Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
Light said:
"Why did you stay here? Why didn't you leave like the other Jack-O-Lantern? Also I'may granting you a free wish. Make one."
Grimmavus hums happily. "Shake things up? That sounds violent, I'm sure I'm a peaceful person. I am the deity of peace and love after all." Grimmavus thinks about renewing their vows. "As long as you're fine I am as well. Oh I have to come clean about something. I have been a slightly bad father to Siobhan...I kind of let her get slightly addicted to pop tarts and I kept feeding her addiction to it. Oops?"
She makes a small, non- committal noise towards him being peaceful, her eyes closing as she nuzzles her face in the crook of his neck. "I forgive you for corrupting our daughter with sinfully delicious pop tarts."
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GingerBread said:
"Mortal? You go from wanting to fuck me, to insulting me?" Vance smirked at Luna as he started following after her. "And as for what I've done in my life. Probably quite a bit, can't remember shit though. But apparently I used to have a girlfriend, she wasn't bad looking either. Used to join me in killing people. So I've probably done a lot in my life, whether good or bad. But I can't remember shit, even if I wanted to. Fun stuff. Anyway, why are you taking me to a library? I already read enough, Thank you"
Luna turns around and waves for him to come over. "Oh come on, it's nothing like a normal library with me. Just give it a chance."

OceanBunny said:
Kyoko giggled as candy rained down apart her. Soon there was a mountain around her and she picked some skittles up, eating them. Her tail swished behind her, sending candy sliding to the ground. She turned to look at the new boy. "Hi, I'm Kyoko, I just joined today too."
The cotton candy cloud begins to spin around, taking interest in this man. "What is your name? I'd like to invite you to join the guild but I need your name first." The cotton candy makes sure to keep some distance from Kyoko so she doesn't eat him.

LokiofSP said:
Fola was taken aback by Isabel, not just the way she rushed into his arms, but how she LOOKED. Wasn't like she wasn't stunning any other day, but something was different, he just couldn't tell at first look. After getting over his initial shock he gave her a kiss on the forehead and placed a tiara on her head, "Sorry I wasn't here sooner, after you dumped me outside I remembered there was something you forgot back at the other house, so I got it for you..."

CelticSol said:
She takes his hand gladly, intertwining their fingers together as she leans against him. She looks to Isabel and Fola, her own eye brow raised in a matching expression to Alpha, "Hey, you ready or what, Bella? You were all hyped a second ago."
(@Light , @LokiofSP )
Daimao said:
Alpha nodded his head in response to Jackie's question. "Yeah," he said simply, taking her hand in his. Looking at Isabel and Fola, he raised an eyebrow. "Are they ready?"
@Light @LokiofSP
Isabella's eyes nearly eject out of her eyes at the feeling of a kiss and a tiara. Isabel begins to jump up and down while squealing, still holding Fola. She wanted to scream about her being a princess but she didn't want to hurt Jackie's feelings since she didn't get a tiara. "Yes let's go!~" Isabel takes Fola’s hand and races down the stairs, pulling him to the outside of the guild to await a taxi cab.

LokiofSP said:
Jayn was a bit surprised by the sudden handiness of Roman, but shrugged and complyed, pulling him closer by his shirt.

Roman wanted to smile at this if he could. He sets his hands on the back of Jayn'shook thighs and picks up her up, carrying her over a wall so he could lightly press her back to it.

GingerBread said:
Aedus looked at the corpse of the man and frowned. "E-Ent you shouldn't kill people. Th-there was no need to kill that man. He could've helped us find the guild. Even if he couldn't you didn't have to k-kill him" Aedus frowned as he was lead away from the corpse. "D-do you really want to join the guild to help people E-Ent?"
metalcity said:
"sacrifices must be made for the greater good, just think that if we were part of Dragons roar we could have helped him." Ent trailed off trying to think of some reason to kill the man. "If you don't want me to kill so bad, you go talk to someone then." Ent placed his spare hand in his pocket and waited for Aedus to find a useful source of information.
A clone of Grimm appears with a wide smile on his face. "Hey guys! Let's add you to Dragon's Roar and kill the deity of death!"

CelticSol said:
She makes a small, non- committal noise towards him being peaceful, her eyes closing as she nuzzles her face in the crook of his neck. "I forgive you for corrupting our daughter with sinfully delicious pop tarts."
"Oh, I lost all of your money when gambling too." Grimmavus was just messing with her now, trying to see what her reaction would be. "Like. Even your secret stash. Gone."
He cocks his head to one side. "Me? Join the guild? I am Sanguine, known to some as the Judge. But what use would you have of my services?"


Illyana looked around for a few moments, "Nobody seems to be coming...Oh! I know, I'll go find some people to join us! Wait right here!" She teleports outside the guild before Colin can say anything...

@GingerBread @Light @OceanBunny @Yaoke Saint


Jayn wraps her legs around Roman for a moment, allowing things to progress before she hesitantly removes her lips from his, taking in deep breaths, "Okay...Hold up...Things are getting...A little saucy here...Roman...Slow down a bit...It's just...Well...Fuck it..." She went right back in

Light said:
Luna turns around and waves for him to come over. "Oh come on, it's nothing like a normal library with me. Just give it a chance."
"Yeah and the trip to the bar and hospital wasn't normal with you. I didn't really enjoy that, I'm half expecting a book to open and suck out my soul when I try to read it. Or a book where every word I write in it comes true. Or hell, a dusty old book that has my entire past, present and future and if I read it then I seal my fate in place or some crap" Vance shrugged and jogged slightly to catch up to Luna. "But whatever, show me what this library is about. I'll only live for about sixty more years anyway"

metalcity said:
"sacrifices must be made for the greater good, just think that if we were part of Dragons roar we could have helped him." Ent trailed off trying to think of some reason to kill the man. "If you don't want me to kill so bad, you go talk to someone then." Ent placed his spare hand in his pocket and waited for Aedus to find a useful source of information.
Light said:
A clone of Grimm appears with a wide smile on his face. "Hey guys! Let's add you to Dragon's Roar and kill the deity of death!"
"E-Ent, just because we couldn't help him didn't mean y-you had to kill him. H-he wasn't doing anything wrong" Aedus frowned and looked around for someone to talk to, until Grimm appeared in front of him. "Y-you can help us join dragon's roar? W-we'd really appreciate it, if you could. Th-though, I-I'd rather not try to kill Death"

LokiofSP said:
Illyana looked around for a few moments, "Nobody seems to be coming...Oh! I know, I'll go find some people to join us! Wait right here!" She teleports outside the guild before Colin can say anything...

@GingerBread @Light @OceanBunny @Yaoke Saint
Colin watched as Illyana teleported away, leaving him pretty much by himself. "O-Okay, I-I guess I'll just wait here then... U-Until you come back" Colin gingerly lowered himself onto the floor and sat down, getting comfortable while he waited for Illyana to come back.

OceanBunny said:
Kyoko watched the newcomer curiously, ears twitching slightly. She continued to eat some of the candy surrounding her. 'The judge?' She wondered as she listened to them talk.
@Light @Yaoke Saint
LokiofSP said:
Illyana looked around for a few moments, "Nobody seems to be coming...Oh! I know, I'll go find some people to join us! Wait right here!" She teleports outside the guild before Colin can say anything...

@GingerBread @Light @OceanBunny @Yaoke Saint
( @ShadowEntity )

"Well you seem like a dependable person and whatever you can offer would be good enough. Where the term the Judge come from though?" The cotton candy cloud begins to rain candy on Illyana.

LokiofSP said:
Jayn wraps her legs around Roman for a moment, allowing things to progress before she hesitantly removes her lips from his, taking in deep breaths, "Okay...Hold up...Things are getting...A little saucy here...Roman...Slow down a bit...It's just...Well...Fuck it..." She went right back in

Roman releases a sigh of happiness as his lips continue to make contact with hers, enjoying the very burst of sparks upon them as he does so. Roman removes Jayn from the wall, planting her back on the bed. He slides his right hand up along her thigh, grasping what's next.

( Fade to black. )

GingerBread said:
"Yeah and the trip to the bar and hospital wasn't normal with you. I didn't really enjoy that, I'm half expecting a book to open and suck out my soul when I try to read it. Or a book where every word I write in it comes true. Or hell, a dusty old book that has my entire past, present and future and if I read it then I seal my fate in place or some crap" Vance shrugged and jogged slightly to catch up to Luna. "But whatever, show me what this library is about. I'll only live for about sixty more years anyway"
"E-Ent, just because we couldn't help him didn't mean y-you had to kill him. H-he wasn't doing anything wrong" Aedus frowned and looked around for someone to talk to, until Grimm appeared in front of him. "Y-you can help us join dragon's roar? W-we'd really appreciate it, if you could. Th-though, I-I'd rather not try to kill Death"
Vance receives an eye roll from Luna as she pushes the door open. "Are you calling me weird?" Luna steps into the library and picks up a random book, heading towards a place in which she can't be seen.

"Killing death is fun though! To join Dragon's Roar killing death is the trial!"
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Light said:
"Killing death is fun though! To join Dragon's Roar killing death is the trail!"
(Gonna wait for @metalcity on this :P )

Light said:
Vance receives an eye roll from Luna as she pushes the door open. "Are you calling me weird?" Luna steps into the library and picks up a random book, heading towards a place in which she can't be seen.
"Yes. Yes I am. You are weird Luna, you are far from my definition of normal anyway." Vance shrugged as he watched as Luna picked up a book and walked away. "So am I meant to follow you? Because I have a thing about following people who can kill me easily down places that are hidden from Sight" Vance leaned up against a bookcase. "It's an irrational fear, I know. But everyone has their weaknesses. Funnily enough this one hasn't really hindered me. Weird, isn't it?"
GingerBread said:
(Gonna wait for @metalcity on this :P )
"Yes. Yes I am. You are weird Luna, you are far from my definition of normal anyway." Vance shrugged as he watched as Luna picked up a book and walked away. "So am I meant to follow you? Because I have a thing about following people who can kill me easily down places that are hidden from Sight" Vance leaned up against a bookcase. "It's an irrational fear, I know. But everyone has their weaknesses. Funnily enough this one hasn't really hindered me. Weird, isn't it?"
"Oh why must you hurt me so Vance?" Luna walks back and takes his hand, dragging him to the hidden area. "Alright. Open the book, flip to any page you like."
Light said:
"Oh why must you hurt me so Vance?" Luna walks back and takes his hand, dragging him to the hidden area. "Alright. Open the book, flip to any page you like."
"So we're in a area out of sight of pretty much everyone, and now you're telling me to open a book." Vance gently nodded his head. "Remember how I said I had at least sixty years of my life left? Yeah I feel like that's about to go down by sixty five years. Allons-y" Vance flipped open the book to page seven.
GingerBread said:
"So we're in a area out of sight of pretty much everyone, and now you're telling me to open a book." Vance gently nodded his head. "Remember how I said I had at least sixty years of my life left? Yeah I feel like that's about to go down by sixty five years. Allons-y" Vance flipped open the book to page seven.
Once Vance flips the page open they're both pulled into the section of the story. "Now that we're in this story we can mess with things and change the book completely." Luna smiles as she stabs Iago from Othello. "There. Now I assume this changes Shakespeare's story and no one dies in the end."
Light said:
Once Vance flips the page open they're both pulled into the section of the story. "Now that we're in this story we can mess with things and change the book completely." Luna smiles as she stabs Iago from Othello. "There. Now I assume this changes Shakespeare's story and no one dies in the end."
"Did you just?" Vance pinched the bridge of his nose "And you said you were responsible" He muttered under his breath before sighing. "Okay, so apart from this being utterly stupid, since people will still die. It's a shakespeare story, everyone dies in it. How did you do this? And what's the extent of this whole thing? Are we merely characters in the story? Or can we change it completely, like reality warping. And also, is there anyway I can get the ability to do this. I'd love to use this sort of thing to fuck with people"
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GingerBread said:
"Did you just?" Vance pinched the bridge of his nose "And you said you were responsible" He muttered under his breath before sighing. "Okay, so apart from this being utterly stupid, since people will still die. It's a shakespeare story, everyone dies in it. How did you do this? And what's the extent of this whole thing? Are we merely characters in the story? Or can we change it completely, like reality warping. And also, is there anyway I can get the ability to do this. I'd love to use this sort of thing to fuck with people"
"I insist! I am responsible." Luna smirks towards Vance and lightly pats his chest. "These are my little secrets that you can get out of me in due time. Though you are right so just to make sure nothing goes bad in the end, I must kill Roderigo." Luna walks away.
A clone of Inaro appears next to Colin drinking beer. Whats up Kid you wanted to hangout?? he looks around seeing that he was alone. Am I too late?? It seems that you're alone. Why they leave you man?? What you do?. @GingerBread
Light said:
"Well you seem like a dependable person and whatever you can offer would be good enough. Where the term the Judge come from though?" The cotton candy cloud begins to rain candy on Illyana.
"Well, seeing as I am currently unemployed, I would be honored to join. As for my alias, I was not-so-lovingly named the Judge due to my, well, it wasn't a job. But it was what I did. I found those who had harmed innocent people, and I killed them. They saw me as judging them for their sins, but didn't appreciate the lawlessness. Fighting is one of the only things I'm good at. So I used my skills as I saw fit. I hope you don't have a problem with that."

GingerBread said:
"Yeah and the trip to the bar and hospital wasn't normal with you. I didn't really enjoy that, I'm half expecting a book to open and suck out my soul when I try to read it. Or a book where every word I write in it comes true. Or hell, a dusty old book that has my entire past, present and future and if I read it then I seal my fate in place or some crap" Vance shrugged and jogged slightly to catch up to Luna. "But whatever, show me what this library is about. I'll only live for about sixty more years anyway"
"E-Ent, just because we couldn't help him didn't mean y-you had to kill him. H-he wasn't doing anything wrong" Aedus frowned and looked around for someone to talk to, until Grimm appeared in front of him. "Y-you can help us join dragon's roar? W-we'd really appreciate it, if you could. Th-though, I-I'd rather not try to kill Death"

Colin watched as Illyana teleported away, leaving him pretty much by himself. "O-Okay, I-I guess I'll just wait here then... U-Until you come back" Colin gingerly lowered himself onto the floor and sat down, getting comfortable while he waited for Illyana to come back.

Having been watching them the entire time from the shadows.raz rises up from a nearby shadow."Ello there."

@GingerBread @Embaga Elder
( @CelticSol @LokiofSP @Daimao @djinnamon @OceanBunny @Embaga Elder @MTchaos1134 @metalcity @Juju @CitrineGalaxite @Lotusy @Dreamtique @Fluffykitty9000 @Nova King @ShadowEntity @Austria @Yaoke Saint These are what the trials are like from the warning before. )

Embaga Elder]Inaro looks at his copy and smiles. The weird part was that it smiled back. He pops open a bottle of beer said:



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Hakeem was in the middle of training with Zane, Cole, Crimson, and Inaro when he was abducted. He wasn't able contact anyone via symbol or able to teleport. He was worried and confused to where he was. He looked at the being staring at him. Uhh do happen to know where I am, because I have no clue?? He said as he rubbed the back of his head.

Ai and Amon on the other hand had somewhat of an idea what's about to happen.
Hakeem baby, get ready for a fight. I don't think this thing brought you here just to talk. What are you saying Ai?? You mean this thing might be the cause of why I'm hear, and can't use the guild symbol. Yes kid, now get ready like she said. Amon ordered. Hakeem nods Right. He gets in his fighting stance. @Light
Light said:
"No there's no problem here." He could feel the guild symbol within him now. "You're in. Is there anything you'd like to know?"

"You killed the bad people? The ones that harmed those who did nothing wrong?" Kyoko asked, thinking of her family. "How did you find those people? How did you know what they had done?" She couldn't help her curiosity at the idea of someone out there punishing the people that hurt innocents. Her ears twitched slightly and she took a step forward, knocking her candy mountain all over the place. "He makes three new members here, right Grimm?" She looked between the Judge and Jerry.
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( @Juju )

Arywn and Syrax were pulled into a cloudy realm af tree recieiving their gifts. A being stood before them, wings spread, ready for battle. It didn't say a word but it raised its sword as if it was at least warning her. It seemed to have at least that much kindness. It didn't move yet since it wanted Arwyn and Syrax to say they were ready first. This trial seemed to have no evil intent.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/cc28e926481837d49d0ca4de6679927c.jpg.0c6b6b1a5bd0abec4729d5e3fd74876a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="111490" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/cc28e926481837d49d0ca4de6679927c.jpg.0c6b6b1a5bd0abec4729d5e3fd74876a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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OceanBunny said:
"You killed the bad people? The ones that harmed those who did nothing wrong?" Kyoko asked, thinking of her family. "How did you find those people? How did you know what they had done?" She couldn't help her curiosity at the idea of someone out there punishing the people that hurt innocents. Her ears twitched slightly and she took a step forward, knocking her candy mountain all over the place. "He ,akes three new members here, right Grimm?" She looked between the Judge and Jerry.
"Yes that would be correct!" The cotton candy cloud becomes excited at the thought. "Why are you asking though?"
Light said:
A clone of Grimm appears with a wide smile on his face. "Hey guys! Let's add you to Dragon's Roar and kill the deity of death!"
GingerBread said:
"E-Ent, just because we couldn't help him didn't mean y-you had to kill him. H-he wasn't doing anything wrong" Aedus frowned and looked around for someone to talk to, until Grimm appeared in front of him. "Y-you can help us join dragon's roar? W-we'd really appreciate it, if you could. Th-though, I-I'd rather not try to kill Death"
Ent's ears twitched when hearing how to join "Not much of a entrance, killing Death sounds easy. Where can I find the piss head?" he asked, ready for a fight. He cracked his knuckles and started to do a few preparation stretches.

@GingerBread @Light
Hakeem stood there not knowing whether if he should attack first or if he should wait it out. The genies kept quiet as Hakeem thought. They usual guide and protect him, this time they wanted to see what he will do. What to do? What to do? He thought to himself. Should I attack first or wait it out? I guess I'll play it safe. He stayed in his stance and waits for his opponent. @Light

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