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Fandom Dragon Age Inquisition: The Rp OOC

I'm so sorry! My notifications never showed up? I'm sad to say I won't be able to continue with the roleplay. Some personal things have come up and I won't be able to give this roleplay the attention it would need from me. Thank you for the opportunity though!
Ah, I think I know what happened. Above the top post on the page, on the right, there's Watch Thread. That's what you need to hit.

Unless you did that, in which case RPNation just fucked you over while you're new. Good stuff.

Tick tock.


I'm so sorry! My notifications never showed up? I'm sad to say I won't be able to continue with the roleplay. Some personal things have come up and I won't be able to give this roleplay the attention it would need from me. Thank you for the opportunity though!
Ah I see, no probs and good luck with the personal issues. Your welcome!

It's alright, but cool news!
Alright hours passed but I've caught up with CS's, I'm seeing no issues with Adelene and she's approved. Move forward as you intend varda varda ^^

Also before I open this up- The Sera role is now open again, any interested party before I take this to the interest check?

Edit: Only rule for Sera is basically must be- Non Human, Non warrior class ) and not Orlesian just cause Almost everyone is Orlais born. Xd
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Xylona Xylona Actually Cassandra/Bastien interrogating Varric/Vaeri happened a bit before the peace talks, from what I'm reading, and happened in Kirkwall at Hawke's house. Then Varric/Vaeri at some point got dragged to the peace talks to give Justinia information on Hawke. I know it's a small detail, but could you swap that around? Cheers.

FireMaiden FireMaiden That's the four roles needed for the start filled, gogogo.
Xylona Xylona Actually Cassandra/Bastien interrogating Varric/Vaeri happened a bit before the peace talks, from what I'm reading, and happened in Kirkwall at Hawke's house. Then Varric/Vaeri at some point got dragged to the peace talks to give Justinia information on Hawke. I know it's a small detail, but could you swap that around? Cheers.
Ahhh, whoopsies! Thanks for pointing it out, I'll fix it.
Xylona Xylona Actually Cassandra/Bastien interrogating Varric/Vaeri happened a bit before the peace talks, from what I'm reading, and happened in Kirkwall at Hawke's house. Then Varric/Vaeri at some point got dragged to the peace talks to give Justinia information on Hawke. I know it's a small detail, but could you swap that around? Cheers.

FireMaiden FireMaiden That's the four roles needed for the start filled, gogogo.
Huh, what?
Quizzy, Cassandra, Solas, and Varric were, according to Saru, the roles needed in the start. And I think we were waiting on Inquisitor to post first. Unless I horribly muddled something somewhere along the line.
Well, if I'm supposed to post first, it's gonna have to be tomorrow sometime. It's kinda late.
Well, if I'm supposed to post first, it's gonna have to be tomorrow sometime. It's kinda late.
Sure thing. As much as 'gogogo' really implied otherwise, I don't actually need you to post RIGHT NOW OMG BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE. Just letting you know that the chicken's cooked and ready for serving. If that made any sense. Why the fuck did I say that? Whatever.
Alright hours passed but I've caught up with CS's, I'm seeing no issues with Adelene and she's approved. Move forward as you intend varda varda ^^

Also before I open this up- The Sera role is now open again, any interested party before I take this to the interest check?

Edit: Only rule for Sera is basically must be- Non Human, Non warrior class ) and not Orlesian just cause Almost everyone is Orlais born. Xd

I can rework Adalene to be Antivan, to help even things out?
I can rework Adalene to be Antivan, to help even things out?
That would be your call to make, if you want to cool or if not then it's still cool. I'm just looking to avoid more orlesians due to the sheer number for one Inquisition here.

Currently Sera is open- So I'll post her role as open in the interest check since nobody has claimed her since Dotie parted ways with us.

Current Race Field:
2x Elves
6x humans
1x Qunari
Current Class field:
3x Rogues
4x Warriors
2x Mages
Ayyyye, I avoided Orlais! Thank the Maker lmao. I hadn't even read here before I posted my CS. Also there weren't many elves so I thought I'd snatch that up as well.
Ayyyye, I avoided Orlais! Thank the Maker lmao. I hadn't even read here before I posted my CS. Also there weren't many elves so I thought I'd snatch that up as well.
I went with Orlais originally but had a free marches connection for Blackheart- Now I've since just changed it to full free marcher. Anyways, it was funny to see how many orlesians we got and how many followed a similar path. Race diversity is always a plus, humans often outnumber in DA groups anyway, but closer to even in Rps compared to games is always nice. I've been debating adding a second character of another race, but the which race and which story/build is not close to finished yet. I've got a pic for a elf, dwarf and qunari I could use and would like to for a DA Rp at some point.

But cool! We have got a few elves, a qunari to help balance out the humans.
Ack, I've got no idea where to start. To take the Lelianna route and be making my way to wherever the Inquisitor is or the Josephine route and start by being forced out of Haven?
Ack, I've got no idea where to start. To take the Lelianna route and be making my way to wherever the Inquisitor is or the Josephine route and start by being forced out of Haven?
We should also talk about how/if Bastien and Mavril got on at some point. So there's no confusion on that end.
We should also talk about how/if Bastien and Mavril got on at some point. So there's no confusion on that end.
That's true. Let me open the CS page in a new tab and read through them again. It's been a while since. Then we can discuss it ^-^
Obi-Wan Kenobi Obi-Wan Kenobi If you are not opposed to it, Bastien and Mavril could actually start off at the same place, seeing as they were both present for the resurrection of the Inquisition, and I assume would be setting out to join them.
Although I wonder if Bastien would be blasé towards Mavril since she is a diplomat and has been dipping her fingers in political matters for quite a while now.
Obi-Wan Kenobi Obi-Wan Kenobi If you are not opposed to it, Bastien and Mavril could actually start off at the same place, seeing as they were both present for the resurrection of the Inquisition, and I assume would be setting out to join them.
Although I wonder if Bastien would be blasé towards Mavril since she is a diplomat and has been dipping her fingers in political matters for quite a while now.
So Mavril starts with the party? Or Bastien and Mavril start elsewhere? Either one works for me. Apologies for the late response, it's 2:20 AM as of me writing this, so I'm rather tired. May go to bed honestly.

I think he would, on some level, be like 'bleh political games', but there'd also be a good amount of respect. They have been working as the Hands of the Divine for several years now, unless I forgot something. Decent-to-good working relationship is my call. Thoughts? What does Mavril think of Bastien? [Other questions I haven't thought of]
Obi-Wan Kenobi Obi-Wan Kenobi If you are not opposed to it, Bastien and Mavril could actually start off at the same place, seeing as they were both present for the resurrection of the Inquisition, and I assume would be setting out to join them.
Although I wonder if Bastien would be blasé towards Mavril since she is a diplomat and has been dipping her fingers in political matters for quite a while now.
I'm not sure why Bastien and Mavril would be setting off to the Highlands after the Inquisitor.co have already gone, as de-facto leaders of the Inquisition they'd be needed to manage Haven.

Although you could easily write it in as having some skilled NPC Diplomat/Spymaster as holding down the fort for Mavril.
Okay, Thinking over and done some review.... All roles necessary to the early stages are there so first posts and advisers, companions etc can begin posting in the IC. Since Blackheart has a slightly later debut then the Four + Advisers I'll pass on the first post to either FireMaiden FireMaiden or Han JiHyo Han JiHyo Archdemon Archdemon Obi-Wan Kenobi Obi-Wan Kenobi Xylona Xylona SerenityAngel SerenityAngel since Advisers can post their debuts in any order (keep in mind where I decided to start us off in IC @ all members) And the others would be in the traveling party in the hinterlands. Others such as myself & Archon Archon varda varda each have their own decisions to make on that and when to jump in. And how, etc. Mine follows closely to how Blackwall actually debuted cause I figure it works with the warden Angle and all, and I may have if memory serves indirectly hinted at that in the ic. (Could be wrong though. Hectic few days in Rl since that ic post)

Also if someone wants a minor OC to replace roles like Scout Harding and Krem, etc, etc.... Nows the best time to speak up as they appear early, especially the awesome Miss Harding. (A role such as Krem can be replaced for another minor OC with a different role, just naming names here)
So Mavril starts with the party? Or Bastien and Mavril start elsewhere? Either one works for me. Apologies for the late response, it's 2:20 AM as of me writing this, so I'm rather tired. May go to bed honestly.

I think he would, on some level, be like 'bleh political games', but there'd also be a good amount of respect. They have been working as the Hands of the Divine for several years now, unless I forgot something. Decent-to-good working relationship is my call. Thoughts? What does Mavril think of Bastien? [Other questions I haven't thought of]
To be honest, I can't think of starting anywhere else besides being in the party. That's probably the most logical choice seeing as they would likely take priority to increasing the Inquisition's influence and strength to both take care of the Breach and the peace between Templars and Mages. Or perhaps, like Archon said, they could start off in Haven, then join the Inquisition when the party makes their way to Skyhold.

Mavril's the sort to try working well/getting along with anyone she will see on a daily (or near daily) basis, which means Bastien too. I reckon since they are similar in rank, both social and within the Chantry, she would see him as someone she can relax more around. And maybe (a very tentative one) share her musings over her conflicting professions with. But overall, she would most likely have a good working relationship with him.
Random sharing after seeing these for the first time:



Thought they were kinda awesome

Side-Note working out a second Oc to add in

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