Down Under [Inactive]


Junior Member
XxRainingRosesxX submitted a new role play:

Down Under - We take over the world from hell.

Samantha the Demon Princess is called in to take over the world. Her own father Satan has put her up for training with first class apprentices who will be her partners in battle. Samantha has a lot of training to do with a mix of magic, hand to hand, weapons, armor, alchemy, and training to rule. She must be sent on various missions before sent to take over the first village.
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I walked threw my school to get to my locker and end the school day keeping my head down so I won't be noticed until I saw my one friend Malia at my locker. I glanced up as she started waving her hand frantically at me and I gave a small smile to tell her I noticed her over-excited waving. She was always way too happy for me as a friend but she's all I have. I reached her at long last and I said my hello and started putting in my combination. "Did you see that new kid today?" Malia asked happily. "New student? I didn't know there were anymore coming this late in the year. What's his or her new name?" I asked flatly. Malia laughed suddenly as I grabbed my Black and white backpack struggling to pull it out of my locker. "W-what!" I stuttered hoping she wasn't laughing at my struggle. "I haven't met them yet and I don't know there gender. What, do you think I'm some stalker?" She giggled and as I opened my mouth she continued, "besides I hear they were looking for you." I blushed as I stumbled when my backpack finally came out and sighed out, "no one even knows my name but you, Malia. Do you really expect me to beli-." I was cut off by noticing her staring at someone behind me. I put my stuff in my locker and someone behind me said, "are you Samantha?" I blushed and closed my locker as quietly as possible hoping they were talking to someone else but they tapped my shoulder and repeated, "are you Samantha?" I finally turned around and said shyly not looking them in the face, "Yes? Can I help you?"
Amara ran her fingers through her hair. Hm, I didn't think it would stay white, she thought. She had been sent up to the mortal world to find some girl named Samantha. Apparently, she was the big boss guy's daughter. Why couldn't they send someone else? I'm an assassin, not a messenger. She was given a note that had the address of the place where she would find her. When she got there, she went to the office, got a visitor's pass, then set off to look for "Samantha." People gave her odd looks, but she just glared at those who did. She found a girl that matched the description she was given perfectly, then went up to her. Clearing her throat, she asked, "are you Samantha?" When she didn't answer, her patience started to thin. Tapping her shoulder, she asked again, in a bitter tone, "are you Samantha?" When she finally answered her, she responded, "I know you. You don't know me. Now, I know things that you are a part of, so follow me." And with that, she turned, walked a few steps, then looked back at her.
[QUOTE="Darkrose Kitten]
I stare at the as though she just threatened my life and followed her fearing she would. Sheesh what's her problem? And what could she know about me that I don't? I'm just some backround girl with no life.... I think. I clear my thoughts as I start to take her in. A fierce looking girl with white hair, this'll be harlarious to hear what she thinks she knows about me. I clear my throat and ask the first sentence I can think, "who in hell are you?" I stare slowly regretting what I said. I stare at her as she continues walking outside the school.

Amara chuckled quietly. "Ironic how you said that." Once they got a good distance away from people, she whipped around to face Samantha. "The name's Amara. Amara Desdemona. It means 'eternal' and 'of the devil,' if you must know. Now, you're probably asking, "what do you know about me?"," she mocked in an overly high voice. "Well, to get straight to the point, you're the daughter of Satan and I'm supposed to bring you to hell."
[QUOTE="Darkrose Kitten]
I stared disbelieving at this girl, I mean, Amara. She just said I was Satan's daughter and I need to go to hell with her. Am supposed to believe her or is this some joke to go on the internet? I opened my mouth to mock her but thought better of it and said flatly, "you got any proof?"

Amara sighed irritably. I seriously have no idea why Satan chose me to do this mission, she thought. She didn't want to do it, but this girl was being too stubborn. Looking around, she saw nobody. "Ever heard of a Bajang? They're demons who can take on the forms of cats." As she said this, she was flicking her nails. It was a habit she did when she was annoyed. She stared directly at Samantha for a few moments, then closed her eyes and shifted into a black cat.
[QUOTE="Darkrose Kitten]
My eyes grew wide as I watched her transform in to a black and white cat. I felt my throat grow dry as I slowly asked, "C-Can I do that?" I waited for her answer as I felt my palms grow sweaty and my eyelids grew heavy and I passed out. Is this really possible? Is this just a dream? Yes, it has to be a dream.... or one of those crazy pranks. I woke up and found myself in my home and I looked around to find Amara next to me. Her hands were glowing and my eyes grew wide. "W-What are you doing!?!" I stuttered.

Are you serious? She just had to pass out, Amara thought angrily to herself. Sighing, she transformed back into a human, picked her up, brought her to the office where she checked her out, got her things, and set her down on a nearby bench. Rummaging through Samantha's backpack, she found an ID that stated where she lived. Thank Satan for IDs, she thought. Closing the backpack, she carried it and Samantha to the aforementioned girl's home. She set her on her bed, pulling up a chair next to it. Sighing, she tried to wake her up. When slapping her didn't work, she used a spell that would force people to wake up. Her hands stopped glowing a deep red when Samantha spoke. "I was trying to wake you up, idiot," she grumbled.
[QUOTE="Darkrose Kitten]
"Ow.... why does my cheek hurt!?!" I muttered as I rubbed it. I stared at the girl and asked cautiously, "Okay, how to get to hell?" I smiled awkwardly and ran my hand threw my hair. What am I doing? Maybe she's crazy but if I can finally meet my father.... I stopped myself before I could go farther in my thoughts and hopped out of bed.

Amara stood up along with the girl. "First, we need to find a portal. Luckily, there is one nearby," she said. Going to the front door, she looked over her shoulder at Samantha. "I'll explain how we get to your father on the way there. Oh, and when we go through the portal, don't scream."
My eyes grew wide. Don't scream? The hell does she mean by that? I felt my palms grow sweaty the moment she said it. "W-Wait.... What do you mean, don't scream?" That is freaking terrifying. Why would she say that? Is she trying to emotionally scar someone?
Amara smirked. "Come on, portals don't stay open all day," she said, ignoring Samantha's question on purpose. Actually, they do, but she's just too slow. I'm only trying to hurry her up, she thought. She opened the door and stepped out into the day.
I frowned as she replied. Wow, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed today. I mean, seriously, did I do something wrong? Why does she hate me? I sighed and followed her just glaring in to the back of her neck. "So... where are you from?"
Amara felt like messing with her a bit. "What do you mean? You need to elaborate. Seriously, I don't know whether you're asking where I was from when I was alive, or where I went to when I went to hell," she said sarcastically. She could tell Samantha was frustrated with her, but she liked making people mad.
I blushed not realizing dead people are in hell. "W-Well I'm sorry! I didn't know. I guess when you went to hell." I whispered the last sentence. I felt so frustrated I could just punch her. Then I thought of something. "I mean you seemed like Satan's daughter at your first word. Are you sure your not his daughter? You seem cold enough." I said my words firmly but slowly regretted it.
Amara looked back, slightly glaring at her. She sighed. "Well, I'm not. Sorry, but you are. If you must know, I'm cold because I basically have to be," she said. Flicking her nails, she said quietly, "I hung myself. Thus, I ended up in the Wood of Suicides." She ran her fingers through her hair. "So... How is it; being alive, around real people, eating food?"
I backed up a bit from the info just thrown at me. I didn't know how to reply. I didn't want to offend her so I answered cautiously not knowing if she was serious or not. "Umm.. it's okay, I guess. People are just pains but food is nice...." I frowned at my answer. I had hoped for something more firm. I rubbed the palm of my hand and looked away in frustration.
Amara smiled; something she barely did. "I remember this one little restaurant..." She started reminiscing her past life. Stopping at the entrance to a park, she said, "we're here. The portal's in that little grove of trees over there." She pointing to a ring of trees near the back.
I stared at her when she smiled. This was the first time I've seen it. She has a beautiful smile. I stopped as she did and looked to where she was pointing. "Do you want to visit it before we go?" I asked.
Amara blinked, not fully understanding. Do I want to go?, she asked herself. "That... That would be nice," she answered quietly. I wonder if Lisa (The restaurant's owner) will remember me, she thought. She led Samantha down towards the main street. On the side next to a market was her favorite restaurant from when she was alive. Her eyes filled with tears as she looked at it. Four years and it hasn't changed. She smiled, walking inside.
I smiled at her reply. She looked deep in thought right now so I stayed quiet. When we saw the building I smiled, I was small but decent... kind of like a house. Maybe it was supposed to be a house but was made in to a resturaunt. "So... did you know anyone in this place?" I asked a little too demandingly.
Amara was about to answer when she heard a faint gasp. "A-Amara? Is it really you?" She turned and saw the owner of the restaurant. She let the tears flow freely. She nodded, smiling. She ran up to her, giving her a big hug. She's still here... She's my only "family" left, she thought.
I silently sat there and watched Amara cry quietly. I guess she does know someone here. I faced the girl who hugged Amara and smiled. Her eyes grew a little wide and she asked before I could ask her, "W-Who is this Amara?" I paused and stared at Amara not knowing what to say.

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