Dragon Core


Retired M
All who come from my Psychology class know this is my original story. I later turned it into and Role play after I lost it over my computer. I took my own responses and put them into my story, because this is how I wanted it to go. I too none of the other's characters, they are not included in the story.

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Going to put things in spoilers just so it doesn't take up a billion miles of thread.

Name: Mercer Hart

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Appearance: (See at the bottom of the page)

Likes: Oranges, New armor, shoes, spiders (he finds them adorable)

Dislikes: extremely large turtles, library smell,

Strengths: is extremely good with a bow and arrow

Weaknesses: really not good with melee weapons, has some dagger abilities and hand to hand though.

Personality: Goofy loveable guy, but occasional worry wart.

History/Background: joined the Dragon Core to put himself to use for once. Also was pressured into it by his mother. Nothing important to say about his past.

Weapon of Choice: A bow and Arrow, occasionally small knives.

Lotair (last name unknown)

Age: 62

Gender: Female

Race: Wood Elf

Likes: stealing, sarcasm, jokes, reverse pickpocketing people to confuse them.

Dislikes: extremely serious and stuffy people, small time guards who act like they have a lot of power.

Strengths: Is extremely quiet, sneaks around very well, and tends to use the five-finger-discount all chances she gets.

Weaknesses: tends to be a bit of a jerk, has quite the bounty on her head making her a target for guards, and isn't good with long range attacks.

Personality: sarcastic, snarky, bit of a jerk, but still cares enough about her close friends to stick by them.

History/Background: She was raised in the Ayr forest by her mother, until age 20 when her mother was killed and she wandered out of the forest to find a different life, traveling to Loutt. There she learned how to pick pocket and steal. Later she traveled to Aria, stayed there for the most part.

Weapon of Choice: duel weapons. A short sword and a dagger usually.

Name: Immor (Last name also unknown)

Age: 42

Gender: Male

Race: Half Orc, Half Dark Elf

Likes: Silence, books, intelligent conversations.

Dislikes: Stupid people, annoying people, people who are excessively violent, people.

Strengths: Can take a lot of damage and can deal a lot of damage.

Weaknesses: He comes across as very cold hearted, and distant.

Personality: Stoic, smart, but a bit hard headed.

History/Background: His mother was an Orc, and his father was a Dark Elf, they didn't get along well prior to his birth, and even worse after his birth. His father taught him logical thinking, and his mother taught him how to fight and stand up for himself. Upon his eighteenth birthday he was given a battle axe by his mother.

Weapon of Choice: His two handed battle axe.

Name: Tanis

Age: ???

Gender: Male

Race: Dragon, grey

Likes: meaty things, Mercer.

Dislikes: most everything else

Strengths: Can fly fast

Weaknesses: Can't take as much damage as some of the bigger dragons

Personality: a bit sassy, but cares about his human

History: Unknown

Appearance of all characters:

Mercer had his arms crossed, listening intently with a smile on his face. These past few months were excruciatingly boring or down right terrifying for him, and to finally be done with it all was a relief long coming. He heard his name be called by the instructor. A small moment of panic was followed by a small glimmer of promise. Was Rhea going to be his partner? It would seem most likely, they wouldn't call in two people unless they had both done something terribly wrong.

He looked to Rhea, giving her a small thumbs up as he approached the office, opening the door for her.
Mercer kept his arms crossed, a spacey look to his face, something that wasn't uncommon for him. When the words 'special mission' hit his ears, he immediately perked up, a smile growing across his face. His grins, when genuinely excited, were large and dorky. He looked at Rhea, slightly glad he got to pair up with her, and even more glad he was in the top percentage.

When they were dismissed, he saluted to the instructor, he looked up to realize that Rhea had already disappeared out of the room. He gave a shrug, following her out the room, he stood behind her, "you excited about this, Rhea?" he chimed in.
Mercer seemed uneasy that morning. It was likely just nerves, but as he met up with Rhea and went to the Dragon Valley Core Post he would chuckle nervously. He progressively got better, and then progressively got a lot worse after meeting Meru. His usual large goofy grin was just an uneven smile, accompanied by furrowed brows and a general cloud of worry.

When the red headed man rushed from Major Maui's office, yelling about the waste of resources, he looked to Rhea, "This doesn't seem too promising..." he gave a heavy sigh.
Mercer seemed uncomfortable all through the debriefing, especially when the words 'rumor' came into play. He was obviously unhappy with the idea of being sent out on a rumor. He was almost steaming with anger that his first mission would be based off a fairy tale and nothing more. He only nodded when the time came, "I understand what must be done." he grumbled, looking to Rhea.
“Alright, you three are dismissed. Fly safe.” The major saluted and Rhea, Hiro and Mercer saluted back, leaving the room quietly. After they had left the room, Hiro shut the door and then let his shoulders shrug. Hiro gestured for Rhea and Mercer to follow him “If you guys follow me I can show you to where you will be staying, she is a very good friend of mine, I’m sure she will make you two very much at home! She is actually very excited to meet you two. You see she is very obsessed with dragons, she will probably ask you two endless question about them! Anyway, you can call me just Hiro outside base and Core operations.”

Rhea smiled “You talk very warmly of your friend.” Sounds like more than a friend to me… Rhea said silently in her head. Hiro smiled at Rhea and it seemed to her that a small blush crept on Hiro’s cheeks. Yeah... more then a friend.. Rhea though as she opened the folder with their mission in it and began to read it, almost completely engrossed in it, following behind Mercer so she doesn't lose them.

Coming out of the building, they started to follow a road through the Valley, eventually leading to a small town, “So Mercer, tell me about yourself! What brings you to the Core?” Hiro asked, trying to make small talk.
Mercer had walked out of the meeting completely silently, seeming deep in thought about something or another, he looked up when he heard his named called, looking at Hiro, "Oh- Uh. I just- I joined the Dragon core because there was a retired member living in my village when I was a kid. He'd sit all the kids down and tell us stories, he made it seem so glamorous, and when you're a kid living in a small village you do what you can to get by with your life." he gave a short sigh, "I guess I just wanted to have adventure as an adult. I certainly didn't want to be a farmer."
Hiro’s eyes seem to soften and put his hand on Mercers shoulder. “Hey man, do sweat this mission. Just try your best; because for all you know, those things could very well be real… and you two could very well save the world.” Hiro nodded, these two will need a lot of encouragement.

Continuing down the path through the town, they eventually his the outskirts of town to get to a small two story house. Rhea observed at the front of the house on the door step was a small black cat. Hiro moved to the door step and kicked as hard as he could, launching it from the steps.

Rhea dropped the missions’ folder at this sudden action and clasped her hand over her mouth. Did he just kick a cat?

The black cat sat up immediately and started hissing, human words, “What the hell you bastered! I was just minding my own business and you come over here and kicked me!!”

“You were in my way Suogen, don’t you have somewhere else to go yet?” Hiro retorted, all while trying to open the door of the house.

Rhea whispered to Mercer, “He must be a Lycanthrope, that really surprised me…” Rhea then bent down to pick up the folder when the door opened and a woman. “Would you two stop fighting, dinner is almost ready. I’m sorry you two! Hiro can be quite mean to Suogen and vise-versa. Please come in, dinner is almost ready! I am Zoe by the way!”

Slowly everyone moved inside, Rhea noticed the house was very small, but very cute in her opinion. “Please take a seat at the table!” Zoe said as she disappeared into another room. Suogen sat at the table on stack of books; he must always eat from his animal forum. Rhea turned her head to the side as she observed a red collar around Suogen’s neck. Did he pretend he was a pet cat or something? That’s really strange for a Lycan. Rhea did not dare ask in fear of being rude.

Soon Zoe served a fantastic dinner and chicken and rice and they all talked among themselves. Zoe constantly asked questions about Rhea and Mercers dragons. After a while Zoe showed them to a room with two separate beds on either side of them room, if they need anything that they can ask her. Rhea sat on the bed and continued to review the notes, this was the first time she was alone with Mercer since their fly up from the Academy. Rhea didn’t say anything, but she continued to read the notes in the folder. “Mercer… I think we need to go somewhere with more information on such lore on dragons. “ She finally said, she hoped he didn’t think her idea was stupid. She did not know what else to do. The Major was no Dragon lore expert and the information in the briefing was gaped and summarized. She moved her gaze from the folder and looked at Mercer for his answer.
Mercer nodded, "I'm not worried about the mission if that's what you're implying, I just... don't care about it is all." he gave a heavy sigh as he continued to walk along side Hiro. As they made their way through the town to the house where they'd be staying he smiled at the cat sleeping on the steps. He had always loved cats, small animals in general really, they were always good friends of his when it came right down to it.

However when Hiro launched the cat with a swift kick, he almost punched him in the back of the head, at least until the cat began to talk. He sighed, his anger slowly bubbling down. He introduced himself to Zoe, liking how happy she seemed to be. He sat down to dinner, enjoying every bite of food he had. He looked at Rhea, his mood much brighter than before, "I agree, I think we should head towards a library, or at least find some scholars familiar with the subject."
Rhea smile at Mercer, a little relived. “yes, certainly. We can leave tomorrow morning, if they is fine with you Mercer…”

“You guys are leaving tomorrow?” Rhea looked up to see Zoe standing at the door way, Suogen standing next to her, licking his paws.

“Can I come with you? Please, I would love to go on adventures with dragon riders!” Rhea looked shocked, “uh.. umm.. uh..I don’t think.. it’s dangerous.. I mean.” Rhea was not sure how to say no, this was a Dragon Core mission.. but then again. What harm could It be. This was probably a faulty mission. Rhea glanced at Mercer.”I suppose... she could come. We are not actually going anywhere dangerous now that I think about it…. “

Suogen chuckled “Hahahaha, Hiro will be peeved.” Zoe puffed up her cheeks, “Hiro can shove it, hes not the boss of me, I can go do what I want when I want!” Suogen snickered more. Rhea looked at Mercer again, "I mean… you don’t think that would be a problem for her to go with us to the city?”
Mercer smiled at Rhea, it was a nice, comforting smile, "I think leaving tomorrow would be fine. I'm just eager to get this mission done with already." He watched Zoe as she asked to go with them, he thought for a moment, looking at Rhea for her response, and back to the blonde, "I don't see why we can't take you. For now we're just going to the city, but if things get too dangerous I might want to send you back, I rather not have a civilian casualty weighing me down for the rest of my life."
Zoe screamed in absolute excitement. Rhea jumped at the sudden bust of excitement and scrambled to look for words. “Umm but uhh..” Rhea begin to mumble stuff under her breath, almost not audible. “Please... don’t… uhh.. be a.. burden to us.. and listen to umm.. what er we say.. please.” Rhea doubt Zoe had heard what she said as she danced around the room with Suogen.

---The Next Morning----

Rhea had sent word on their little Drake tp the Major that they will be going to the capital to investigate the lore further. Zoe was in utmost ecstatic that morning, and she insisted on leaving long before Hiro got back from his evening Core duties.

When Zoe meet Roen and Tanis, they seem to immediately like her. Rhea was impressed because Roen can be strange about meeting new humans. Rhea for a while thought that Roen was going to hate Mercer, but she guess he had a change of heart because Mercer was so nice to Rhea. Roen offered to carry Zoe on his back since he could very well take more weight and still fly and a normal pace.

Rhea knew that the flying to the capital should not take as long as the fly here to the Valley from the Academy, and she was right. They had arrived at the city before noon had even hit. Dismounting their dragons, Rhea asked Mercer to go get a hotel somewhere in the city and that she would meet him at Aria College of History some time later in the day.

“You can probably find me in the library. Zoe should probably stay with you. I will see you later ok?” Rhea said, leaving Mercer at the edge of the city with Zoe and Suogen on her shoulders.
Mercer waved goodbye to Rhea, "I'll see you later. We'll meet at a tavern, okay?" he smiled a little as she left, turning to Zoe and Suogen, "Alright, now as the only Dragon Core member present, I take charge, and I order that we," he gave a stern look, "Go shopping." He began a calm walk towards the busy market district. However the closer they got to it the faster he seemed to go. He had a secret love of shopping, most of the time he wouldn't be embarrassed by that at all, but now that he had suddenly become an authority figure he wanted to leave an impression on the new members of his tiny group.

He had been looking through some satchels when he felt a bump from behind, he turned to see an elven girl apologizing as she walked away. He just nodded, "Oh- not that's alright." he smiled as he turned back to the owner of the stall, "I'll take this one pl-" he patted the back of his belt. The coin purse he'd usually have was missing. He whipped around dropping the satchel and seeing that the elven girl had already walked several stalls away, he took off full speed after her, shouting curses and telling her to stop where she was.

She only sped up, running far ahead and disappearing around a bend, Mercer followed in suit after her, slipping slightly on the cobblestone path. She leaped over benches and carts, as Mercer weaved in and out, gently pushing people aside. She pulled down buckets of water and threw hay in his direction to distract him, to find him only pushing forward. He felt like she was leading him all over town, until she reached a small alleyway, turning to face him. She was honestly a beautiful woman, muscular and fit, short dark hair loose around her face, framing it perfectly. Mercer was completely out of breath, he just waved his finger at her as he bent over to try and gain his breath back, heavily panting and trying to talk. He collapsed onto the ground, trying to breath further, he just wheezed at her.

The elf girl gave a heavy sigh, picking up the exhausted man who was only a few inches taller than her. She groaned under his weight, "You're luck you're so pathetic and cute, or I would just have walked over you and left with all your money." Suddenly she found herself completely turned around, with her arms behind her back.

"Got you." Mercer smirked, leading the elf forward, she then proceeded to chew him out with numerous swears better left unwritten, "And thank you for calling me cute. I knew it'd help me one of these days." he lead the girl back to Zoe and Sougen, smiling proudly, "And that, ladies and cat thing, is how you catch a criminal."

Rhea, arriving at the library, had asked the library if she could use their resources, and they were more than willing, saying if they can help the Core in any way it would be an honor. Rhea pulled a few books from the shelf of the library and placed them all upon the desk. Sitting down she began to read most of the lore books she had found. Maybe she should have asked Mercer to come with her, this was too much reading. Rhea closed a book that she had just finished reading the into of. There seemed to be a ton of loop holes in the tale, which is exactly why it is just a tale, because it is certainly impossible.

Opening another book she continues to read, slowly becoming aware of the gossip happening around the library and the amount of people who have taken an interest in her. She felt a fierce blush of embarrassment rise on her cheeks. She could no longer concentrate as she felt like everyone’s eyes were only on her. Soon enough she slammed the book down on the table and the library could not have gotten any quieter. She wanted to die of embarrassment right now.

“My lady from the Dragon Core, perhaps I can be of assistance to you.” Rhea turned to face a very elderly women, she waved her old hands signaling everyone to go back about their business. “Please, bring a few of those books, and come step into my office.” Rhea immediately stood up in almost robotic and stiff movements, hording a few books in her arms and followed the older women awkwardly out of the library.


When Mercer had announced he wanted to go shopping, Zoe about exploded with excitement. She has never left her village and this was an absolute treat. Talking with Mercer was fun in Zoe’s opinion, he always had something witty to say. When they stopped at a curtain stall, Zoe made the comment that the Satchel would go great with his uniform. Mercer seemed to really agree and debated to buy it.

Suogen remained completely uninterested and just sat on the ground and followed Zoe around in this cat form. After moment of listening to Zoe and Mercer talk about the one Satchel he peered up only to see an elven women pick pocket Mercer’s coin pouch. Before Suogen could say anything, Mercer had already noticed and launched himself after the women. “Zoe! Don’t just stand there follow them!” Suogen got and began to weave himself between the crowds, Zoe not far behind him. By the time they had caught up, Mercer was already walking back with the Elf in his hold.

"And that, ladies and cat thing, is how you catch a criminal." Mercer exclaimed proudly.

Zoe clapped her hands, “This is the most excitement I’ve ever had in my life, whats next?!”

Suogen on the other hand was not impressed, his fur bristled “CAT THING!? And that was hardly a catch, she seem to have the ups on you the whole time!”
Mercer beamed with pride, "It may have looked like she had the upper hand on me the whole time, but really I was planning that all along" he was lying like a rug. He held the elvish girl still. She fidgeted in his arms slightly, "Now then, we should probably give her to the local guards."

The girl's face was stricken with fear, "No, no, no, no! I'll do anything! Don't do that!" she panicked as she tried to get out of his arms.

"Alright just calm down," Mercer struggled to hold onto her, "I won't tell the guards if-"

"If!? What do you mean if!?" she half yells.

"If you come with me and help the dragon core." Mercer comments sternly.

The elven girl glares at the ground, "Fine. Better than being hung. I'll work with you, just let me go," her arms were released and she punched Mercer in the chest, "If I must travel with you, you might as well know my name. It is Lotair. The displeasure is all mine." she grumbled.

Rhea sat down in the office uncomfortably and shuffled though the books. Soon the elderly women soon brought Rhea some tea. The tea in Rhea’s opinion was poor quality, but it was hard to find high quality, she came from a rather wealthy family so she grew up with the best. But none the less, Rhea thanks the women for her hospitality.

“Now youngin, do tell me what you expect to find here.” She asked kindly. Rhea began her long explanation of what she needed to know. The women listened kindly and nodded every so often to show she was listening. “I do not think you will find such thing here. Humans do not hold such pride in lore such as that, we tend not to care so much about the past as we do the future.”

Rhea felt herself sign, this was no good, and she was getting nowhere fast. “Don’t look so down, I have some Elven friends that you may be able to talk too. They are a very old couple, the Elders of both the Dark and Wood elves. They know much, saying they are still alive. They are both much over the Elven life expectancy. Tell them Lilla of the Aria History College sent you. I am sure they will be more then willing to share their information. Just look for the city of Corrdor in Loutt.” Rhea stood up and saluted to the old women and curtly thanked her for her help.

“Thank you so much, I won’t forget this!” Now to go to the Tavern… oh a Tavern, she’s never been to one, she wondered what it would be like.


Suogen chuckled at Lotair. “You looked like you would be A LOT of help to us. “ Zoe smiled at Lotair, “Just ignore him, Suogen just likes to play with people! My name is Zoe, I hope you promise to be good from now on, and not to steal or run away!”

Suogen puffed his fur up “I don’t know why this Bubble Head would ask some random stranger who just stole his money to join us, shes obviously a bad thief in the first place if this Bubble Head could catch her.”

Zoe bent down and picked up the fluffed up black cat and let him dangle from her arms, “Maybe Mercer has a soft spot for ladys in distress like you Suogen.”

“LADYS DON’T STEAL!!” Suogen bust out, ruffling his fur even more against Zoe. Zoe chuckled quietly as Suogen continued to his and spit random insults.
Mercer frowned, "I do not have a soft spot for ladies in distress, I figure we need as many people as we can get to help with this whole dragon queen thingy."

Lotair placed her hands on her hips, glaring at the cat, "First of all, I promise absolutely nothing. Second of all, I actually had my intentions set on him catching me, made it easier for me to snag something of greater importance on him, however I was not expecting him to turn on me like that. That was a mistake I won't overlook again. And lastly, that's some big talk from a flea ridden cat."

Mercer checked himself, "what did you... What did you steal?" Lotair held up a shiny medallion on a short chain, "My necklace!? How did you-"

Lotair wiggled her fingers, "Magic hands."

She was so… Lost. Rhea felt like she had been wondering around the city for hours. She didn’t know what to do. She kept bumping into people. She had no idea where she was going, and the sun was even beginning to set. She than bumped into yet another person, she apologized and raised her hands defensively. She was getting nowhere…


Zoe was beginning to think Lotair was a bad idea. Whatever Mercers intentions where, Lotair obviously had bigger and better plans. Suogen continued to spit insults at Lotair and Mercer, mostly along the lines of Bubble head and Monster women. Zoe turned her gaze else ware. She began to think about what she might have truly gotten herself into. She knew that Mercer and Rhea thought that this mission was pointless, but something told Zoe that this was going to be an entirely life changing event for her. Maybe she would find her Dragon? Zoe smiled at the idea and thought once more, this is going to be the best thing that ever happened to her.
"Why don't you come and fight me, you mangy cat?" Lotair challenged, "Or are you too scared to get off your woman's shoulder?" she jeered, taking two small daggers from off her thighs, holding them firmly in her hands, "I bet you are a piss poor fighter, most lycans are. The only thing they're worse at then fighting is pleasing a lady."

Mercer waved his arms, "Stop it, both of you! And I am not a bubble head, Suogen and if you call me that again I'll drop you in the sewer! Lotair if you don't give me my necklace back I'll throw you there too!" the necklace was promptly thrown directly at his face, hitting him square in the cheek. He gave a heavy sigh, "I hate all of you."

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