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Fantasy Dragon Bonds OOC

I think I might actually make another dragon in case someone likes her enough to partner with. She’s only if someone likes her though.

Wyvern or Western??
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Gonna stick with Ira for now.

Also realized that his movement on land would actually be quite similar to those monsters in the king Kong movie
Would anyone be interested in a size comparison chart for all the dragons as a reference?

I could rustle one up
Considering we fill in the human heights for reference as well, ye, why not ^^
Okay I didn't imagine the dragons being that big. Holy

Well it kind of escalated because Hunter says that Sarcove is "large for a young dragon" and stands around 12 m tall. Elaena "towers over most structures and fellow dragons" and at that point you're into Godzilla land ahaha
Well it kind of escalated because Hunter says that Sarcove is "large for a young dragon" and stands around 12 m tall. Elaena "towers over most structures and fellow dragons" and at that point you're into Godzilla land ahaha
How'd you make the image? It's amazing
He is half-Eastern and a fast boi, so probably.

Due to her size, she's probably the kingdom's equivalent of a Nuclear Bomb. Like, you don't send Cereza into battle with Elaena if the operation is one of precision.

You send them in when it's absolutely necessary that the target - and probably most of the surrounding area- is completely flattened.

Hell the flap of her wings would probably level buildings, let alone her going all out.
I'd say Ira might be a little. Longer with a serpentine tail. Like skull walker body propertion

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