Dragon-Blooded Political Game Interest Check

No, you would cap out at precisely 1 six-dot ability. It does break at Ess 7, though.

Just for giggles, I threw together some stats for myself using the above definitions, and got one 4-dot attribute and two 1-dots, the rest being 2-dots, 12 zero-dot Abilities, 8 one-dots, 3 two-dots, 1 three-dot and 1 four-dot; three 2-dot Specialties and 9 one-dot; one 4-dot Virtue, two 2-dot and one 1-dot.

Going by this experiment, the pyramid scheme seems a little top-heavy.
I really do not see the point in rules that force players to create average characters in a game that emphasizes that players are super human demi-gods. I am bowing out of this and I hope you all have fun with the game.
@Kaji-Oni I would like to point out that the ST has made no comment on alternate character generation/advancement, and the above should therefore solely be considered idle musings by various interested parties. I, personally, agree with you that the Exalted are supposed to be extraordinary and supposed to have extreme stats, but I can see the opposing arguments. Mostly, though, I don't think anyone wants to see a player leave over what is, after all, a fairly trivial part of the game. Please come back to us :)
The point is not to force people to create average characters.

The point is to make stats not be a binary choice: Do I want to be competitive in this? If yes, go 5/5/3. If no, don't bother at all.

RAW, you might as well replace the 1-5 scale with a simple "favored/not favored." Because sinking XP into any dicepool less than 15 (before Excellency and Virtue channel) is effectively worthless.
If I do end up taking this game further, I have no intention of doing anything but standard character creation. I can see the arguments against, but I am well-versed in the pitfalls of the normal creation and not of some system we borrow or make.

Interesting thoughts, though.

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