Down Under [Inactive]

The food comes quickly and Amara watches Samantha's face to see her reaction. I hate only being able to drink blood, she thought to herself. Why couldn't I be a less vampiric demon?
Smiling slightly, Amara replied, "yeah, yeah, yeah. Just eat your food already!" She had noticed Samantha hadn't tried the food yet. She was also trying to get her to hurry, but she didn't let that show in her voice.
Samantha casually grabbed a pancake and twirled it up then stuck it in the syrup. "I don't see you eating." I said as I shoved the pancake in my mouth lazily.
Amara shrugged. "I can't really eat normal food. But..." She trailed off. Taking a small piece of a pancake Samantha didn't eat yet, she plopped it into her mouth. She partially loved it, but also partially felt sick to her stomach. She didn't show any discomfort on her face.
Samantha laughed. "What ever!" I finished eating my pancakes and whispered to Amara, "something tells me you want out of here fast."
Amara shrugged, putting on a poker face. "This place brings back too many memories, I guess." Flicking her nails under the table, she looked outside at the many people walking down the street. Her throat ached from thirst as she stared at their necks.
"I'm fine," Amara assured her. Sweat broke out on the back of her neck. Shoot. When was the last time I fed?, she asked herself. "I'll be right back." She stood up and headed off to one of the private restrooms (One of the ones meant for one person). Once inside, she locked the door and splashed her face with some cold water from the sink. Her throat burned with the need to just grab a random civillian and... Groaning slightly, Amara held her stomach, trying to control her hunger pains.
Samantha stood there in shock. What just happened? She looked past her limits.... did I bother or annoy her in some way? I walked back to the table and placed money for the bill on it then sat and waited for her.
Paler than she already was, Amara gripped the sink tightly with one hand. Okay, okay. Think. Any blood banks around here?, she asked herself. You know what? I'll just find some animal... Yeah! An animal will do, she thought to herself. Opening the door slightly, she saw that Samantha had paid for the bill already. Taking deep breaths, she walked over to her. "I thought I was paying," she joked. I really hope my eyes aren't red...
Amara shrugged slightly. "Okay, if that's what you wanted to do. And yes, I'm fine. Shall we take our leave now?" She asked. Her voice was somewhat scratchy.
After hugging and waving a goodbye to Lisa, Amara led the way back to the park. She revealed the entrance to the portal. Looking back at Samantha, she said, "we'll go in when you're ready."
The one thing Amara hated about portals was that if you were a "turned" demon, your appearance would change. Her skin became ghastly white, her pupils in her eyes changed to narrow slits like those of a cat, and her nails grew long and sharp like claws. She noted how Samantha's appearance didn't change. As her eyes readjusted to the faintly glowing, red, fiery, dusty wasteland that had a gray mist-like air above the ground, she noticed a few other demons milling around (Some were crossing The Bridge of Sin and Death).
"It's called The Bridge of Sin and Death," Amara said, now with a slight rasp to her voice. As an assassin, she needn't talk much, which often made her voice seem dry or tired. "We have to cross it to get to the gate." She paused. Turning towards Samantha, Amara lightly placed her hand on her shoulder, being careful not to scratch her. Continuing, she said, "if something tries to interact with you, you must not talk to it. Whatever you or it does, pay no mind to it, lest you wish to die."

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