in the few moments before impact he managed to curl his wings in front of him and turn his head away. Not many things could pierce a wyvern's hide, yet when the light swept the dragon away he could feel the energy eating away at his scaled armor. By the time the wyvern had crashed against the ground some distance backwards, there was a thin veil of smoke steaming from his hide. When he observed the damage that had been done to his crimson armor, which had lost a couple of scales, he unleashed a furious roar before launching himself into the air to swoop at the being. Dragonfire laced with a golden aura erupted from his mouth as he blasted the being.(!)

Arwyn just had enough time to see Syrax be blasted away with a surge of light before a silvery cage manifested around her. As her dragonoid companion was blasted away she could feel the rage igniting in her heart, his pain only acting as fuel for her desire for vengeance. Bringing her blade around in a furious arc, she slashed at the bars of the metallic prison and watched as golden light rippled through the air in a bright slash. With another blast of light the silver cage burst outwards from her stroke, silver shards scattering themselves on the surface of the cloudy ground. As for the spear; Arwyn couldn't pull up her shield in time but she found that she didn't even need it, for as soon as the thought of protection sprung into her mind a wall of blue appeared between the spear and the dragonknight. She wasted no time in wondering at this new magic she had created and instead charged towards the being while Syrax was swooping down. If all went well she would land a well placed blow to the head which would be timed after Syrax's assault. (!)


(Whoa! Arwyn and Syrax have reached badass level now... i-its over 9000!! as for nobody knowing they exist, it just means that no one will know what to expect until its too late!)
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When Hakeem was pushed back he got CCTVto his feet and yelled to the being. The heck was that for!?!? he yelled in question. He looked for where his candy bags where and stomps over towards. He grabs the bags and throws one towards the being. I just wanted to be nice and share you big meanie!! There was no point of you doing that!! He crosses his arms and just stands there. @Light
metalcity said:
(!) Ent was surprised by the change in the environment, he started to be choked. "Nice try, but fuck off." Ent clicked his fingers and the dark air inside the being turned into a solid box, it started to expand at a alarming rate and spikes came out of it. Piecing the being's body Ent managed to locate the air and brand what was coming out of the being to him, allowing him to breath and still killing the being. "Admit defeat you piss head, or don't. I'll kill you either way. Unless you send me to my boyfriend." Ent looked at the dark spikes in anger.
( ! ) The gas being was unaffected by these attacks, simply disregarding his control over dark air and absorbing it completely. The being continues to choke Ent until it feels bored. It throws Ent down the mountain once more but changes the matter and turns the rock into magma. The being keeps its distance from the fiery heat as it creates a miniature version of Saturn, throwing it at the magma before Ent lands. The being makes it explosive and makes sure to move even further away as the explosion envelops Ent. The being waits to see if he survives this, keeping it's distance from the flame. "There is nothing you can do to beat me. Not one of your powers work against me. Admit defeat and live."

OceanBunny said:

"This odd being seems to have some interesting powers. Try attacking, Kyoko." Grimm leans his head towards the being, as if encouraging her.

djinnamon said:
Kotori growled and high kicked the being away before swimming to the surface as fast as she could.

( The being already left. )

( ! ) As Kotori made it to the surface she could see a storm brewing above the lake, which was strange. A chain wraps around her ankle and drags her back under the water, this time the water rapidly fills her lungs. The water pressure was strangely intense this time, almost crushing her body completely. The being rushes straight towards Kotori, this time he could see it perfectly since it was moving slower. The hook in its chest was within reach and was visible.

Juju said:
The wyvern had little time to react to the blast of radiant energy before it crashed into him, but in the few moments before impact he managed to curl his wings in front of him and turn his head away. Not many things could pierce a wyvern's hide, yet when the light swept the dragon away he could feel the energy eating away at his scaled armor. By the time the wyvern had crashed against the ground some distance backwards, there was a thin veil of smoke steaming from his hide. When he observed the damage that had been done to his crimson armor, which had lost a couple of scales, he unleashed a furious roar before launching himself into the air to swoop at the being. Dragonfire laced with a golden aura erupted from his mouth as he blasted the being.(!)
Arwyn just had enough time to see Syrax be blasted away with a surge of light before a silvery cage manifested around her. As her dragonoid companion was blasted away she could feel the rage igniting in her heart, his pain only acting as fuel for her desire for vengeance. Bringing her blade around in a furious arc, she slashed at the bars of the metallic prison and watched as golden light rippled through the air in a bright slash. With another blast of light the silver cage burst outwards from her stroke, silver shards scattering themselves on the surface of the cloudy ground. As for the spear; Arwyn couldn't pull up her shield in time but she found that she didn't even need it, for as soon as the thought of protection sprung into her mind a wall of blue appeared between the spear and the dragonknight. She wasted no time in wondering at this new magic she had created and instead charged towards the being while Syrax was swooping down. If all went well she would land a well placed blow to the head which would be timed after Syrax's assault. (!)


(Whoa! Arwyn and Syrax have reached badass level now... i-its over 9000!! as for nobody knowing they exist, it just means that no one will know what to expect until its too late!)

( ! )The being sadly shakes it's head and releases a pulse of holy air. The holy air seems to affect the dawns heart and push them both back. Their vengeance and anger....negative feelings only seemed to make the being look like the better person. Which empowered it. The being casts absolute primordial light, blinding Arywn and Syrax completely. He rids them all of sense but their sense of hearing. He uses his metal manipulation to trap them in personalized gulliotoines. "It was a shame....you two were beings of justice. Now....all I see are angered and vengeful souls. I would have liked to meet a warrior of justice in this erased but it seems like I am alone on the just path." The being was about to execute them.


( ! ) The being opens up its closed tendrils, showing the insides of it and the minions are pulled towards it as if the tendrils were open arms for a hug. The being closes it's open tendrils, showing their backs and suddenly the pulling force is replaced with a pushing force. The pushing force sends the bag of candy back at Hakeem at high speeds. It was so fast it could potentially knock his head off upon contact.
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"Attacking? With what?" Kyoko asked, surprised at the suggestion. She looked down at her self. 'Im in a dress.. the compass is the only thing I'm carrying.' She thought, looking back up at the being. 'How do I defeat you..' She wondered, trying to think of a plausible idea.

OceanBunny said:
"Attacking? With what?" Kyoko asked, surprised at the suggestion. She looked down at her self. 'Im in a dress.. the compass is the only thing I'm carrying.' She thought, looking back up at the being. 'How do I defeat you..' She wondered, trying to think of a plausible idea.
"I don't know....throw a rock?" Grimm shrugs his shoulders.

The being watches Kyoko carefully with its many eyes on its many hands.
At this, his rage grew to a whole different level. "RESURRECTING YOURSELF TOO YOU SELFISH BITCH?!!" The shadows deepened, and hoards of ravens and crows flew out, some whirling around their master, forming a shield. The rest attacked the undead hoard, clawing with talons and pecking with beaks. The mans arms trembled, then feathers protruded out of his arms like wings. These were as hard and sharp as steel. He ran towards the creature, still unsure of how to defeat a being that copied his exact movements and regenerated itself. He leapt forward, trying an experimental swipe towards its chest.

The being simply copied tell exact same moves, meeting him in the air and getting its chest cut open. It didn't have any sharp feathers to mimic but it still didn't the movements. It lays on the ground, bleeding out. I'm a few minutes it rises once more, trying to be him but it just wasn't the same.
Kyoko giggled at Grimm's suggestion. "Hmm lets see." She said,scanning the ground for a rock. She smiled spotting a small one and bent to pick it up. "Worth a try.. at least i get to see if it does anything else." She said, taking aim and throwing the pebble at the floating being. She was hoping to knock the apple from its hand but did't really trust her aim enough to bet on it.

How can I hope to kill this thing if it can't die? Even though its no match for me in battle, I will never defeat it like this. He then thought of his body, what had happened to it. He called the birds to him with a snap of his fingers. These carrion birds loved nothing better than a fresh corpse. He threw his briefcase like a frisbee, and it flew towards the copier. He still had his gun though, and shot at the being once more. He planned to kill the creature, and before it could regenerate, set the birds on it to devour all of its flesh.

Having no idea on what to do now,Raz opens a portal behind himself and fell into his dimension.he sets up a ritual and starts doing it.
(dammit Light, vengeance and anger is what they are. It was the only thing that has kept them going. D: why must they be so stubborn!)

The blow aimed directly at Dawn's Heart was more grievous than either Syrax or Arwyn could imagine and it shook both of them to their very core. Perhaps the most unsettling thing about it was that for a moment all of the faint chiming that was constantly in the dragonknight's head had gone silent. While the two of them struggled to collect their strength from the first blow a flash of light consumed all of their senses, save their hearing, which was put to use when the being chastised them on their fury and desire for vengeance.

Blind and desperate, Arwyn struggled against her unseen bonds like some wolf caught in a trap. Beside her, Syrax would be doing the same but with the addition of dragonfire spouting from his mouth as he tried to get at the creature that had trapped them. Even though she could not feel the guillotine, she could sense that something was holding her in place around the neck area and judging by the being's words, she had the ominous feeling that it was death's grip.

"Let us go." Arwyn shouted into the darkness. "We have done more justice for this world than you could ever know! All of our sacrifices, the pain we have felt, all so that thousands more would not have to feel it"

Like it had done so many times in her life, anger was bubbling in her heart. She would not die here;This creature had no right to cut them down like animals. Yet her anger was accompanied by another primal sensation, growing steadily... one of the few that she was able to feel in this state; fear.

(I wasn't sure if you cut off her ability to communicate with Syrax or not, so I left out that part for now :3)

(!) Ent flipped around in the air as he was blown backwards. He willed air to go underneath him and solidify, stopping him from falling into the lava; Ent had the air surround him, protecting him from the explosion. Ent had the Air platform rise up so that he was facing the being. "You have pissed me off, refusing to tell me where my boyfriend is. Your existence is meaningless now. So fuck off." Ent clicked his fingers, using 'Destruction' and started to completely obliterate the being.

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Light said:
"Well aren't you heartless." Luna smiles at this and twirls her umbrella above her head, yawning after the fact. "You're hurting my feelings Vance."
"Right, I'm not bothered if your feelings are hurt by what I say. It's better to tell the truth than tell a lie just so you won't be hurt" Vance shrugged and created a chair for Luna. "And I am heartless, I've been told that on the odd occasion I've let a target see me before I've killed them. But if we're not going to do anything interesting here, is there anything else we can do? And can you tell me how to do this sort of thing?"

Light said:
( ! ) Aedus is suddenly pulled into a realm, facing off against a being that automatically smashes it's hoof into his nose. It raises a slab of rock to upper cut Aedus in the chin and has slabs of rock rise behind and in front of Aedus. They slam into him front both sides at 10 mph, trying to crush and burn him.
( ! ) As Aedus was kicked in the nose he made fire split off from the being's head in all directions so he could teleport before the slabs of rock could even touch him. Aedus had Then started taking all the fire away from the beings head, Aedus used the fire from the being to create armor for himself so that none of the beings attacks would effect him as much. "Wh-where's E-Ent? I-I don't want to have to hurt you. I-I just want E-Ent back"
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OceanBunny said:
Kyoko giggled at Grimm's suggestion. "Hmm lets see." She said,scanning the ground for a rock. She smiled spotting a small one and bent to pick it up. "Worth a try.. at least i get to see if it does anything else." She said, taking aim and throwing the pebble at the floating being. She was hoping to knock the apple from its hand but did't really trust her aim enough to bet on it.
Once the apple is knocked out of the being's hand it disintegrates and travels back to the Abyssal Realm, being completely defeated. Kyoko ranks up to Mu.

( This was your trial. )

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/Screenshot_2016-03-12-14-39-03.png.590baef2a56d34a9a3b31ab75a74020d.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="111547" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/Screenshot_2016-03-12-14-39-03.png.590baef2a56d34a9a3b31ab75a74020d.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

The being reappears not too far away from him. It was trying to be him but couldn't. It was as if it were failing to follow his saying of all necromancers are the same.

Juju said:
(dammit Light, vengeance and anger is what they are. It was the only thing that has kept them going. D: why must they be so stubborn!)
The blow aimed directly at Dawn's Heart was more grievous than either Syrax or Arwyn could imagine and it shook both of them to their very core. Perhaps the most unsettling thing about it was that for a moment all of the faint chiming that was constantly in the dragonknight's head had gone silent. While the two of them struggled to collect their strength from the first blow a flash of light consumed all of their senses, save their hearing, which was put to use when the being chastised them on their fury and desire for vengeance.

Blind and desperate, Arwyn struggled against her unseen bonds like some wolf caught in a trap. Beside her, Syrax would be doing the same but with the addition of dragonfire spouting from his mouth as he tried to get at the creature that had trapped them. Even though she could not feel the guillotine, she could sense that something was holding her in place around the neck area and judging by the being's words, she had the ominous feeling that it was death's grip.

"Let us go." Arwyn shouted into the darkness. "We have done more justice for this world than you could ever know! All of our sacrifices, the pain we have felt, all so that thousands more would not have to feel it"

Like it had done so many times in her life, anger was bubbling in her heart. She would not die here;This creature had no right to cut them down like animals. Yet her anger was accompanied by another primal sensation, growing steadily... one of the few that she was able to feel in this state; fear.

(I wasn't sure if you cut off her ability to communicate with Syrax or not, so I left out that part for now :3)

The being cuts off the absolute primordial light and releases them from the guillotine. All of their senses return afterwards. The being seemed obviously weaker after hearing her words of justice. "You've done what for others?"

metalcity said:
(!) Ent flipped around in the air as he was blown backwards. He willed air to go underneath him and solidify, stopping him from falling into the lava; Ent had the air surround him, protecting him from the explosion. Ent had the Air platform rise up so that he was facing the being. "You have pissed me off, refusing to tell me where my boyfriend is. Your existence is meaningless now. So fuck off." Ent clicked his fingers, using 'Destruction' and started to completely obliterate the being.
( ! ) The being completely uses its absolutely control over this realm to stop the destruction process. "No matter what you do, you cannot stop me. Give up." The being stays away from the fire.

GingerBread said:
"Right, I'm not bothered if your feelings are hurt by what I say. It's better to tell the truth than tell a lie just so you won't be hurt" Nyx shrugged and created a chair for Luna. "And I am heartless, I've been told that on the odd occasion I've let a target see me before I've killed them. But if we're not going to do anything interesting here, is there anything else we can do? And can you tell me how to do this sort of thing?"
( ! ) As Aedus was kicked in the nose he made fire split off from the being's head in all directions so he could teleport before the slabs of rock could even touch him. Aedus had Then started taking all the fire away from the beings head, Aedus used the fire from the being to create armor for himself so that none of the beings attacks would effect him as much. "Wh-where's E-Ent? I-I don't want to have to hurt you. I-I just want E-Ent back"
( :o Nyx has infiltrated! )

"Fine if you want to know so badly then you must treat me to some tea first." Luna smiles, pulling the you have to buy me a drink first card.

( Please don't invalidate my post like that in the future. Just a warning.)

The being screeches and dies as its fire was removed from its head with courage. Aedus is released from the realm, ranking up to Iota. The being ends up back in the Abyssal Realm.

( This is what you were up against. )

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/Screenshot_2016-03-12-14-42-44.png.3dd3c45a52d2a96ace614fa8c8588e0e.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="111552" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/Screenshot_2016-03-12-14-42-44.png.3dd3c45a52d2a96ace614fa8c8588e0e.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Hakeem barely dodged the bag of candy. He looked at the being and dashed forward. He claps his hands together summoning his wind and lightning sword. He holds both swords to his left side and swings the forward creating a lightning tornado that's heading towards the being. You big meanie!!! @Light
Embaga Elder]Hakeem barely dodged the bag of candy. He looked at the being and dashed forward. He claps his hands together summoning his wind and lightning sword. He holds both swords to his left side and swings the forward creating a lightning tornado that's heading towards the being. [COLOR=#0059b3][SIZE=18px]You big meanie!!! [/COLOR][/SIZE][URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/10734-light/ said:
The tornado was simply sent back at Hakeem. The rings have a white holes appear in them and blasts him several feet away with raging energy and matter.
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"You trying to make a point here?!" He calls out into the emptiness as he steps back from his failed attempt. "Or is this some type of hazing? A trial to join the guild? Are there some other poor initiates being tested too?" What am I doing, this is futile. Well, nothing left but to try and chop it into little pieces. He gestures at the annoying necromancer, and all the birds dart toward him. A large raven has already retrieved his briefcase. He pulls out his butterfly knife from the box and runs forward, following his feathered friends and flipping out his knife.

(!) Ent looked at the being, continuing to grow in anger. "You have pissed me right off. You may rule this whole fucking dimension. But look at my God damed face, and tell me if it looks like I give a single shit about your oh so holy power." Ent could be asked to try and destroy it again "So not only have you annoyed me, you have also bored me." Ent clicked his fingers again and used the air trapped under the lava to spit lava into the air, then using the air above to direct the lava towards the being.

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"Wow, that actually worked." Kyoko says as the being disintegrates. "I thought getting the apple away might weaken it.. I didn't think I'd actually hit it though." She smiles at Grimm, happy that she'd been able to hit what she aimed for.

Light said:
"Fine if you want to know so badly then you must treat me to some tea first." Luna smiles, pulling the you have to buy me a drink first card.
"I offered you tea before, and you refused. Saying something about thinking I'd spike your drink. Which is stupid, simply because I wouldn't know what to Spike a titan's drink with" Vance shrugged and stood up. "So are we staying in the book? Or are we going to a real cafe? Because somehow I doubt tea made with paper and ink will taste nice" Vance held out his hand and offered it to Luna. "Never let it be said that I'm not a gentleman. And never let it be said that I am. I'm sure either one will ruin my reputation"

Light said:
The being screeches and dies as its fire was removed from its head with courage. Aedus is released from the realm, ranking up to Iota. The being ends up back in the Abyssal Realm.
Aedus covered his ears and screwed his eyes shut as the being screeched. Aedus was surprised when he didn't feel anymore pain. Am I dead? Is this what being dead feels like. I thought it'd be different. When Aedus built up enough courage he cracked his eyes open. "I-I guess I-I'm not dead. But Wh-where's E-Ent?" Aedus rapidly looked around, looking for Ent. "E-Ent!? Wh-where are y-you?!"


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