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Fantasy Dragons, Humans and a few Demons too [Characters]


Hydro Dragon
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Dragons, Humans and a few Demons too [Fantasy Adventure]

Bio (optional)

Just to clarify, Magic and abilities are not the same in this case. An ability refers to a talent. I.E. Blacksmithing, swordsmanship, fishing, etc.
Emma Violet


She has a strong heart and will. A will of iron within a fragile flame body. She also has a fiery side, this side mostly conflicts her will of iron causing what she calls her 'heated iron' personality. A combination iron will and heart with a raging flame to become a rather stubborn and strong little girl. This aside, she has a dark yet humorous side to her as well. This humor sometimes doesn't agree with others too well, but she doesn't care, at least not as much as you think she would.

Adept swordswoman - She's not a master nor is she a novice, enough to deliver quick and decisive strikes while also being able to adequately defend herself as well.
Apprentice Fire Mage - When push comes to shove, she can also use a little bit of magic, though it's mostly basic fire spells like fireball and flamethrower.

+ Fairly good with a sword, prefers larger one-handed swords
+ Easy to sneak around due to small stature

- Small stature, she stands 5'1"
- Fragile body, makes her unable to wear any kind of heavy armor so she mostly wears cloth and leather.

My Flair
She thinks Dragons are fascinating even though the humans were at war with them nearly 3 centuries ago. Her favorite color is red and she likes spicy foods, what else would you expect from a girl like this? Even though she's single, she never really thinks about finding a man to marry, at least not yet, she thinks she isn't ready for that kind of commitment yet. She's been called a 'Dragon Knight' before, though she says isn't one and doesn't like being called a knight at all.
Brynjar Forebear

Age: 30
Race: Nord
Personality: Brynjar is a very forthright individual, he values honor and strength above all other things. In most stressing situations he is very calm, and collect with how he deals with hectic problems. He enjoys a good challenge when it means the stakes are high, so he gambles with his allies and comrades a lot. During fights or while in combat with a foe, he never underestimates his opponent. He also despises people who knowingly lie to him, especially if he's face to face with them, he views them as cowards or weaklings. When on quests or missions, he mostly refuses compensation when he has completed it, he likes to offer, not to receive.

Bio: Deep in the mountains of a savage, and hostile land known as Heimr, were 2 nordic clans. The two names of these two clans were Beorn, and Warg. At first the two clans were united to make the Dreki clan, but after some land and religion disputes, they split apart from each other, and went to war with one another with there new titles bestowed upon them. The chieftain of the Beorn clan was Bjorn Forebear, Brynjar's father. One snowy night, there was Large confrontation battle between the two clans. The Warg decided they could gain an advantage point in the war if they captured a certain section of land in the Beorn clan's territory, the Beorns defended the land with everything they had, throwing axes at one another, cursing each others ancestors, and just all out tearing each other apart. The battle was so large that the chief, and chieftess rode over to where the battle was going on in order to help turn the tides in the battle. The battle itself lasted 30 days in total. After that period of time, the final confrontation had arrived. All of the beorn clans warriors, and the chieftain , along with the chieftess, and all the of the Warg clans members, met up in a grassy field face to face. After a brief moment of just staring each other down, they charged one another. The final confrontation lasted hours, much blood was spilled in the names of the two clans. After a long and bloody war, the clans slaughtered one another. In the end no side won, the people of Beorn clan were decimated, the people of the War clan were butchered. But before the final confrontation, and the territory battle, the chieftess of the Beorn clan had given birth to Brynjar, he was 12 years old when the clans erased themselves from Heimr. He was left alone in a savage, and hardly hospitable land. Violently ripped away from his kin, he left Heimr his home, and set out to find a meaning in his life, and find a new home for himself.

Magic/Abilities: He isn't able to use magic, or frankly prefers not to, but he is well adept in the art of wielding a two handed steel war axe. Along with that he is able to use a reserve sword just in case he isn't able to wield his axe, though it isn't as effect.

+ Decently resistant to ice magic

+ Abundantly strong, and sturdy due to his bulky structure.
-Fairly slow when he is wielding his two handed axe

-Extremely effected when against fire magic, and poison effects
Name: Sileios Lenyr
Age: 27
Race: Human
Personality: Sileios can best be described as caramel inside a casing of iron. He portrays a hard exterior, brushing off all manner of injury or slight to maintain his calm nature and easygoing casual personality. With that said, once a friendship is obtained, it is with fierce loyalty that he treats those friends. Sileios is rather introverted, with an affinity for music and playing the cello. However, while attempting pacifism, if challenged he will not back down. Having studied lightning magic with his brother, that is the discipline he favours most. Sileios can be brusque - an attribute he shares with his sibling - but never rude, and his words are often laced with sarcasm and wit (though peppered with expletives).
Bio (optional): Sileios studied the disciplines of magic briefly with the aid of his brother, who had always been significantly more adept at the art than him. He settled for pursuing lightning magic, but cared little for the finer aspects of the discipline, only learning significant enough to protect himself and accomplish offensive attacks.
Family ties have always been strained in Sileios' family. He and his brother are born of two different mothers, both of whom died shortly after giving birth. Their father became estranged from both sons, though favoured Vaati over Sileios, for he showed more promise in the arcane arts. Sileios knows scarce little about his mother and the subject is a sore spot for him.
Sileios has had very poor luck in all romantic endeavours and is not that way inclined.
Magic/Abilities: Studied lightning magic, not much else. Capable of wielding a greatsword [Zweihander] easily due to his height (6'10"). Lean build. Excels more in close-quarters-combat than with melee weapons or magic.
Boon(s): Calm enough to diffuse a hot situation; level-headed; logical; loyal
Bane(s): Slow to anger, but once angered, becomes lashing and wrathful; not quick to form relationships platonic or otherwise; will react to someone raising their voice or a door being slammed etc. by breaking down or abruptly leaving the situation.

Hope this is acceptable! I write individually, but I've never joined a forum like this before. :)

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