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Fandom Down With The School! (A Maximum Ride RP)

He nodded. "Sure, when you get in please be careful of the cameras okay? Also if possible try to find a room with lots of screens, I'm not sure how to work them but I'm sure you'll figure it out. Once you turn the security system off come back out and tell us okay?" He asked hoping that he wasn't being too vague with what he was saying.

"Let's be quick, though." Redd said, waiting patiently outside the door. She hoped this wouldn't last long so they could either find a place to crash or get back to planning. She glaced at Isaac for a second before looking away, staring evenly across the street at nothing in particular. Her jaw was clenched, and she seemed kind of tense, because for some reason she was on edge.
Noticing the girl look tense he gently put his hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry, once we all get new clothes we can leave this area and get your tracker deactivated. Then we can focus on getting as far from the school as possible, I'm not going to let anyone here get put back in a cage." He said determinedly, he had a family again and he wasn't going to lose them.
"That's what I've been thinking about. I don't want to run from them. I-I wanna do something. Like, what if... we somehow destroyed the school all together?" She tensed when he put a hand on her shoulder. Redd wasn't fond of this interaction with people, that's for sure. Her gaze across the street didn't falter, but she did realize something, "Hey, don't ya think there are cameras on this side of the store too?" She said, looking around for possible hidden cameras.
"Hmm, good idea. However it's still best for us to remain out of their sights until we have a few ideas on how we're going to do it, wiping their digital data would be an obvious first step but we need to be careful with them. As for the cameras..." He scanned the building closely. "Yeah there's one but its pointing towards a different entrance, oh... It spins... Well I'm sure gabby will be able to sneak past something that basic easily.
"Okay.." Redd trailed off silently. Trying to strike up a conversation, she finally spoke, "Would you rather be able to become invisible and get hit by a car, or fly- which of course you already can, but if you couldn't- and get hit by a plane?" At that point in time, she was barely even mentally there, her mind trailing away into the darkest of memories. Max and the flock escaping, Redd's friend being turned into a monster like her, and the school becoming even worse that it was... she shuddered.
"I'd have neither and spare myself the pain." He said simply, he'd wanted to be normal all his life. Being normal had been wonderful and when he was taken so was his humanity, at least it felt like it. "By the way I'm sorry about what I said to you yesterday night... I got really angry and I wasn't thinking straight, I shouldn't have said I wished your parents had given you away..."
She chuckled slightly at his first comment. When she heard his second comment she looked at him, a small look of sorrow on her face. "No worries. I don't have any." It came out of her mouth almost automatically, because she knew the phrase to be more than true. Redd gave a forced smile and returned to her somber gaze. (Gotta run.)
Gabby crawled into the small smace she was just trying to help her flock as she smiled as she saw a light she looked around if they were guards she was sneaky she found the room where the camreas was she sat at the desk as she shut all the cameras down as she smiled going to open the door" hiya big brother" she say finding them @Kuroi01
He was surprised at this and gave her a sympathetic look, he didn't know what it was like not having a family though he'd wished he didn't have one since they had given him away so easily. When gabby came back out he forced a smile and petted her head. "Good work sis, well let's go shopping." It was a lame joke but he felt like he needed to lift the mood.
"More like shop-lifting." Redd grinned and stepped inside. 'Nice place..' She thought to herself, surveying the store. Almost a minute in and she saw something that caught her eyes. A pair of black ankle-high leather boots with silver studs near the front. She instantly swooped down and snatched them up. After grabbing a few more clothing items, Redd walked towards what she supposed was a dressing room and got changed. When she was finished, she stepped out wearing a blue t-shirt, black leather jacket, and black jeans along with the boots that fit her snugly. Grinning, she spun in a circle slightly before standing in the middle of the store waiting for the others to finish.
Isaac smiled a bit when he got to the men's section and went to the change room with an armful of clothing, when he came out he was wearing a black jacket, a black tank top, black jeans and sneakers. He even got himself a black belt with metal accessories on it, he sort of looked punk and he nodded a bit in approval then went to find other useful things. Despite hating to admit it he did rather like shopping malls as they seemed almost endless in supplies.
Gabby went into the store as she just walk around she grabbed a headband as she smiled looking around the store for something she liked she found a plaid shirt as she grabbed for that and some pants she just went to the dressing room to change as she smiled as she looked good as she walked out as she see redd was finished she put the headband on she forgot about the jacket
Isaac noticed Gabby without a jacket and skimmed through all the clothes until he'd found a jacket that suited the outfit she'd gotten, then he walked over to her and handed it to her. "Here." He said giving her the jacket, he also gave her a bunch of usbs on a key chain. "I'm sure these will come in handy some time in the future, in case we need to store any info."
Gabby look at Issac as he grabbed an jacket and a key chain" yeah that be so useful for me since i'm good with electronics and stuff" she say grabbing a neckless as she put it on putting on her jacket" don't i look cute big brother" as she gave him a cute smile for him" where we handing to now big brother" she asked while she zip up her jacket
Isaac shook his head to her question. "You don't look cute." He paused for a moment then picked her up and hugged her. "?You look absolutely adorable sis, if you'd like we can go find a place to eat. Then we really need to get moving okay?" The boy said giving her a little squeeze before setting her back down, as much as he liked doing this they needed to help Resd before they did anything else.
Gabby look at him" no i'm fine we need to help redd more then anything i'm not even hungry" she say lying to him as she looked away a bit as she looked at redd she was ready to go as Gabby held onto his hand as she was ready to leave everone look ready to go" okay can we go big brother" she say as she smiled she was happy he called her sis
"Maybe we can steal some food from the scientist when we get there, so how close is the nearest research group?" He asked hoping it wouldn't be too far or Redd would have a very long way to run, and if it was near they'd be able to focus on getting Redd her own 'hang glider'. It sounded a tad strange but from what he could remember humans thought it was just like flying.
Gabby looks down as she just wanted to go" do we have to go back there what if something happens" she say a little scared as she squeezed her brother hand as she was afraid to go back there as she sighed" i'm okay i try to be brave" she say to them as took out a loly pop she stole from the boy from earlier
"We're not going back to the school don't worry, in fact we're just going to a little house full of scientists. No erasers or anything. The location should be listed on the sheet of information you got from the library." He said reassuring her he wouldn't make her go back, at least not yet.
Gabby looks at him as she just smiled" okay lets go" she say as she liked her jacket" i like the jacket big brother" she say as she smiled" we going a home for now" she say smiling as she looked at redd as she just held her hand" Your my family too no mater if your earser or not i like you" she say as she smiled
Redd gave a forced smile, she was thinking of a plan to get into the scientists hideout without alarming them. She payed no attention to her hand in the little girls and finally spoke, "I've got an idea, guys. What if I go into the house first, they'd trust me right? I knock a few unconscious and tie a few up and then let you guys in? Then the ones awake can tell us everything we need to know. Just a suggestion, though." She shrugged, avoiding what Gabby said about family, it wasn't her main focus. Ever. All she wanted to do was get this tracker either deactivated or removed, whichever wouldn't kill her.
Gabby nodded" okay" she say to her as she was kinda scared of the scientiest but they trusted redd so she didn't have anything to worry about" anyways we good to go right" she say as she smiled she just wanted to fly as she look at the paper" the closet house is like a hour away" she say to them as she put back in her pocket
"We can make it no problem, Redd is a fast runner so she should be able to keep up with us. Once we get rid of the tracker though we need to move faster the school is sure to send erasers out to the last signal and I doubt the tracker will be able to be removed still operational. If it does we need to attach it to a bird of some kind."

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