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Fandom Down With The School! (A Maximum Ride RP)


RWBY Fanatic
The day started as any normal day could be, the School was quiet and peaceful with only a few pained screams in the background. The majority of the subjects were still asleep in their cages, and it was way to early for Redd to be doing her shift. It wasn't even daylight. She had the perfect view of every cage lined up against the walls. Nothing seemed to be happening, and none of the mutts seemed to be doing anything worth laughing at. 'It couldn't hurt to get some shuteye..' She thought, and slowly her still tired eyes fell as she leaned her head back against the wall.

But then came the sirens. The loud blaring sirens over the intercom as well as one of the scientists voices woke Redd from her early morning nap. "CODE RED. ALL ERASERS TO SECTION 337, ASAP!" She jumped from her slouched position in her chair, looking around. Cages were open, and soon she realized: she was in trouble. Her nostrils flared as she followed the scent of the escaped mutts, trailing towards a long hallway that led to the courtyard of the School. That's when Redd Steel saw them, running for their lives.

(I kind of made it broad, hope this works for you guys.)
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Gabby was running as she escaped the school she hated it with all her heart she hated the toture she just ran as fast as she could towards the forest she open her wings as she flew as she felt free. She was free from everything she was heading to Yellowstone she just flew to there she was happy to be out of the school she saw a younger kid maybe 6 or 7 and and older girl she hid her wings away from them" hi" she say to them as she was somewhat scared of these people

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"Stelly, are we going to get a real house?"

Stellaluna looked at Alby the bat from where they both sat near a fire. Over the fire on a homemade spit was a large fish spinning slowly. She had been eating at her own fish heartily and had a piece of fish hanging from her lip when Alby spoke up. The little blind bat girl was picking at her own fish rather quietly, which was odd for the little thing. "A... A what?"

"A house. I hear people all over the park talking about going back to the house, but... we don't have a house... Will we ever get a house?"

Stellaluna looked at Alby with a blink and opened her mouth to say something when she heard something behind her, and she whipped around, grabbing Alby and moving the child behind her, looking at the girl that approached. "Who are you?!"
Redd cursed to herself, as they escaped, helpless to it since she left her gun at her resting place. A low growl escaped her lips as she turned back to the fleet of Erasers that had trailed in behind her. They were all equipped with guns, but it wouldn't do any good. The escapees had probably gotten away by then.

"Sorry, guys. They got away." She muttered, pushing through them. As she made her way back to her duty one of the scientists stopped her. He ordered her to go after them. And so, she began her journy after the escapee's scent.
Gabby looks at them as she sighed" um name Gabriella" she say to them as she sighed" i just ran away from school scary place your like me i'm an anvin" she say scared as she started to tear up. "I'm sorry i probably get caught again" she say to the girl as she sighed looking around it looked safe it takes time for her to trust people since she got hurt and torure. @explosiveKitten
"The School?!"

"Eep!" Alby squealed from behind her, and Stell looked back at Alby who was shaking, "You 'escaped' the School, eh? Hmm?" She narrowed her eyes and tipped her head to the side. "...I.... I suppose I'll believe you for now... Have a fish..." She picked up a baseball bat from the ground and sat back down with the bat in her lap, picking up her fish and tearing into it.
Gabby just sits away from them as she drew in the sand as she was bored she looked for her parents but it wasn't a sucess her parents was long gone as she sighed i guess this was her new family" i like to be gabby or bri whatever you call me is fine" she say to them. she just watch the fire" what yours names" she asked looking down she won't look at them in theire face she's being shy towards them as she got a fish as she was nibbing on it she hasn't aten for so long
Isaac ran as fast as he could following some girls to the outside, he could hear erasers chasing them which drove him to run faster. He wasn't sure where they were going but he didn't know where else he could possibly go anyway, for now it would be better for him to be in a group rather than on his own. Even if he was slightly harder to track on his own he wouldn't stand a chance against a group of erasers on his own no matter how many he tried to kill.

When he got to the group he stayed a little away from them so that he was out of range, he doubted that they would just trust anyone that came by them. "Uh hello..." He said somewhat awkwardly as he stepped into the light, he wasn't good with talking to people as he was always focused on the scientists and guards that were always around.
She could smell their scent still, and followed the trail in her wolf form, a pur black furred wolf with pure gold eyes and raced off. Since she had a tracker embedded in her neck, the School trusted her out in the field. She wasn't as fast as the birds, but was able to run faster on all fours than on feet. It took a while, but she made it to Yellowstone Park and caught hold of their scent at it's strongest. Turning into her human form, she ducked behind a tree and listened on on their conversations.
"None of your concern." Stell said slightly, chewing silently. Alby stayed silent as well, her lips puckered, emitting quiet clicking. Stell put the remains of her fish on the ground. "...Someone is here..."

Stell stood up immediately, grabbing her bat and growling at the newcomer, "Oh great, another one! What are YOU, an Eraser?!"

Gabby just looked at the boy she reconized him from the schoo" hiya" she say to him as she smiled just drawing staying away from them they didn't trust she didn't trust them yet she was feeling a bit lonely as she saw the boy" um i think i seen you at that place" she say looking at him" i'm Gabrielle" she say smiling to him
The boy looked at the girl with the bat and rolled his eyes a bit, as if an eraser would actually come up and say hi. "If I was an eraser I wouldn't be standing so far away from you, I would've thought the wings would make it pretty obvious that I'm not one of them." He said annoyed then looked at the other girl, she seemed to have common sense and she was pretty friendly. "Nice to meet you too, I'm Isaac. And yeah, I think I've seen you too." His expression softened a bit and he decided he'd trust this girl, she didn't seem like she'd turn on him anytime soon and she didn't have a weapon so it'd be harder for her to do so anyway.
Gabby looks at him as she smiled" i'm Gabrielle you call me gabby or bri whatever you feel comfortable calling me Isacc" she say as she got close to him as she was a little scared ot the people here except for him she felt close to him she wouldn't hurt him he was like her" the eraser would attack he's like me" she say as she just stood there with him scared as she hid behind she just hold onto his pants" i'm only 11" she say to him

Stell growled angrily and said, "If you hope to live out here, you need to hide your wings. Also, I HAVE seen Erasers with wings, so don't even start with me."

Meanwhile, the rapidly clicking Alby crawled away. She was sniffing around, until she suddenly stuck her head around a tree, face to face with Redd, but being blind she was unable to tell something something was there. She stared forward with blank, pink eyes, and sniffed the air. She stared unblinking for a moment, then began to click at Redd.

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"It's nice to meet you Gabby." He said looking down at her, she was only a kid so he doubted that she was even capable of hurting anyone. The other girls he wasn't sure if he could trust the other girls, but if he needed to he'd just fly away. However he wasn't sure his new friend would be able to fly that fast. "I'm fifteen, and don't worry I'll do my best to protect you." He said ruffling her hair and sighed when he heard the annoying one.


"Yes of course and my master plan is to befriend you and take you back..." He said full of sarcasm. "As for my wings I can't bloody retract them, when I can I'll get a jacket so just leave it be for now." After finishing what he had to say he noticed that the bat was no where in sight. "Where did the blind one go?"

Redd jumped, silently, her heart pounding furiously. She grabbed onto one of the branches and pulled herself up, hoping the echolocation of the bat-mutt wouldn't compromise her situation. All the talk about Erasers had Redd anxious, how was she to blend in? No wings, big problems. She stared down at the blind bat and breathed slowly, hoping not to draw any attention. 'Please don't kill me, please don't kill me.' She thought, biting her lip as she heard one of them mention the bat.

@Kuroi01 @explosiveKitten
Gabby looks at him as she smiled as she giggled as he ruffred her hair" than she heard the voices in her head as she didn't know what it was she didn't understand her powers just yet she just looked around feeling someone was watching them but wasn't sure she just shrugged it off" i think someone over there is Issac" she pointed over to where to voice came from in her head

"Blind one- ALBY?!" She suddenly looked around, seeing Alby's retreating brightly colored dress as she disappeared behind a tree, and she rushed over.

Alby clicking around, until she heard the branches shifting in the trees. She looked up and vaguely made out a figure in the tree with her echolocation, but it was then that Stell rushed in and scooped her up, which made her squeak and flail. "PLEASE, don't wander off."


"N-no! No buts! Not a siiiingle but!"

Isaac walked over to where she'd been and looked around then took a few quick steps back. There was something in the tree that he wasn't expecting quite yet. "For once I agree with you, but she did find something rather... Interesting..." He said making sure that Gabrielle was behind him. "There's an Eraser in the trees." He said looking up at the tree the eraser was in, he was a little proud of the bat girl and Gabrielle for finding it but now they needed to kill it before it could signal the others. It was highly possible it had some form of homing device but they could just attach that to a dog or a bird of some kind, so long as they survived.

@explosiveKitten @Zeldafangirl
Redd reached for her gun, but realized it was still at the school. Immediately she pulled herself further up into the trees, the Eraser was filled with panic. Her voice quavered as she spoke down to the mutts, "I-I'm not a... an eraser or whatever you call them. Wh-what are you people?" Maybe she could convince them she was normal, after all she didn't possess any wolf-like features in her human form.
Gabby just held to his pants as she was scared she didn't know what to do she just sighed hiding being Isiac" what should we do Issac" she asked him scared" i'm scared" she say to him as she looked at the girl as she looked down " she's lying i can read her mind so she lying she is a Eraser" she say looking at her looking at Issac
"...You're obviously an Eraser because you're talking to us. Normal wolves can't do that. Soooo..." Stell put Alby down and picked up her bat, rushing over and smacked the Eraser out of the tree. "Besides, what the heck would a wolf be doing in a tree? You're kinda bad at lying, you murderous beast." She lifted the bat over her head and prepared to swing down when Alby ran over and threw herself over the Eraser, "Nooooo!"

"Eh?!" Stell stopped, trying to drag Alby away, but the little blind bat persisted, "It hasn't hurt us, it had the chance! Pleeeeease?"

Stella looked confused at Alby, absolutely shocked.

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"You're here to take us back to the school aren't you?" He asked almost growling at her, he hated erasers almost as much as he hated the school itself. They were the guards that took him to testing and punished him when he tried to fight back, they were the ones that scarred him. However the bat girl confused him slightly. "Why would you want to give that thing a single chance to live?! It would never give us the time of day." He said angrily.

@RedLikeRoses @explosiveKitten

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