Dragon Riders

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The ancient clans have been at war for centuries now, but with the end of the last dragon war* they must now learn how to live together. A new generation of dragon riders are now being trained side by side and are learning how to band together for peace.

The young riders must now face the troubles presented to them and hold their kingdoms together.

*(Dragon Wars: The series of battles that resulted due to disagreements of who should become the new leader of the united council. All clan leaders thought it should be them so they battled for the title. Eventually the last war came to an end when a new dragon rider arose from a small river town and proved himself worthy of the chair)

Snow was walking to the designated meeting spot and she was talking quietly to Soulcatcher. "Do you think it's worth it? I don't want to be wasting my time." She merely nodded as if she heard a reply. "I suppose so..." and she sighed.

Alexander sat quietly upon a rock meditating, with his dragon sleeping in the clearing.
Dmitri happily walks next to Colliander, leading him with a large staff in his hand. "I wonder who else will be there... Do you think they'll want to race?" His eyes light up at this idea, he has always loved to race with others but after a while, everyone else in his village stopped racing with him because he would always win. He hoped these people would be glad to race with him, and they might even beat him! "Do you think they'll win? They probably will if they made it this far..." Colliander simply follows him, seeming to be almost amused at Dmitri's unending rambling.

Sogno circles the large clearing, in no rush to land while Vanessa is laughing on her back. "This is great!" She looks down to the clearing pondering something for a moment. "Do you think anyone is down there yet?" She quints to see past the air rushing into her eyes. Sogno slowly starts to descend, knowing to land.
Snow stops and looks at Soulcatcher. "Can I hop on your back? Walking is getting a little lonely." After a brief second she gets a grin on her face. "THANKS!!!" She hops onto Soulcatcher's back and they continue walking towards the clearing. They slow down a bit when they hear someone talking. Snow becomes serious and lowers her voice "I wonder who that is...."

Nightshade lifts his head up at the disturbance and looks at Alexander who is still meditating. 'Xander...be aware that someone is approaching.' Alexander open one eye and look at Nightshade and gave a nod of acknowledgement.
Colliander's head rises in anticipation of the people they are approaching. Dmitri sees this quiets, looking at him curiously. Once he realizes it's simply because they are finally reaching the clearing he breaks out in a grin. "So we're approaching them now! Oh man, I hope they'll want to race. That's going to be the first this I ask!Of course asking them won't be the first thing out of my mouth when I talk to them though..." He chuckles lightly at this. "I wonder what they'll be like, how old they are, who they are..." He turns to Colliander and walks backwards. "What do you think?"

Vanessa and Sogno softly land in the middle of the opening in the trees and Vanessa swiftly slides down Sogno's side, laughing slightly in joy. "That​ was fun."
Snow jumps off Soulcatchers back and bolts into the clearing. "Come on Soul!! We are going to be late!!!!" She rushes into the clearing and slides to a stop right before she runs into Alexander. "Darn it!!! We are late!!" Looks at Soulcatcher as she walks into the clearing and sighs. "Yeah, yeah, I know. You told me before we left how could I forget? I don't have short term memory loss you know." Soulcatcher rears her head back as if laughing and Snow shoots her a glare. "Very funny."

Alexander stood up and sighed, "Nightshade you realize that it has only been a few minutes and noise is already bombarding me?" Nightshade looked at him amused, 'What did you expect sire? Not everyone is as silent as a mouse.' Alexander sighed again and walked over and jumped onto Nightshade's back. "Such a way of words." He looked up to see who was in the group. "Hmm..."
Dmitri quickly spins around to face everyone and grins widely. "Do you guys want to race? Er- I mean.. Hi, I'm Dmitri." He blushes a little and holds his hand out for them all to shake. Colliander's body shakes slightly as if he's laughing at his rider. "And you said those wouldn't be the first words out of your mouth..." He then shakes his head at Dmitri amusedly while Dmitri's blush deepens a tiny bit and he mutters back, "Shut up..." clearly embarrassed.

Vanessa laughs at him and shakes his hand. "I'm Vanessa," She points to Sogno, "And this is my dragon, Sogno."

Dmitri happily shakes her hand and his blush fades. "Oh! And that clown is Colliander." He motions his head toward his dragon.
Snow smiled brightly. "My name is Snow and this is my dragon Soulcatcher." Soulcatcher looks at him briefly and gives a nod of acknowledgement.

Nightshade spoke up for Alexander. "My rider is named Alexander, I am his dragon Nightshade." Alexander remains silent but nods at Nightshades introduction. Nightshade carried on, "We are glad you have come today."
Vanessa smiles lightly at them and waves slightly. "Hello." When Nightshade finishes talking and Alexander remains quiet she briefly looks at him questioningly.

Dmitri nods the them all and gently rocks on his feet energetically, biting his lip trying not to say something until he can't hold it in anymore; "So do you guys want to?"
Alexander notices her stare and says lightly, "A person of few words...that's how I am described. I am called that for a reason."

Snow thinks for a bit, "Hmmm....sure. But I am not that good." She looks slightly sad but excited.

Alexander notices her stare and says lightly, "A person of few words...that's how I am described. I am called that for a reason."

Snow thinks for a bit, "Hmmm....sure. But I am not that good." She looks slightly sad but excited.
Vanessa nods but continues to look at him, thinking hard about something.

Dmitri becomes immediately happy and grins widely. 'Yeah!" He punches the air in excitement. He then notices her slightly sad look and calms down and becomes concerned. "Hey, what's wrong? I'm sure you're great at racing!"
Alexander turns his attention back to Snow and Dmitri who are going to race. He mutters quietly to Nightshade, "This should be interesting..."

Snow smiles and puts her hands up in defense, "Nothing is wrong no worries!! Let's get this race started!!!!" She grins cheekily.
Dmitri raises an eyebrow at her then just shrugs and smiles again. "All right then!" He turns to Alexander and Vanessa "Do either of you want to join us?"

Vanessa shakes her head, breaking herself out of her deep thought and turns to face him confusedly. "Um, I'm sorry, what?"

He smiles kindly. "It's fine, I was asking if you wanted to race with us?"

Her face turns to that on understanding. "Oh." She smiles politely "No thanks, I don't like racing- I think of flying as more of a... pleasure act so I don't want to mix it with competition."

He shrugs. "All right." He turns to face Alexander. "Do you want to?"
Alexander remains silent for a bit and then shakes his head no. "I appreciate your offer but no thank you."

Snow looks at Soulcatcher and glares and while everyone is deciding they are silently debating with each other.
Vanessa looks to Alexander. "You don't like racing either?" Sogno lies down behind her tiredly and rests her head down, watching them all.

Dmitri watches Snow and Soulcatcher curiously then bursts out, "How do you do that?" Colliander shakes his head at him slightly ashamed but amused all the same.
Alexander looks at Vanessa and chuckles, "My talents lie in strategizing. I have always been better at coming up with ideas and moves to win rather than winning." Nightshade let's out an amused chuckle.

Snow and Soulcatcher both look at him briefly and reply the same thing, "Telepathic." And then look at each other again trying to figure out who was right. After a few more seconds Snow groans and a frown adorns her face, "Fine...I will follow through based on the condition so now let's go." Snow looks up again and looks at Dmitiri. 'Where are we racing to?"
Vanessa nods. "Same here, kind of. For me, I prefer scouting new land." She shrugs and smiles slightly then lays down, leaning agains Sogno.

Dmitri looks at them in slight shock/amazement when they announce their telepathy then looks all around for a finish line. "Um... how about... there?" He points toward a mountain a good distance away from them. "See it?"
Alexander remains quiet but seems to be thinking over her reply a bit. However he then focus back on the two riders who are about to race. "Wonder who will win...." He chuckles lightly.

Snow looks to where he points and nods. "Sure!" She hops onto Soulcatcher's back while grinning. "Gonna call it off?"
Flower was up in the air flying. She giggled her long white hair blowing behind her. "Ok Exile....let's have some fun." She said and then leaned down low to the large dragon's golden scales. Exile, Flower's dragon suddenly started spinning in the air. Exile flew towards the ground and then pulled up still spinning with her wings wide open. Flower laughed and then had Exile land. "Good girl." Flower said as she slipped off the dragon. She pushed her hair behind her ear. Alicia and her dragon Draco soon landed.

"Alright...you won." Alicia said crossing her arms. "But only because Exile blinded my poor Draco." Alicia said and petted Draco's snout. "Your such a cheater." However Flower just rolled her eyes at the comment. Alicia turned to see they weren't the only ones here. Alicia looked at Flower. "Hey look." She pointed towards the others.

Flower looked at were Alicia was pointing. However she just turned and then looked at Alicia. She didn't really want to say hello. She looked at Exile as the dragon laid down. Flower chuckled. "I pushed her too hard again didn't I? Sorry..." she said petting Exile's head.
Dmitri grins and and jumps onto Colliander. "All right! Get ready... Set... Go!" Colliander then leaps into the air and shoots off toward the finish line while Dmitri laughs on his back.

Vanessa shrugs "Who knows?" Once Flower and Alicia land nearby Sogno lifts her head and looks over toward them which causes Vanessa to look over also and try to find the source for Sogno's curiosity.
Soulcatcher bolts off to and is right behind Dmitri and colliander. Snow's hair whips back and her laughter echoes as she tries to pass Dmitri.

Alexander looks towards the noise after he sees Vanessa turn her head. "what is it?"
Dmitri looks behind him and sees them gaining on him and his eyes widen. "Woah, they're fast... Awesome." He grins and crouches further down onto Colliander's back then pats his dragon's neck. Colliander feels this and speeds up.

Vanessa glances at Alexander from the corner of her eye then looks back to the newcomers. "A couple others have just arrived." She nods her head toward them.
Snow notices they are gaining speed so leans forward and taps Soulcatcher's neck twice. "Let's do this..." Her eyes narrow a bit and they speed up as well. Snow nods her head as if Soulcatcher said something. "They are pretty fast...but hopefully we can be faster!"

Alexander nods at the information, "That means we are only waiting on a few others now....We can start as soon as they arrive I suppose." He returns to his previous position and closes his eyes in thought. Nightshade merely does as his master does but looks more alert.
Dmitri glances back at them again in amazement. "Wow, no one has been this close to us in a race in a long time..." He smirks "I guess we'll just have to change that huh?" Colliander nods slightly then takes a deep breath and seems to glide through the air like water and they go quite noticeably faster, seemingly easily regaining a large lead on Snow and Soulcatcher.

Vanessa sighs when he closes his eyes and crosses her arms. "You really don't talk a lot do you?" Sogno sighs also, but at her rider and closes her eyes in a 'why do you always do this' kind of way, shaking her head at Vanessa.
Bella was soaring through the sky on Umi's back, the water dragon diving and floating across the air. The wind pushed through Bella's brown hair as her sienna eyes scanned the ground below. She wasn't looking for someone in particular, just someone to talk to. She loved chatting with the people from other clans. It was so intruiging.

((Sorry about the short opening, I'm at work))

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