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Dragons Beware

Ash nodded, and sighed, curling her tail around herself on the bigger dragons back. A thin layer of ice coated Ash's wings, a small protective shield
Elona shivered from the coldness of Ash's wings, but kept calm and walked, finally entering a different clearing, "Where are we now?" Still surrounded by forest.
"You do?" Elona sniffed the air, but couldn't smell it, her senses dwindling, "Which direction, I'm starved!" She quickly said, but then recalled her captors might be trying to lure them, "Maybe it's best we don't... Oh what the hell lead the way!"
Ash continued to creep forward, sniffing the air with her little nose happily. She was glad to help the bigger dragon, but wondered why only she could smell the food, which made her nervous
Elona was silent, thinking about how that warm food would taste in her dry mouth, she hadn't been given anything as a thought of torture and such, now that she escaped, she might die out here. But nonetheless, they came to the spot, "Careful, it could be a trap?"

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