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Fantasy Dragon Song [Anime-style, Long-Term Adventure - Closed/FULL!]

Since you chose the same weapon type as my character, I'm going to change his weapon type so that there isn't a duplicate specialization.

Radiant Dawn: What is stronger and what is weakest? Is stronger like stronger than other Dragonkin due to the solar advantage? And her weakness, human weakness? Useless doesn't explain anything. Human weakness may not be useless so unless you mean weaker than humans.

Radiant Breath: What is the beam's area if it is supposed to strike "all within the beam's area."

Radiant Sight and Radiant Oblivion: Nope. Overpowered. Not accepting them no matter how you try to edit them. These will not be accepted at all.

As far as her Dragon Arm, there is no "mana pool." This isn't a video game. Her stamina would just be sapped if you want to do that. What is this "Light" that flies towards "darkness?" It can only attack shadows? It won't hit what she's aiming at unless that character is in the shade? If you're trying to go with the "My arrows detect evil." It won't work here lol. This isn't some magical girl RP.

Just gonna go in order to make life easier here~ (Notably, I'll explain and edit as I go)

Radiant Dawn - At noon, she'd be stronger than most others for that brief time, then her power scales back to weaker than the Dragonkin at the night. During a Solar Eclipse, however, Milia loses all of her draconic abilities and magics for as long as the eclipse happens. (I'll elaborate on Sheet better)

Radiant Breath - 5-10' by 100' if we use D&D terminology. (I'll add)

Radiant Sight and Oblivion - Noted~ Will change them accordingly (This may take a bit, I liked the ideas there, but I noticed the OP after a while... Q.Q)

Dragon Arm - The Mana Pool note was a cover term for the energy used to cast magics, as I was unsure what was used in this world. The Arrows of Light are simply Light magic in it's nature. The Light towards the darkness notion was flavour text that I likely shouldn't have added. As it muddled what I meant to say. Q.Q

Also I'm sorry for taking a bit from your character's weaponry! Q A Q Milia I had planned to be the more mid-backline attacking character, as I noticed plenty of Up-close-and-personal fighters. QwQ

Mineczka Mineczka O_o What does 5-10' by 100' even look like? Can you use meters? Like how many meters wide? Because I am assuming it is just going straight. Light is pretty continuous so I can't imagine it having a visible end.
The measurements I gave translate to ~1.5-3m in Width and ~30m in length in general.

I gave a length to it so I can't hit a foe 40km from the battle with this attack, as after a certain point the magic holding the beam-like attack together tends to disperse and the breath attack falls apart at about ~30m give or take.
Okay, yeah, I'm changing something. Can't have Ashe be entirely reliant on others for offensive capabilities.
The Black Knight The Black Knight how does this sound, taking Advanced Electroreception and replacing it with:
[*]Heart of Lightning - Electricity is to Ashe as magic is to a mage. She can sense, manipulate, and generate electricity around her. Electricity can be sensed in all forms (Static, nervous system, batteries, building storms), manipulated in most forms (Static, plasma, and other forms not contained in a living being, ie, nervous electric impulses), conductive materials are like beacons telling her there’s something there.
The Black Knight The Black Knight Although I'm sad to hear my character didn't make the cut I appreciate having the chance to make one. I'm probably going to lurk this rp just because I love the idea so I do hope it turns out well. If there's ever a chance to add any supporting characters I'd love to take a shot in the future.
Darkling0096 Darkling0096 If she can manipulate bioelectricity, then that seems overpowered for the start of a game. You cannot forget that at the start of the game they don't know how to use "advanced" anything.
I specified she couldn't manipulate electricity within other creatures, under which banner biolectricity falls. She can sense your biolectricity, but she can't manipulate anything inside another living thing, which goes beyond the brain's electric impulses.

If she hit you with a zap, she could only control the bolt up until the point it began traveling through your body. If the electricity is within a living being, she can't manipulate it, she can only sense if.
lol I'm still here. You guys are just catching me on my four day. I did some volunteer work today and tomorrow I'm going to a beach EDM so I have just been out. But I'm still here just explaining my delay. I'll get us started soon.

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