Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

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" Sine I'm ten again then no can blame me for this" Sage yelled the last word as he jumped kicked Vance to the ground and sat on the man turned boy's back. " Ok Horsey , we are going to the nearest hot dog stand. " Sage said as a muzzle appeared over Vance's mouth. " By the way we are in Miami at the moment. By the way you ain't cute enough for a paedophile but I on the other hand needs protection from a big strong boy like you. " Sage said mockingly as he squeezed Vance's bicep. " He said.

GingerBread said:
(Sage has short term memory. Good to know :P )
Vance looked at Sage with a bored expression "Nope, ain't happening. I gave you a choice Sage. I didn't give you the choice to make your own option" Vance turned on his heel and began walking away. "If I die, tell my fangirls that they were all stupid for being my fan"
LokiofSP said:
Fola wasn't convinced, that nagging in the back of his mind was still there, but he had to try...He couldn't just leave Isabel...Not like this, "H-hey there gorgeous...Th-there's no reason t-to be upest, because I'm...Here..." He held onto her hand, squeezing it a bit tighter as he went on, "I-I know that doesn't mean much but...I...I...I'm so sorry for letting you get like this...If I could just be a little quicker, a little smarter, this...This wouldn't have..." He gave up and allowed himself to cry, hugging Isabel tight and not letting go, "I'm sorry for not being good enough! You were right, I'm not the prince charming you deserve! I'm the town drunk who can't do anything right! I made you suffer so much while I got drunk on a damn beach! I'm sorry I can't do better! I'm sorry for forcing you into these positions! I am so sorry for...For..." He closed his eyes and squeezed her a bit tighter, "I'm sorry for making you fall in love with me..."


Jayn panicked slightly, attempting to laugh it off as a joke, "Alright Roman, funny joke...Now stop it! Y-you're scaring me..."


(!) Illyana put one of her guns to Raz's head, "You don't EVER raise a gun to a child..."

@MTchaos1134 @GingerBread
Raz looks at her with his glitchy face then teleports behind her."no worries,I don't intend on hurting anyone.i just needed to fire off round to actuall have peope listen for once,oh and don't worry about the bullets raining down on us,I've fixed that problem with portals.anyways I. Raz,nice to meet you."he put out his hand,but then immediately puts it back down as if he remembered somthing."and you are?"


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DizjayDeathPride said:
(Can't ask for permission with what's already there. TDR symbol. Sorry)
Morpheus sighed and stopped chasing. I've failed you.... I'm so sorry... He wiped his eyes with a blue napkin and threw it down, disappearing
Luna sighs and turns around, watching him use the napkin. "Alright, I forgive you."

LokiofSP said:
Fola wasn't convinced, that nagging in the back of his mind was still there, but he had to try...He couldn't just leave Isabel...Not like this, "H-hey there gorgeous...Th-there's no reason t-to be upest, because I'm...Here..." He held onto her hand, squeezing it a bit tighter as he went on, "I-I know that doesn't mean much but...I...I...I'm so sorry for letting you get like this...If I could just be a little quicker, a little smarter, this...This wouldn't have..." He gave up and allowed himself to cry, hugging Isabel tight and not letting go, "I'm sorry for not being good enough! You were right, I'm not the prince charming you deserve! I'm the town drunk who can't do anything right! I made you suffer so much while I got drunk on a damn beach! I'm sorry I can't do better! I'm sorry for forcing you into these positions! I am so sorry for...For..." He closed his eyes and squeezed her a bit tighter, "I'm sorry for making you fall in love with me..."


Jayn panicked slightly, attempting to laugh it off as a joke, "Alright Roman, funny joke...Now stop it! Y-you're scaring me..."

Isabel started to become responsive, raises her arms to hug him back. "My whole life purpose....was to pick up a sword." Isabel had nothing more to say at the moment. She was angry at herself since she now was fate, simply for the fact that she went through hell just to absorb it. Isabel buries her face in Fola's neck, letting him know that she did appreciate his presence. Isabel feels his tears hit her shoulder, which causes her to tightly clench his shirt. "Are you okay with me opening myself to you? There's something's I need to get across and receive from you but it can't be done with words." The realm stops being as erratic.

"So my name is Roman." Roman groans and clenches his head. "I'm not joking about anything. When did I make a joke?" His voice seemed pained. "Why are you and I ten? This is all so confusing."
djinnamon said:
"Since I'm ten again then no can blame me for this" Sage yelled the last word as he jumped kicked Vance to the ground and sat on the man turned boy's back. "Ok Horsey, we are going to the nearest hot dog stand." Sage said as a muzzle appeared over Vance's mouth. "By the way we are in Miami at the moment. By the way you ain't cute enough for a paedophile but I on the other hand needs protection from a big strong boy like you." Sage said mockingly as he squeezed Vance's bicep
Vance was shocked by Sage's actions and didn't move or react in any way. Once Vance had snapped out of his trance like shock he lurched to the side and threw Sage off of him. "You know I never thought you liked riding children Sage. I guess all the rumors about you were true. Instead of worrying about random paedophiles, I should've been worrying about you, shouldn't I?"

MTchaos1134 said:
Raz looks at her with his glitchy face then teleports behind her."no worries,I don't intend on hurting anyone.i just needed to fire off round to actually have people listen for once,oh and don't worry about the bullets raining down on us, I've fixed that problem with portals.anyways I. Raz,nice to meet you."he put out his hand,but then immediately puts it back down as if he remembered something."and you are?"
As Raz teleported behind Illyana, he teleported in front of Colin. Colin started to get more afraid now that he was closer to the man with the glitchy face. Colin started slowly inching behind Illyana so that he would be further away from Raz. I'm a wimp, I'm pretty much letting someone else get hurt before me if that man tried to do anything. I always make things worse don't I? No matter what my intentions are I end up hurting everyone Colin felt tears brim at his eyes again, but instead of trying to hold them back like he would've when he was older, he just let them freely fall down his face, the only sound he was making was sniffing; Colin tried to make as little noise as possible so that he wouldn't draw attention to himself.

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News spread fast about Sage's inner pedophile desires. Social media was spreading this news around like a wildfire.
Some fan girls approach Vance and squeal. They hold out scrap books and phones, asking for his autograph and Social media contacts, as well as pictures.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/5aa3559066aa3d7ef4983df1057d9525.jpg.9cd895fe82650789de4d029abc870538.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="109422" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/5aa3559066aa3d7ef4983df1057d9525.jpg.9cd895fe82650789de4d029abc870538.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/f34d6666e68b697c06b9bc0936ee2621.jpg.9687fa6cab4f90273a847a49dfc00bdb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="109423" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/f34d6666e68b697c06b9bc0936ee2621.jpg.9687fa6cab4f90273a847a49dfc00bdb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/97477bd1cb5fbe495d73b23bc58f5890.jpg.c9c83fb695219793614af622fefc19ce.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="109424" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/97477bd1cb5fbe495d73b23bc58f5890.jpg.c9c83fb695219793614af622fefc19ce.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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GingerBread said:
Vance was shocked by Sage's actions and didn't move or react in any way. Once Vance had snapped out of his trance like shock he lurched to the side and threw Sage off of him. "You know I never thought you liked riding children Sage. I guess all the rumors about you were true. Instead of worrying about random paedophiles, I should've been worrying about you, shouldn't I?"
As Raz teleported behind Illyana, he teleported in front of Colin. Colin started to get more afraid now that he was closer to the man with the glitchy face. Colin started slowly inching behind Illyana so that he would be further away from Raz. I'm a wimp, I'm pretty much letting someone else get hurt before me if that man tried to do anything. I always make things worse don't I? No matter what my intentions are I end up hurting everyone Colin felt tears brim at his eyes again, but instead of trying to hold them back like he would've when he was older, he just let them freely fall down his face, the only sound he was making was sniffing; Colin tried to make as little noise as possible so that he wouldn't draw attention to himself.

Sage gaped before slapping Vance across the face. " How dare you , you son of a bit......... " He stopped talking as a couple with a toddler passed by and glared at him for almost cussing. Once they were gone Sage resumed talking. " Bitch , if any thing your the paedophile and riding a person like a horse is a game many people play so shut your mouth. I'm by no means physically attracted at the moment cause frankly I like men who are muscular, tall , has a deep voice and have a brain unlike your scrawny ass self. " Sage said with a huff.
djinnamon said:
Sage gaped before slapping Vance across the face. " How dare you , you son of a bit......... " He stopped talking as a couple with a toddler passed by and glared at him for almost cussing. Once they were gone Sage resumed talking. " Bitch , if any thing your the paedophile and riding a person like a horse is a game many people play so shut your mouth. I'm by no means physically attracted at the moment cause frankly I like men who are muscular, tall , has a deep voice and have a brain unlike your scrawny ass self. " Sage said with a huff.
( @GingerBread )

The blonde girl scoffs and glares at Sage. "Excuse me, I don't know who you think you're hitting but it's not Vance. Buzz off pedophile!"

The girl with brown hair grabs Vance and pulls him away from Sage. "Are you alright? Would you like a hug?"
djinnamon said:
Sage gaped before slapping Vance across the face. " How dare you , you son of a bit......... " He stopped talking as a couple with a toddler passed by and glared at him for almost cussing. Once they were gone Sage resumed talking. " Bitch , if any thing your the paedophile and riding a person like a horse is a game many people play so shut your mouth. I'm by no means physically attracted at the moment cause frankly I like men who are muscular, tall , has a deep voice and have a brain unlike your scrawny ass self. " Sage said with a huff.
Light said:
Some fan girls approach Vance and squeal. They hold out scrap books and phones, asking for his autograph and Social media contacts, as well as pictures.
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Vance rubbed his cheek and ignored the fangirls while he spoke to Sage. "Okay, Sage. I never asked for you to like me anyway. I wanted to go to the bar and get drunk, but you wanted me to go to the arcade with you. But if you don't like me, I don't care. These lovely ladies seem to like me" Vance smirked at Sage before turning to face the fangirls "I'd honestly don't care if you want to give me a hug, that's your call"

"But I'm going to have to decline the offer of a picture, because I'm currently ten years old. I also don't have any social media things, makes me harder to find. But I'd be happy to sign whatever for you. But if I find that shit for sale online, I will hunt you down and kill you" Vance smiled kindly at them. "So do you ladies have a pen I can use?"
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Sage gaped before the area froze over and people began running away. " Get a life loser , also for your info dumbass this 'paedophile' is attracted to someone who is the same age as him. " Sage growled out before high kicking the both of the girls.

GingerBread said:
Vance rubbed his cheek and ignored the fangirls while he spoke to Sage. "Okay, Sage. I never asked for you to like me anyway. I wanted to go to the bar and get drunk, but you wanted me to go to the arcade with you. But if you don't like me, I don't care. These lovely ladies seem to like me" Vance smirked at Sage before turning to face the fangirls.

"I'm going to have to decline the offer of a picture, because I'm currently ten years old. I also don't have any socal media things, makes me harder to find. But I'd be happy to sign whatever for you. But if I find that shit for sale online, I will hunt you down and kill you" Vance smiled maliously at them. "So do you ladies have a pen I can use?"
Sage blushed crimson. " Well when you were older you kinda fit the bill. " He muttered as the blush got bigger.
GingerBread said:
Vance was shocked by Sage's actions and didn't move or react in any way. Once Vance had snapped out of his trance like shock he lurched to the side and threw Sage off of him. "You know I never thought you liked riding children Sage. I guess all the rumors about you were true. Instead of worrying about random paedophiles, I should've been worrying about you, shouldn't I?"
As Raz teleported behind Illyana, he teleported in front of Colin. Colin started to get more afraid now that he was closer to the man with the glitchy face. Colin started slowly inching behind Illyana so that he would be further away from Raz. I'm a wimp, I'm pretty much letting someone else get hurt before me if that man tried to do anything. I always make things worse don't I? No matter what my intentions are I end up hurting everyone Colin felt tears brim at his eyes again, but instead of trying to hold them back like he would've when he was older, he just let them freely fall down his face, the only sound he was making was sniffing; Colin tried to make as little noise as possible so that he wouldn't draw attention to himself.

Seeing the boy inching away from him.raz opens a portal above his hands and fills it with caramel candy."hey I mean no harm,we are guild members anyways right?"He said as he knelt down and set his hands out for Colin to grab the candy.
Fola held Isabel closer and attempted to speak as best he could, "Alright...Alright tell me whatever you need to..."


Jayn looked at Roman, realization dawning on her as she held Roman's hand tighter, "It's a long story...Lets just focus on having a good time, alrighr Roman?"


Illyana put back her gun gettimg Colin behind her once more, "I am Illyana, and you are to close to this child, stop scaring him..."

@MTchaos1134 @GingerBread
LokiofSP said:
Fola held Isabel closer and attempted to speak as best he could, "Alright...Alright tell me whatever you need to..."


Jayn looked at Roman, realization dawning on her as she held Roman's hand tighter, "It's a long story...Lets just focus on having a good time, alrighr Roman?"


Illyana put back her gun gettimg Colin behind her once more, "I am Illyana, and you are to close to this child, stop scaring him..."

@MTchaos1134 @GingerBread
"Bus isn't he an adult stuck in a child's body?besides that I'll try not too."Raz tries to get up,leaving the candy floating,but almost falls on his back.

@LokiofSP @GingerBread
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LokiofSP said:
Fola held Isabel closer and attempted to speak as best he could, "Alright...Alright tell me whatever you need to..."


Jayn looked at Roman, realization dawning on her as she held Roman's hand tighter, "It's a long story...Lets just focus on having a good time, alrighr Roman?"

Isabel temporarily opens herself to Fola, enveloping him in a bright white light. She combines their existence temporarily, only to disconnect the second after. Though for the two it felt like an eternity of being inseparable. Feeling each others emotions, soul, thoughts, and body. He saw her experience throughout her life of torture and her experiences in the form of being the split personalities. Her feelings for Fola and the trust in Fola she had in following Christopher were conveyed as well. Once it was over she begins to cry. "I just need to know right now. Will you stay with me? As my mate or my husband whichever you want to do. I love you and I know you love me, I just need you to tell me that you want to be with me. I can't do this alone...living that is." Isabel takes in Fola's scent and closes her eyes, enjoying his body tightly pressing against hers. Her hair was being held down by his hand but she didn't mind if he touched it, even without warning. "I love you Fola...I really do."

Roman nods his head and fakes a smile. "Yeah. So what do you want to do? Volley ball? Racing? Sand castle?"
LokiofSP said:
Illyana put back her gun gettimg Colin behind her once more, "I am Illyana, and you are to close to this child, stop scaring him..."
MTchaos1134 said:
"Bus isn't he an adult stuck in a child's body?besides that I'll try not too."Raz tries to get up,leaving the candy floating,but almost falls on his back.
@LokiofSP @GingerBread
Colin felt a pang of guilt when Raz pointed out he wasn't actually a child; Colin felt guilty for letting Illyana think he was a child and protect him because of that.
djinnamon said:
Sage blushed crimson. " Well when you were older you kinda fit the bill. " He muttered as the blush got bigger.
GingerBread said:
Vance rubbed his cheek and ignored the fangirls while he spoke to Sage. "Okay, Sage. I never asked for you to like me anyway. I wanted to go to the bar and get drunk, but you wanted me to go to the arcade with you. But if you don't like me, I don't care. These lovely ladies seem to like me" Vance smirked at Sage before turning to face the fangirls "I'd honestly don't care if you want to give me a hug, that's your call"
"But I'm going to have to decline the offer of a picture, because I'm currently ten years old. I also don't have any social media things, makes me harder to find. But I'd be happy to sign whatever for you. But if I find that shit for sale online, I will hunt you down and kill you" Vance smiled kindly at them. "So do you ladies have a pen I can use?"
The girls push Sage away and swarm Vance for hugs. Cheering when he gave out his usual death threat. The girl with the wings hands Vance a sharpie, offering her chest to sign while the other girls hold out valuables. "Want to hang out with us?"
Light said:
The girls push Sage away and swarm Vance for hugs. Cheering when he gave out his usual death threat. The girl with the wings hands Vance a sharpie, offering her chest to sign while the other girls hold out valuables. "Want to hang out with us?"
Vance took the sharpie and first wrote a word on his hand to gauge how good his handwriting was. He found it wasn't good, but not wanting to let down the fans he only just found out he had, Vance slowly signed the girl with the wings chest. After a couple of seconds he moved onto the next thing to sign. Vance was fully concentrating on the signing so he didn't answer the girls question until he was done. "Sure I guess, I don't really care. I'm not sure why you'd want to hang out with a ten year old, even if that ten year old is me. But if you get me an alcoholic drink, I'll hang out with you"
GingerBread said:
Vance took the sharpie and first wrote a word on his hand to gauge how good his handwriting was. He found it wasn't good, but not wanting to let down the fans he only just found out he had, Vance slowly signed the girl with the wings chest. After a couple of seconds he moved onto the next thing to sign. Vance was fully concentrating on the signing so he didn't answer the girls question until he was done. "Sure I guess, I don't really care. I'm not sure why you'd want to hang out with a ten year old, even if that ten year old is me. But if you get me an alcoholic drink, I'll hang out with you"
The girls smile at their autographs and nod their heads. "Yeah, we can get you that!" They begin to walk off with Vance until they reach a bar. "What do you want?"
Fola paysed for a moment...He honestly didn't get it, why him? Hell, anybody would have been a better choice to give affections to, and yet Isabel was here, in his arms, asking him to be hers. He wanted to say no, simply so she wouldn't have to deal with him, yet she seemed so lost. He really had only one choice, "Isabel, if your sure I'm who you want then I'll do it...I'll be yours and yours alone, and I promise to never go back on that word of you wish me to...I'll be your mate..."


Jayn smiled and stood up, extending a hand to Roman, "Even better, we're gonna beat up the girl and tge dog over there..."


Illyana cringed slightly, "While that may be true, at this point in time he is just a child, therefore I will protect him as such..."

@MTchaos1134 @GingerBread
Light said:
The girls smile at their autographs and nod their heads. "Yeah, we can get you that!" They begin to walk off with Vance until they reach a bar. "What do you want?"
"Right, before you do get me a drink. You are aware that you are about to purchase an alcoholic beverage for a minor. Something that is frowned upon in the eyes of the law." Vance crossed his arms and looked at the girls. "I can see why you're fans of me, I'll take whatever, beer, whisky. I don't really care, whatever has the ability to get me drunk"
DizjayDeathPride said:
Alright Theo let's try-
Morpheus' body started to shrink and contract in on itself. All of them with a symbol. He felt a... lock on his power as he fell down to the ground. He landed and looked around, his jacket many sizes too small.

In a high pitched Australian accent, he started to throw a tantrum.
No no no! What the hell just happened?! He placed his hand over the The Dragon's Rawrior symbol on his right breast, as did the other copies around. The royal blue circle glew brightly and his form molded back to its proper form, his bones cracking from the sudden shrink and growth

What.... the fuck... was that? He looked to the guild symbol on his left and squinted. Colin. Well anyways! As I was saying- wow you look.... no different. What was I? 10ish? Man I forgot I had an accent.....

Right right so...... yeah no I can't focus you look NO DIFFERENT! HAAAAAAA!!!!

Theodore rolled his eye. "Yeah I get it I was twelve now I'm ten. Just put me back to normal. You know what screw it just make me 19 I hate being this young anyway."

Reed watched as Morpheus changed to a ten year old and back. "That looked like fun. Anyways now that the guild shenanigans are done."

Dave laughed at his transformation. "Anyways sure what's the catch though. I know you want something out of it."

Gazelle whistled. "Hmm I don't know what's your favorite place to go to? I'll go anywhere with you."
Julius laughed at all the guild members becoming ten year olds. He got up and went into the beach water to go swim. When he got up he realized that he was ten years old as well. "That's ok I didn't like being that old anyway."
Daimao said:
Obeying Jackie, Alpha gently placed her back down on the sand. The cobra-tail hissed and licked Jackie's face with a quick flick of its tongue. After a couple of minutes of Vance's hair burning, the flames went out.
She laughs when the cobra-tail licks her face, rubbing her cheek with the heel of her hand. She pouts her lips in thought for a brief moment, then flops onto Alpha's head, laying on his snout. "You're so warm, I can't even help it."

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